Made For Sex (37 page)

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Authors: Joan Elizabeth Lloyd

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Then he was deep inside her body. He drove, and relaxed, then drove again. She was unable to breathe, unable to think about everything she was feeling. There was just her pussy and his cock and nothing else in the world.

It was only a moment before he roared, arched his back and poured himself into her, then collapsed, panting. They lay silently in the aftermath of the whirlwind they had just experienced. Finally his mouth found hers and he kissed her long and slow. “I'm sorry. I'm really embarrassed,” he said eventually.

Puzzled, she held him and said, “Why?”

“I acted like a fifteen-year-old, all hunger and hormones and no sense of your pleasure. I never do that. I just got carried away.”

“I'm flattered,” she said, feeling wonderful.

“You should be. I knew that you wanted me to go slowly, show you everything, and I will, but this time…”

“Who says I wanted you to go slowly,” she said, grinning. “I wanted just what I got. You.”

“But there's so much more.”

“And there's lots of time.”

He rolled off, stood up and disposed of the condom. Then he picked her up and carried her into the bedroom. He placed her on the bed, then asked, “Are you cold?” Without waiting for an answer he grabbed an afghan from a chair in the corner and, lying beside her, covered them both. He cradled her head in the crook of his arm and kissed the top of her head. “You are the sexiest woman I've been with in a long time.”

Unbelievably flattered, she said, “Thank you. That means a lot to me.”

“It's not just talk, you know,” he said, taking her hand. He placed it on his penis, already getting hard again. “I'm no kid, yet I'm hungry for you already.”

Beneath his hand, she wrapped her fingers around his hardening cock. He's getting excited again, and it's just because of me, she realized. She squeezed slightly and felt him react. Her grin was uncontrollable. She was like a child who'd discovered Christmas. She had always wanted to touch Eric but he had always been in too much of a hurry. Now she allowed her hands to explore. She tangled her fingers in his pubic hair, felt his testicles, ran the tip of one nail up the under surface of his cock. Everything she did seemed to give O'Malley pleasure. She stroked the inside of his thigh and his belly, feeling the muscles tense.

“I'm supposed to be the teacher,” he whispered, “but you don't seem to need any lessons.” He grabbed her hand. “But you'd better stop unless you want a quickie like we just had.”

“And what's wrong with that?” she said, pulling her hand away and scratching her nails up his thigh.

He playfully slapped her hand. “I want more this time, for both of us.”

He grabbed her wrists and rolled on top of her, pulling her arms until they were stretched high over her head. “You know what happens to naughty teases, don't you?”

“No,” Fran said, suddenly breathless.

He paused, as if considering, then said, “They get theirs back.” His eyes locked with hers. “I told you that I like to play.” His grip tightened on her wrists. “Do you want to play with me? If not, tell me and I'll stop.”

Fran wanted to play. She wanted to experience all the things she had read about. But she couldn't ask.

“I'll take your silence as an agreement.” He jumped off the bed and rummaged in the bottom drawer of his dresser, dumping a handful of fabric onto the floor beside the bed. Then he captured both of Fran's wrists, again stretching them tightly above her head. “I think you want this, but if I'm wrong, you have only to say daffodil and I'll stop. Do you understand?”

He was playing yet he was entirely serious. “Daffodil?” she said. A safe word like couples agreed to in the bondage stories she'd read. Her breathing quickened and she could feel the moisture flow from her pussy.

“And I'll stop. I promise. Promise me in return that you'll say daffodil even if you merely think you want to. I can't share this pleasure with you unless you agree.” He took one wrist in each hand and spread her arms wide, pressing his chest against hers so she could feel his weight, the power of his body. “Trust is an overused word these days but I need you to trust me. If you don't we will stop right now.”

Her entire body trembling, Fran said, “I do trust you.”

“Do you agree? You will say daffodil at any time? Promise?”

“Yes,” she whispered. Her heart pounded and the sound was a rushing in her ears. “Do it.”

