Lydia's Secret (The Secret Series Book 1) (6 page)

BOOK: Lydia's Secret (The Secret Series Book 1)
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Chapter Seven


Lydia eased the blanket back and quietly climbed from her daughter’s bed. She hated that Jacie sometimes had nightmares. Her precious baby suffered enough in waking hours and didn’t deserve to have her dreams invaded by monsters also.

She kissed Jacie’s forehead before pulling the cover back up to her chin and left the room. Leaving the door open a crack in case Jacie needed her again, Lydia tiptoed back toward the bathroom to finish her shower. She wondered if Roman had gone to bed.

There was no sign of him in the hallway or her bedroom. A part of her had hoped to find him splayed out naked on her bed, but she knew that would never happen after the way she’d cried all over him.

Embarrassment was becoming an ongoing emotion where he was concerned. She certainly hadn’t meant to break down in front of him, but the letter had devastated her. Jacie’s handwritten words to her guardian angel had ripped Lydia’s heart out.

She ambled into the bathroom, disrobed, and turned on the shower. A moan of pleasure escaped in the midst of the steam now billowing around her as she stepped under the hot water.

Her thoughts turned back to Roman and the feel of his tongue on her neck. A vision of his mouth closing over a nipple sent heat straight to her core. Her breasts became heavy and her pussy grew slick with need. She coasted a hand over her bare mound with just enough pressure to wring another moan from her.

Tilting her head back under the spray, she let the water cascade down her skin, mimicking a lover’s caress. She slid a finger lightly over her clit in teasing circles while flashes of Roman in various positions played through her mind. He was above her, behind, under and inside, touching everywhere at once.

An orgasm rushed up, and his name burst uninhibited from her lips. The feeling was so incredible she had to lock her knees to stay upright. Lydia grabbed on to the bar above the soap dish as waves of sensation scattered through her lower body to contract inside her pussy over and over again.

She stood there for some time until breathing became easier and her legs stopped trembling.
Dear God, I want him

The rest of her shower went by in a blur of soap, shampoo, and thoughts of her houseguest
It amazed her how attracted she was to him. She’d only known him a short time and had already fantasized about the man while touching herself.

The room grew dim as she shut off the water and snagged a towel. Pain grew behind her eyes, and a buzzing sound echoed throughout the small space. A wave of dizziness hit seconds after stepping out of the shower, and she reached for the counter.

Pale blue eyes glowed from a dark corner of her bedroom. Fear held her immobile on the bed as they stared at her without blinking.

“Come to me.” A man’s voice drifted from shadows.

“Who are you?” She shook so badly she could barely get the words out.

He remained silent, watching her with those intense, terrifying eyes.

It took everything she had to keep her frightened gaze on him and inch toward the edge of the bed. She was sure he could hear her heart pounding. She could feel every painful beat abusing her chest and restricting the oxygen to her brain.

He was on her before her feet touched the floor, pinning her shoulders to the mattress. “You belong to me, Ione.”

“You’re mistaken. Please—”

“Silence,” he hissed.

He gripped her chin in a not-so-gentle hold, turning her face to the side. “Relax. It’s less painful if you don’t fight.”

Something pierced her neck, giving her the courage to scream. “Roman!”

* * * *

“I’m here, Lydia. It’s okay.”

“I knew you would come.” Tears ran down the sides of her face.

“Open those beautiful eyes for me. You’re safe.” It tore at his heart to see her so pale and afraid. He snatched up the towel lying next to her and covered her body before he was tempted to blanket her with something else. Like him, for instance.

Her lashes lifted, and she stared up at him without blinking. “Roman.”

“We really have to stop meeting like this.” He cradled her in his arms, attempting a reassuring smile.

“He bit me!” she cried, clawing at her neck.

Roman covered her hands with his own. “No one bit you. You’re in the bathroom. See?” He gestured with his chin. “You must have fainted.” Protective instincts rose to the surface. “Were you remembering the attack?”

“I don’t know what happened. I was in a strange room with a man. His eyes…glowed.” She shuddered. “He…” Her gaze searched his. “He called me Ione.”

His arms tightened around her
. She’d somehow experienced Ione’s memories.

He had narrowly made it in time to prevent her head from hitting the counter when she’d blacked out. If he hadn’t been standing outside the door fighting his demon after hearing her moan his name…

“What’s happening to me?” The fear in her voice was palpable.

“Nothing. I won’t let anything happen to you.” Roman stood in one fluid motion, lifting her into his arms and carrying her to the bedroom. He pulled the comforter back and gently deposited her in the middle of her bed. She held onto him when he moved to stand.

“Stay with me.”

Roman wanted nothing more than to acquiesce. If he climbed into that bed, he would take her. Of that, he had no doubt. She had no idea what danger she invited.

His cock twitched with the memory of her breasts before he’d covered her with a towel. The sight of her bare skin would burn behind his eyes for centuries to come.

Roman clenched his jaw in an effort to control his lust. She had the sexiest breasts he’d seen in two thousand years. “I can’t.”

He had to get out of there and regain control. He also needed to check in with Madison for any signs of Simon. Svetlana was the more dangerous one, but the chances of finding her were slim to none. She hadn’t become Queen of the Undead by being careless.

The look of hurt in Lydia’s eyes weakened his resolve, but the demon within was too close to the surface. “Sleep.”

Her lids closed on cue. He stood there for a short time until her emotions quieted and her breathing grew even.

Roman watched her for a few minutes more before fleeing to the guest bedroom. He retrieved his cell and dialed his office.

Madison answered on the first ring. “Hey, boss. I was just about to call you.”

“What’s going on?” He knew she wouldn’t try to contact him unless it was urgent.

