Make Me Yours Evermore, Book 3 (22 page)

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Authors: Cari Silverwood

Tags: #Pierced Hearts

BOOK: Make Me Yours Evermore, Book 3
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That prompted me to run my fingers down her spine, beginning from where the fabric turned up, to her ass, and then along the back of one leg to her knee. She squeaked when I tickled her there.

“No! Please. Let me out. Please.”

I gripped her knee in my fist, thrilling at how I had her at my mercy with such a simple act. “Shh. No words. Only noises are allowed. If you talk I’ll find a nice branch to flog you with and I don’t know what the hell I’m doing with sticks. If I were you, I’d keep my mouth shut.”

Kat whimpered once.

Those little noises of hers went straight to my cock. This was the first time I’d rendered her helpless all by myself. I liked this, a lot. Sexual power with sprinkles and caviar on top. Dominating her was so fucking addictive it was burning holes in my veins.

I sat on the log beside her and put my hand on her back so I could feel her warmth, feel her ribs expand and the thud of her heart.

I leaned down. I could see her looking back at me through the rose-dotted cloth. “In a minute, when I’ve looked enough, I’m going to rip a hole in this dress, and use your mouth like I’ve been dreaming of doing, little fucktoy.” I trailed my fingers down into her cleft. “Or maybe I’ll use one or two of your other holes first.”

She stared, dark-eyed, back at me, but said nothing. Now this,
was power.

I’d deviated from what I’d intended to do but I had all the rest of my life to learn about Kat. She wasn’t going anywhere, anytime soon, unless I let her go. That thought made me pause. I used to be the man who conspired against his best friend to free her. Now I couldn’t bear the thought of letting her go. Did I still admire, or even like, myself?

She’d told me this was wrong. Words and more words.

I could go round in circles thinking like this. I had done on a few days. Men had done things like this through the centuries. I didn’t hate what I’d become. I’d grown used to this concept of owning Kat. As long as we treated her properly and this didn’t become some sadistic exercise in torture and slavery, I was fine with it. Full stop. End of argument. This was me.

“Let’s see what I can get you to do.”

This was where I realized the pleasures of having her all to myself. With Chris about he tended to arrange what happened and what we did.

No woman had ever sat still for me to explore her body at my leisure. We were in the shade, both comfortable. I examined how I had her head down, ready for me to touch her. Well, I was comfortable.

I parted her legs as far as the link on her ankles allowed and spent all of five or ten minutes simply playing with her pussy and making her wriggle and moan. I skated my finger lightly around and around her lips and dipped, ever so slow, inside her to the depth of the first or sometimes the second knuckle. Torture in a way, but a good sort. I slowly stretched her with more fingers, and watched her lips swell, fascinated by how desperate her noises became when I also toyed with her little swollen clit.

I stopped with two fingers half their length inside her, with her panting and beginning that gorgeous arch of back muscle most women did just before they came. Moisture welled up around my fingers. Her breathing came fast and deep.

“I hope you aren’t going to tell me you don’t like this, Kat, because I can see the evidence.” She grunted as I slowly pushed another finger in. “That’s three fingers I’m fucking you with. One day…I might try fisting you. I like that idea. I’ve heard women can have incredible orgasms with a fist in them.”

Her generally unhappy noises rose in volume and made me look down at her obscured face. She shook her head vigorously.

“No? Take care. Get too loud and I’ll do it now.” Dead fucking silence. Hah. “Much better. If I do decide to try fisting, I’ll make sure you like it. I’m not into pain by itself.”

I’d worked that much out about myself.

With her on the edge for so long it might not take long for her to come. I thrust those three fingers further. When I wedged them in, while still thumbing her clit, she began to shudder, and her hands clawed at the ground.

I’d never seen Chris train her to come on command but it wouldn’t hurt to try. I kinda liked the concept. If I said it often enough, maybe it would eventually stick?

“Come for me, Kat.” I gave her clit a thorough treatment, rhythmically, softly, rubbing round and round, while I whispered sweet words. A minute or so later, she screamed and her body stiffened. “Come for me,
.” This time she did. Her deep and frantic gasping and the clench of her on my fingers made me wish my dick was inside her already.

