Read Madness Under the Royal Palms Online
Authors: Laurence Leamer
“What do you want us to do?”: Interview, Bruce Sutka.
One of the drag queens stood:
Palm Beach Post
, January 8, 1995.
“Oh my God…”: Interview, Bruce Sutka.
Chapter Twenty-Three
a totally nude: Interview, Eles Gillet.
The gentleman in question arrived: Discussion, Alexander Gauderi.
“I don’t have any problem…”: Interview, OTR.
“In my whole life…”: Interview, Arnold Scassi.
“Gays are never truly…”: Interview, Parker Ladd.
“Most gay trophy guys…”: Ibid.
but the $8,800,000 home: Palm Beach County Appraisers Public Access.
“There is so much…”: Interview, Mark Brentlinger.
Two days before Christmas: Interviews Mark Brentlinger and Bryan McDonald and
Palm Beach Post,
January 11, 2008.
On his one visit…Ibid.
He came back: Interview, Bryan McDonald.
“People take their pen…”: Interview, Mark Brentlinger.
“In the gay world…” Ibid.
He had a large collection:
Miami Herald
, May 25, 1998.
Jimmy loved Staffordshire Cavalier:
Miami Herald
, May 25, 1998.
“Well, you know, most artists…”: Interview, James Barker.
Chapter Twenty-Four
punctuated with nightmares: Interview, Wolfgang Keil.
collapsed into abject despair: Interview, Fred Keller.
Chapter Twenty-Five
“My book will likely be…”: letter author to Fred Keller, February 2, 2007.
“You talk about your love…”: Taped hearing before the Honorable Edward A. Garrison in State of Florida Plaintiff, vs. Fred Keller defendant, April 13, 2007.
“is a kind of confidence man…”: Janet Malcolm,
The Journalist and the Murderer
(1990), p. 1.
“He’s still my dad but there’s no…”: Taped conversation between Dr. Alexander and Fredchen Keller in re: Guardianship of Fred L. Keller, a minor.
“relocating to Florida, going…”: Letter Fred Keller to Austin Keller, November 6, 2006.
“It was a tragic thing to see”: Interview, Bennett Cohn.
Wolfgang insisted on seeing:
Palm Beach Post
, August 27, 2007.
The boy usually sits: Angie Keil Bovi’s testimony in Fred “Fredchen” Keller’s lawsuit against his father’s estate, February 29, 2008,
“Fred Keller spent his whole”: Interview, Dr. Alexander.
Chapter Twenty-Six
“Sonny, you know, I’ve been broke…”: Interview, Eric Purcell.
One day in January 2003:
Boston Globe
, June 5, 2003.
Sonny decided to bid:
Boston Globe
, June 5, 2003.
“Who the hell is that?”: Interview, Shannon Donnelly.
Who said that if one can read: G. Heath King.
Existence Thought Style: Perspectives of a Primary Relationship Portrayed through the Work of Søren Kierkegaard
(1996), p. 13.
The psychoanalyst sensed: Interview, Dr. S. Heath King.
“Quite frankly, I suspect…”: E-mail Dr. S. Heath King to Sonny Peixoto, March 3, 2006.
“You know, I’m not going to live very long…”: Interview, Eric Purcell.
“Sonny says this is the best place”: Interview, Ashley Swain.
She sidled away from Sonny and hugged King: Interview, Dr. S. Heath King.
Chapter Twenty-Seven
it troubled her to be dating: Interview, Natalie Kalinka Paavola.
“Amity said she needed the attention”: Interview, Ashley Swain.
“looked like a mobster”:
Atlanta Journal-Constitution,
June 5, 2007.
He had no money, so he borrowed: Interview, Eric Purcell.
“She said he made no noises…”: Interview, Ashley Swain.
He realized that Sonny was doing: Interview, Dr. S. Heath King.
“In 2004, he pleaded guilty…”:
Palm Beach Post
, March 4, 2007.
“Let’s get together around eight o’clock…”: Interview, Eric Purcell.
“Gee, this is nice”:
Palm Beach Post
, June 6, 2007.
As Bruce stood there, Sonny fell: Interview, Bruce Sutka.
Eric decided that it might be: Interview, Eric Purcell.
Chapter Twenty-Eight
The late Philip Rauch: Palm Beach County Property Appraiser Public Access System.
“I needed a man”: Interview, Jasmine Horowitz.
Sonny’s brother Samuel:
Palm Beach Post
, April 25, 2008.
He took her to see: Interview, Marianne Strong.
On the morning of the 50th annual gala: Interview, Eric Purcell.
“built a billion-dollar fortune…”:
, October 13, 1997, p. 108.
“God has given us a lot”: Interview, Patrick Park.
“the standouts were the high-drama”:
Palm Beach Daily News
, February 18, 2008.
a 2005 Rocca Bernarda: Wine list provided by Palm Beach Cancer Society.
Dinner would start: Photographed by Robert Nelson,
Palm Beach Illustrated,
February 2008.
Dan was further diagnosed: Interview, Dan Ponton and
Palm Beach Post
, December 26, 2007.
“David was born”: Photo of tombstone,
Who’s Who in America
, 2008, and interview, Barbara Wainscott.
He spent a reputed:
Palm Beach Post
, January 6, 2008.
Chapter Twenty-Nine
He was number four:
, September 27, 1902.
“My beef with Boardman…”:
May 11, 2002.
married forty-five years:
Palm Beach Daily News
, March 12, 2000.
Then five years later:
New York Times
, December 7, 2005. 303 In 2008, her other brother:
Palm Beach Daily News
, July 10, 2008.
“I tried with my two children, to say…”: Interview, Pauline Pitt.
“A lot of very nice people live here…”: Ibid.
marine fighter pilot:
Palm Beach Daily News
, January 2, 2005.
Stan’s marriage to Dina:
Palm Beach Post
, April 24, 2005.
In 1973 Stan and Dina’s:
New York Times
, September 9, 1973.
divorced in 1988:
Miami Herald
, April 8, 1988.
married two years later:
Palm Beach Post
, March 13, 1990.
bought a house on Everglades:
Palm Beach Post
, December 17, 1995.
“I want to keep Palm Beach the way it is which is the way I know it”: Interview, Stanely Rumbough.
“Mrs. Post’s arrogant and aloof daughter…”: Donald Trump,
The Art of the Comeback
(1997), p. 64.
National Doubles championships:
New York Times
, August 15, 1951.
Pebble Beach:
San Francisco Chronicle
, January 29, 1986.
“I don’t think Palm Beach has…”: Interview, Stanley Rumbough.
people on the sidewalk: Interviews, Jeffrey A. Cloninger and Gunilla von Post.
Barker did not know: Interview, James Barker.
police say he pushed one of them: Palm Beach Police Department Incident Report, occurrence date May 5, 2008.
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Stumbling on Happiness
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Hemphill, C. Dallett.
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Johnston, Alva.
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Kasson, John F.
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Florida’s Flagler
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