Mad Love (Hearts Are Wild): Hearts Are Wild (18 page)

BOOK: Mad Love (Hearts Are Wild): Hearts Are Wild
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“That sounds serious.”

“It is.”

Madison’s insides clenched. What were they
talking about? Sometimes she still found it hard to decipher those
between-the-lines sentiments. She’d improved over the weeks she’d
been with Toby, but every now and then she tripped up.

Before she could probe deeper, his brothers
surrounded them.

“Put her down, Toby. Security is looking this
way, and I don’t like the way that rent-a-cop has his hand on…what
the hell is that?” Damian leaned around Madison to get a closer
look. “Jesus. It’s a flashlight. Never mind, if he comes this way
we can take him.”

“Please tell me you do not have your gun on
you,” Coop growled.

“Hell no. I’d never get that through the
security check at the gate. It’s in the car.”

Toby shook his head. “Damian. Go away. All of
you. Go. Away.”

Laughing, the four of them clapped Toby on
the shoulder and said goodbye. Watching them go over her own
shoulder, Madison waited until they were all out of sight to face
Toby again.

“You can put me down now. The threat has

“That one has.” He started walking again.
“Gotta protect what’s mine.”

Madison sucked in a breath as those words
slid through her.

What’s mine.

If she didn’t know before those two words,
she did now.

She was in love Tobias Moreland—and she had
no idea how to tell him.





Toby weaved his way through the milling
students as he headed to Mad’s classroom. He needed to grab a quick
word to let her know he was going with Jim Landry and his mother to
the specialist to find out if the kid would play again this season
or at all.

Jim was a nervous wreck and his mother was no
help; she’d almost hyperventilated in Toby’s office. No wonder Jim
asked him to accompany them this afternoon.

“Sir. Sir.”

Toby turned to see Andy Sturgis jogging his
way. “Hey, Andy, what’s up? I’m in a bit of a hurry.”

“Have you heard any more about Jim’s knee? Is
he out for the rest of the year?”

They both knew if the injury was as bad as
feared, Jim would more than likely be out for longer than one
season. The type of damage the promising five-eighth had sustained
was career-ending. Toby ought to know. It was the injury that had
ended his NRL career.

He tried for a reassuring smile. “We won’t
know anything definite until he sees the specialist. I’ll let Jim
know you were asking and tell him to call you.”

“Okay. Thanks.”

“Sure.” Toby was about to turn away when he
remembered Jim wasn’t the only one with injury concerns. “Hey,
how’s that thigh doing?”

“Good. No pain or stiffness. The physio gave
me the all clear to play again.”

“Excellent. We’ll see you at training

Returning to his original trajectory, Toby
put enough purpose in his stride to cut a clear path through the
throng and an expression on his face that said
don’t talk to
. He wouldn’t normally begrudge any student stopping him to
say hi or ask a question but he needed to get to Mad before her
next class started.

He spotted her entering her room and knew he
had about a minute to get in and get out without drawing attention
to them. She still insisted they keep their relationship on the
quiet here at work and for now he’d respect that, but from where he
stood, things were getting serious and he planned on bringing that
subject up with her very soon.

“Hey.” Toby entered the room and did a quick
scan for anyone else. They were alone.

“Oh, Toby.” Her gaze darted to the door
behind him. “What are you doing in here?”

“Quickly. I need to tell you I won’t be at
home this afternoon. I’m going with Jim Landry to his specialist
appointment to find out the results on his knee injury.”


“I’ll ring you as soon as I’m done. I’ve got
Mal covering training so I’ll be home right after I finish up with

“Sure. Not a problem.”

He didn’t think—it was second nature now
whenever they were together. He leaned in and dropped a kiss on her

The gasp and the ‘oh my god’ behind him sent
a jolt of alarm through his blood. Fuck.

Before he could suck in a breath, Mad jerked
away from him. It didn’t take a genius to work out what was going
through her head right now.