I stood and positioned my cock at her entrance, sliding into her in one glorious thrust. She was so wet I felt it squash onto my balls. The curve of her spine deepened into the backward arch of a woman who’s instinctively giving the man better access. I plowed leisurely into her, letting my own pleasure ascend in a measured way. From her squeals, sometimes I was hitting her G-spot, or close to it.

I withdrew, stepped over the log, and walked around to her front. The air cooled on my erection. I pulled up her head by bunching my fist on dress and hair with my other hand under her shoulder. Then I shifted her back across the log until she was mostly kneeling. Due to the dress tying them together, her arms were above her.

I had her at groin level. “Open your mouth.”

She only blinked.

“Open or I
try fisting you.” I said it matter-of-factly because I meant it. I was more than happy to attempt fisting. I was sure I wouldn’t get far; it was the sort of thing that needed preparation. But the appeal of that had sunk in. Another day, maybe…my balls scrunched up.

Her mouth opened.

“Nice.” I played with her teeth with my fingers, poked the flimsy dress material so it popped into her mouth a little ways. “I like making you do things you don’t want to, Kat,” I murmured. “Like fucking your hot little mouth when you’re all covered up like a present no one has bothered to unwrap.” I tore a hole in the material as I spoke, then I fed the head of my cock in an inch, two. The moist warmth in there made me hum. “That’s good. Suck it in. Go on…” I thrust in a small distance. “…all the way.”

As I fucked her there, with the cloth getting wet with her drool, I told her what I would do if she didn’t get me off in her mouth. “I’m going to fuck your ass with just your own wetness if you don’t girl.” I thrust in again, to the very back. She gagged like always but kept me there, swallowing, trying to do it. Hot pulsations thrummed through me, accelerating, gathering steam. If she’d just…keep…doing that. But a last thrust made her gag severely and choke, so I pulled out.

I retrieved a condom from my shorts.

“Nice try. Don’t get anxious. I can do this real slow and still get off. Your ass is damn tight.”

Though she whimpered and whined the whole time, I got the tip of my dick into her ass after slicking up and down between her lips and wetting it in her juices. Inching in, and in, and out to give her rest – the squeeze on me was tremendous. She gave a hot, appreciative gasp each time I pushed myself in farther.

“Like that?” I pressed with my cock again, drew a finger down her sweaty back, a wavery line on the bumps of her spine. “Hmm?” She shivered.

With some dexterous moves, I found her clit and toyed with it, revolving it with the very tip of my finger. Her moan was quiet but I was listening real hard. Besides, her ass had squeezed in on me more than once. I kissed her shoulder.

“No rush. I got all day in your ass. Let’s make you enjoy this even more.”

Feather-light, I played some more.

Slow and steady wins the sexy ass.
I almost laughed at that thought. Then my balls bumped into her bottom. I looked down to see my shaft was finally all the way, totally inside her. The sight alone made me groan. I was surely only a few excruciating heartbeats away from coming. I gritted my teeth.

Thump thump, thump thump.

I was never, ever going to get tired of doing this to our little Kat. While I stared at nothing, I took some tight breaths and wound my excitement down a notch.

After a few more minutes of manipulating her clit, I had Kat back into ecstasy territory – gasping, moaning, and writhing on the end of my cock. Her shudders and the contractions of her ass – exquisite.

At the last orgasmic second, I remembered to grunt out, “Come for me.” Then I gave one last high and deep thrust that might’ve shoved her over the log if I hadn’t held her.

In the midst of the chaos of orgasm, I wasn’t sure who came first.

I bit her nape then breathed in her scent, registering how she’d slumped into a limp, tussled mess. I whispered roughly. “I hope you like ass fucking, Kat. Because I’m in love with it.”

I should get the dress off her soon. Untie her. I sat up a little to check her out, and to caress her, my sexy sweaty captive.
Note to self: next time, take pictures.

Once I’d had my fill of looking at her lying there all delicious and disheveled, I helped her up and settled her clothing in place then I cuddled her, still sitting on the log.

