Lust in Space Stranded (3 page)

BOOK: Lust in Space Stranded
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“We’re nearly six months out from DEC-6,” Nikki shouted from across the ring. “We’re going to have to abandon the ship.”

‘Shit,” I snapped and started to compute some data in my head. “Six months? Over or under?”

“Five months, twelve days,” she pinpointed.

“We can make it to the colony in the life boat,” I hollered and started to make to the equipment room.

shuddered and more alarms buzzed.

“Prep the boat!” I shouted. “I’ll bring your gear!”

Nikki nodded and sped off for the lifeboat to get it ready to disembark. One of the panels near me sparked then exploded. The concussion knocked me off of my feet. When I fell, I hit the back of my head on the metal floor. Everything around me began to spin. I felt like I was moving in slow motion when I scurried to my feet and headed toward the equipment room.

“Delilah!” I shouted. “Transfer all stored data to the lifeboat! Calculate a route to Deep Earth Colony Six and begin scanning for a life-supporting planet!”

“Confirmed,” she replied. Damn, she really did have a sexy voice. Male engineers strike again.

Bulkheads began to buckle and metal panels rained down around me. I sprinted to the equipment room and grabbed our suits and whatever else I could fit in my arms. I rushed from the room and dodged a light beam that was ripped from the ceiling and crashed onto the floor behind me. The ship, my ship, was falling apart quickly. I could hear objects colliding with the fuselage like rain pounding on a metal roof.

“Lita!” Nikki shouted from the lifeboat.

“Get ready to launch!” I screamed.

My heart throbbed in my chest. Fear squeezed my lungs and made it harder for me to breathe. We were going to die. I knew it. My perfect, sexy ship was disintegrating beneath my feet and nothing short of a miracle was going to save us. One of the bulkheads burst in front of me. I could feel a heavy draft suck toward the break. The hull had been compromised.

“Run!” Nikki urged. “Hurry Commander! Lifeboat’s all ready!”

I ran with everything I had. I zigged and zagged around debris. I hurdled a console that had ripped from the floor and tumbled across the room. Almost there! I took a deep breath and screamed as another explosion rocked the gravity ring.

“Multiple hull breaches detected,” Delilah announced. “Core data and storage transferred to lifeboat. Atmosphere will be depleted in three minutes.”

Three minutes? That was more than enough time to reach the lifeboat. I was only a few steps away. Nikki stood at the portal and grabbed me and the equipment and pulled me inside. I collapsed onto the floor and rolled onto my back. I had made it.

“Hang on!” Nikki warned as she strapped herself into the pilot’s chair.

The lifeboat lurched as she blew the moorings. We were ejected from the
and Nikki suddenly spun around and around. I could hear tiny objects pinging off of the skin of our escape ship. I bounced helplessly around the cabin until I was able to grab a hold of something to anchor me in place.

Moments later we were clear of our ship and debris. Nikki maneuvered us around to give us one last look at the
DSS Freeman
before engaging the computer for our course. We could see a large comet in the distance with tail debris slamming into our former ship. A few blinks later, there was nothing left but a shredded wreck.

“Are you okay?” Nikki asked.

I nodded and found some footing to launch myself her way. The lifeboat was designed to keep you alive. It wasn’t built for comfort so we floated in zero-g and utilized hand and footholds to maneuver around. Nikki thumbed a panel and brought Delilah online.

“Delilah, status check,” she ordered the computer.

“Atmosphere stable. Fuel stable. Maneuvering thrusters operational. FTL engines inoperable,” Delilah announced.

She continued but I didn’t pay much attention to anything after she said the Faster-Than-Light engines were inoperable. Nikki and I looked at each other. Without the FTL drive, we couldn’t make it back to the colony. Our only hope was to locate a suitable planet to land on and send a distress call to DEC-6. They had to have had a ship that could rescue us.

“Delilah,” I hovered next to Nikki. “Did you locate a life-sustaining planet?”

“Affirmative,” Delilah replied in a voice that made me melt. “Nine days at full thrust from maneuvering jets. Nitrogen/Oxygen heavy atmosphere within parameters for sustaining human life. Approximated gravity at one-point-one-three-five Earth standard.”

“Set course,” I ordered.