In only moments her wrists were fastened to the headboard with the soft strips of velvet that O'Malley had found in the drawer. Then her ankles were stretched wide and tied to the footboard. He seemed to know just how hard to pull the ropes so she was stretched to the edge of discomfort but not over it.

“Has anyone ever done anything like this to you before?” he asked.

She stared up at him, feeling both totally vulnerable and totally trusting. “No,” she said softly.

“How does it feel? Tell me.”

Fran swallowed, then said, honestly, “It is incredibly exciting. I don't have to think, just feel.”

His grin lit up his face. “Exactly. Just feel.” He returned to the drawer and Fran could hear the sounds of things being pushed and pulled around inside. Then he was beside her, a furry mitten on his hand. “Are you ticklish?”

“I don't think so.”

He rubbed the soft fur over her belly and all her muscles tightened. He stroked her stomach, ribs, thighs, but not any of the places she longed for. Her breasts and her pussy remained untouched. Then he took a piece of rough canvas and rubbed, making her skin tingle. Then he used his tongue, licking and lapping at her flesh, always avoiding her nipples and her groin. “Please,” she moaned, moving as much as the ropes would allow. But as she moved, he reacted, staying just out of reach of the aching. “Please,” she groaned again.

“You want me to touch you?”

“Oh yes,” she said.

Then he bit her left nipple, hard. Pleasure and a small amount of pain knifed through her. “That hurts,” she whined.

“I know. And you know what to do if you want me to stop. The word is daffodil.”

“But you're hurting me,” she said, begging him with her lack of use of the word daffodil, not to stop. His teeth fastened on her nipple and the pleasure almost made her climax. And when his teeth moved to the other nipple and bit down hard, she felt little ripples of pleasure flow through her pussy.

As if he knew how close she was, he moved away. “Not yet, my love” he said. “Not yet. I want to play, to show you all sorts of sensations. I want to see how high you can go without coming.”

Fran groaned as O'Malley took a three-inch-wide strip of elastic from the foot of the bed, slipped it beneath the small of her back and fastened it tightly around her waist. The feeling of both entrapment and further loss of control was explosive. Grinning, he fastened another strip over her breasts, pressing it tightly against her erect nipples.

Fran didn't think it was possible to feel more excited yet not climax, but he seemed to know exactly how to drive her higher. He encased her thighs in more wide elastic strips until most of her body from her armpits to her knees was tightly encased. But not her pussy, which was wide open and devoid of any sensation.

Then, while she watched, he crouched between her knees. “You'll come now,” he said, “and I won't even have to touch you. I control your body and I know exactly what will give you pleasure.” He leaned over and blew a thin stream of cool air onto her clit and she came. Unable to move, all her senses were concentrated on the hard spasms. “Oh my God,” she screamed. “Yes.”

“And I can fill you, make it go on and on,” he said, driving three fingers into her steaming cunt.

He was right. It seemed as though the orgasm lasted for hours. Her hips writhed and drove upward but his fingers never left her. She came and came, wave after wave of pure ecstasy washed over her. Even when his fingers left her for a moment, the orgasm continued.

He turned and stretched out on the bed beside her, his head against her thigh, his penis level with her mouth. She turned her head and, experimentally reached out her tongue and touched his erect cock. She had never had her mouth on a man's penis before but that didn't seem to matter. His cock still tasted from his previous orgasm, a bit tangy and sticky, but wonderful. “Oh baby,” he groaned. “You're perfect.”

She panicked for a moment, worrying about whether there was something she was supposed to know about licking a man's cock, then she thought, I'll just do what I want. I'm not in control anyway. He's calling the shots. She ran the tip of her tongue up and down the underside of his shaft, unable to move to reach anything more.

With one hand, he stroked her thighs as she came down, and with the other he reached down and held his cock, rubbing the tip over her lips. Then he crouched over Fran's face and again rubbed his cock over her lips. “Have you ever sucked a man's cock before?”

“No,” Fran said with the small part of her that could think. “My husband just wanted to fuck.”

“Will you take me into your mouth?” he asked.

