LW Browning - Krystile Warriors 01 - Warlord's Honor (20 page)

BOOK: LW Browning - Krystile Warriors 01 - Warlord's Honor
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laire followed Koda and a group of his warlords away from the campgrounds into a corner of the field. She blinked. There was a ship where there had been nothing except empty field just moments before. It was one of the larger jumper ships built to carry about 20 people. The sleek angles made the light gray ship look predatory.

"How?" Claire asked.

Koda was replacing something in one of his leather armbands. "A shield." .

"If you have these, then why all the riding around on paccar?" Claire inquired.

"We enjoy the journey." Koda smiled and raised his hand to help her onto the ramp and into the ship.

Once inside, Koda showed her the group sitting area. The pilots sat in the front of the craft in a cabin which was shut off from the passengers. There was a narrow passageway to the rear of the ship with doors on each side of the aisle. "We are in the first cabin on the left down the hall." Koda gestured. She was being dismissed.

Inside the cabin, she found a bed large enough to hold Koda and herself. They had been sleeping on the ground. Enjoy the journey indeed! This warrior race was very strange.

Anna had said being mated to one of these warlords was not a bad fate. They were better off with Koda than they had been before he rescued/kidnapped them. In fact, Koda had bought them. There were many MX who were hiding and fighting for their lives right now. She had to be vigilant in case she could aid any of them, but the nagging doubt was like a dark cloud hanging over her. Koda had not said where they were going.

Claire was startled when the cabin door opened and Koda filled up all the space, took all the air and left her breathless as usual. He set a tray of food on the end of the bed.

"Eat, pita."

"Thank you. I mean, thank you, Warlord Leader." 

Koda tilted his head, as if perplexed at her formality. "Eat. Then you should rest."

He turned and left the room without another word. Well, talk me to death next time, Claire thought. She ate a few grapes and lay down.

The next time Koda came in, he had a tray of breakfast food. "Wake up, pita. We will arrive soon. Eat and shower there is a gown for you inside the closet."

He was gone again before she was fully awake. She showered and put on the beautiful gown. The fabric was a shimmery teal color. Over the top she attached a see-through piece of fabric that had very small pearls sewn into it. There were also leather ballet slippers that matched the gown. The effect was stunning. She brushed her hair and coiled it up off her neck.

Someone knocked on the cabin door, causing Claire to yelp. She called out. Ache filled the doorway of the room. "We are ready."

"Of course." Claire breezed out the cabin door. Her bearing regal as she joined the warlords. She might be treated like some kind of pet, but she was, after all an MX.

Claire took a moment to look over her escort. The warlords and Koda wore armor. Thick leather shielded most of their bodies. Their arms were covered in heavy leather that looked like scales and allowed free movement. The same heavy leather covered their chests and made them appear even larger than they were, and they were already the largest males she had ever seen.

Most had their hair in partial braids. Calks had called them war braids. Were they going to do battle? They all wore leather pants that covered their legs and big boots ended at their knees with shields that continued up to cover their kneecaps. They were armed with various assorted daggers she could see. She knew they carried unseen weapons as well. Their whips were coiled at their sides. Lars stood silent with his hands crossed on the end of his battle-ax while the rest of them had swords strapped to their backs.

They wore gloves with studded metal sticking out of the backs of their hands. Leather bands covered their forearms to their elbows. The outside of the forearm bands were sharp pieces of metal that stuck out in an "L" shape. A thick leather apron hung from their waists and was slit on either side. Cloth was attached to the armor on their shoulders so that when they moved, the capes flared out behind them. With their helmets on, facial features were difficult to see, but some of them had paint on their faces. The helmets were metal and some had two horns sticking up on either side. They wore masks that covered most of their faces and necks. What did show were their blue eyes, it was their eyes that unnerved Claire.

She lifted her chin and summoned all her courage. Claire joined Koda and his warlords as they left the craft. The sight before her caused her knees to go weak. They were at Trade Central. She hated this place and all that it stood for. Koda offered her his arm. She had to work to keep her face impassive, but her heart sped up and her breathing changed. Koda looked down at her. She thought she saw a small frown flit across his features. He knew she was afraid and apprehensive. It was impossible to get anything by him.

"Trust me," he said. "Read these people. Let me know anything unusual or important."

She had a job to do. Claire breathed in a shaky sigh. "Of course, Warlord Leader," she whispered. She kept her eyes lowered, automatically reverting back to her training.

She opened her mind to read everyone within her distance. The distance she was able to read had increased during the time she spent with Koda. Even her ability to filter and sort through the emotions of so many people had grown much stronger. These people were much easier to read than Koda's race.

Koda had asked for her trust. Anxiety tied her stomach in knots. She had not told him of the Conglomerate plan to take possession of the Krystiles. If she had known they were coming here, she would have told him already. She wondered what his reaction would be to her news.  Claire had promised to help him save the MX. It was difficult with fear rising up in her throat and threatening to choke her. She fought to keep her breathing slow and regular.

Three men in the grey robes that designated them as Trade Ushers waited for them. The obvious leader of the three introduced himself to Koda and waited. After an awkward silence, the usher turned and began leading them. Claire felt the terror the ushers had of Koda and his warlords. Several women sat in glass offices overlooking the area. The readings Claire got from them were lust and fear. The warlords had a little fan club of female admirers.

She accompanied Koda out of the holding-area into a wide hall. Koda moved his hand to touch the small of her back where the dress was open. Crafty Warlord. His gloves were folded in his belt. Claire made contact with Koda's thoughts and emotions. He was shielding himself from her. Koda allowed her to see and feel only what he wanted her to experience. Very crafty Warlord.

