Make Me Yours Evermore, Book 3 (28 page)

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Authors: Cari Silverwood

Tags: #Pierced Hearts

BOOK: Make Me Yours Evermore, Book 3
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I kneeled between her legs, enjoying the view.

Her mons and the beginning of her cleft could be seen through the blue of her panties. Darker blue where her juices had dampened them. I traced Zoe’s contours with my finger, bumping over her mound and dipping into the territory of her clit. I grabbed her with my teeth there, inhaling her scent, and then I licked slowly over the cloth where her clit would be, and sucked on her, once.

She squealed and clutched at my hair which only made me chuckle. At last I gave in, found the sides of her panties and wiggled them past her butt and legs. The crotch was thoroughly soaked with her moisture.

“I think you’re wet enough.” I smiled.

She blushed. “Shh! You shouldn’t look there.”

“No?” I dropped the panties to the floor and put my mouth to her to wriggle my tongue along her cleft. “My second test says you’re wet enough too.” With my shoulders under her thighs, I parted her legs.

A noise made me turn and lower her legs. Zoe whimpered but I ignored her.

Chris walked out carrying something. He came to the couch and tossed it down next to Zoe’s head.

“Here it is. Good to see you’re warming up, both of you. Keep going. We’ll take a picture when you’re in position.” His smirk was kind though, for him. I resisted flipping him the bird, considering it would earn me a quick yet severe beating in front of Zoe.

The strap-on, I was glad to see, came from an unopened package. White silicon with ribs snaking down it, and yes, straps that went around and between my legs. I stood to remove my panties then puzzled out the strap arrangement with Zoe unexpectedly helping me.

With the rubber dick stuck out in front of me, it struck me as being both ridiculous and potentially interesting to use.

“What do you think, Zoe?” I grabbed the tip, pulled the whole dick to the right and let go, chuckling at how it wobbled wildly from side to side. Then I poked her in the ribs with the thing.

She snorted and covered her face, holding in laughter. My heart jumped a beat. I’d never heard her laugh like this.

“You look really stupid.”

“Oh?” Waggling my eyebrows, I grabbed her wrists and mounted her with my legs either side of hers, pinning her down. I growled, struck by an insane desire to Domme her.

Gentle, must be gentle.

I sucked in my bottom lip then caught it in my teeth. Though I still held her wrists to the couch, she was giggling like mad. The little pushes against my hands, now and then, meant she was trying my hold but not too much. Crap.

I bowed my head and murmured. “Do you like being held down by me, Zoe?”

After a quiet moment, she shivered. “Yes. By you. No one else.”

“That’s good to know.” I smiled. “Now let’s see whether you like being fucked by a strap-on.”

“Okay.” A little fear there, but not much.

I reached down and found the dick then introduced the tip to her slit, sliding it up and down in her moisture until the smallest push made it sink into her. Her whimper grabbed me and sent an electrical thrill down my spine. Slowly, ever so slowly, while watching her face, I slid in further.

Her mouth opened to an
and she groaned.

“Oh god. That’s nice, so nice. I never knew –”

I thrust in a bit more and out again, though still slow, aware of the sexy squish through her well-creamed tunnel. I smirked as shock flashed onto her face. The dildo was soft silicone. If I was careful this was going to be way fun.

“Oh fuck, fuck, fuck. Deeper please.” She grabbed my butt and pulled. I resisted. “Please!”

The click of the camera made me realize they’d taken a picture. I glanced up to see no one near us. I guessed that meant they intended the first as a test, or for their own enjoyment. Bastards.

Right then I didn’t care too much though. I was getting the hang of this. With Zoe squirming and moaning under me, and the rhythm of the strap-on settling into my pelvis so it seemed almost a natural movement, I was in dommy heaven. There was something intrinsically powerful about giving her pleasure with this strap-on dick. Total mental rush.

Andreas and Chris had arrived at the couch and I heard a row of faint clicks as the mobile phone took more pictures. I’d frozen at that first click.

“Keep going,” Andreas growled.

Shit. I looked at Zoe and terror had replaced ecstasy. I grimaced at the men and mouthed,

They walked away though only as far as the dining table chairs, where they sat and observed us.

The moment seemed gone, wasted, but…no. I’d give her some pleasure. I wasn’t going to leave her fearful. I pulled out the dick and leaned in. “Turn onto your stomach.”