Shit. Why hadn’t they discussed the stupid
clause in her contract before now? He didn’t have the same one as
Mad, his only mentioned teacher/student fraternization, not

“It’s okay,” he whispered so as not to be

She shook her head.


“Go. Just go.” Her voice was tight and low,
barely heard over the pounding of his own heart.


“Go.” This time the word was propelled at him
like an arrow.

“We’ll talk later.”

She shook her head.

He didn’t have the option of arguing further;
the bell rang and he knew they’d be surrounded by students in

Turning away, he left Mad to whatever doom
and gloom thoughts she was having, glared daggers at the two girls
standing just inside the door and mentally yelled every swear word
he knew. In the hall, students swamped him as they rushed to get to

Fucking hell. Of all the times for them to
get caught together, it had to be now, when he couldn’t take the
time to soothe Mad’s concerns. By the time he could, she’d have
worked herself into a right state. He’d seen it in her eyes.

She was freaking out.

And Toby had a gut feeling that it wasn’t
going to be easy to overcome.




Madison pushed into the staffroom and rushed
to her desk. She tried to gather her things quickly so she could
get out before anyone else came in. The last thing she wanted to
deal with were looks and questions from her colleagues. It was bad
enough dealing with them from her students.

As much as she’d hoped she’d thwarted any
gossip about her and Toby, she hadn’t. By the time the last class
of the day rolled around, they were the talk of the school. Rumors
abounded. So far she hadn’t heard one version of the truth. Most
were exaggerated to the nth degree.

One even had them fucking on her desk, for
god’s sake. Who would believe that? Then again, she was referring
to a group of hormone-driven adolescents, so perhaps their
fabricated stories weren’t that surprising.

Slinging her handbag over her shoulder, she
picked up the box of year-seven history assignments that she
planned to mark this evening. Hopefully she’d be able to focus on
doing her job and not on whether or not she’d lose that job come

She was surprised to make it all the way to
the parking lot before anyone stopped her. Unfortunately, she
couldn’t ignore Principal Richardson. The glower on his face didn’t
bode well.

“Mr. Richardson.”

“Madison. I believe we have a problem.”

“Yes, Sir.”

“Want to tell me why I’m hearing about you
and Toby Moreland in the hallways?”

“What’s being said isn’t the truth.”

“And what is?”

Madison swallowed. “We’re seeing each

“How long?”

“A few weeks now.”

“Right. Well. I’m afraid we have a
problem then. Your contract with this school states
no fraternizing with staff or students.”

Oh god.

Her stomach dropped. Bile rose in her throat.
She’d never checked. She’d meant to but she’d been so wrapped up in
Toby that she’d forgotten all about her concern. Now she was going
to be terminated because of it. They probably both were.

“You understand I have to take this to the
board members? There will be a full investigation and both of you
will more than likely be put on leave without pay until the matter
is resolved.”

“Yes, sir.” She was numb. Could no longer
feel her fingers or toes.

“Can you be in my office at eight tomorrow

Madison nodded. It appeared her vocal cords
had gone numb too.

“I’ll see you then.” He smiled grimly.

She didn’t say anything.
say anything. It wasn’t until Mr. Richardson was out of sight that
Madison snapped out of her frozen state and rushed to her car.

The last person she wanted to deal with right
now leaned against the driver’s door.


Quickening her pace, she stopped a few feet
away so as not to give anyone who might see them the wrong idea.
“You shouldn’t be here.”

He straightened to his full height. “Why the
hell not?”

“Because I was right. There’s a clause in my
employment contract. I would think in yours too. Our situation is
being taken to the board members.”

“I’m not worried about the board.”

“Well I am. We could lose our jobs.”

“I don’t give a shit about that.”

do.” Her voice rose with every
word she spoke and she tried to bring it back down, get it under
control, get a grip on the panic exploding inside her. She’d never
done anything remotely wrong in her life and now she’d blatantly
ignored a legally binding contract to the point she could lose her
job. Toby could lose

“Mad.” He stepped towards her and she dodged
to the side.

