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Authors: Colet Abedi

Mad Love (18 page)

BOOK: Mad Love
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“I’ve never wanted anything more in my life,” Clayton whispers before he leans down and kisses me again. His kiss is hot, hungry, his tongue ravishing every crevice of my mouth. This is unlike any of our other kisses, because this time I can taste the full force of his passion. And it rocks me to my core.

He pulls away and begins to kiss my breast. His tongue licks my nipple and sucks while his hand cups my other breast. I arch up to him, moaning in pleasure. Each sensation is so new to me that I savor every second.

“Oh my God.” The whisper comes out. He pulls up and looks down at me. I can hear his deep breaths. My eyes flutter open and find his. The look he gives me is one of pure ownership. Pure possession. As if I belong to him.

“Has anyone ever touched you like this, Sophie?”


“What about this?” His finger touches my hardened nipple.

I shake my head and close my eyes, trying to hide the intense reaction I’m having to his touch.

“Open your eyes.” I take a shaky breath and look up at him.

“Yes or no?” he asks me again.

I can barely even remember what it was he asked.


Clayton’s hand moves in between my thighs. “And this?” I instinctively try to close my legs against him. He won’t allow it. His hand moves between my legs. I know I’m wet with need.

“Look at me, Sophie,” he commands. I do as I’m told. “Answer the question.”

“No, Clayton,” I whisper softly. I gasp as he slips a finger inside me. It is such a strange feeling; I don’t know how to react to it. I grab hold of his hand and try to push him out, even though it feels so good.

Clayton reacts swiftly. Keeping his fingers firmly in place he covers my body which his chest, his mouth finding mine, his tongue moving deeply in my mouth. His fingers begin to move in and out slowly and the feeling that comes over me is so intense that I forget my embarrassment. His thumb touches me softly and I feel like I’m on the precipice of exploding. My hips move with his hand, against it, wanting more, needing more. I don’t even know what I want, but I know he can give it to me.

“You’re so hot for me. I love the way your body responds to me,” he says as he pulls his mouth from mine and licks his way down to my breast
again. The feeling of his hands in the most private part of my body is so overwhelming, that I feel myself coming to pieces.

“Clayton!” I scream out as I explode over and over again. My body shakes as I reach climax. It is the most intense feeling I’ve ever had. I tremble, and all I can think is,
Holy shit
. This is what I’ve been missing? Clayton moves away from me quickly and takes off his pants. In a moment, his body is over mine again and I can feel every part of him. I can feel him against me, touching me. I can barely think; I’m still reeling from the orgasm. But his naked body against mine is making me fill with desire again.

“Sophie, I want you to look at me.”

“Okay,” It’s hard to open my eyes because I’m lost in a vortex of desire. I just want. I hold his shoulders as his hand moves in between my legs again, touching me and making me crazy with longing, and then he slowly eases inside me. I feel an unbelievable tightness as he pushes farther into me. He groans in pleasure and I keep my eyes on him, desperately trying not to close them.

“God, you feel so good,” he whispers. I’m glad. But I’m still trying to get used to the feeling of him inside me. It’s so different, but good.

Just when I think I’m okay with my body feeling so full, he pushes all the way in and I can’t stop the scream that rips out of me.
The pain! Holy shit. He’s so damn big!

He leans into me, kissing away the tears that I can’t help, but not before I catch a glimpse of the immense satisfaction on his face. I try to move away from him, but he holds me still.

“Shhh, baby. Give it a second. It will feel good, I promise. I will give you satisfaction.”

How is this supposed to feel good? I have to tell him what I’m thinking.

“You’re too big. We don’t fit.” He licks away one of my tears and chuckles. I can feel his smile against my face.

“We were made to fit, baby.” I suck in my breath at those words.

And before I can respond he kisses me softly, like I’m the most precious thing in the world to him. My fingers move over his warm skin and I kiss him back just as tenderly.

“You’re so exquisite. Your skin is like silk. Your body is paradise. And it’s all mine,” he whispers against my mouth before kissing me again, his tongue sweeping into my mouth. I feel the now-familiar heat move through my body. The thought of being all his, the feel of him, it all starts to make my body sing again. The liquid fire races through me.

