Read Madness Ends Online

Authors: Beth D. Carter

Tags: #Erotic Romance Fiction

Madness Ends (13 page)

BOOK: Madness Ends
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Lisa smiled and nodded. She headed to the refrigerator where she took out deli meats and cheeses. She made a ham sandwich then handed it over. Kaiya nodded her thanks and began to eat.

Lisa wrote out another note.

“You don’t have to stay with the men. You can hang out with me.”

Kaiya smiled, not quite sure what to do. What was the procedure here? Was she supposed to hang out with Lisa? Was this a men’s only club situation? She gave a generic half shrug, half nod answer. Lisa went back to writing.

“I’ve heard about the M.O.H. A friend of mine is from Bair. The MC world is quite small, especially out here in the sticks.”

Kaiya nodded. What could she say to that? She was new to the motorcycle club slash gang world. Lisa was young, but the calculating gleam in her eyes told a deep, darker story. The blonde turned away to grab a beer from the refrigerator. She opened it and set it down in front of Kaiya. Kaiya reached for it and saluted Lisa as thanks.

“You’re very pretty,” she wrote.

Kaiya smiled her way of thanks and took a long drink.

“How long are you and your men staying?”

Kaiya held out her hand and Lisa placed the pen and notebook in her hand. “I think we’re leaving tomorrow.”

“Going where?”

Kaiya frowned. Was Lisa pumping her for information for Stone Cold? “Sioux City.”

She put down the pen and finished the sandwich, which had turned into a big ball of lead in her stomach. She didn’t like Lisa’s direct questions and wanted to get back to Boone’s and Gabby’s side. Grabbing her beer, she mouthed thank you and rose. With one last strained smile at Lisa, she exited out the back door. Once outside, she breathed easier and decided not to leave Gabby or Boone’s side again. The shark-infested waters were too thick to navigate.

It took her a few minutes to find them in the sea of bodies. There were too many people to wade through, who stared at her with a mixture of curiosity and distrust. When she finally spotted both men, she saw Eagle next to them. She hesitated because she didn’t relish being under his slimy scrutiny once more. Then, in the next instant, Gabby hauled off and hit Eagle square in the jaw. The man fell back, but he just smiled through the powerful blow, pushed to his feet and returned the hit. Panic flooded through her and she hurried forward, intent on breaking up the brawl, but Boone grabbed her about the waist to hold her back. Soon, most of the Knights were watching the two big men fighting it out. Eagle had blood running from his mouth while Gabby’s cheek had been split. She screamed, but the futile sound was drowned out amidst the cheers and encouragement of the watching spectators. All she could do was wait until it was over.


* * * *


“What do you think?” Boone muttered to Gabby as they settled into the background with beers in their hands.

Gabby enjoyed a party like any other man, but it was hard to relax when they were surrounded by men wearing different colors. If the Whiskey Knights had been friends of the Men of Hell, it would be a completely different ball game. As it was, all he could do was try to ignore the unease twisting through him.

“I think everything Stone Cold said was a crock of shit,” Gabby replied.

Boone nodded and took a sip of beer. “Me too. How did he know who our new supplier was? Or that we were flat broke?”

“A spy?” Gabby asked.

“I don’t know,” Boone said. “I thought Romeo took care of the traitors in our midst. But what’s Stone Cold’s angle?”

“That I don’t know.”

Eagle sidled up to them with a knowing smirk deforming his lips. Gabby was sick and tired of seeing the smug look on the man’s face, as if he knew a secret everyone else didn’t.

“So what ’cha think of the meeting?” Eagle asked.

Boone shrugged. “Still processing.”

“Yeah. I understand. By the way, sweet little piece you have.”

Gabby tensed.

“I’m sure you’re talking about my bike,” Boone replied coldly.

“No,” Eagle replied breezily, as if he didn’t recognize the danger presented in both of them. “I was talking about your piece of ass. I was wondering if you’d be willing to share her.”

