Magical Mayhem (21 page)

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Authors: Amity Maree

BOOK: Magical Mayhem
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Linda did her best to lie still and accept the spanking. She knew that Jon was far from being done. He didn't spank too hard at first, but before he was done, she would be sobbing. Her bottom was already stinging when his hand moved lower to spank her upper thighs. It was his custom to make her sore there, too, and he would save her tender sit spots for last. They would also receive the last spanks that were the hardest of all, and delivered with scolding words that would sting her pride and heart most of all. Submitting to a spanking was not an easy thing to do, but she and Jon learned early on that if their marriage was going to survive there had to be a way to hold her destructive temper in check. The first time he spanked her, it was on impulse and out of exasperation. Instead of getting furious and throwing him out of her life, Linda curled up in his arms afterwards and told him she was sorry for being such a bitch to him. They researched online, and found other couples who practiced what they called Domestic Discipline, and Linda thought it would be great to have another couple to talk to who understood this kind of marriage. Megan needed someone to confide in, too, and Six certainly needed Jon's advice.

Jonathan put his hand into the elastic of Linda's panties and said, "Raise up a bit, Lin, so I can pull down your panties. The rest of this spanking will be on the bare." The garment provided little protection from his hand, but the benefit of baring her was worth the effort. It shamed her to have them taken down in this manner, and it provided another level of punishment that she would not soon forget.

"But, Jon, your hand is hard enough, honey. Leave them up, please...?" she begged, just as he'd known she would. Even when she knew the spanking was earned, she couldn't resist the natural urge to spare herself the humiliation of having them taken down for the rest of her spanking.

"Do I need to add extras with my belt?" he asked, as he always did. He waited, and finally she rose up just enough he could pull them down. He could hear her crying, and knew it was time to bring the spanking to intensity. He started spanking again, this time very deliberately, and covering every inch of her backside with spanks meant to sting and chastise and impart a reminder that her behavior was not acceptable and would not be tolerated in the future, either. Linda's skin turned a deep dark red, and he raised his left thigh to fully expose her sit spots. He would give the last ten right there, and make each one count. "Are you sorry for the way you spoke to Six?" he asked, giving her the first spank on her left sit spot.

"Yes!" Linda cried out, thankful they were at the end, and praying she could survive another nine like the last one. It hurt so much! Jon continued his scolding questions, and the hard spanks, and finally, finally it was over! When he released her legs, she turned on the bed and cried into a pillow. Jon sat beside her and rubbed her back, talking to her, and reassuring her of his love. Linda finally dried her tears and turned towards him, needing a hug. He gladly held her, and everything was as it should be once more.

* * *

Megan told Montague that she didn't want lunch, that her stomach was still queasy. She urged him to have something with Jonathan and Linda, and once the door to the suite was closed, she dressed and then went downstairs and backstage where everything was set up for Montague's lecture. One by one she tampered with his props. When he looked them over before he took the stage, they would seem to be just fine. The real mayhem would occur when it was too late for him to do anything about it. If he could humiliate her so, then she would give him a taste of his own medicine. After all, what could he do about it when he was on stage...? It was the perfect way to show him how she felt.

She went back upstairs, and when Montague returned from lunch, she was putting on her makeup and fixing her hair. A nice shower had relieved some of the pain in her bottom, and truth be told, there wasn't a bruise on her body! Sitting would be arduous at best, but she would be expected to do so for the rest of the afternoon and evening.

"You look beautiful, Meggie," Montague told her once he emerged from the bathroom a few minutes later. "How is your stomach?"

"Better now," she answered, telling the truth.

"Megan, I would like to sit down with you and have a serious talk after the lecture."

"What is there to talk about?" she asked. "You made love to me three times and then you spanked me and then, when I told you I didn't feel like eating, you spanked me again with my hairbrush." She turned on her heel and left the bedroom before he could say anything else.

Montague finished dressing and hurried out into the other room, but Megan had already left. It was usually the other way around, and he was running short on time before the lecture. Speaking to his wife would have to wait until afterwards, and he could only hope she put that nasty attitude of hers on hold. She might be sore, but there was only so much he would tolerate before he put her over his knee once again.