Clayton is wrong. He’s the witch. He seduces me with one look; one touch and I’m lost. His hand moves in between our bodies, where we are joined together, and I feel such intense gratification from this touch that I instinctively lift myself to him and move them slowly, with him deep inside, letting me find my way. And then I forget time, space, who I am, and I just … feel.

It is all the encouragement Clayton needs before he grabs my hips, takes control, and starts to move in deeper, slowly, then out. The sensation is so, so incredible, I can’t think. He moves in again and I meet him. Oh my God. I never want him to stop.

I wrap my legs around his waist and hold him tightly as I try to take more of him inside. Is it possible? He moves faster, burying his face in my neck, kissing me, licking me. Moaning in pleasure. I hold on to his shoulders, his sinewy arms, and then I feel the build toward climax start again. His fingers grip my ass as he pounds into me harder. And harder. Oh my God. It feels so good.

“Come for me again, Sophie.”

And as if my body was made to obey him, the vortex of bliss begins again. He thrusts in harder and I meet him, wanting to reach the euphoria he wants to give me. I’m frantic with desire as I pull him in deeper, the wave of satisfaction coming for me so hard and fast that I think I’ll die from the exquisite feeling. He pushes further and I reach the peak and explode, climaxing again and again.

It is obviously unlike anything I’ve ever experienced in my life before. And this time, I scream out his name as the euphoria rocks through my body. He finds his release at that moment, his eyes on me, then buries his head against my neck as he comes inside me, thrusting in and out, prolonging my release, filling me with ecstasy. The last coherent thought I have before falling asleep is that I can’t wait to do it again.

The sun shines brightly in the room, waking me from my perfect slumber. For a minute, I forget where I am. Then I look down and see the tanned, muscled arm wrapped around my waist like a vine. Oh shit. Memories of the night before wash over me. I can feel a blush steal up my body as I think of how shamelessly I behaved. Sleeping with a man, giving myself so completely to him, who would have thought it was possible? That I would be this person? Sophie. Virgin. Walker.

He nuzzles my neck as his arm tightens around my waist, pulling me closer to his chest. I feel his hard-on against my back and in a second I’m warm all over as I think of how much pleasure I felt with him inside me. I wonder if it’s always this good. Do all couples experience this kind of bliss? Before I can think about that for a minute longer, Clayton pulls me on my back and leans over me, smiling.

“I can feel you think, you know,” he tells me. I get butterflies in my stomach as I take in his gorgeous appearance. His hair is mussed from sleep, he has a bit of stubble, and his eyes have that sexy, slumberous look. Good God, he even looks divine in the morning. I wonder if I look a fright. I hope not.

He studies my face for a moment, and then his hand moves to my forehead and pushes my frown down. Mr. Sinclair seems to be in a playful mood.


Is he serious? What more could a girl ask for? I’ve heard horror stories over the years about girls losing their virginity. He made it the most perfect experience of my life.

“None,” I answer honestly.

“Then what are you thinking?”

I blush.

“Tell me, Sophie.”

I can’t meet his gaze.

“Just that, you know, you look really good when you wake up,” tumbles out of me.

He doesn’t answer right away, so I look up at him. Oh my. His eyes are heavy with desire and he looks like he wants to attack me. Ahhh, the wolf is back. I kind of like it. Okay, I
like it.

His hand moves up and cups my breast, massaging it softly, rolling my nipple through his fingers, his touch possessive and confident.

“You’re very sexy, you know. You have this innocence about you, even now. Like a beautiful angel … even though I’ve seen the other side of you.” My stomach drops at his words. “And I haven’t even begun to play.”

“Play?” I can’t help but ask softly.

“I’m going to make love to you every which way possible. And then I’m going to show you how to pleasure me. I have so much to teach you, Sophie. Bliss you can’t imagine.”

Oh my God. The way he talks. Who says things like this? I can feel myself getting wet just from his words. Heat and longing course through my veins at the thought of him having his way with me. Yes, he can. I’m all his. I can’t wait to get started. As if he’s tuned in to my body, his hand moves down and his fingers slip inside me, cupping me at the same time. My hips arch up for more. His smile of satisfaction is telling.

“You’re wet for me already. I like that. Because I’ve been up half the night wanting to be so far inside you. And I’ve been thinking about how you’re only mine.”