“Slutlana sent one of her minions with a message for you.” He could hear her breathing accelerate.

Dark rage poured through him.
First Svetlana infiltrates my city then has the audacity to send one of her goons to my property.
If she had harmed a single person he cared for, he’d hunt her down, rip off her arms, and stake her with them. “Was anyone injured?”

“No. She sent a newbie fledgling. I could have taken her while wearing heels and a dress. Besides, she never made it past the gate.”

“What did she want?”

“For you to meet her. She claims to have something of interest to you.”


She rattled off an address.

“It’s a trap. I’m not leaving Lydia unprotected.” His fangs suddenly descended and his eyes burned in their sockets. No one touched what was his.

“Of course not.”

“Where is the fledgling now?”

“I sent her back with a note for her master. Mutt boy is following her to see where she goes.”

“Svetlana will kill her if she leads Max to her lair.”

“She will kill her regardless.”

Was that sympathy he heard in her voice?

Roman paced the room. “What did your note say?”

“Fuck off, fang face.”

His lips twitched. He loved Madison’s spunk. For a human, she had more bravery in her little finger than many of the undead he came in contact with, which was one of the reasons why he’d hired her. And the fact that she could dig a needle out of a haystack didn’t hurt. Her skills were unmatched.

“Don’t taunt her, Madison. As I’ve said before, if she sets her sights on you, no place on earth will be big enough to hide from her. Sending the fledgling was intentional and that concerns me. She knows I won’t show.”

“But why is Svetlana sniffing around you? I thought Simon was her obsession of the century.”

“Because I have something she wants, something she and Simon both want.”

“Lydia Hughes.”

“Yes,” he growled.

“I know Simon needs Lydia in order to gain power over the slut of all vampires, but doesn’t the curse only work if she’s a virgin?”

Jealousy was like a knife to Roman’s gut. The thought of another man touching Lydia had his fangs itching to rip out the guy’s throat.

“Partly. It would give him power and bind her to him until death, but not enough power to destroy Svetlana.”

“Okay, then that means the child’s blood would work too.”

“I’m not sure he knows about her daughter, and even if he did, I don’t think even Simon is sick enough to kill one so young.”

A whisper of cloth reached his ears. “I’ll be in touch.” He hung up the phone and tossed it onto the bed.

Roman rushed from the room to find a pale-faced Lydia coming up the hall.

“What about my daughter?”

He stilled.

“Tell me.” Her voice trembled.

“How did—”

“Jacie’s monitor is on. I had a nightmare and heard you speaking when I awoke. Your conversation bled through the speaker.”

He couldn’t believe he hadn’t thought about the monitor picking up his cell signal.

“How’s your—”

“What’s wrong with your eyes?” She gasped, stumbling back a step.


“Oh, my God.” The color drained from her face.

“Lydia, listen to me. Stop.” Roman was behind her in a flash. He picked her up and rushed back to her bedroom faster than a human would be capable of processing.

He covered her mouth with his palm and lowered her to stand in front of him. Fear was an aphrodisiac to a vampire, and hers had to be the sweetest he’d ever smelled. The urge to bite became overwhelming.

It would be so easy to calm her mind, but he needed her to comprehend the dire straits they were in. And the man inside him wanted her acceptance.

“I’m going to let go now. If you scream, you’ll wake the child. Do you understand?”

She nodded. Her pupils were dilated, dominating the blue of her eyes.

“I won’t hurt you.” He inched his hand from her mouth but stayed close. “Deep breaths, Lydia. Everything will be okay.”

He watched her struggle to find her voice. “What’s wrong with your face?”

The whispered words shamed him. He’d give anything to be a whole man instead of the monster that stood before her now.

“Please sit.”

“Tell me.”

His chest swelled with pride over her bravery.
She definitely carries Ione’s blood.

“I’m not what you think. I’m not human, Lydia.”

She watched him in disbelief, slowly inching toward the bathroom. “Not human? What are you, then?”

“Please, if you will just—”

“Tell me,” she nearly shouted.


Lydia glanced around the room, obviously looking for a weapon or an escape route. A nervous laugh bubbled up. “You’re crazy. Vampire’s don’t exist.”

“Look at me.” He put a finger under her chin and tilted her face up. His fangs were elongated and pulsing.

“How…?” Her frightened gaze locked on to his mouth in obvious horror.

He willed his incisors to calm. “I know it’s hard to wrap your mind around, but I need you to not fear me.”

She paled even more. “In the alley…the man that grabbed me. I remember now.”

Roman’s heart twisted. He hated what he was in that moment more than any other time in his long life.

“Yes. His name is Simon.”

She jerked from his touch. “Get out.”

“I can’t do that, Lydia. You’re in danger. We have to get you and Jacie someplace safe.”

“Safe?” She laughed without humor. “Well, who’s going to save us from you?” She bolted toward the door.

With lightning speed Roman was in her path, catching her before she slammed into him. “Don’t run.” The guttural words sounded as inhuman as he felt.

Her fear called to the demon now clawing its way to the surface, demanding to be freed. Dust motes in the room took on a life of their own. Sounds normally tuned out suddenly roared in his ears. Her rapidly beating heart tilted the scales in the demon’s favor. If he didn’t gain control, he’d live with the regret of what might happen for the rest of his unnatural life.

“Calm.” His beast howled from within, rejecting the word.

Lydia relaxed in his hold, blinking up at him with innocent blue eyes, and his chest ached. He hated like hell controlling her emotions, but the alternative was unthinkable. He was too close to the edge. It took everything he had to call his beast to heel.

BOOK: Lydia's Secret (The Secret Series Book 1)
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