Read Lunch With the FT: 52 Classic Interviews Online

Authors: Lionel Barber

Tags: #General, #Biography & Autobiography

Lunch With the FT: 52 Classic Interviews (43 page)

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Fernando Henrique Cardoso


Martin is the
Financial Times
’s chief economics commentator and an associate editor. He was awarded the CBE in 2000 ‘for services to financial journalism’. He was a member of the UK government’s Independent Commission on Banking in 2010–11. Martin’s most recent publications are
Why Globalization Works
Fixing Global Finance

Paul Krugman


A number of colleagues helped to turn a good idea into a real book. I would like to thank Caroline Daniel, editor of the
FT Weekend, Life & Arts
editor Lucy Tuck and her deputy Neil O’Sullivan, not to mention all their predecessors who have commissioned and edited more than 800 lunches since the series was launched on 23 April 1994. Bhavna Patel and Peter Cheek, the
’s ever patient librarians, helped to retrieve full versions of the older articles. Sally Gainsbury, Richard Pigden, Christina Brown and Hannah Bishop tracked down contributors who had long lost touch with the
. Cristina Vere-Nicoll and Alexandra Boulton provided important background research, under the guidance of Leyla Boulton. Emma Gilpin-Jacobs and her communications team worked hard to make the book one of the highlights of the
Financial Times
’s 125th anniversary celebrations. I am grateful to all for their support on a project even more rewarding than a five-course lunch.

Lionel Barber

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First published 2013

Copyright ©
Financial Times
, 2013

Articles by Rob Blackhurst, Kieran Cooke, Andrew Davidson, Beverley Doole,
Amity Shlaes and Nigel Spivey are reprinted by permission of the respective authors.
Illustrations by James Ferguson reproduced by arrangement with the illustrator.

David Hockney,
Self Portrait Using Three Mirrors
, watercolour on paper 24 x 18 1/8",
2003, Collection The David Hockney Foundation. Copyright © David Hockney, 2003
Photo Credit: Richard Schmidt

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The moral right of the authors has been asserted

ISBN: 978-1-101-63452-3

BOOK: Lunch With the FT: 52 Classic Interviews
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