Claire opened up to receive from the people around them. She let what she received flow through to Koda. He turned his hard blue gaze on hers and lifted one eyebrow. She spared him a brief, sweet smile before shutting down the flow to a smaller, more manageable stream.

"Impressive," he said.

"I am glad you approve, Warlord Leader." She looked down to hide the half smile that formed on her lips. Anything even close to praise from him made her giddy with joy.

Koda's face, what was seen of it, showed no change. She felt the wonder and awe of everyone who looked at them. She wondered if her presence might inspire people to be truthful.

Koda steered her. Claire was reading everyone who was close. Koda's touch at the small of her back was intimate; his hand hot. She read the Trade Ushers. They thought Koda showed his possession of her. They had no idea she was passing all she read to him through that intimate touch.

The officials led them through a maze until they stopped before an electronic pocket door. "I hope you find these quarters satisfactory, Warlord Leader Koda. We will return in four Time Periods for the meeting." As if Claire were a pet he added, "Do you require any special holding conditions for the MX? We can offer you a cage for it. They are not allowed in trade negotiations here."

Koda had not witnessed the attitude of the normals toward the MX before this. She felt his anger. The thought of being in the cage alone terrified her. MX were never allowed in trade negotiations here at the Trade Center. Koda did not answer the Trade Usher, but walked into the room with his hand still on her back. Claire had read the man's disgust of her and passed it along to Koda. She made a note to be more careful what she allowed through the bond to him.

The ushers waited just outside the door. Var pushed the pad to close the door in their faces.

Inside the room, there were sofas, an entertainment viewer, and refreshments. They also had a small kitchen area. Several private rooms opened off the main area. They removed their helmets and gloves.

Koda pulled a chair out from the table and faced the entertainment viewer. Some of the warlords sat while others milled about the room. Revi was eating.

"Claire, here please." She walked over to stand in front of him. "Report." He was in battle mode.

She began, "Warlord Leader, the officials who met us and led us here are ushers. The most significant emotions I read from them were anxiety and fear relating to the size and reputation of you and your warlords."

"And what of their feelings toward you, pet?"

"Their reaction toward one of my kind is common, Warlord Leader. It is of no consequence."

"I would see your hair loose." Koda's look could have melted glass.

Claire's sharp intake of breath drew everyone's attention. She did not move.

Koda raised an eyebrow.

She put her hands to her hair and loosened it. 

"That is much better, pita. You have never seen us in armor before. Is that the cause of your alarm?"

Claire nodded.

"You have no need to fear us, little one." Koda’s voice softened.

"Your group is intimidating," she whispered.

"Not to you, never to you. I do not want you to fear me. Ever. Look at me," he said.

She looked in his eyes.

Koda kissed her hand. His lips were so hot she thought he burned her skin. "There is no need to lower your eyes to these ushers, or to anyone else. Look at them.”

Claire hid her shock, but nodded. 

“Rest while you can, little one," Koda said softly.

"There is one thing you must know. Two things. There is another MX here," Claire said.

The warlords focused their attention on Claire.

"Can you communicate with her?" Koda said. 

"Not at this time, I can discern her presence, and she, mine."

"Is she a friend?" Var asked.

Claire looked from Var to Koda for several moments. "She is here to do a job, just as I am."

"Do you detect if her job is contrary to ours?" Koda asked.

"Not at this time."

"You cannot detect the purpose of her job at this time or you cannot detect her presence well enough to know the purpose of her job at this time?" Var asked.


Koda nodded. "Thank you, pita. Let me know as soon as that changes."

"Of course, Warlord Leader." Claire turned to go.

"And the other thing?" Koda asked.

Startled, Claire's mouth opened slightly. She closed it and stood there, not knowing which way to move.

"You mentioned two things," Koda said.

"I-I would prefer – could we speak privately?" Claire asked.

Koda tilted his head so slightly only those who knew him well were able to discern it. He stood and steered Claire to one of the private rooms. Inside, he closed the door to what appeared to be a small bed chamber. He turned his gaze on her, waiting, patient.

Claire wanted to run, rather than tell him, but there was no place to go. Her heart was beating so fast she thought she might faint. "I never said anything... If I had known we were coming here..."

Koda waited.

Claire began again, "The Conglomerate – they will not trade fairly with you. That is one reason they will not let you take me into the Trade Chamber. They want you to sign agreements with them, but in the end, they will steal your Krystiles and find a way to justify it. They want what you have." She bit her lip and waited, afraid of his wrath.

He nodded. "Yes, pita, I know."

Claire's eyes opened wide as her mouth formed an ‘o’. "If you know that, then why?"

Koda spared her a smile. "We have dealt with the Conglomerate before, pita. It has been many years, but we have long memories."

His eyes pierced her. "Was that part of your assignment with me? To help deceive me?"

That settled in Claire's brain, she shook her head. "No. No! I was only supposed to help you with your other trading. I was never supposed to be part of this."

"Yet you knew of the plan to deceive me. Why did you not tell me?" Koda sounded patient. Claire doubted his patience could be stretched much further.

"I-I d-do not know, Warlord Leader." She looked down. Heat suffused her face.

"I see. Is there anything else that I need to know before I go among the thieves?" Koda asked softly.

"No, Sir." Claire said miserably.

"Sir?" Koda waited, but Claire did not respond to that. "Are you sure, pita?" Koda asked.

She trembled and shook her head.

Koda got a bottle of water from the cold unit and handed it to her. "Drink."

She started to say something else, but her courage failed her.

Koda went back into the large room.

Claire followed and found a chair in the corner of the large outer room. She closed her eyes to better tune out everyone in the room. Claire tried to contact the other MX. 

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