Maid for Hire & Educating Australia (9 page)

BOOK: Maid for Hire & Educating Australia
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She felt the apex of her orgasm building ready to shatter her. She had no sheets to fist, no pillows to clutch, so she grabbed on to his biceps, rising to meet every thrust.

He groaned.

"Oh, right there. Please, right there," she moaned. One more thrust was all it took to push her over the edge. She arched her back; her head falling backwards and on a silent, but sharp inhale, she came.

He pushed into her harder, faster, without mercy, without control and when he came there was nothing silent about his climax.

He collapsed atop her, his face tucked into the curve of her neck. His breathing was heavy, as was hers. When she could speak she said, "I don't think I'll ever be able to listen to this song again without feeling you inside of me."

He laughed. "So this is our song then."

"You have perfect timing, making me come at the height of the sexiest part of the song."

"I wasn't thinking about the music."

She stroked a long line down his spine with her fingertips. "I should hope not."

He eased out of her. Looking down he cursed. "I didn't wear a condom."

"I know," she whispered. She wasn't on the pill, but she knew her cycle like clockwork and she knew she wasn't fertile at the moment. "I'm clean," she added.

"I am too."

She felt some sense of relief. "Well in the future we should try to remember to use something.” That is if he wanted her again in the future.

"I'll buy a couple boxes," he stood.

"Kyle, you're gorgeous." She admired his muscles before dropping her eyes to his penis.

"The view's not so bad from here either." He pulled on his pants.

"You don't have to go." She didn't want him to go.

"I'm glad you said that. He lifted her into his arms.

"What are you doing?"

"Getting you off that hard mat. Where's the bedroom?"

She pointed left. "That way."

As he carried her into the bedroom she took advantage of feeling his naked chest. She liked the slight strip of hair down the center of his chest, silky and smooth like the hair on his head.

He placed her down on the bed and pulled off his pants. He was so beautiful. She had thought that before she saw him naked, but seeing him naked just increased her belief that the man was a vision of artistic splendor.

"I could get lost inside you all night."

She smiled. "So stay all night." Her breath caught in anticipation. He may not have wanted that commitment. Staying all night meant they were more than just sexual partners for the duration of the act. She wanted to be more. She would be lying if she said she only thought about sex with him because in reality she had wanted so much more. She started falling for him from the moment she saw him and maybe that was lust then, but at every class she found herself falling for the essence of the man, his goodness, honesty and willingness to help people. He was one of the good guys and she knew that.

"Can I stay all morning too?"

"Yes," she exhaled slowly. "But I have band practice and the guys are coming here at ten. If you stay past practice we can have a late lunch."

"I can assure you lunch isn't going to be first and foremost in my mind."

She giggled. "No?"

"If only you knew how turned on I was watching you play at Raven's Nest."

"How turned on were you?" Her voice was low and sultry.

"Mt. St. Helen's waiting to blow."

She laughed. She wanted to talk long-term, but now was not the time. She didn't want to scare him, and telling a man she wanted more than sex, that she loved him, was in her opinion the fastest way to push him out of her bed.

He had taken her twice more that night to the point of exhaustion. The last thing she remembered was resting her head on his chest. When she woke up she was still in his arms and he was ready once again.

He let her up only because she insisted on brushing her teeth. She pulled a new toothbrush from her linen closet and handed it to him.

They had just finished brushing their teeth when he entered her again and made her come. When he carried her back to bed and got in beside her she smiled as she looked up at the ceiling. "You are dangerous," she mumbled.

"How so?"

"You make me want to forget about working and just stay in bed."

"You need more self discipline," he laughed and she cut his laugh short by fondling his penis.

"Self discipline huh?"

He groaned with pleasure and she stopped.

"You're right. I should shower."

She hopped out of bed.

"Don't develop it now," he called behind her and proceeded to follow her. She laughed again as she started the shower.

"Oh no," she held him at bay. "You're right; no time like the present to take control of my life'"

"You were listening to my lecture."

He pulled her into him and she fell softly against his chest. "The guys will be here in a half hour."

He mumbled something she couldn't understand. "Okay," he turned her, patted her on her butt and entered the shower with her.

Chapter Three

hen the band members arrived Kyle saw the look Mike D gave him, as if he shouldn't be there.

"He's a good guy," Australia had said. "Nick, Jake, this is Kyle. Kyle this is Nick and Jake."

"What's up?" Jake shook his hand followed by Nick. Mike D still looked at him as if he wanted to fight.

"Let's get started."


"Nah. Let's start with Mosaic," he squared his shoulders, "for the good guy."

Australia rolled her eyes.

They rehearsed for nearly five hours before going over the setup for their next gig and leaving. Kyle was glad they were gone because he wanted his woman naked and in bed. She was his; he hoped she saw it that way because last night he had given her himself. He wanted no other woman.

All week he spent his days working and his nights in bed with Australia. When Friday's class came she greeted him professionally and then joined the other women. They had both agreed to keep their relationship out of the dojo.

"We're in the small room for the first half. I have a martial arts video I'd like to show." Kyle ushered them into the break room with the big screen television.

"I'll get it started and then I have to prep for my class," Rick hooked up the connection making sure the cables were secured.

"I saw this guy in San Francisco last year. He's good. Maybe you can take some points from his moves." He pressed the power button on the television. "I haven't seen this particular DVD as we just got it from FedEx an hour ago. So we can all watch it together."