“Why?” she ventured timidly.

“Do it.” If she protested enough, I’d stop. But she turned over. “I’m putting it in you again.”

“Kat! I don’t know…”

“That wasn’t a no, was it?”

“Umm.” She only waited, waited for me to do something.

Game on. I settled on her, sliding the silicone cock into her by guiding it with my hand. I’d decided not to move much this time. I’d make it less overtly kinky that way, maybe, less a stage show. Knowing the men were watching would make her feel odd so I only moved it in and out by an inch or so each time. But it was inside her a long way, and she started to moan with each deeper stroke.

“Push your ass up so I can reach under you.” When she did, I wormed my hand beneath and found her clit. Slowly, with my hand there working in slow circles and the dick thrusting equally slowly, I brought her toward climax.

Zoe buried her face in the couch, moaning, her ass rising as she searched for that last thrust to take her over.

I put my head down and bit her back. When she moaned even louder, I shifted and bit again, feeling her little clit tight and swollen under my fingers. My fingers slipped in her juices as I bit her some more.

“Oh fuck.” She breathed out once more then shuddered, locked up her muscles, and came.

I used my teeth on her before kissing the same spot then I withdrew the cock. I gathered her into my arms and rolled us so we both faced the back of the couch. The guys could stare at our butts and wank if they wanted. What I needed right then was to snuggle with her and pat her until her gasping breathing came back to earth.

“You good?” I asked softly, as I brushed my hand down her trembling side.

“Mm-hm.” Zoe nodded. Her hair tickled my nose.

I lay there comforting her while the fear of letting her go crept back into me. This was going to hurt. Because I might not get her back, might not be able to save her. Christ. I didn’t know her well, but there was no doubt in my mind that this was not going to feel any better than having a spear extracted from my guts.

She squirmed around so she was facing me.

“Hi.” I smiled and rearranged my arm across her back to a cozier spot.

“I have something important to tell you, Kat.”

“Mm? What is it, beautiful?”

“You have to be quiet. Okay?”

What? But I nodded.

“There’s a gun, a pistol, in a safe in the floor of the main bedroom. Bottom drawer in the bedside drawers. Pull out the drawer and you’ll see it.”

What the fuck. “A gun?” I whispered. “How do you know this?”

“Don’t ask, please. Just listen.” Tears filled her eyes. “I want you to use it if you need to. This is the combination.”

Then she told me the numbers and I repeated them back to her in a haze. What did she want me to do with this gun? More importantly, what
I do with one? I hated the fear and uncertainty welling up in me. Did she expect me to shoot Chris and Andreas? Or Scrim?

So many questions screamed to be answered. Least of all,
who are you?
Was she more than I thought her to be? Then I felt her trembling, saw the twitch of her mouth. Just a scared woman who’d somehow found a secret. Not even a startling secret. A gun in a safe here was like finding an apple in a bowl of fruit. More intriguing was, where did she get this secret – was it written in a book, handed over by an admirer, or was there a detailed house plan with symbols marking plumbing and bedrooms and hidden guns?

“And Kat, Scrim said they’re shipping us out tomorrow.” Her eyes were so sad I could’ve drowned in them. “And…he said I was going with them.” This time the tears brimmed over.

“No. That’s wrong!”

Someone was knocking on the front door. I knew who but pushed the knowledge away.

“Zoe, Zoe, Zoe.” I drew her in close and said my next words with more conviction than I felt. “He’s wrong. Hear me. He’s damn wrong. You’re coming with us. Okay?”

After a long, agonizing pause, she added a quiet, “Okay.”

My anger at the world was so intense and all mixed up with an equally intense sadness.

Footsteps, the hard ones of boots.

“Woo-hoo. Got some action going there, boys.” Scrim.

There wasn’t time to ask her questions. Or a way to keep her. Knowing how scared she must be of what might happen tomorrow, I couldn’t turn over and face them. Scrim would mock us even more if I did. Though I clung to her as long as possible, trying to give her some last shred of kindness to remember, they took her away. She was brave this time. Not me.

All I managed was a choked
as her hand left mine, her fingers slipping across my palm. I was a devastated wreck, my heart and mind in a place where my thoughts weren’t making any sense at all.

