Lulu Bell and the Pirate Fun (5 page)

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Authors: Belinda Murrell

BOOK: Lulu Bell and the Pirate Fun
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Lulu Bell and the Magical Garden

A summer storm has arrived, and the Bell family are eating their dinner and playing games by candlelight. What fun!

But the next morning a disaster is revealed. The school garden is ruined! Can Lulu and her best friend Molly save the day?

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Read all the Lulu Bell books

Lulu Bell and the Birthday Unicorn

Lulu Bell and the Fairy Penguin

Lulu Bell and the Cubby Fort

Lulu Bell and the Moon Dragon

Lulu Bell and the Circus Pup

Lulu Bell and the Sea Turtle

Lulu Bell and the Tiger Cub

Lulu Bell and the Pyjama Party

Lulu Bell and the Christmas Elf

Lulu Bell and the Koala Joey

Lulu Bell and the Arabian Nights

Lulu Bell and the Pirate Fun

Lulu Bell and the Magical Garden

About the Author

Belinda Murrell grew up in a vet hospital and Lulu Bell is based on some of the adventures she shared with her own animals. After studying Literature at Macquarie University, Belinda worked as a travel journalist, editor and technical writer. A few years ago, she began to write stories for her own three children – Nick, Emily and Lachlan. Belinda's books include the Sun Sword fantasy trilogy and her children's novels
The Locket of Dreams, The Ruby Talisman, The Ivory Rose, The Forgotten Pearl, The River Charm
The Sequin Star

About the Illustrator

Serena Geddes spent six years working with a fabulously mad group of talented artists at Walt Disney Studios in Sydney before embarking on the path of picture book illustration in 2009. She works both traditionally and digitally and has illustrated many books, ranging from picture books to board books to junior novels.

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Version 1.0
Lulu Bell and the Pirate Fun

First published by Random House Australia in 2015

Copyright © Belinda Murrell 2015
Illustrations copyright © Serena Geddes 2015

The moral right of the author and illustrator has been asserted.

A Random House Australia book
Published by Random House Australia Pty Ltd
Level 3, 100 Pacific Highway, North Sydney NSW 2060

Random House Books is part of the Penguin Random House group of companies whose addresses can be found at

National Library of Australia
Cataloguing-in-Publication entry

Author: Murrell, Belinda
Title: Lulu Bell and the pirate fun / Belinda Murrell; illustrated by Serena Geddes
ISBN: 978 0 85798 555 2 (ebook)
Series: Murrell, Belinda. Lulu Bell; 12
Target audience: For primary school age
Subjects: Pirates – Juvenile fiction
Children's stories
Other authors/contributors: Geddes, Serena
Dewey number: A823.4

Cover illustration by Serena Geddes
Cover design by Christabella Designs
eBook production by Firstsource

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