Hitting the button on her key to unlock the
car, she yanked the rear passenger door open and put her things on
the backseat. Slamming the door, she faced Toby. “Get out of my


“No. I can’t do this now. I have assignments
to mark and a meeting in the principal’s office at eight tomorrow.
I can’t deal with you too.” Her chin wobbled, her eyes stung. She
sucked in a breath and bit the inside of her cheek. She refused to
cry in front of him.

“Madison, please. Talk to me.”

“Not now. I need to go.”

She didn’t fool herself into thinking she had
the strength to push Toby out of her way. He moved because he
wanted to. Regardless, she opened her door, slid into the driver’s
seat and closed herself in the stuffy interior.

Refusing to look at Toby, she started the car
and reversed out of her spot. She didn’t even look at him in the
rearview mirror as she drove away.

But she wanted to.





Toby stood in the principal’s office
listening to the bullshit flowing out of Ted’s mouth. He clenched
his jaw and hands. So far he hadn’t heard anything that wasn’t the
board trying to cover their asses with regard to teacher-student
inappropriate behavior. He’d read the clause in his contract last
night. Even called his mate, Brett, to get his take on the

As a lawyer, Brett had been able to tell him
that the clause was a standard one and any lawyer with a brain
could work around it, and to let him know what happened after
today’s meeting. Toby was beginning to think he no longer wanted to
work for a school with such a crappy attitude towards their

He could certainly understand the board
needed a position on staff interaction, but he and Mad hadn’t done
anything to compromise the school, corrupt the students or let
their relationship affect their work.

Ted was blowing a lot of hot air—and Toby was
done listening.

Until he mentioned Mad, specifically. Then he
was all ears.

“As per school policy, Madison, and due to
your disclosure of your relationship with Toby, the board feels it
best to terminate your contract at this—”

Toby slammed his fists on the desk. “Fuck

Ted jumped. Mad gasped.

“Toby! I signed a contract.”

“Fuck the contract, too.” He grabbed a bundle
of Post-it notes off Ted’s desk, snatched up a pen, and began

“W-what are you doing?” Mad asked.

“Handing in my resignation.”

“What? No, Toby, you can’t! The school needs

“Well I don’t need
. Especially
when some pompous ass is going to sit in a boardroom and tell me
who I can and can’t love! Fuck that bullshit.” He scribbled his
signature and threw the whole stack of notes at Ted. “There. It’s

He spun on his heel and left before he
completely blew his top and tore Ted’s office to shreds.

“Toby, please…” Mad ran behind him.

Stopping, he sucked in a deep breath and
turned to face her. “This is the best way. I don’t need the job,
Mad. I don’t actually need to work another day in my life.”


“I’m loaded. Never spent any of the money I
earned playing footy except to build the house, and Adam’s had his
hands on the rest of it from day one. He’s more than quadrupled my
nest egg.”


He placed a finger over her mouth. “My job is
I’d give up for you.” Taking his finger from her
mouth, he dragged the tip across her cheek. “Don’t you get it yet,
Mad? I’d give up everything for you.”

Bending down, he placed his lips on her
forehead. He didn’t dare kiss her on the mouth. Pulling back, he
laid his brow on hers.

“I love you. This definitely isn’t the time
or place I wanted to reveal that, but never let it be said that I
can’t roll with what life throws at me. I don’t want to be the
reason you lose this job.”

“Toby.” Her warm breath fanned his face and
he closed his eyes for a moment.

“Madison. Please, let me do this for you.” He
cupped her cheek and swallowed the ball of emotion stuck in his
throat. “For once in your life, let someone else put you first. Let
put you first.”

As much as he wanted to hash this out now, he
knew he had to leave. Straightening, he took a step back. With a
half smile curling his mouth, Toby turned and walked away.

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