Maddison, Karly - Time Slip [The Xephon Alliance 1] (Siren Publishing Classic) (9 page)

BOOK: Maddison, Karly - Time Slip [The Xephon Alliance 1] (Siren Publishing Classic)
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“I guess you like me more than you think,” he said. “Must be iced over in hell right now.”

“Oh baby, you have no idea,” she replied. He laughed as he lifted his head from her breasts and nibbled her earlobe, pushing back her hair to expose the flickering pulse in her neck before dropping a kiss there.

“I heard that, my beauty.”

“Really?” She blushed. Time to start paying attention to what she said.


“I’ve been wrong, and I’ve been stupid,” she admitted. “And I might have missed out being with you.”

“Ahuh… Chitra asked Captain for a chance with you, and that’s when I stepped in.”

“Why, thank you.” She chuckled. “So I really did get you by default?”

“Do you doubt that I really want you?”

Her hands caressed his solid rib cage as she dragged Tinny’s lips back to hers and wound her tongue round his as if that was her answer. He slowed his pelvic thrusting until her thighs trembled with longing. Spirals of heat escalated from deep within her abdomen. He put his long, warm fingers down between their two bodies and rubbed her slowly until she panted his name, begging for release, twisting in his arms.

He climaxed a second before she joined him with her own release. “Tinny, Tinny, Tinny,” she cried. She’d never known sex could be this delicious. And she’d been determined to push him away! He bit her throat gently as he held her close.

“If you accept me, I’ll always love you.”

“I accept you, Tinny. There’ll never be anyone else.” Her hands slid down his back, pulling him closer. The numbness had gone. Now she could feel the delicious length of his large, naked form over her.

“That was the scariest thing I’ve ever done,” she said. “Oh, I don’t mean the lovemaking.” She chuckled. How awful if he thought that!

“I know what you mean, my beauty. I should have protected you from what happened. Luckily the effects are not permanent. Life can go back to normal again now.”

“Mmmm, normal? This craziness has brought us together…I don’t think I’ll ever be normal again.”

He smiled. “I don’t think the other two males could have handled you. I think you were meant for me.”

“Are you sure?” she asked. “I think I’m going to have to get you to prove that all over again, just to be very sure.” She laughed, sliding down his chest, her tongue circling his navel, her teeth nipping at the taught skin stretched below it. He gave a small jerk of surprise as she teased sensitive areas with her tongue, a soft animal-like growl sounding deep in his throat.
Oh yes!
See how much substance I have
now, Stannum my love
. She ran her nails along his shaft, watching with delight as he fisted his hands in the sheets and squirmed as if she were torturing him. Well, she supposed she was, she thought wickedly as she licked and nuzzled. By the panting sounds he made, he might either be about to die or implode in the next few minutes.

Kash rose up on her knees and met his eyes, her hands weaving into his as she slid her slick pussy down over him, taking him fully inside her. She shuddered for a second at the size of him, but her body adjusted quickly again. Tinny seemed beyond talking to her in her own language, and everything he said was in Xephon. She translated his encouragements easily. Slowly she leaned back and rocked her pelvis, riding him hard like a goddess, her blood on fire, her hair flowing over her shoulders like a silken banner.

He broke free of her hands to trace the shape of her hips, her waist, her breasts. Kash gasped and lost her balance when he brushed her nipples lightly with his fingertips, falling forward only to be drawn down further for a hot, wet, tongue-lashing kiss that was so fierce one of his fangs pierced the lush fullness of her lower lip and drew a spot of blood. He licked it away quickly, pushing her up so she sat in his lap still joined to him. For a second she forgot the thrusting and stroking as his mouth explored hers.

Tinny pulled back suddenly and kissed along the column of her throat, down over her chest, licking her breasts, making her shiver with delight, his large hands spanning her pelvis as he held her firmly against him. She quivered slightly at the erotic sensation of his hard, slightly sharp, talon-like nails lying against the bare flesh of her hips. He pulled her upward as if she weighed nothing, and she let out a small groan of displeasure as he slipped out of her.

“Turn over,” he said, in her language. Kash turned quickly, feeling the prod of his cock sliding over her damp thighs, making them tremble with anticipation. He pushed against the entrance of her pussy, before he managed to fill her again. She gasped as her body expanded to his size then wriggled her hips back into him. Tinny leaned forward and wrapped an arm under her, tugging her even closer against him before resuming a rhythmic pace that had fire dancing through her veins. She groaned, long and low as the tension built in her, screaming for release, even as she tamped it down and thrilled to the rhythm of their swaying bodies.

“Stay with me.”

“I’m here, I’m here,” she replied, taking the weight of his thrusting hips as best she could, so close to the end. Her body burned with tension and intense pleasure, enthralled at the sensations his powerful body evoked in hers. Her hands slid behind her back, tracing over his smoothly muscled torso, learning the contours of his body, thrilling to its hardened perfection. And then it was just too hard to hold back.

“Oh gods!” she breathed. He leaned over her and bit her neck, joining her release with his own. She could have sworn thunder erupted in the room, or maybe it was just her own heartbeat. And then suns collided, and the universe gave a long shudder as their joined bodies trembled and writhed in climax. How could she ever have imagined she could live a single solitary second of existence without this man in her life? It seemed so perfect and right for him to release into the depths of her core, to ride the supernova their union created together. She crashed, hot and slick and tired to the sheets with him as they panted, kissed, stroked, caressed, smiled. Her eyes linked with his in wonder. Her lips were plumped and bruised but still clung to his as their breaths mingled. He stroked her damp hair back off her forehead.

“I can’t wait to do that again,” he said, moments later, smiling as he traced her lips with his forefinger. She stuck her tongue out and licked his skin as he ran his finger over the little cut he’d made before, then she nipped him playfully. She admired his face as he grinned at her, witnessed the delight and desire burning in the back of his eyes. She had so much to tell him, to share with him about herself, but wasn’t there something else important she had meant to tell him? What was it? Her mind was a passion-addled mess! All she wanted to do was drink in his essence as she clung naked to his god-like chest, her legs entwined with his.
Oh, yes! Coming back to her!

“Tinny, I have something important to tell you. While nobody could see me I went onto the bridge, and I recognized a couple of constellations on the console that your own people might not have recognized. I used the sextant to get the coordinates of a star I recognized. We can go home, Tinny, we just have to tell the captain.”

“I didn’t know you knew how to do that, Kash. I thought you were just a medical officer.”

“You’d be surprised what I know how to do.”

“No, not surprised. I look forward to finding out actually.” He laughed into her throat. “Do you still want me now you know we can go home to your world?”

“Oh, I want you, baby. There’s no escape now.” She nipped his collarbone playfully. “I’m going to untangle all your beautiful hair until you have the glossiest, finest hair on the entire ship.” She admired the smile her answer brought to his face and listened happily as he growled with pleasure and then drowned her in a kiss filled with all the promise of many more to come.



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I grew up on a sheep and crop farm in New Zealand with many ponies and a younger sister. I always enjoyed writing. I trained to be a Registered Nurse to work part-time in healthcare. I have four sons, ranging in age (as of 2012) from four years old to twenty-one years old. I live in Christchurch, and after the devastating earthquakes of 2010 and 2011, I found myself really inspired to sit down and write in my favourite genres, science fiction and fantasy, especially as there were long periods of time without electricity.

For all titles by Karly Maddison, please visit

Siren Publishing, Inc.

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