Make Me Weak (Make Me #1) (16 page)

Read Make Me Weak (Make Me #1) Online

Authors: Megan Noelle

Tags: #Literature & Fiction, #Erotica

BOOK: Make Me Weak (Make Me #1)
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I nodded. “Yeah it really is.”

“Never been here before I take it?”

“Nope, my outings are usually limited to the club.”

Kayne nodded his head as if he could relate. “Well, they have great food too. Onyx plays here fairly often
. It is one of my favorite places to come see him mainly because of the ambiance.”

We took one of the open tall tables that seemed to be furthest from the stage. It made me anxious to think of all the ways people could block my view of Onyx.
Oh well, I wasn’t going to throw a tantrum just yet, I only hoped after dinner we would move closer to the front when the show began.

“So, what’s good here?”
I asked to distract myself, picking up a menu from the rack on the table.

“Just about everything I’ve had. I’
m a fan of their burgers. My favorite is a Hawaiian style with some pineapple, and a special sauce. I don’t know what all’s on it, but its good.”

I shrugged my shoulders and closed the menu. “Sounds good enough for me.”

“Great!” Kayne shot off a happy grin as he hopped from the seat. “Only bad thing about this place is the service. Wait staff isn’t exactly on top of the things, best chance of being served if I place our order at the bar. What do you want to drink?”

“Whatever you’re getting.”

“You’re making this date very easy on me.” He gave a wink and left the table before his words fully registered.


No. No not a date. We talked about this earlier. I thought we
had cleared everything up. I wasn’t the dating type and that was far from what I was looking for. My infatuation with Onyx was different. It was physical, and eventually it would end free and clear. I would be able to say a quick goodbye, get my daughter and start the life I had been planning all along. The one where my Daisy could be proud of me. Where I could take her to school, go see all her school plays, and cheer her on with everything she does.

I had no intentions
of putting down roots and everything about Kayne screamed lifelong commitment. There was only one person I would make that commitment to, and right now I was still trying to grasp that concept of being a mother. But for now, none of that was a concern. I was living in the moment right here in this darling little bar, sitting with a guy whose friendship was growing on me. At least I hoped it was
his friendship.

“Just put in the order, and here is your drink, my dear.” Kayne returned with a beer for himself and some
insanely girly drink in a bright pink Tiki cup for me. It came equipped with a little umbrella, pineapples, and cherries. It looked awful and I hadn’t even attempted taking a sip yet.

“What in the hell is this thing?”

Kayne laughed out loud at my reaction. “Some fruity, coconut drink that chicks usually like.” My face scrunched up as I brought it close and smelt the sickly sweet scent coming off of it.

“What chicks? My God, this smells horrendous.”

Despite my pained reaction Kayne couldn’t seem to stop laughing at me. My eyes narrowed with a scowl. “Why don’t you drink it then, mister? I’ll take your beer while I watch you choke this thing down.”

“Fine.” He said with a smile. “When I prove to you it isn’t as bad as you’re making it out to be
, you need to drink one.”

A very unladylike snort surfaced. “Yeah,
you can choke this one down,
I’ll worry.”

“Oh hand it over wuss, it can’t be that bad.” He snatched it from my hand, plucked the toys and fruit from it
, and took a long gulp. I stared at him, unblinking, knowing that any moment he was bound to let his true repulsion show through. Sure enough, not a moment too soon his eyes bulged out, and he yanked the glass from his mouth. A sour expression in place as he slowly swallowed down the last of the drink, gagging at the taste, I was happy I never risked.

This time I was the one who couldn’t hold back my laugh. “So, I can tell you love it.”

The look I was given made me almost spit out the drink of beer I had just taken.

“You’re so funny, Andie. But fine. Because I never want to drink that concoction again I will admit that it was vile. There, happy?”

“Immensely.” I took a leisurely sip of his drink to screw with him just a little bit more.

