Maid for You (Regular Sex Issue 5) (3 page)

BOOK: Maid for You (Regular Sex Issue 5)
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'In here, or upstairs
on the bed?' He's kissing my neck, and his hand slides inside the loosened
bodice and cups my breast.

'Either,' I
whisper. He peels my dress down to reveal my breasts, then lowers his mouth
over one of my nipples. After a second he remembers the game and randomly picks
up one of the cards he dropped onto the floor a couple of minutes ago.

'What's your
favourite sexual position?' he reads, then returns to the task of completely unlacing
the dress and peeling it down to my waist.

'Easy,' I say. 'Call
me dull, but missionary.'

'Tell me why.' He
stands up and helps me to my feet too, then holds my hand for me to step out of
the maid costume. I'm left in stockings, suspenders and heels, and the way he
looks at me sets my skin on fire.

'You look even
better out of it,' he says and then he moves in and kisses me, a full on late
night, date-night snog and I slide my arms around him and kiss him back before
I speak again.

'I like the
intimacy of kissing you when we make love. The weight of your body on mine, the
way you hold my face sometimes.'

Suddenly I feel
emotional, and Don cups my face in his hands and kisses me, shiver soft.

'I love you,' he
whispers, and there's the same thickness there in his voice that I heard in my
own. He reaches down and picks up our glasses. 'Have a drink, then I'll tell
you my favourite position.'

We both drain our
glasses, and when I look at him, his eyes shine and he looks nineteen again,
messy haired and unable to keep his hands off me. It's heady, and Christ, it's
horny. He puts our empty glasses on the table and pulls me back down on the
sofa on top of him.

'I like you on
top,' he says, and he pushes my shoulders gently. I sit up, his cock pushing
against his jeans between my legs.

'Tell me why,' I
say, reaching between my legs to rub him.

He half laughs,
half groans. 'Because you're fucking beautiful, Cheryl. I like to watch your
tits bounce when I fuck you, the way you throw your head back when you come.
It's what I think about when I masturbate in the shower, the way you look
bouncing on my cock. The way you look right now.'

It's all such a revelation,
such a turn on. Whoever invented this game needs a medal; it's like being given
a backstage pass into each other's heads.

I lean over and
pick up another gift from the pile and hand it to him.

'Open this one
now,' I smile, slowly unpicking the buttons of his jeans.

He rips the paper
and inspects the contents. 'A vibrating cock ring?'

I climb off him
and he lifts his hips to help me when I pull his jeans down his thighs. He's
commando, naked, and his cock springs up hard between as I drop his jeans on
the floor and kneel on the floor beside him. He's laid out for my pleasure, and
I gorge my eyes on him.

I kiss him; his
mouth, his chest, my hand closing around his erection as I let my hair sweep
down his body. I take him in my mouth, an unhurried prelude that makes him
stroke my hair and murmur my name in a way that sends a shiver down my back. I
reach for the lube that was in the wrapping with the cock ring and rub a little
over my palms, then over his cock, and he watches me, his breath short and raspy.

I open the cock
ring and stretch it between my fingers, as if I know what I'm doing. I ought to
given that I'm a woman in my thirties, but I don't, unless you count watching
the instructional video on-line. It doesn't matter though. Don's cock is raging,
fully erect; he's totally into this, playing with my breasts as he watches me
with gleaming, lust-filled eyes.

I slide the ring
between my slippery palms and then open it wide and slide it over him, all the
way down to the base of his cock. I flick my eyes up to his as I click the
vibrator on, and get a kick out of the thrill of surprise in his eyes.

'Good?' I murmur,
letting my oiled hand return to his shaft. God, I love him, it comes from
nowhere and almost overwhelms me as he looks deep into my eyes, into my heart.

'Come here,' he
breathes the words, and I climb up on top of him, my thighs spread over his.

'Is this how you
like it, Don?' I close my fingers around his cock and rub him between my legs.

'God, Cheryl,
look at you...' he whispers. 'I really, really need to fuck you.'