Delilah acknowledged my order and took over the helm from Nikki. The next nine days weren’t very eventful. We were worried about entry into the planet’s atmosphere. The lifeboat had sustained some damage that required Delilah to make constant course corrections to keep us on track. We really didn’t have any choice. It was either stay in the lifeboat and suffocate or attempt a landing with the possibility of burning up due to an incorrect pitch or roll.

About five days into our journey to the alien planet, Nikki began looking through the surveillance data from the
to see if she could see exactly what happened and when. I thought about my fling with the maintenance robot but wasn’t too worried. I highly doubted that she would view that far back, before we even had left for home. That wasn’t what she was looking for.

The day of our arrival at the planet, Nikki proved me wrong. I had been sleeping in my zip-bed when a noise woke me up. I opened my eyes and blinked several times before focusing on Nikki sitting in the pilot’s chair. She was still wearing her tiny tank top and panties- those were pretty much all we had to wear besides our space suits- and seemed to have had one of her hands tucked up under the shirt.

I strained my ears to listen.

“Fuck me faster!” whispered from the console.

Fuck! She had gone back far enough to see my lewd behavior after she had been placed in stasis. But how far HAD she gone back? Did she see me recklessly humping her stasis tube? Did she see me kissing the glass and pretending to touch her body? When I flung off my clothes and started to finger the fuck the hell out of my pussy?

Nikki’s breathing deepened some and she raised her knee a bit. I noticed her shoulders moving up and down a little. She squirmed gently in the chair and then a hushed moan escaped her lips. I realized something very sexy. She was masturbating to the surveillance video!

I wanted to call out to her. I wanted to unzip my bed, rip off my clothes, and fuck her senseless. I don’t know why or when I had become so attracted to Nikki but I was. It was before my little sexual display she was watching on the control console; that is when it had just come to a head. Maybe I had always been attracted to her. I wasn’t sure.

Still, that didn’t change the fact that the woman I found myself infatuated with was sitting just a few feet away pleasuring herself while watching me on video. Now wasn’t the time for me to call on her seeming desire. Instead, I floated in my zip-bed and pretended to be asleep while I watched her. I slowly maneuvered my hand beneath my moist panties and found my hard clit.

I was wet, majorly wet, and my pussy felt incredible beneath my touch. Smooth, bare flesh already slick from my juices. I grazed the length of my finger across my throbbing nub then slid it deeply between my silky lips. I moaned inside and struggled to keep my ecstasy silent. I felt naughty, insanely naughty as I masturbated while watching her do the same.

Just when I decided that I would indeed call out to my lieutenant, Delilah’s voice broke the hot, sexy moment. Nikki straightened herself up quickly and thumbed the video off.

“Setting course for planetary orbit,” Delilah announced.

“Commander,” Nikki called out.

I closed my eyes when she started to turn around. I pretended to still be asleep. I guess I still wasn’t ready for her to know exactly how I felt. Though it wasn’t like she couldn’t have guessed by the video. Something about Nikki made me feel shy, like a young schoolgirl. It was sweet. I usually didn’t do sweet.

“Lita,” she called for me again.

“Yeah?” I yawned sleepily while pretending to be just waking up.

“Suit up,” Nikki said. “We’re approaching orbit.”

I unzipped my bed and stretched. We were going to find out whether or not we were going to live or die.

Chapter 4: Bumps and Bruises… and Lust


Within an hour, Nikki and I were suited up and strapped in. Delilah had brought us into orbit around a lush, green planet. We conducted several survey scans to find a suitable landing spot. The lifeboat’s sensors were very limited for high resolution scans but from what we extrapolated from the data, the planet had a vast eco system with various climate conditions.

“There seems good,” I pointed out a spot on the map display. “There’s water nearby, vegetation, a reasonable temperature, and it’s flat so a landing should be relatively simple.”

“I agree,” Nikki said then she rambled off some scientific jargon about sustenance. It was cute.

We snapped the visors of our helmets closed and Nikki switched the piloting control to manual. She was an expert pilot. I engaged the maneuvering thrusters and we began our descent. It was rougher than I had expected and she had a hard time keeping our pitch and roll under control. Eventually we made entry but the landing was far from over.