Gabby’s fist flew instantly, smashing into the Knight’s lip and splitting it. Eagle fell back, but he didn’t stay down long. He jumped up and charged, and the brawl only escalated. Fists and blood flew. Vaguely Gabby heard someone shouting at him to stop, but he’d be damned if he’d quit until the fucking asshole lay unmoving on the ground. Eagle might not have been as muscular, but he definitely held his own, giving as good as he was taking. Soon everyone was watching, urging them on. Their cries of encouragement rang in his ears, trigging the memory of another fight. Another time. When he’d been forced to fight his countrymen or risk them being killed. For a second, everything faded around him, and he was back on the sand. Back in that fucked-up hellhole. Sickness snaked inside him and he stumbled back, staring in horror at Eagle, struggling to breathe.

Instead of charging, Eagle stared at him in confusion. Then he backed down. Gabby looked around, saw Kaiya staring at him with wide, terrified eyes, and disgust sluiced through him. It had happened again. The madness had taken over for an instant. Horrified, Gabby turned and hurried away, pushing through the throng of people waiting for the fight to resume. He left the area, grabbing some booze to help him through the night. He left Kaiya in Boone’s care because she was better off with him. Boone wasn’t the monster. He wasn’t the one going crazy.

Gabby knew it was a matter of time until he lost his sanity for good. The madness never truly went away. He just wished he had the strength to end it all before he hurt someone he loved.

Like Kaiya.



Chapter Fourteen




Kaiya took a step after him, but Boone grabbed her arm and halted her. She frowned at him.

“He needs to be alone.”

She shook her head.

“Listen, Kaiya,” he said, placing both hands on her shoulder. “Gabby has problems and sometimes his way of dealing is by being alone. He would not want you with him right now. He doesn’t want anyone with him. Including me.”

He linked their fingers together and tugged her away from the spot where Gabby had disappeared. She kept glancing back until the throng of people closed around them and he was lost within a sea of bodies. The loss was monumental somehow, and she had a niggling feeling that this moment would be significant at some point down the line. It gave her a moment of pause as she contemplated if she was strong enough to handle whatever dark burden Gabby carried. After all, Chloe had shielded her from much of the messed-up situation of their family, and Kaiya was rapidly discovering that breaking free from the restrictions placed upon her meant facing a barrage of unknown emotions.

Someone must have turned the bass on or turned it up because it vibrated through the ground and caused some of the more scantily clad women to shake their assets. As they made their way through the throng of gyrating bodies and clouds of pot smoke, she realized Boone was well known among this group. Maybe it was respect for the patch he wore, the words Vice President white and bold upon his cut, or maybe it was the fact that he was just a big motherfucker. Men greeted him, and Boone socialized, a mask slipping over his face to be friendly to the natives. However, Kaiya could only think about Gabby. The look of fear and devastation on his face would haunt her for some time. She’d seen the same look upon Chloe’s face a time or two. Gabby must have gone through something very traumatic to put such bleak hopelessness in his eyes. She wished she could hold him and reassure him that things would be better, but she had no idea what that could be since she didn’t know his past. Was he keeping her out deliberately? She looked at Boone. Were they both blocking her out on purpose?

As the hours slipped by, she nursed the one beer Boone had handed her. Partly because she wanted to keep her wits about her but also because she didn’t want to chance running into Eagle again at the restroom. She occasionally saw him mingling through the throng of people. His laser gaze didn’t seem to miss anything, and she never saw alcohol in his hands. Every once in a while their eyes would meet, and her insides froze until she would press against Boone for a semblance of safety, but the truth of the matter was that something didn’t sit well with this club. Her stomach cramped, and she couldn’t shake the fact that all wasn’t what it seemed.

At some point, she and Boone had ended up near the outskirts of the party, closer to one of the barns. Boone touched her shoulder, and she looked up at him.

“You are thinking so loud I can feel it.”

She gave a ghost of a smile at his phrasing and signed back. “I am worried about Gabby. And I don’t like this club.”

He nodded. “I don’t either,” he signed back.

“Will you recommend them to Romeo for the collaboration?”

“Hell, no.”