Megan was backstage, talking to one of the men who were putting on the convention. He quickly checked his props. He truly hated lecturing on how to do tricks to other magicians. They were quick to spot any slipups, and right now his mind was on Megan. He hated knowing she was so upset with him. It felt as though a part of him was missing. He tried to catch her attention, but the announcer was on stage, and beginning his introduction. Megan walked over and took her place, too. The curtain opened and they were on to a nice round of applause. Montague acknowledged the audience and went into his first illusion. He was stunned when it failed. He heard the audience groan in sympathy as he felt his face turn red. He gave Megan an apologetic look, only to see her smiling! "Well, something didn't go exactly right, folks..." He moved along with his patter and into his second illusion. It went drastically wrong, too! This time the audience was snickering. Megan looked smug, and he was suspicious. "Am I the victim of a practical joke, darling?" he demanded. She shook her head 'no', but Megan couldn't lie worth a good damn, and he knew the third illusion would fail as well. It was humiliating to be on stage in front of other magicians and try to act as if he wasn't upset. As soon as the thought came to him, he understood who was behind the prank.

"Ladies and gentlemen, it appears that my little assistant is having some fun at my expense. Now, what do you think I should do about it???" He intercepted his wife as she sought to escape the stage. "I could fire her, but then, she is my sweet, loving wife..." He felt her pinch his arm, and he captured her hand in his to prevent it from happening again. "... Firing her seems so... permanent. I think that firing her in another way would be wholly appropriate...?" Montague held his hand threateningly and heard a few gasps from the audience as a couple of ladies caught his meaning, and there were snickers from the men. The audience was made of mostly of magicians and all of them knew how it felt to have a performance go bad. To have it sabotaged was simply unthinkable. "Yes, I think a good 'firing' with my hand on her bottom in a husbandly sort of manner would be acceptable under the circumstances, and I believe that my audience would think it justifiable. What about you, Assistant Megan...? Do you wish to plead for mercy, or perhaps tell your magician husband that you are sorry for pulling such magical mayhem on stage?" Montague thought he was being generous in giving her a chance to say 'sorry'... If she did so, he would take the spanking she earned offstage. If she acted like a hotheaded brat, she was going to get spanked very publicly.

"Let me go," Megan whispered, afraid that he was actually going to spank her on stage for everyone to witness her humiliation. She never should have tampered with his illusions, and she did regret it... now. It had seemed like such a good idea at the time, but now she simply wanted to go and hide in their rooms forever. "Please, Montague... I am sorry!" Tears were in her eyes.

"I see my little prankster is now embarrassed and remorseful, so I will deal with her later... and there will be a later, little one. Magical mayhem is never permitted on stage." Montague released her, but his dark eyes were full of temper and Megan was sure she'd ended their marriage with her stunt.

Montague calmly kept the audience entertained as he reloaded the three illusions and then properly demonstrated them. He gave instructions and suggestions for pleasing the audience, and after his time was up, many of the magicians in the audience came forward to commend him on not calling it quits and running off stage. Montague was a true professional.

He took the praise in stride, still feeling embarrassed and humiliated, and wondering why he hadn't given his wife the onstage spanking she'd earned. When he looked around for her, she was gone. Jonathan was standing to the side, and waiting to catch his attention. He walked over to where Jon stood. "Have you seen Megan?" Six asked, concerned.

"Linda is with her. She said that Megan was going to try and pack and be gone before you came upstairs. Man, what in the hell did you do after we left each other? I thought you were going to talk to her and hopefully apologize...?" Jon didn't mince words. He was embarrassed for his friends. Putting on a public display of that sort wouldn't do one thing for Six's career. Even worse, his marriage was in dire trouble. And, Linda was furious with Six for threatening to spank Megan on stage, even though Jon thought it was exactly what the little redhead deserved.

"Meggie was asleep, and I didn't have a moment alone with her," Six explained.

"Man, you should have woke her. You don't let things fester. It only makes them bigger and harder to deal with. I can't believe she set you up like that!" He was torn with righteous indignation over Megan's stunt and dismay that Six didn't talk to his wife before she did something so public and damning to Six's career.