The lifeboat sustained damage and Nikki fought to keep control. She was able to maneuver the ship to the landing spot we had selected but things weren’t looking so good for us. The lifeboat became less and less responsive to her controls and we ended up crash landing on the planet. Nikki yelled and cursed as she brought us in and if it wasn’t for her skill, we would have been dead.

The impact was hard. We were ripped from our chairs and flung across the small cabin. Our bodies bounced and careened off of the walls and bulkheads. I hit one of the walls face first and the glass visor on my helmet cracked. Thankfully it didn’t shatter or I would have ended up with a face full of glass.

When the ship finally settled down we sat up from our various places on the floor. Nikki cried in pain as she tried to roll one of her shoulders. I snapped my eyes to her and noticed a tear in her suit across her right shoulder blade and evidence of blood along the jagged rip.

“You’re injured,” I so astutely pointed out. I felt stupid for saying that.

“I’m okay,” she rebutted.

“No. You’re not,” I scolded. “You’re bleeding.”

“It’s okay,” Nikki argued. “We need to survey our surroundings and check the status of the lifeboat.”

“Fine,” I huffed. She was being difficult. “But after that, I’m taking a look at your back.”

She agreed.

I got to my feet and groaned. I felt as if I had been run over by a mag-train. Everything ached. My head spun, my arms and legs barely responded to my will, and I felt like vomiting. We were battered and bruised and stranded on some alien, fucking planet. Yeah, this mission turned out exactly the way I thought it would- not!

After a few hours of laboring over what would be our shelter for who-knows-when, we came away very disheartened. Delilah was offline and Nikki wasn’t sure if she could fix it. There were several nasty gashes on the underside of the ship which could easily hide hull breaches. The landing gear was crushed along with one of the four maneuvering thrusters. The FTL drive was still broken. We had ourselves one busted-ass ship.

“We have nearly seven weeks of food rations,” Nikki said as she swiped her fingers across her data pad. “A couple of weeks of water supplements, and not much else.”

“So we should search for water first,” I offered.

“I’d be more concerned about securing our location,” she rebuffed. “We don’t know what’s out there. We have a single, functional mag-pistol with a half charge and a damaged charging port that I can probably fix. The other pistol is beyond repair but I could possibly salvage its power core.”

“Okay,” I huffed and sat on the wing of our craft. “What about Comms?”

“Unless I get Delilah working again, there aren’t any.”

I looked at Nikki for a moment then dropped my face into my hands. So we were in real trouble then. I knew a way we could set up a rudimentary distress beacon to hopefully send a signal back to DEC-6 but that would ultimately mean trashing our computer beyond repair. I wasn’t ready to do that yet. So the first order of business was to secure our ‘base’ then locate a fresh source of water and later food.

“Let’s look at that shoulder of yours,” I reminded her. “We can lock ourselves inside the lifeboat for now, try to recuperate, then start fresh tomorrow. Deal?”

Nikki eyed me dubiously then finally relented. “Deal.”

The sun was low on the horizon but neither of us knew whether it was rising or setting yet. I supposed we’d find out in a few hours which it was then we could plan the rest of our day-  or night. Nikki locked the hatch behind us and we stripped off our space suits. On top of having to survive on this blasted planet, we would have to do so in those ratty suits with not much on underneath. I frowned.

I nabbed a first-aid kit from one of the storage lockers and sat on the large, padded bench that curved around the rear portion of the cabin. I gazed at Nikki’s hot body and silently groaned as I watched her tight, round ass tease me with its subtle jiggle. She walked over and sat beside me, turning her back to me so I could tend to her wound.

The laceration wasn’t deep or long and didn’t appear to require stitches. Good thing because we didn’t have anything to stitch her up. I pulled the shoulder of her tank top down her arm to gain a little better access to her wound. I dabbed an antiseptic swab across the cut and she hissed at the pain.

“Sorry,” I apologized.

“It’s okay,” she shook her head. “It has to be done.”

I pulled the shoulder of her tank top down her arm again. It kept scooting up and getting in my way. It was frustrating so I stopped and gazed at her creamy shoulder for a moment. My eyes travelled along her flesh until it curved into her long, sensual neck. A part of me wanted to plant my face into her neck and kiss and suck on it. It was nearly too inviting and I found myself fantasizing about my lieutenant rather than patching her up.

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