Mad About the Earl (42 page)

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Authors: Christina Brooke

Tags: #Historical romance, #Fiction

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He experienced a hot flash of irritation. “If that’s the case and if you suspect someone in the club was involved in his murder, what possessed you to come here yourself? You had no way of knowing what trouble you might stir up.”

She regarded him with the alert inquisitiveness of a robin. “Is it a secret organization, then?”

“Not especially.” Only some aspects of it were.

He spread his hands as if he were laying all his cards on the table. “I’m afraid if you were expecting cloaks and daggers, you’ll be disappointed. The Promethean Club is no more than a group of scientists, inventors, philosophers, and the like who meet once a month to debate and exchange ideas.”

Lady Cecily regarded him in silence for a few moments, during which he had the odd, disconcerting sensation that she saw far more than he wished to reveal to her.

innocuous,” she said. “Given what I know about my brother and my … another member of the club, your explanation makes sense.” She narrowed her eyes. “But there’s something you’re not telling me, isn’t there?”

“Perhaps there is,” he said, refusing to show any hint of his unease. “But you will not hear any more from me tonight. Repay me for the information I’ve given you by letting me take you home.”

Now that he knew who she was, for some reason her continued presence in his house and in that costume annoyed him. “We will discuss this in a more appropriate time and place.”

She took a deep breath and let it out slowly. “Very well, then.”

What? No argument? The quick about-face surprised him. Was she truly so mercurial, or had she accomplished her real purpose in coming here without his realizing it?

As he rang for a servant, she replaced the perruque on her head. Gazing up at him with an impish gleam, she said, “Are you going to be like Scheherazade and spin out your tale over successive meetings?”

His lips twitched. “Something like that,” he replied. With a wolfish smile, he added, “But my motives are not nearly as pure.”

He had the dubious satisfaction of seeing her eyes flare with alarm. At last, he’d frightened her.

That vague sense of irritation flared to annoyance. What sort of woman was this? He was not pleased to discover that while his physical intimidation had not scared her, the allusion to more amorous intent made her quake. A salutary notion, indeed.

While his fair intruder wrapped herself in a cloak he found for her, Rand disposed of the perruque wig and gave orders for the carriage to be brought around.

As he did so, he continued to question her, but she didn’t give him any more information about herself. He suspected she would withhold personal details just as he withheld information about the Promethean Club.

Lowering to reflect that he needed to resort to trading information for a lady’s company. The most effort he ever expended over a woman was in calculating how best to extricate himself from her arms at the end of an affair.

This one, however … Lady Cecily Westruther was neither intimidated by his manner nor impressed by his rank. She
novel, but not quite in the way she meant. And his immediate, powerful response to her … Well, that was unprecedented.

When he wanted something, Rand approached getting it with a single-minded drive and implacable determination. Lady Cecily Westruther was no exception.

As he escorted her to his carriage, Rand began to plan.



St. Martin’s Paperbacks Titles by

Christina Brooke


Heiress in Love

Mad About the Earl

Praise for
Heiress in Love

“Each scene is more sensual and passionate than the last.”

—Publishers Weekly
(starred review)

“Riveting tale of life, loss, convenience, and heart- wrenching love! Superbly written!”

Fresh Fiction

“With this delightful debut Brooke demonstrates her ability for creating a charming cast of characters who are the perfect players in the first of the Ministry of Marriage series. Marriage-of-convenience fans will rejoice and take pleasure in this enchanting read.”

—RT Book Reviews

“Clever, lush, and lovely

an amazing debut!”

—Suzanne Enoch,
New York Times
bestselling author

“A delightful confection of secrets and seduction,
Heiress in Love
will have readers craving more!”

—Tracy Anne Warren

“One of the most compelling heroes I’ve read in years.”

—Anna Campbell



This is a work of fiction. All of the characters, organizations, and events portrayed in this novel are either products of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously.




Copyright © 2012 by Christina Brooke.

Excerpt from
A Duchess to Remember
copyright © 2012 by Christina Brooke.


All rights reserved.


For information address St. Martin’s Press, 175 Fifth Avenue, New York, NY 10010.


ISBN: 978-0-312-53413-4


St. Martin’s Paperbacks edition / January 2012


St. Martin’s Paperbacks are published by St. Martin’s Press, 175 Fifth Avenue, New York, NY 10010.


eISBN 978-1-4299-5086-2

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