He rolled his eyes but couldn’t hide his chuckle.
It was then that a waitress came by carrying two plates with our burgers and fries. Her plastered on smile stayed in place as she handed us our food, but before she managed to slither away we ordered another round of drinks. Beer only this time, and a giant glass of water for Kayne to wash down the nasty taste he had just endured.

We wasted no time digging in to our hot food
, and downing a few more beers each. As we finished up, Kayne checked his cell phone for the time. As anxious as I was to see Onyx, all I could think about was getting outside to smoke.

have about ten minutes to go.”

“Perfect, I need a cigarette.” I hopped off the stool and Kayne followed instantly.

“How about we go outside together, and when we come back in we look for a seat closer?”

I smiled. It was as if he was reading my mind. I chose not to verbally respond since I wasn’t exactly sure I could keep the excitement out of my voice. It was one thing to look forward to the show but if I sounded like a giddy ass school girl, Kayne wo
uld see through it in a second. Instead I led the way outside and had my cigarette between my lips, and lit by the time my foot crossed the threshold. Nothing felt better than the taste of nicotine when there was a good buzz mingling in one’s system. Actually I take that back. That sensation was nothing compared to the tremblingly good feel of Onyx. His arms around me, our bodies pressed together. The sweat accumulating between us as our bodies rode hard and fast.

Chills spasmed down my spine deep into my aching pussy as the reality of Onyx being here tonight hit home. Holy hell I needed him. I felt the desire spreading throughout every vein in my body as if it were a raging fire threatening to burn through everything in its path. I had no way to put out the feeling or dull it down anymore. The past few days I had been semi-successful in my attempts to forget
about him but all that success was gone. Just a few beers and a night out was all it took to bring down my walls and let my undeniable feelings for Onyx creep back in.

Physical feelings, that is.
Because all this is between us is lust, passion, and crazy intense desire to touch and be touched. My body was crying out for a savior, and it was only Onyx that could save it from the agonizing need that was now consuming my every thought.

“Maybe I should try smoking.” Kayne said, pulling me out of my thoughts. I h
ad quite honestly almost forgotten he was here at all and while I felt bad for forgetting but all I really wanted to do right now was zone back out into my fantasy land.

“Why would you do that? It’s bad for you.”

He snorted giving me the exact look I expected. “Feels a little hypocritical since you’re standing there blowing smoke in my face.”

“I am not. Some smokers are rude but I wouldn’t sit here and purposely do it.”

“It was a joke Andie. But still, why shouldn’t I?”

I was quite obviously in no position to tell him what to do so the best I could think was to flip the questioning around on him. “Why do you think you should start?”

“Well, I’ve gone on countless smoke breaks with Onyx and quite a few with you. When I watch you both take those first few hits you both seem to lose yourselves in this ultimate sense of calm. It looks so relaxing that I wish I could experience that feeling.”

“I won’t lie and pretend like it is
n’t one of my favorite feelings, but that doesn’t mean it is a habit worth starting. It is not only unhealthy but insanely expensive. Overall though, I think the most irritating thing is feeling like a slave to the nicotine. I am always in control of myself but if there may be something else that holds the reins in my life I just feel awful. Unfortunately for me, smoking calls the shots.”

“I will say you’re one of the most confident chicks I’ve ever been with.”

If Kayne hadn’t given out a few silent clues all night I would have thought nothing about his word choice. However, I knew it was better to nip this in the bud and clear up any possible miscommunication.

“Well, you haven’t technically been
me. So do I even still count?”

Kayne let another unaffected laugh. “Of course you do. I meant all women I’ve known, not just ones I’ve dated.”

“Well good, just wanted to make sure I was in the friend category.”

“You are.” He said with another smile.

Feeling a little better about our conversation, I put out my cigarette and motioned for Kayne to lead us back inside. I was more than ready to get back inside to spend the rest of the evening eye fucking Onyx.