With my arm around her shoulders and my mouth on her hair, I struggled with an urge to ask her if she was happy. I wanted to but her answer – I knew it would not be everything I wanted to hear. No matter how many orgasms we gave her, how thorough our love making was, or in Chris’s case, the pain sessions…no matter that, she wasn’t ours yet inside her head. That counted to me. Still. I wanted

I ran my finger down the chain on my neck and toyed with the shark tooth, watching it spin in the light. I dug my big toe in the sandy soil, stirred the cool sand, and made my decision.

When I unwrapped my arm from Kat’s shoulders, she peeked at me. Funny how meek she sometimes was afterward, after we’d fucked her silly. I swallowed. Dominated her. That odd thrill took me when I recalled what that really meant. But that was the right word. Dominate.

Kat sighed in a contented way.

“I never told you…” she began hesitantly.


“Remember when you asked me what I didn’t do anymore? After that Dom abused me?”


“One of the things I wasn’t doing anymore was sex. I hadn’t for years, until now.”

Was she joking? No. This was her being honest.

“I’m glad you told me. Honored.”

Her smile had turned a little wary. As if even now she worried she’d said too much.

We’d made her do it after years of no one inside her. That she trusted me enough to tell me was amazing.

“Lower your head, Kat.” I shifted back a little on the log, and turned so I could see her better.

She looked up at me. I only saw trust in her eyes. “Yes, Sir.”

I pulled off the pendant, then carefully draped the chain over her neck and let it fall. I arranged her hair down her back and on her shoulders. Now the tooth spun before her.

I nudged her chin so she raised her head.

“That’s yours,” I said quietly. “It’s been mine for many years. I used it to remind me of how to conquer my fears, my doubts. Maybe it will help you.”

“Thank you.” She cupped the tooth in her palm and examined it.

“It means more than that now. To me, it says you’re mine. One day, you’ll admit that too. Won’t you, Kat?”

Her throat moved in a swallow and she shrugged. “I don’t know. Sir.”

The subtle shake in her words – that alone buoyed me. That was a maybe in my book. Maybe would turn into

“You will.” I wrapped my hand around her fingers where she cradled the tooth. Not quite victory. But I’d won a small battle.

That was when I noticed the smoke drifting across the sky and the odd sweetness mixed with the scent of the smoke.

Chapter 24

The smoke hinted something was wrong even before I opened the front door. The engine noises had drawn me to the front of the house. I descended and watched as Scrim’s range rover and a Toyota 4WD drove in. The smoke was barely there as a haze across the blueness of the sky where it showed between the trees. The smell was more noticeable. Pot? Had to be a biggish fire to be coming in like this.

After they’d parked and a man hopped out to close the gates, four men unloaded the vehicles. I’d pretty much guessed what the cargo would be, but seeing them hauling out blindfolded, bound and gagged women then carrying them into Scrim’s house was…disturbing.

I was odd. I must be. Yet this was different. It
to be different to what we did to Kat. I had a line in the sand. Though I’d ignored this business of Vetrov’s as a distant thing that didn’t concern me because I couldn’t do anything about it, having it here made me ill.

Scrim sauntered over, hands lazily at his sides – jeans, black work boots and that wry, nasty expression that was all his. “The boss said you knew the girls were coming, right?”

I nodded. “Yes.”

“Okay. So now you double know.”

One of the women, a dark-haired beauty, wriggled and squealed. To my surprise, the heavily built T-rex of a man carrying her didn’t slap her. He halted to say something. His mass of black hair concealed them both as he talked. She stopped her craziness and he walked on. Goth biker look to him. Leather, black jeans, muscular.

“Pieter has a way with the girls. His first trip but he makes them behave.”

I glanced at Scrim. He was angling to get me to ask what this Pieter did.

“You keep out of my way. Andreas doesn’t know about what this is. I want it to stay that way.” I wasn’t really sure what they were up to here. A waypoint before they moved them on? Though all the kink gear made me think training. Eventually these women would be sold.

“Sure.” Then he nodded like it was something he’d keep in mind as a king would to a subject’s request. Man needed taking down a notch.

The smoke smell thickened.

“What’s the smoke? Bushfire somewhere?” With the Daintree so wet, it seemed unlikely a fire would spread. I’d check online if he didn’t know.

“Some weed growers found out the hard way that they should’ve gone elsewhere.”

Ominous. Scrim had mentioned something about this when we’d first met. He had a hint of smugness about him.

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