I nod, because it
is the only coherent thought in my head too, this visceral, animal need to
couple. I feel connected to him in a way I've never been or will be with anyone
else on this planet, he is my husband, my protector, my true love.

His hand slides
down to position his cock against me and then he puts his hands on my hips and
guides me down all the way onto him until I'm spread wide and my clit presses
against the vibrator.

'Oh!' I gasp, and
my mouth falls open a little. Don nods, his eyes feverish.

'I know,' he
whispers as I start to move on him, glad of the momentary relief from the
vibrations each time I let his cock move almost out of me before I take him
back inside me again.

He flips me
suddenly, reversing our positions so that his weight pushes me down against the
yielding comfort of the cushions. I love him for it; for giving me my favourite
position when I had given him his.

His fingers
tangle with mine as he holds my hands over my head in one of his own, his other
hand cupping my jaw as he makes love to me in the way only true lovers can.
It's fucking, but it's so much more besides too. He's kissing me and we're both
gasping, his damp forehead resting against mine.

'Feel it,' he
whispers, licking his tongue into my mouth as he tips his hips hard against mine
so the vibrator buzzes intensely on me. 'Feel it on your clit.'

The words are new
in his mouth and new in my ears, explicit and ours now as I do as I'm told and
stop fighting it. It's instant, like a fucking firework has exploded inside my
body; I feel it all the way from my scalp to my red painted toes. It wracks my
body, and Don holds me, waiting, holding back, breathing in my ear as if he's
run a marathon and then almost yelling out as his body tenses underneath me
moments later. I don't think I'll ever forget the look on his face in that
moment; the pure agony and ecstasy of letting go, of his orgasm bursting out
from his body in a way that he could barely keep control of. I hold him, kiss him
fiercely, cradle his head as he rests it on my shoulder.

It wasn't just
the best sex we'd ever had. It was fucking, but it was so much more than that
too. It was connecting, reconnecting, it was remembering and it was paying
reverence to the love we'd let slide. It was a reminder than I am his and he is
mine, that together we have built a temple to our love. He is the stars in my
sky, and I am his life jacket in the deep blue ocean.

My eyes fall on
the presents on the table. The two he's opened so far are tame by comparison.

'You still have
more gifts to open.'

He rolls us onto
our sides and gathers me into his chest, our limbs entangled as he half laughs
and half groans.

'Jesus, woman.
I'm forty, not twenty.'

I stroke his
back. 'One of them is a naughty nurse outfit.'

My beautiful, hot
Dr. Don pauses for a second and squeezes my ass.

'What are the

I think about the
magic wand and the beginners BDSM kit wrapped up on the table.

I reach down and
pick up my discarded feather duster and run it down his spine, then between the
firm cheeks of his ass.

'You'll have to
unwrap them to find out.'

Don reaches around
and takes the feather duster from my fingers, looking at me with delicious

'I'll ask my
mother to have the kids again next Saturday.'


I hope you enjoyed Don’s birthday!


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Copyright © 2016 Kitty French


All rights reserved. This book or any part thereof
may not be
reproduced or used in any manner whatsoever
without the express written permission of
the author, except for the use of brief quotations in a book review.





The Lucien Knight Trilogy:


Knight & Play

Knight & Stay

Knight & Day


(Also available as a box set)

Complete Knight Trilogy - The USA Today Best-selling Lucien Knight Erotic


Knight & Sleigh – An erotic Lucien Knight
Christmas novella


Genie - A Burlesque Erotic Romance




Regular Sex 1 – The Commute

Regular Sex 2 – Never have Sex with Your Ex

Regular Sex 3 – Do it like Magic Mike

Regular Sex 4 – Meet me at the Kama Sutra


Kitty also writes romantic comedies under the
pseudonym Kat French


Undertaking Love


The Stained Glass Heart

The Piano Man Project

One Hot Summer (May 2016)




USA Today bestselling
author Kitty French lives in the UK with her husband and two young sons.

She also writes
romantic comedy under the pseudonym Kat French.



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