Mail Order Melody (7 page)

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Authors: Kirsten Osbourne

Tags: #Literature & Fiction, #Genre Fiction, #Westerns, #Romance, #Historical, #Victorian, #Historical Romance, #Sample Book

BOOK: Mail Order Melody
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"What are her boys like?"

Eliza looked down at her hands which were folded on the table in front of her. "I really don't know, and that's the God's honest truth. I hate that I don't know, but I've never really had a chance to get to know them. They've lived so far away for so long.
I went home whenever I could, but Sebastian kept me booked up
as much as possible. Even when there wasn't an opera for me to perform in, he'd make singing engagements for
me." She tilted her head to the side, thinking. "You know, I honestly believe he was trying to keep me busy so that I'd be isolated from the rest of the world. When I did go home to see family, he insisted that I stay in the hotel in town, and he had to go with me every day to see them. I don't have any idea how I was able to tolerate the way he controlled me for so long." She hadn't really realized before that Sebastian was deliberately keeping her from her family. Being away from him was eye opening.

"Well, it won't be that way when she gets to us. We'll make sure you see each other as much as you want to." Calvin was surprised to hear she had dealt with her manager's controlling for so long. She seemed too independent to put up with a man like that. A woman had to be at least somewhat independent to get on a train and travel to marry a total stranger.

"Thank you for being so understanding. I should have told you sooner, but I was afraid you'd think less of me for appearing on stage. And worse, I was afraid for my family." Eliza didn't care that they were in public. She took his hand and raised it to her lips, kissing it gently.

"I'm always on your side. Remember that. You were on stage
singing. It's not like you were dancing around and showing your legs."

She laughed nervously, wondering if he'd ever seen an opera. Some of the costumes had shown her legs a bit. "Well, sometimes the costumes were...not as modest as I would have liked." She watched him carefully worried he'd be angry with her for something she'd done before she'd ever known he existed.

He frowned at that, not liking the idea of other men ogling his wife, but understanding that she was doing what she needed to do to help her family. "Well, as long as you didn't enjoy showing your legs, I guess it's all right."

She grinned. "How could I enjoy showing my body to anyone but you?" She was relieved he didn't seem angry with her for past misdeeds.

"Just so you know, I happen to really like your body just like it is." He hoped she was giving up the idea of getting slimmer altogether.

After their meal, they walked back to the hotel having left the horses in the hotel's livery. The front desk clerk called them over as soon as they walked into the hotel. "Telegram for you, Mrs. Simpson."

Eliza took the telegram, reading it eagerly.





She breathed a sigh of relief, looking up at Calvin. "They'll be on the train next week."

He smiled. "Well, then I guess we can head home right after your appointment tomorrow morning." He was relieved that they'd be home by Saturday afternoon so he could work. The next day was Sunday, and he didn't want to have to work on Sunday.

As Eliza was slipping into Calvin's arms that night, she realized that she felt a lot more at peace with everything now that she'd admitted her past to her husband. She should have told him sooner, and everything would have been better for her.

She leaned up on one elbow and looked down at Calvin who was drifting off to sleep after a busy day. "I just want to tell you how much I appreciate you not getting angry with me for not telling you everything when I first arrived."

Calvin smiled and stroked her cheek. "I understand why you didn't. I would have preferred that you'd been honest with me, but with your family's safety on the line, it makes perfect sense that you didn't."

She smiled as she pressed a soft kiss to his lips and stroked
his chest. "What did I ever do to deserve you?"

He pulled her in for a deeper kiss. "I don't know, but I can think of some things for you to do to deserve me."

She laughed. For once she felt like the future was a good place. "Why don't you show me what you have in mind?"

Chapter Seven


Seeing a doctor was something that Eliza had only done a couple of times in her life. She wasn't comfortable with going into his office, but she knew it would alleviate Calvin's worries.

They went to the doctor's home for the appointment. "I usually go to see my patients," Dr. Morgan said with a smile. "It's very unusual that someone comes to me."

Calvin squeezed Eliza's hand as she sat atop the table he had in a room set aside for seeing patients. "We're visiting from a small town with no doctor, and I wanted my wife to be examined while we're here. She's expecting our first."

The doctor smiled as he moved in front of Eliza. "How long have you two been married?"

"Since the first week of December," Eliza answered.

"Oh, that's not long at all. How far along do you think you are?"

"About two months," Eliza answered blushing slightly.

"So you think you conceived right off then?" Dr. Morgan held a tube to her chest to listen to her heart.

"I think so." Eliza wasn't sure when it had happened, but she was sure she was carrying.

"Well, this early on, all I can do is listen to your heart beat and make certain you're healthy." He took her hand and helped her to her feet leading her to a chair at the side of the room. "Do you have a good appetite? Are you sick?"

"I had about two weeks of morning sickness, but it seems to be over now."

"Well, you're lucky then, because most women experience it the whole first three months."

"I want to eat strange things, but other than that I seem to be just fine. I tire more easily than usual." She wasn't certain if he needed to know that, but if there was a chance something was wrong, she wanted it out in the open then.