Night had fallen and a cache of wood was added to the bonfire, causing the flames to rise high. Firelight twirled around the dancers nearby, adding an element of sensuality to their writhing bodies. In the sunlight, they had seemed garish, but the shadows flickering around them turned them into works of erotic art. Maybe it was all the alcohol flowing but with the darkness came a sense of carnal permission—freedom. Men and women engaged with all sorts of sexual acts, from blow jobs to outright fucking. Kaiya had watched porn on the Internet, but she’d never seen it on such display, live and in her face. At first, the blatant promiscuity was startling, but when Boone settled his hand on the nape of her neck, a shiver of awareness ran down her body at the control he wielded in his hands. He could easily wrap his fingers around her neck and strangle the breath from her body. He kissed her shoulder as he explored her body, moving his hand from her neck to roam down her waist and span around her hips. He pulled her back against his body and ground his very hard denim-clad cock into her ass. Desire flared through her, heart hammering in excitement. With Boone behind her, Kaiya stared at the debased revelry happening around them. It gave her a thrill to realize she was part of it, joining the others in voyeuristic pleasure.

As Boone continued his tender assault on her body, her arousal grew until her pussy throbbed with desire, wet and sensitive against the crotch of her jeans. The lust in front of her became an aphrodisiac. She couldn’t look away from it as it drew her in with gossamer strings, trapping her in a sensual web of passion. Boone slid his hand down her pelvis to the fastening of her pants and deftly undid them enough so he could slip his hand inside. Featherlike strokes touched her at first as he parted her moist folds to find her clit. The little bud practically went up in flames when he rubbed it. He pushed one long finger inside her pussy, and she instantly clamped down to suck it deeper into her channel. God, she really wanted his cock to fill her up. Kaiya squirmed as Boone continued finger-fucking her and she rotated her hips more into his groin, relishing the hardness contained behind the zipper. In response, he added another finger and she couldn’t help but rock against his hand, seeking the climax she so desperately craved.

Her gaze met the amused stare of Lisa, who stood next to her old man. Stone Cold seemed oblivious to Boone and Kaiya as he talked to some men, but Lisa never took her gaze away, and desire slammed through Kaiya so quick and hot that it burned her up. Voyeurism was a new kink and knowing that someone saw her go up in flames was an experience too wild to tame. As Boone sucked on the side of her neck, she splintered apart. She hurtled off the precipice, and loved the rush toward ecstasy that gained by the second. It was beyond reason, beyond will, beyond anything but sensation, made more lascivious by having Lisa watch her fly apart.

When she rode the quivers of her orgasm, Boone pulled his fingers from her pussy and offered them to her, glistening with her own wet juices. Keeping her eyes fixated on Lisa, Kaiya sucked each finger into her mouth one by one. Then Boone took her hand to drag her away into the darkness, and the connection to Lisa was broken.

She had no time to process that, however, as Boone pushed her against the side of the barn and kissed her, hard. She encircled his neck as the tension built once more through her body.

“Get your jeans off.”

She read his lips when he broke the kiss and could only imagine the husky growl accompanying the words. He was already unzipping his own jeans. Kaiya couldn’t move fast enough, awkwardly toeing off her boots as she pulled down her pants. She’d only just gotten one leg free when Boone tore her panties off with a mighty tug. He swept her up and pressed her back against the aluminum siding of the barn, using it to help support her as he reached between them and lined his cock up with her wet, aching pussy. Once the tip was seated just inside her channel, he grabbed her ass, held tight and surged forward, filling her in one deep thrust.

Both moaned at the exquisite feeling.

At any second they could be caught. Someone could walk around the side of the barn and see them on display, and the knowledge that they were out in the open sent a salacious thrill through her. Boone pounded into her, driving her pleasure up, but also seeking his own. This was raw, unfiltered fucking, and she loved it. Loved how the moonlight shown down upon them and made it all the more graphic.

Foreplay wasn’t needed, not when she’d just been consumed with fire a moment ago. Need slammed hot and heavy through her.
Kaiya grunted as Boone buried his cock into her, again and again. He was so big and hard and all she could do was hang on and let her orgasm rise quickly through her body. He pumped her rhythmically at first as he gripped her ass cheeks tightly and moved her up and down on his dick. She couldn’t hold back the moan as his cock penetrated deep into her pussy. She shuddered as an orgasm swept through her body, and he increased his pace. Now he plunged harder, out of control, and a second later he stiffened in her arms as his hot cum flooded her. He rested his forehead against hers as he shook in the aftermath of bliss. He kissed her softly on the forehead, then he pulled away and tucked his softening cock back inside his pants

BOOK: Madness Ends
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