Late night, past midnight, and I was curled on the mattress, still thinking, thoughts going round and round in a circle of what ifs. What if I got the gun tomorrow, somehow before they left? I could shoot everyone, rescue me and Zoe. I imagined that very thing in my head, seeing them all at my feet, blood pooling under their heads – Scrim, his helpers… I couldn’t imagine further than that, screeching to a halt when I thought of Chris or Andreas dead.

And what if Scrim had been teasing her about being shipped away and she came back to me anyway?

Chapter 29

I’d been listening to her crying quietly for ages. I hadn’t planned this at all, but I rolled out of bed and went to her. When I turned on the light, she stopped. Walling herself off from me, yet again. I squinted down at her, feeling angry, tired, and determined to find a way into her head at…I tried to focus on the clock while yawning – 1 am. Bad plan.

I opened the cage and beckoned for Kat to come out.

When she emerged, I carried her to my bed and laid her on her back on the sheets, then stripped off her underwear. I could just fuck her. That would make me happy. I lay down with her, appreciating her femaleness as always – smell, looks, feel. I stroked my hand down the muscular slope of her thigh.

“You’re worried about Zoe?”

The puzzled tweak of her mouth and brow said none of your business and why are you bothering asking.

I dug my fingers into her and she relented.


Red eyes, still wet from tears. And she wouldn’t let me in, wanted me to leave her alone.

The shark tooth pendant mocked me. It was the one thing she was wearing. I never imagined I’d be the outsider in this but she connected more to Andreas and Zoe than to me. Somehow, she almost loved this other woman. They’d clicked, grown close, in just a few encounters. It was a softer relationship, quieter, without screams. That wasn’t me.

The outsider…huh. Shit. Breaking her was more difficult than I’d imagined. So far she’d given way rather than broken. Some days I wanted to hear the crack when she succumbed to me. Other days, I just wanted in any way I could.

Tonight, I didn’t want her sad.

I leaned on my elbow, tracing and exploring all the wonderful places on her body – hips, belly, the underside of her breasts, her shoulders. I never grew tired of just touching her. For a while I did nothing but that. It seemed to soothe her and Kat’s eyes half-closed.

“I’m not a soft, gentle man, Kat.”

She gave a small noise like an abbreviated laugh and her lips curved up.

“Stating the obvious, I suppose. I can’t give you softness. Not most of the time. But, I am a man who doesn’t give up on anyone easily. I don’t like seeing you crying. I don’t like why you’re crying especially.”

An idea came to me. Pain had a deep effect on her, as did dominance, when she let it.

She searched my face. “You don’t like Zoe?”

“I don’t like losing a part of you to her.”

“You’re not… Not really. What’s going to happen to her –”

“Shh. Forget her for a while. Just me, just you.” I cupped her face and toyed with her mouth with my thumb. She lay there and let me. “If I put you back in the cage, I think you’re going to go back to crying. I could distract you. I’ve been meaning to do something to claim you for days.” That made her swallow. Fear? Good. That would make the act more potent. I stroked her throat. “I want to put a clit hood piercing on you. I have a clit ring with my initial.”

She gnawed on her lower lip – body language that said nervous in neon.

“Don’t look so worried. I don’t think I’ll do it tonight, but it’s in the top drawer.” I pointed at the bedside drawers. “When you’re ready and ask me, I’ll do it.” She sucked in a breath as if to speak. I pinched her lips together. “No. Don’t say anything.”

Likely, knowing her, she’d blurt out some words aimed at shocking me.

“When I do it, I will expect you to sit still, without being tied up.”

More lip gnawing.

“You’ll wear that mouth of yours out.”

“Can I say no in advance? Sir.”

Brat. I tweaked her hair. “In a minute you can scream no, though it may wake Andreas and if he comes in here, we might get real carried away. I’m going to use my belt on you. I suggest you stay quiet, and practice being still without being tied.”

“Now?” Her forehead creased.

“Pain centers you, in case you’d not noticed. This will help you sleep.”

“You just want to beat me,” Kat muttered.

“Perceptive little bitch.” I slid off the bed. “Lie on your stomach, bent over the side of the bed, stretch out your arms and clasp your hands above your head.” Then I pretended I was confident she’d obey. I rummaged in the drawers and rescued my leather belt from the heap of underwear, wallet and coins. Out the corner of my eye, I watched her do exactly what I’d told her to.

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