"That's normal. If you get too tired, it's perfectly acceptable to take a nap in the afternoons." He looked at Calvin with a smile. "Your wife is in perfect health. You need to find someone who delivers babies close to home, but she's fine. I don't foresee any problems, but you never know."

Calvin nodded. "I'll take good care of her."

As they left, Eliza looked at Calvin. "See? Nothing to worry about." She did worry, though. She hated the idea of not having a
midwife or doctor when she delivered.

He slipped his arm around her shoulders and led her to the wagon. "Let's get home then. There's work to be done."




While doing the breakfast dishes on Monday morning, Eliza heard the sound of a horse in the yard. Thinking it was Calvin coming back for something he'd forgotten, she rushed outside. Her face drained of color as she watched Sebastian and another man she'd never met dismount and walk toward her. The man behind him was wearing a badge.

"What have you done?" His strides were long, and his eyes were flashing with anger.

"I came out here to marry." Surely even Sebastian could understand people married.

He sighed. "Go pack your things." He nodded to the man behind him. "I brought Marshal Bellows. No one will hurt you."

Eliza shook her head. "I won't. I'm married." She didn't mention the child she was expecting.

"I know you're married. I also know you wouldn't have married unless he was threatening you in some way. I'll take care of
you." He crossed his arms over his chest as if daring her to defy him. "Go get your things."

"He didn't threaten me. I came here of my own freewill." She knew he would find it hard to believe that she wanted more from life than just to sing every day, but she did. She needed love in her life. It had been missing for altogether too long.

Sebastian looked baffled for a moment before he took her arm, leading her into the house. "So you can leave of your own freewill. Get your things packed."

Eliza dug in her heels, realizing it was the first time she'd ever openly defied him. "I can't." She wasn't about to leave her husband and go back to a life she didn't enjoy.

The marshal stepped between them. "Sounds like she's happy here, Mr. King. You can't just take a happy woman."

True to form, Sebastian ignored the reasonable words and spoke directly to Eliza. "Why can't you? Will he hurt you if you leave? I'll take care of him." He looked around for Calvin.

"No, it's not that." Eliza bit her lip wondering how much she should tell him about what was going on. If she told him the truth, would he go away and leave her alone?

"Then why can't you leave?" His voice was low and dangerous, his ruddy complexion looking worse than
usual in his anger.

"I got a letter at the last train stop in Beckham. It said they would hurt my sister and nephews if I didn't quit singing." She knew it wouldn't get rid of him forever, but she wanted Sebastian to leave for a while at least. He had to understand she couldn't endanger her family.

The marshal eyed her. "Do you want the law involved, ma'am?"

Eliza shook her head. "Please no! I'm afraid they'll hurt my family if the authorities are involved."

Sebastian studied her for a moment before dropping her arm. "Who sent it?"

Eliza shrugged, her voice shaking. "That's the thing. I don't know. They said I couldn't tell anyone."

"You're telling me the truth, aren't you? So how did you end up in Missouri married then?" Sebastian looked at her skeptically.

Eliza briefly explained what had happened in the women's waiting room at the train station. "It seemed like the only logical
thing to do. I left and started ove
r. No one here knows I was L'An
gelina except my husband. Here, I'm just Eliza Simpson."

L'Angelina." Sebastian sounded angrier than ever.

"How did you find me?" She knew she should tell him she didn't want to be on the road singing all the time any longer, but she also knew he'd be furious with her. He always was when she said something he didn't like.

"A traveling salesman heard you singing on Christmas morning. What were you doing singing in a church if you were so worried about your family?"

"My pastor was told I could sing, and he asked me to do it. You know I've always loved singing in church." Eliza sighed. She'd known it was a mistake when she'd agreed to sing that morning, but she hadn't known how to say 'no.' Singing brought her so much pleasure.

Sebastian rolled his eyes. "Yes, you always have. Now, go pack. I'll make sure your sister is safe."

Eliza shook her head. "I'm married now. I've made a commitment to my husband." She was thankful he'd brought the marshal along because she wouldn't have felt safe otherwise.

Sebastian stared at her fora moment. "You're really not leaving with me?" He seemed stunned by her refusal.

Eliza closed her eyes praying for courage. "No, I'm really not leaving with you. Please, just go away and leave me be."

He watched her for another moment before looking at the marshal over his shoulder. He knew his hands were tied. Finally he turned and went back to his horse.

Eliza couldn't believe she'd gotten rid of him so easily. Why had he not fought harder? Would he be back without the marshal?




When Calvin came home for lunch, Eliza told him immediately about Sebastian's visit. "I can't believe he just let me go. He's never let me win an argument before. It was always about what he wanted when he wanted it."

Calvin frowned. "So he didn't try to drag you away? I'm surprised." He couldn't imagine why her former manager had just walked away. It was so unlike him from what he'd been told.

"I am too." She wasn't sure how to explain her fears about what Sebastian would do. "I don't think we've seen the last of him, though."

