Lyttelton's Britain

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Authors: Iain Pattinson

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Iain Pattinson


Jon Naismith





About the Author





The South-East

The South-West

The Home Counties

The Midlands

East Anglia

The North-West

The North-East






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Version 1.0

Epub ISBN 9781409050681

This paperback edition published by Preface 2009

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Copyright © Iain Pattinson 2008, 2009

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’s family boasts a long line of land-owning, political, military, clerical, scholastic and literary forebears – not a musician among them. He always claimed to have most in common with a former Humphrey Lyttelton who was executed for complicity in the Gunpowder Plot. Humph formed his first jazz band in 1948 and it soon became the leading exponent of traditional jazz in Britain. In 1956 his tune ‘Bad Penny Blues’ became the first jazz record to get into the Top Twenty. In a long and vigorous musical career Humph played with a vast array of musical talent, from Louis Armstrong to Radiohead. In 1971 Humph was invited to chair the pilot series of
I’m Sorry I Haven’t A Clue
, a spin-off from the hit radio series
I’m Sorry I’ll Read That Again
. Over the fifty series of
Humph hosted, the programme became one of the most successful comedy series in the history of BBC Radio, winning every award for radio comedy going, selling over 700,000 cassettes and CDs, and mounting two sellout tours of the UK in 2007 and 2008. Humph died in April 2008, after celebrating forty years as host of Radio 2’s
Best of Jazz
and sixty years as a bandleader.

wrote Humphrey Lyttelton’s scripts for
I’m Sorry I Haven’t A Clue
for the thick end of fifteen years. He didn’t bother with the clever end. Before writing for Humph, Iain supplied the chairman’s script for
the News Quiz
and many opening monologues for
Loose Ends
, also on BBC Radio 4. He was plucked from obscurity to write his first series of
in 1992 and subsequently went on to be plucked from obscurity twice a year thereafter to repeat the process. Since then he has contributed to countless television and radio comedy shows. A list of performers of his scripts now reads like a ‘Y to Z’ of British comedy. Projects to which he has contributed have amassed four Sony Gold awards, a Bronze Rose of Montreux, a Viewers’ and Listeners’ award, a TRIC award and a Cycling Proficiency Badge.

This book is for Humph


Mr Lyttelton’s personal Winnebago, generously funded by the BBC


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