I want him again. I want to know how to make him as crazy as he makes me. But I can’t even find the words.

He spreads my legs and settles between them. My eyes close as I feel him start to enter me. There is a moment of discomfort as my body adjusts to his size and then I forget about that because all I want is for him to be deep inside me. He grabs my hair and twists it in his hand, pulling my face up to his so he can kiss me. It’s open mouth, carnal, his tongue devouring mine roughly, making me so hungry for him that I pull him in.

He thrusts into me. Hard. Filling me up, and God, do I love it. My thighs move up and grip him tightly as I silently begging him to just have me every which way. He rolls onto his back, pulling me on top of him. I groan in satisfaction from the feeling of having all of him inside me. So
deep, God, just so deep. He doesn’t move, so I can accustom myself to the feeling of him, both hands still, holding my ass.

My eyes can barely stay open as I look down at him, reveling in the feeling of having him like this. I’m lost in a tsunami of feeling. My lips part, my head tilts back as I grip him, thinking I’ll die if he were to disappear.

“Christ.” Through my passion-filled haze, I look down at him. The look on his face makes me feel crazy with desire. Those eyes, aglow with hunger, eat me alive, like I’m the sexiest thing he’s ever seen. His lips are parted and I can hear him hiss with satisfaction as he looks from my breasts to my face. It’s at that moment that I realize how much I turn him on. It’s the most powerful feeling I’ve ever had, knowing that this man wants me so much. I arch my back and let my hands move lightly across his skin, teasing him, testing this newfound power that I have.

Clayton knows my game and quickly proves who is teacher and who is student. His hand rubs against me, sending a vibration of unadulterated ecstasy through my body. The feeling is painfully exquisite.

“Do you like that?”

Shamelessly, I whimper in response.

He touches me again, slowly, masterfully. I almost come undone by the tantalizing bliss.

“Now I want you to move, baby.” His voice is harsh with desire. I rock forward, then back. Shit. It feels good.

“Again,” he commands, and this time he lifts my ass up and down. My head falls back from the intense, mind-blowing feeling. And then I follow his lead and start to rock forward and back, moving my hips on my own, taking more and more of him inside me, loving the feeling of being in control and the pleasure, sweet Lord, the pleasure of having him. Within moments, I can feel the build inside.

“Clayton,” I whisper, groan actually, feeling my climax about to wash over me. His answer is to roll me over on the bed and push so deep inside of me that I think I’m going to die of euphoria. And God, it would be a happy death.

“Is this what you want?” His voice is raw with need as he thrusts into me even harder.

“Yes.” He increases the rhythm, pumping me harder, and before I know it, I feel the explosion move through my body. I call out his name, squeezing him tightly, feeling as though I will die without him inside me, and then he climaxes, plunging even deeper, pushing against me.

We both lie there for a moment, panting breathlessly, trying to regain control. I can’t stop trembling.

“Jesus,” I hear him swear against my ear.

He pulls out of me slowly and I wince in pain, proof that I am definitely not a virgin anymore.

“Are you okay?”

I blush.

“Yes, thank you. I’m just a little sore,” I admit.

A look of satisfaction appears on his face again.

“I’m glad.”

He gets out of bed, perfectly comfortable with his nudity, and looks down at me. I’m instantly mortified and close my eyes. I mean, he’s naked, for the love of God! Clayton laughs right in my face.

“Are you shy now?”

“I’m not used to—“ Well shit. I’m not used to any of this!

“I know. It’s just fun to tease you, Sophie. It’s so easy to get a reaction out of you. Are you going to open your eyes now?”

Do I have to?

I pull the sheet up around my breasts and look at him. “I’m glad I’m such a source of amusement.”

“You’re perfect.”

He leans down quickly and places a chaste kiss on my lips.

“Afraid to look?”

“Hardly,” I tell him, and to prove the point I let my eyes move over his muscled body. My mouth goes dry. It’s not right, not normal, how damn near unreal his body is. Or how large he is. Shit. Did all that fit inside me?

“It’s all yours, baby.”

With those final words, he turns around and heads to the bathroom. I’m given a healthy view of his well-shaped ass and I resist the urge to pinch myself.

BOOK: Mad Love
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