Lynx Loving (2 page)

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Authors: S. K. Yule

Tags: #shifter romance, #erotic romance, #shapeshifter

BOOK: Lynx Loving
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“Just because I don’t act like Nyssa or Georgia doesn’t mean I am a child. We aren’t all the same, you know? I’m grown up when I need to be. But why rush it? I like being carefree. It won’t last forever, you know? I saw how much my brother sacrificed for me growing up. He gave up his childhood to take care of me. I’ll always feel guilty for that, but I refuse to forego fun and be serious all the time. One of the reasons Brady did what he did for me was so I could enjoy life.”


“I can’t help it if you are stuffy and old and don’t get it. All I’ve ever done was try to show you how much fun life can be, but you’re too busy drowning in your frowns and stodginess to get it.” When the waitress returned with their food, Krista stopped and smiled at the woman.

Was it obvious to everyone how much guilt he felt over Nyssa? Apparently, he hadn’t hidden it as well as he thought. Once the waitress left, he took a big bite of his bacon cheeseburger. “I’m not old,” he said around chewing.

“Yeah, whatever,
,” she said before taking a bite of salad.

The rest of the meal was eaten in complete silence.

Chapter Two

he man was infuriating...and drop-dead hot. Landon paid for their meal and confirmed that the nearest hotel was too far away to drive to in the blizzard. Krista stood behind him ogling his backside, wishing she could bare it then bite it. The snow wasn’t supposed to let up until tomorrow, and dusk had overtaken the sky.

Why couldn’t Landon see she was crazy for him? Actually, she had seen hints here and there that he was attracted to her. The heated stares he seared her with when he thought no one was watching was one telltale sign, but she didn’t understand why he never acted on his feelings. Was it because of her brother? Was it because of their age difference? He’d remarked that she acted like a child when they were eating. Was it because of Nyssa, or all of the above?

She acted as though she’d been inconvenienced where this trip was concerned. Truth was, she hoped to finally crack the wall Landon had erected between them. She had fallen in love with him months ago, but the frustration of his rebuttal of her advances, time and again, was starting to make her believe that she had imagined any interest she thought had been returned by him.

She’d grown close to her almost sister-in-law, Nyssa, and knew about the guilt Landon and the rest of his brothers carried over Nyssa’s time on the run. But Nyssa had forgiven them and welcomed them back into the family, which included Krista and Brady now. While she couldn’t deny Brady didn’t altogether trust Nyssa’s siblings, it wasn’t as though he planned to put any of them in front of a firing squad anytime soon.

She looked at Landon’s wide back. He was about her brother’s height, a few inches over six feet, but was heavier muscled than Brady. Her heart sped up as she thought about how many times—like now—she had the urge to run her fingers through Landon’s thick, dark hair, over his scruffy, chiseled jaw, down his throat, and over every delicious and defined muscle of his body.

Though she was of average height, she felt small around him. Maybe it was time for her to stop being so carefree and act more her age. She was aware that she might come across as a bit immature to some, but she was an adult where it counted. She’d die before she betrayed her family. She was responsible and made good grades in college. Her heart sank. She’d have to tell Brady she wasn’t returning to school, and he wasn’t going to like it. His anger she’d handle fine, but his disappointment would be a whole other ballgame.

She didn’t want to think about that discussion right now. She had plans for her life, and she hoped Landon would be a part of it. If not, she’d get by without him...somehow. Maybe the age gap between them was just too much. Maybe he’d always see her as a child. But she couldn’t be someone else for him. If he couldn’t accept her for herself, she would have to come to terms that they’d never be together.

He started for the door, and she grabbed a sucker from a container by the cash register, plopped a quarter on the counter, and followed him outside. A blast of cold air hit her, and she shivered.

“Damn it. Why did the hot gene skip me?” She wrapped her arms around her middle.

“It’s more a male thing, I think.” He stopped then pulled her under his arm and against his side.

Warmth flooded her. As they walked, blinding snow and wind chafed her face, and she closed her eyes, letting him guide her. She didn’t complain when he helped her into the passenger seat before going around to the driver’s side. They drove to the back of the truck stop lot, passing several tractor trailers with idling engines, lights off, and cabs dark. She assumed most of the drivers were taking the opportunity to sleep while waiting out the storm. After parking, Landon turned on the heater full blast and opened his door. “Be right back.”