"I doubt we have." He thought for a moment. "I'm going to have one of the ranch hands start guarding the house every day. I
can't leave you unprotected." He'd wanted a few more days with his full workforce, but she and the baby were a great deal more important to him than anything else.

"I suppose that will work. I'd rather not." She frowned, hating the idea of being guarded at all times. It would feel like she was back with Sebastian again.

"I know. It will only be for a short time. If you weren't expecting, I'd teach you to shoot." He took her hand across the table.

Eliza sighed. "I don't think I could ever shoot anyone anyway. Maybe a dog could guard me?" With a dog there would at least be companionship. She wouldn't feel like such a prisoner.

He nodded. "That's not a bad idea. A guard and a dog until we know the dog will protect you. Is that fair?" He knew how she was feeling, but he really didn't feel that he had a choice when it came to her safety.

"I guess so." She nodded dejectedly. She had no desire to have a guard, but she would welcome a dog.

"We'll go to town this afternoon and ask around. Someone is always trying to find a new home for a dog." He had in mind a large breed dog who was already full grown. He knew they could find something if their timing was right.

"All right. I can get some more ya
so I can knit some
booties for the baby." She didn't necessarily want to go into town with Sebastian close, but she didn't think sitting at home would be much better for her. She knew she didn't need to do anything for the baby just yet, and that it was too early, but she also knew she needed to keep her mind occupied. She couldn't dwell on her worries.

During the drive into town, she quizzed Calvin on who he thought would be a good husband for Beulah. "You mentioned you had a neighbor who's really close and not married. What about him?"

"He's definitely a possibility. Honestly, there are so many bachelors in the area, she's not going to be hard to marry off. We just need to get her here and the men will be lining up for her." He would have to keep a shotgun handy to keep them away, most likely. Especially if she looked anything like her sister.

"I hope so. They won't mind that she has two young sons?" Her biggest worry was that her sister would fall in love with a man who had no desire to have children around.

Calvin shook his head. "Why would they? Sons will help around the ranch." He really didn't understand what her worry was there. Men wanted sons.

"That's a good point. Her boys are hard workers, too." Eliza
sighed. "I hope she hurries and gets everything sold. I want her here where I know she's safe as soon as possible."

He took her hand and squeezed it. "She'll be fine. She's coming soon."

He pulled up in front of the mercantile knowing there would be ads for dogs on the bulletin board at the back. After helping her down, he said, "While you find the things you're looking for, I'll look and see if anyone is getting rid of a dog."

She wandered to the back of the store where the
and fabric were displayed. She looked through the colors and wished she knew if the baby would be a boy or a girl. After a moment, she grabbed some blue and some pink. With as fast as she'd gotten pregnant with the first, there was certain to be a second. She might as well have some of both.

When she wandered over to the bulletin board where Calvin was standing looking, she said, "All ready."

He turned to her a look of disappointment on his face. "No one is getting rid of a dog today."

She looked at the board to see if he'd missed something. "Wait, this says there are three large puppies available."

"No, we don't want a puppy. A puppy would just tear things up and would be no real protection to you." Had she never been
around dogs before?

She pouted. "But a puppy would grow up and would be a good guard dog. Look, the puppies are large! Please?" She had always wanted a puppy. She couldn't imagine getting a grown dog when she could bond with a young one.

He sighed. "No, it just doesn't make sense. We're doing this to protect you, not to give you something to play with."

"I've never had a puppy. I've always wanted one."

Calvin studied her face for a moment. "Getting a puppy now while you're carrying isn't a good idea. There's going to be enough change coming up soon." He hated disappointing her, but he knew a puppy wasn't a good idea.

"I understand." Eliza nodded looking down at her hands. She didn't want him to know just how badly she wanted a puppy.

"Let's go look at the puppies." He sighed, knowing he just couldn't hold out against her sadness.

She looked up at him, her entire face lighting up. "Do you mean it? We can get a puppy?"

"Yes." He walked to the front of the store and paid for their purchases. "Do you know if Tom Akins has any of those puppies left?"

The owner of the store nodded. "Far as I know, he's still got
all three." He looked between them.
"You sure do have a pretty voice, Mrs. Simpson. I hope you'll sing in church more often."

Eliza smiled. "I hope I'll have the opportunity to."

"Thank you." Calvin carried the box of supplies out to the wagon and helped Eliza in.
"Let's go see Tom."

Eliza smiled at Calvin, hugging his arm to her. "Thank you!"

"It's against my better judgment. I want you to know that."

take care of him. I promise."

They were at Tom's house less than a minute later. It was all Eliza could do not to jump down from the seat instead of waiting for Calvin to walk around to her. The house was small and had once been painted white, but the paint was peeling badly.

A man came out of the house leaning heavily on a cane. "Well hello, Calvin. What brings you here?"

Calvin walked over to the porch. "Hello, Tom. This is my wife, Eliza."

"Well, sure, we met in church one Sunday morning." Tom eyed Eliza curiously. "You were a mail order bride, right?"

Eliza nodded. "I was."

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