"She wanted to show me how humiliated she felt... and she picked the one thing she knew that would get to me, and it did," Montague admitted. They took the elevator up to their floor and found Linda trying to bar the door so Megan couldn't leave. Montague took the suitcase out of Megan's hand, kissed Linda on the cheek, and said, "Thanks, Lin. I'll take it from here." When she went to say something, Jon pulled her out the door, leaving Montague alone with Megan.

"You don't have to tell me it's over, Montague. I already know that I ruined everything." Megan had tears streaming down her cheeks.

He dropped the suitcase and reached for her. She backed up a few steps, and the look in her eyes was wary. "I'm not going to hurt you, Meggie. Now come here," he ordered. She looked at him for a few seconds, and then walked toward him. He put his arms around her and held her close.

Megan's heart was aching, and she was crying so hard it was difficult to speak. "I'm sorry."

"I know. I'm sorry, too," he said quietly. "Honey, this whole marriage thing is new to me, too. I'm so sorry I didn't believe you this morning when you said you were so sore. There were no marks, and I felt you couldn't possibly be so sore if I couldn't see at least one bruise. Jon told me different. I was planning to apologize to you when I came up here after breakfast, but you were asleep... and my touch seemed to upset you. I should have woke you up and made you listen to me. I am sorry. I made a mistake, honey. I was too hard on you. Do you think you can forgive me and give me another chance to prove I can be a good husband?"

Megan nodded, and then said, "If you will forgive me, too...? I should have talked to you instead of putting up a wall of anger and planning to get even. It wasn't very mature of me."

"No, it wasn't, but like I said, we are new to this marriage stuff. We can learn from our mistakes and move forward. Right?"

Megan nodded again. "I would like that very much, Montague."

"We are settled on that? We want to be with each other, and you are not going to run away again...? Right?"


"Now then... You do realize that tampering with my illusions was the same as tampering with my career?"

Her cheeks turned pink. "I was so angry that all I could think about was embarrassing you."

"Honey, you can't touch the magic. It is our livelihood. You came damn close to getting your fanny spanked right then and there on stage in front of every last living soul in that audience."

"I know. I'm sorry, Montague. And I'm grateful you took mercy on me and waited until now."

"The last thing I want to do is spank you again when I know you are already in pain, but this was serious, young lady. If we stop getting bookings, or become known as the Feuding Montagues, we won't have any income, and for one, I like to eat. You earned a spanking, didn't you?" He waited to hear her answer.

"Yes," she answered, her voice tiny and small. Megan didn't know how she could possibly handle another spanking on her sore butt, but Montague was right; she deserved a spanking!

"Go into the bedroom, lie over the bed with your bottom bared. I will be in shortly." Once she was in the bedroom, he ran his hand through his hair, trying to decide what to do. He had to make this a true punishment, but he also had to be careful he didn't harm her. He didn't find it acceptable that he made her throw up because she was in so much pain earlier that morning. Montague thought for a while, and then went to see if she obeyed him.

Megan found that waiting for a spanking was even worse than the punishment itself. She was already crying and regretting her actions, and she knew that she would be apologizing to people for the rest of the time they were at the convention. After a few minutes of lying there, Megan wished Montague would simply come in and get it over with. He suddenly appeared and she wondered if she'd conjured him in some way.

"Megan, I want your promise that we will discuss things in the future."

"I promise."

"There is to be no more packing of bags to run away," he stated firmly, dropping her suitcase on the floor at the end of the bed. "Is that understood?"

"Yes, Montague."

"You will also stop calling me Montague. Find something else. Understood?"


"I am going to spank you now, and when it is over, you will have one week to write a five thousand word essay on this weekend and what you have learned." Montague sat on the bed beside her, raised his hand, and gave her bottom a light spank. When Megan gasped, he knew that he wouldn't need to be harsh with her for her to feel the spanks. He scolded as he spanked. "No more pranks on stage." Spank! "Talk to me when you are upset." Spank! "Magic is our livelihood." Spank! "Be patient with me." Spank! "I am sorry I was harsh with you earlier, and this last spank is to reassure you that I won't make that mistake again." Spank!

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