He opened the door to the extended cab, found a blanket and pillow, and then rearranged them on the back seat before returning.

She shivered, praying that the leather would heat up soon. “I’m freezing.” Her teeth clattered.

“It won’t take long for the cab to warm up.” He leaned over her lap and reached between the door and seat and clicked something. “There. You do know the seats are heated, right?”

For the instant he’d been draped over her lap and his body heat seeped into her, she hadn’t cared about the blizzard or heated seats.

“Why didn’t I know that?” she said after recovering from his touch.

He shrugged. “I think you are the coldest natured lynx I’ve ever met. It’s a good thing we didn’t get stranded somewhere and had to walk.”

She clenched her clattering teeth together. “You know, I’m not completely useless. Believe it or not, I do have survival skills, and Brady taught me how to defend myself. I could probably kick your ass.”

When he had the audacity to laugh, she shot him a venomous glare that promptly sobered him.

He held his hands palm up in surrender. “Okay. You could probably kick my ass. But only if I let you,” he muttered.

“I heard that! So I couldn’t possibly get the better of you unless you
me?” She was being silly, but she didn’t care. She was fully aware that he’d probably take her in a fight. He was older, stronger, more experienced, much bigger, but she refused to give up the ship just yet.


“You are telling me that I couldn’t best you under any circumstance?” She unzipped her coat, climbed on the seat and crawled toward him, letting the desire for him she usually hid show in her eyes. She crept closer to him, leaning forward to make sure he’d get a good eyeful of cleavage.

He looked down then sucked in a sharp breath. “Correct.”

She placed her hand on one of his thick thighs, and slinked up his chest until they were nose to nose. His breaths quickened and butterflies danced in her belly at the knowledge that he was, indeed, affected by her. Hormones never lied.

She splayed her hand over his wide chest, trying not to purr at the play of hard muscles under her fingertips. Her lynx was clawing to get out, to rub all over him, to wallow in Landon’s spicy, provocative scent. Leaning closer, she took the lobe of his ear between her teeth, tugged at it, then whispered, “You are one sexy beast.”

He grunted in response, and she knew now was the time to make her move. Brady taught her that distraction, especially of a sexual nature, was a plausible choice that may buy her time enough to get out of an otherwise impossible situation. Sliding her hand into her pocket, she eased out the pocket knife she always carried, flipped it open, then placed it against Landon’s exposed throat.

“You sure I could never best you?”

His eyes widened then narrowed, honing in on her like a predator. If she didn’t know he would never hurt her, she might be a bit afraid right now. His lips thinned in a straight line, and before she could blink, the knife was on the floorboard, and he had her pinned to the seat under his hulking frame.

“Yeah. I’m pretty sure you couldn’t.”

A mixture of anger and desire heated her cheeks. The warmth of his body radiated through her, and she shivered in delight of his weight. His cock began to harden against her thigh, and a shot of longing rushed her.

The hunger shining in his eyes matched her own, and she held her breath, hoping he’d kiss her.
He has to kiss me, doesn’t he?
She’d waited so long. His mouth began to descend, and her stomach clenched. At the last second, he retreated.
No! Not this time, big guy
, she thought. He’d evaded her advances too many times, and she wouldn’t allow his escape now.

Reaching up, she entwined her hands behind his neck and pulled him down. When their lips finally touched, her blood sang. At first, he froze as though his mind and body were waging a war with one another, and she wondered which would win. He growled then slipped his tongue inside her mouth, answering her question.

His intoxicating taste wrung a gasp from her lips. Kissing Landon was everything she’d fantasized about. The lazy exploration of his tongue stoked her to a peak she had never known, and she trembled. Spearing his fingers into her hair, he deepened the kiss.

Every cell, every fiber of her being relaxed as ecstasy crawled through her, lighting a path of fire along the way.
. The word whispered through her brain.