Most of the good seats were taken and just as Kayne was ready to give in and go back to our original table, I let Kandi take over. Sitting in the front row of seats were a couple college aged dudes that I would be willing to bet didn’t see a lot of action. I pressed a hand against Kayne’s chest to keep him from walking any closer to him. It was clear he was unsure of what was happening but I felt no rush to explain it.
Instead, I sauntered up to the men with the same confidence I felt every night as I took the stage at the club. I shifted my hip out to the side, placed my hands on either side to accentuate the curves of my waist. A flirtatious smile spread across my face and only grew as the two looked at me- as if I was some mythical creature standing before them.

“Hello boys, I couldn’t help but notice that you two seemed to snag the best seats in the house. I was just hoping to get some pointers on how to get so lucky next time.” I could hear the drawn out purr in my voice. Not everyone liked that bit in their women but judging by the lust filled gaze in
their eyes, it was working like a charm.

“Oh, erm…it doesn’t take a lot of luck. Just getting here early.” One said so matter of factly it was difficult to keep a straight face.

“Hm, I guess that does make sense. But you see, that guy over there is my brother and I was just trying to celebrate with him before taking him to hear his favorite music.” They both stared at me with a dumbfounded expression so I pressed my luck. “Say, you boys wouldn’t consider sacrificing these chairs to me and my brother would you? I promise I would make it up to you both later.”

“How?” The quiet one chirped up, making me suspect I’m not the first attractive female to try and get something out of them.

“Well, if you boys meet me by the bar later this evening I will dance with you both for one song.”

“One song
?” Eager beaver clarified. I nodded.

“Yes, one song each.
the show tonight.”

“Deal, he responded before his friend could even process what was happening. The negotiator stood first and pointed his finger to his cheek.

“How about a kiss for the road, to seal our deal.” I gave him one and did the same for his friend once he stood. Once they were out of earshot I waved Kayne became over. A bewildered and amused look in his eyes was the first thing I noticed.

“God, I hope I’m not as pathetic as them.” I joined in with my laughter as we took our seats and waited for the real show to begin.

My nerves were shot as I sat here waiting for any sign of Onyx. I looked around to catch a glimpse of the people in the audience. There were so many women they far outnumbered the men here tonight. Something like that never bothered me usually, but this was different. Any of these women could be here for him. Maybe they had an encounter like us, perhaps they were just lusting after him, or worse. What if someone in this crowd was in love with him and he loved them back?

I could only vaguely remember the way jealousy
affected the entire body. It started in your mind and took over any good sense one had. It made people do crazy things while that nauseous, anxious feeling overpowered the rest. It was making my leg bounce obnoxiously and heightening my need for a cigarette. That calming feeling right about now sounded wonderful. Just when I was about to stand up to bolt back outside a leggy blonde stepped onto the stage with an annoyingly perky grin on her face.

“How is everyone doing t
onight?” A collective cheer rang out from the entire bar. Her smile widened and I began to hate her more.

“Thank you all for coming out tonight to listen to
some incredible music. I can assure you all, whether this is your first time or hundredth time that Onyx does not disappoint. Well, I won’t keep you all waiting any longer, please give it up for the talented and extraordinary Onyx Ramsey!”

Everyone started clapping, Kayne let out
a holler of excitement. My hands robotically clapped together but I couldn’t stop watching the bubbly look on this girl’s face. Her eyes locked onto something behind me that I couldn’t see but based on the airheaded dewy look on her face I assumed it was Onyx. It was killing me to turn around and see him but that jealous side of me that crept up needed to keep staring at her. By the movement of her eyes I could see the path Onyx was taking toward the front and just as I expected him to approach the stage I felt someone’s hand on my bare back. It wasn’t just anyone, it was him. For the first time I broke her gaze to look at Onyx. There was a guitar in one hand and a smirk on his face as he shared a look of secrecy with me. My heart beat through my chest as the butterflies in my stomach came back alive. It was only a passing glance as he continued to move toward the stage and as I turned back around I saw blondie looking directly at me with a look that showed just how appalled she was. I cocked my head to the side, gave her a wink, then smiled because she knew that was all for me.

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