“Oh yes.” And she wanted to. Not for her own pleasure. She had come so hard that she was totally used up. But she wanted to give him as much pleasure as he had given her. She wanted to take his cock in her hand and slide it into her mouth, but she couldn't with her wrists tied. “Do it for me,” she growled.

O'Malley straddled her and grabbed the headboard, his cock suspended over her open mouth. Slowly he lowered it until she could wrap her lips around the tip. Make it feel like he's fucking me, she thought, like the women do in all the stories I've written. She created a vacuum in her mouth and drew his cock in. Her tongue surrounded the head and she felt him pump into her as if her mouth were a pussy. She watched him, his head thrown back, his elbows and shoulders straining, his hips driving into her mouth. Her joy was no less because it was his, not hers. It was impossible to tell where his pleasure ended and hers began.

She wondered whether she was ready for him to come in her mouth, but she needn't have worried. He suddenly pulled out and she watched as he held his cock while semen spurted onto her neck. He quickly and silently unbound her and curled against her. Together they dozed for a while.

Later there was little conversation while they dressed. At one point he whispered, “So good. I never imagined you'd be so wonderful.”

“It was amazing,” she said.

As he held her in the cab that took them back to her apartment, he said, “I have a business dinner tomorrow evening that I can't get out of and it will probably last quite late. Can we make it the following evening? Dinner somewhere? Maybe Le Cirque?”

“Yes,” she said, wondering whether she would enjoy spending time with him when it was just a prelude to what they both wanted, good hot sex.

“You're chuckling,” he said. “What are you thinking?”

“I'm wondering how difficult it's going to be spending time with you outside the bedroom.”

She felt him sigh. “Me too,” he said. “All I want to do right now is ravish your body. To hell with dinner.”

“Why don't you call me and we'll see whether we can talk on the phone without being able to grab each other.”

He laughed. “There's more than one way to skin a cat. I'll call you late afternoon on Thursday and we'll make plans.” He walked her to her door and then kissed her good night. “You know,” he said, “if I weren't so exhausted, I'd push you inside and do you right on the floor.”

“And if I weren't so exhausted, I'd let you. Call me.”

He kissed her again. “You know I will.”

Fran walked through the apartment and into her bedroom, dragged off her clothes and fell into bed. She wanted to sleep, yet her mind was whirling. After half an hour of tossing and turning, she got up, turned on her laptop and, with the evening's events swirling through her head, she wrote.


by Nichole St. Michelle

Anne was sitting on a straight kitchen chair in the middle of the living room, wondering what her boyfriend Tony was up to. All he had said was, “You know I'd never hurt you and I can guarantee that even a prude like you will eventually get into what I have planned for this evening.”

“Prude!” she had yelled. “I am not a prude.” Was she?

Now she sat wondering whether maybe she really was a bit of a prude. She had never really enjoyed sex that much. At twenty-seven she had had her share of boyfriends and of sexual experiences, but they had always been ordinary sex. Missionary position, some oral sex, but nothing earth shattering. Usually she was in a bit of a hurry to get it all finished. And as long as the guy climaxed, that was fine with her.

As she sat, waiting for Tony to return from something he was doing in the bedroom, she realized that she had always wanted the earth to shatter. She had read books in which the heroine got so carried away with passion that she ‘burst apart.' “I never even broke a sweat,” Anne muttered.

Tony was different from her previous boyfriends. He loved to experiment. Although they had only been together a few months they had already done things that she had never thought about. One evening he had painted her entire crotch with maple syrup and licked it all off, very slowly. She had really been hot that evening. But eventually he had entered her and she had urged him on until he came. It was wonderfully pleasurable, but no shattering for her that night. Another evening, Tony had used a vibrator on her lips and then inserted it into her channel. That was nice too, but still, no shattering. Not even a crack.

And she wanted it really badly.

“Did I keep you waiting too long?” Tony asked, striding from the bedroom with a canvas bag in his hands.

“I'm just really curious. What's going through your little brain?” Anne asked.