The hand that wasn’t entwined in her hair rested on her waist, fingers stroking back and forth until they breached the hem of her shirt. He came in contact with bare skin, and he began the journey upward, the anticipation of his big hand cupping her breast was nearly more than she could stand. She whimpered, but an instant before he reached the goal, something vibrated against her leg.

He broke the kiss and scrambled off her. “Son of a bitch,” he muttered, as he dug the phone from his pocket. When he looked at the screen, he frowned before hitting the button to accept the call. “Yeah.”

Exasperated, needy, and pissed at the interruption, she blew out a long breath and sat up. Bending one leg and resting her foot on the edge of the seat, she rested her chin on her knee as she listened to Landon’s conversation.

“We’re both fine, Brady. Yes. The storm is bad. We had to stop at a truck stop. It’s not supposed to let up for some time.”

“We are fine, Brady,” she said loud enough for her brother to hear.

“No hotels for miles. I could probably make it, but I didn’t think you’d want me to chance it with your sister on board,” Landon said. “Yep. I’ll let you know when we’re back on the road. Okay.” Landon handed Krista the phone. “He wants to talk to you.”

“Just put it on speaker.” She straightened the leg she’d been resting her chin on.

“Krista?” Brady’s voice came over the speaker.

“I’m here, big brother.”

“You okay?”

“Stop being paranoid. Landon just told you we were both fine.” She huffed.

“I can hear you are in fine, bratty form as usual,” Brady said. “And I’m not paranoid.”

“Yep. That’s me. The bratty
.” She raised her brows at Landon.

“Keep acting like that, and I’ll give Landon permission to spank you,” Brady said.

Krista smirked, and Landon’s cheeks turned beet red. “Go ahead. Give him permission, but I’ll probably like it.”

Landon groaned, and she suppressed the urge to giggle. When she imagined Landon spanking her, a sudden rush of heat in her lower belly forced the playful banter to take a backseat. “All right. I’m done.” Brady sighed. “Call me tomorrow when you two are back on the road.”

“Again, Landon just told you he would.” She rolled her eyes. “Sheesh, Brady. You do remember what I told you about being overprotective? Besides, shouldn’t you be busy having sexy time right now with Nyssa?”

“I’m not talking about sexy time with my baby sister. You know I love you and worry about you.”

“I know. I love you too, but don’t worry. I’m fine. Landon is taking
good care of me.”

“Talk to you tomorrow, sis,” Brady said before hanging up.

Landon put the phone on the dash and stared at her.

“What? I’m game if you are.” She smiled.


“You heard my brother. He just gave you permission to spank me.” She barely kept from squirming in her seat when another round of heat rushed her body.

He blew out a long breath, and rubbed his face with his hand. “We can’t go there again.”

“Go where, exactly?”

“Where we were before your brother called.”

“Oh. You mean me on the seat pinned under you while we made out?”

“Do you have to be so blunt about everything?” he grumbled.

“Do you have to tiptoe around everything?” She shook her head when he didn’t answer. “Look. We’re both adults. You didn’t do anything I didn’t want you to. You should know by now I have a strong personality. I’d speak up if you did anything that offended me. Believe me, offending me was not on the list of things you were doing.”

“You are going to be my sister-in-law soon. Brady trusts me with you. We can’t do this again,” Landon said through tight lips.

“Kiss? More?” she blurted.

“All of it. I just got Nyssa back in my life. I have a long way to go to earn your brother’s respect. Mauling his sister will not earn me any points.”

“Points? Really? You’re telling me that earning points with my brother is more important than what we just shared?”

“It was only a kiss,” Landon muttered.

“No. It wasn’t,” she fumed. “I’m going to lay it all out here. You know I like you.” She threw her hands up in the air. “Hell, I’ve told you as much. In fact, I’ve liked you since we first met. And don’t pretend you aren’t attracted to me. You try hard to act as if you don’t feel the chemistry we have, but you’re a bad liar. You did not kiss me like someone who isn’t interested. No one is that good of an actor.”

“It doesn’t fucking matter. We can’t be together,” he thundered. When her eyes widened, he paused for a moment. “I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to yell. I’m mad at myself, not you. I should have had more control.”

“You are really pissing me off right now. This isn’t about impressing my brother or control or what the hell ever. This is about me and you.”

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