He signaled Rick to start the video as he walked back to the back of the room to join Rick. The screen did the typical fade to black, copyright information and then another fade to black.

"Five minutes and then I'll go set up." Rick took a seat which assured Kyle his brother had every intention of staying for the thirty minute show.

"Oh my God!" Australia jumped up and ran to the back of the room. "Turn it off!"

The screen drew his attention. There was a very naked Australia with him thrusting inside of her. The video was shot from outside. He could tell because the blinds were in the shot. Some pervert had been watching her. Not just watching, but taping.

"Shut it off!" She yelled again as Rick attempted to stop the feed.

"It's not working. I can't get it to shut off."

Kyle reached the television right as she finished her on screen climax. He punched the power button, turning the television off. She was red in her cheeks and her eyes were watered.

The other women looked at her and whispered to themselves while shaking their head. Tony laughed loudly.

"Now we know what it takes to loosen her up." He laughed again. "Thanks for the tip."

Kyle looked into her eyes and could see her pain. "Shut up, Tony."

She turned and ran from the room nearly knocking Steve over as he tried to come in and she tried to get out.

The room erupted with laughter.

"Can I get a copy of that?"

Kyle heard Tony say on his way out of the room. He needed to find Australia. There were only a couple places she could be; he opted to check the locker room.


She slammed the locker shut. "Don't," she cautioned. "There is no way I can go back in there."

"I know..."

"No you don't. You can have sex with the entire Dallas cheerleading squad and come off looking like a choir boy. Did you see how they looked at me? I've never been so humiliated in my life!"

"Australia, please?" He softened his voice.

"And they saw our most intimate moment; my most intimate moment." She started breathing heavily. "I can't" She dropped her bag and he quickly approached her.
She pushed him away. "I...can't...breathe."

She was hyperventilating. He urged her to sit down. "Slow," he rubbed her back. "Easy breaths. It's okay."

Tears streamed down her cheek as her breathing started to return to normal.

She started sobbing and he sat beside her, pulling her into his arms.

"I can't go back in there. I can't face them."

He took her hand in his. "How about if we face them together?"

She shook her head no. "I can't."

"Yes you can," he gave a gentle squeeze to her hand before picking up her bag. "I'll even lock this in my office so you won't have to come back in here."

He watched her bite her bottom lip and he knew she was considering the option. Slowly she shook her head yes. He felt pride mixed with relief that she had trusted him. She would face this with him, not alone.

She had been right about one thing, none of the students looked condemningly at him as they had at her. Kyle dropped her bag in his office and then walked over and joined the class. "Thanks, Rick," he knew Rick still needed to get ready for his class. His students were already starting to file in.

"I'll assist," Steve offered. He wasn't in uniform, but that didn't stop him from helping with instruction. Kyle nodded in agreement.

"Partner up," he said dryly.

One by one they found partners. All the women avoided Australia. The one guy she almost partnered with ended up siding with Tony instead.

"She's not very good anyway," he heard Tony say.

"Hey, I'll partner with you," Steve offered. Kyle was relieved when she accepted.

"Come one, come all," Grace said and the women giggled. There was no mistaking the meaning behind the words.

"I can't do this," she looked to Kyle before returning her attention to Steve. "I'm sorry." She briskly walked towards Kyle's office.

"Cover me," he said as he jogged to catch up with her.

She pulled on the locked door.


"Open," she said. He complied and watched her grab her bag. "I just can't."

"I understand."

"Call me tomorrow?"

"Of course."

He watched her leave. Tomorrow he would call in some favors and try to find out who had switched the discs. He was angry. Having his naked behind shown to his class wasn't his ideal either, but what pissed him off was seeing Australia suffer.

Finishing off his class had taken effort—effort and self control. Once they were all gone he didn't bother to shower and change clothes. He just wanted to get home. No, he wanted to get to Australia, to hold her while she cried because he was sure she was crying. He was also sure she wanted to be alone from the way she had emphasized "tomorrow" when she asked him to call her.

"I know this isn't the best time," Rick professed, "but I'm glad it was her."

"Amen to that," Steve chimed in. "I hate what happened here tonight but if you were going to fall for anybody she was our number one pick."

"Don't go picking out the china pattern," he quipped.

"Oh please, big brother. You don't have sex with women for the sake of a few minutes of pleasure."

"Yeah, that's Rick's job," Steve added and Rick rolled his eyes.

"It's been over a year since Penelope and even though we set you up on dates you never bedded any of them."

"More importantly," Steve added; "you never looked at any of them the way you look at her."

They were right. He loved her. He knew he was in trouble the moment he started looking forward to her over analytical conversations. Fridays suddenly became his favorite day because he knew he would see her in class. He loved her. He loved her and he was going to show her, but not tonight. Tonight he would give her the space she had silently asked for.

As for her lessons, well he would just have to do private instruction. There was no way he was leaving her vulnerable, especially not when some psycho was stalking her. Any man bold enough to send proof of his actions was stable enough to be considered smart, and unstable enough to be considered dangerous. He would suggest moving in with him, but it was too soon and he didn't want to scare her away. He also knew she wouldn't want to sell that sweet spread of hers for a downtown Seattle condo no matter how great the view was. Maybe he could just stay overnight at her place until he figured out who had sent that video. He would have put his money on Tony being the culprit had he not seen his reaction firsthand. No, Tony looked just as surprised as everybody else. He looked surprised and angry, before he took to tormenting Australia.

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