“Just this,” Tony said. “I know that, despite all your protests and the obvious pleasure you get out of sex, you've never climaxed. And I want it for you. And I want it for me too and I think I know just how to get it.”

“That's not really a problem,” Anne said. “I love making love with you. Is orgasm what this is all about?”

“Partly. I want to have some fun this evening and I know just what I want to do. You trust me, don't you?”

“Of course.”

“Not of course. Think about it. Do you trust me?”

“That's a silly question.”

“But an important one.” He paused and looked at her seriously. Carefully enunciating each word, he asked again, “Do you trust me?”

Anne hadn't ever seen him in this mood. What's he up to? she wondered. “Yes,” she said softly.

“You know I love you, don't you?”

“Of course, silly.”

“Sometimes I think you think too much. For tonight, will you just let loose and not think about orgasms and stuff?”

“Whatever you say.” She loved him and had since soon after they met. But recently the feelings had intensified, deepened. She had been down with the flu a few weeks earlier and he had been helpful and kind, taking care of her when she needed him and leaving her alone when that was what she wanted. “I love you.”

He leaned over and kissed her deeply. “And I love you. Remember that whatever happens.”

What's going on? she wondered. This is obviously leading up to something big.

“Stand up,” he said, his voice now taking on a commanding quality Anne had never heard before. “And take off all your clothes.”

“Oh baby,” Anne said, standing up. “I like it when you undress me.”

“But I'm not going to undress you. You're going to do that like a good girl. Now strip.”

Anne shuddered. He sounded almost cold. Demanding. Without much thought she removed her clothing, hesitating when she was down to her bra and panties. “Everything,” Tony snapped. She unhooked her bra and pulled it off, along with her underpants.

“Good girl,” Tony said. “Now turn around.”

Trembling with a combination of fear and excitement, she turned her back to Tony. Suddenly he grabbed her wrists and pulled them behind her. She felt cold metal and heard a loud snap. Her wrists were now pinned behind her back. “Handcuffs?” she said. “Tony, this is silly.”

“I don't really care what you think. Tonight this is what I want. Now sit.”

Quickly Anne sat on the wooden chair, feeling the cold seat against her bare thighs and ass. “Okay. I'm sitting.”

Tony reached into the canvas bag and pulled out a roll of silver duct tape. He pulled her bottom forward on the chair until she was perched on the edge of the seat, knees spread, then taped her ankles to the legs of the chair. He slid several small pillows behind her back until she was leaning back, then ran a length of tape around her waist, the pillows, the chair and her handcuffed arms. Then he used another length of tape to fasten her shoulders to the chair. “There now,” he said. “I hope you're not too uncomfortable.”

“It's not too bad,” Anne said, a frisson of fear tickling the pit of her stomach. “But what's this all about?”

“I want to play.”

“Play? Is this playing?”

“Oh yes, my love, it most certainly is.” Tony reached into the canvas bag and pulled out two small alligator clips held together with a thin chain. “Do you know what these are?”

“Not really,” Anne said.

“They're nipple clamps. Here's my theory about you and sex. I don't think you've ever let go. At least every time we've been together you've always been thinking, worrying, wondering what you're feeling. Well, not tonight. I'm going to occupy your body so that you won't be able to think.” Tony knelt beside the chair and licked the tip of Anne's right breast. Quickly the nipple tightened and he nipped at the darkened flesh. Then he sucked the entire nipple into his mouth, pulling hard.

Anne loved having her nipples suckled just the way he was doing it. She sighed and thought about the wetness beginning between her legs. “Mmm,” she purred. “That's nice.”

He bit down, not so hard as to cause real pain, but enough to make her jump. Then, before she could react, he fastened the metal clip to her breast. “I tested all the clamps they had at the Pleasure Palace and these were the mildest I could find.”

The pain flashed through her, but somehow it wasn't really serious pain, just little lightning bolts jarring her entire body. “That hurts,” she protested.

“Oh it doesn't hurt too badly,” Tony said. “I tried them out myself.” He rounded the chair and started to lave Anne's left breast. When the nipple was hard and erect, he clipped a second clamp on it. “Tell me how badly it really hurts,” he purred, his mouth against her ear.

“They hurt,” she whined. “Take them off.”

“Nope. That will keep your agile mind occupied while I play.”

Play? Anne couldn't concentrate on anything but her nipples. The riot of sensation made her pussy tingle and her entire body flush.

“Now I can do things I've always wanted to do.” Tony settled between Anne's spread knees, his face level with her crotch. He reached out his tongue and flicked the end over her hot wet flesh.

She jolted as the heat of his mouth flashed through her. “Oh,” she groaned. “Just do it, baby.”

“Not so fast,” Tony said, tugging lightly on the chain that connected the two nipple clamps. “Every time you're in a hurry, I'll just remind you to slow down. This one will be at my pace.”

The small jerk on the chain caused shards of pain/ pleasure to knife through her, yanking her mind from Tony's mouth between her legs. Now he alternated between sucking on her hardening clit and playing with the chain that connected the clips. It was driving Anne crazy.

Tony sat back, his eyes on Anne's face. “Now,” he said, we'll add something new.” He reached into the bag and pulled out a large dildo. “You remember this, don't you?”

“Yes.” And she did. Once he had inserted that large plastic penis into her and licked her clit. It was really exciting. Slowly, he rubbed the cold, hard plastic over her slippery lips, then, with one firm thrust, he drove it into her. He left it inside of her, then got a vibrator and placed it on the chair, the tip against the dildo. When he turned it on, Anne felt herself climb. The persistent hum of the vibrator echoed all the way into her belly through the hard plastic dildo. As she climbed, Tony grabbed the chain and pulled.

“This is going to be the ride of your life,” Tony said. “You've never climaxed before because you've never had the patience or the concentration to. Now you have no choice. And I'm going to take you there.” He stood, pulled open his jeans and Anne watched his hard cock spring free. Standing, his erection was just at the level of her mouth. “Open for me, baby,” Tony said.

Anne's mouth opened without any thought on her part. It was quickly full of his flesh. Tony tangled his hands in her hair and drove his hips, fucking her mouth. Occasionally he let go with one hand and pulled on the nipple chain.

It was strange, but the pull on her nipples had become immensely pleasurable, bolts of pure heat flowing from her painful peaks to her pussy.

So many sensations. Her mouth filled with Tony's cock, the pain in her breasts, the hum in her pussy. Even the feel of the duct tape giving her no choice about how to move was pure heat.

Tony's fucking of Anne's mouth was becoming more intense. “I'm going to come in your beautiful mouth. Take it all like a good girl and I'll show you what it's like to come.”

Anne created suction in her mouth and licked the underside of Tony's cock with her rough tongue. “Oh baby,” he roared and her mouth was suddenly filled with his tangy semen. She swallowed, gagged slightly, and let the final spurts dribble from her lips.

Anne was almost incoherent with the need to climb higher. “Baby,” she begged. “Help me.”

“Yes, love,” Tony said, settling back between her knees. He moved the vibrator, and slid the dildo in and out of her pussy. He moved the vibrating tip around, watching Anne's face. Her moans tried to tell him what she wanted and he knew. He found a special spot that Anne had never known she had and rubbed the humming vibrator there.

She felt the dildo fucking her. When he suddenly pulled hard on the nipple chain, flipping the clamps from her sore breasts, she felt the spasms start in her lower belly and crash like waves over her entire body. “Oh God,” she screamed as the orgasm kept her at a peak for long moments. “Oh God.”

Later, when Tony had released her and gently guided her to the bed, they lay entwined, half dozing. “That was incredible,” Anne whispered.

Tony giggled. “Yeah. It certainly was.”

“What ever led you to do that?”

“I just wanted you to know what you were missing. It's so wonderful and I knew you were settling for less than the best.”

“Oh Lord, I certainly was.” She turned and stretched her naked body against his. “How long does it take to recover. My toes are still tingling.”

Tony reached over and pinched one very sore nipple. “Do you really want to recover?”

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