Make You Mine (14 page)

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Authors: Niobia Bryant

BOOK: Make You Mine
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Resolved to not let anything ruin his day—especially this day—Julius continued on to his office. He knew the bright pink-and-white-striped box atop the generic brown boxes had Karina stamped all over it.

Julius put down his briefcase and camera before he picked up what Karina had sent. He opened it to find a mock-up of her calendar. Scribbled across the cover shot of her in nothing but a rhinestone-encrusted bikini with her bare breasts covered by her hands was a note:

Thank God you're better with the camera than you are with other “things.”


Just what he thought. Drama. Dropping the calendar back into the box he tossed it into the trash where it belonged. The only thing he had his mind on today was Caress and the doctor's appointment. To hell with anything else.


Caress securely held baby Justin's car seat in her hand before she used her hip to securely close the passenger door of her car. The door squealed loudly.

Julius was nagging her to get a more reliable car but she was hesitant to take on a car payment, and without a lump sum of cash to buy something reliable, she would have to finance a better ride.


Caress looked up and smiled at the pre-teen girl of about twelve who lived in the large apartment building on the corner. She didn't know her name but Caress knew her from seeing her around the neighborhood. As always her hair was pulled back into a messy tail that was more pig than pony. Her clothes fit like they belonged to someone twice her size. And her eyes were wide and bright and haunted in her ashen, caramel-colored face. The girl was the portrait of urban sadness.

Caress smiled at her encouragingly as the girl showed the first sign of happiness in her face as she stooped down to look at Justin. “His name is Justin,” she told the girl, feeling empathy for her—or at least the sad story she assumed the girl had. “What's your name?”

“Luretha,” the girl told her in a soft voice as she stood up.

“I'm Caress.”

“Hi,” Luretha said again, before she turned and started walking away with one last glance at Justin over her shoulder.

Even after the girl continued up the cracked pavement to the corner store, Caress's eyes stayed locked on the back of the far-too-slender girl with the well-worn clothes and the look of a well-worn life.

She reminded Caress of herself.

With one last look, Caress continued up the brick steps and into her building. When she walked into her apartment, she took Justin out of the carrier and placed him in his bassinet. She was putting his beloved pacifier in his mouth when she heard heavy footsteps on the stairs.

She looked around the apartment, glad that she had straightened up before she left that morning. It wasn't spotless but it was clutter-free.

Caress turned her head as the key turned in the lock. Her eyes widened in surprise at the huge teddy bear and the dozen red roses Julius held in his hand. Her eyes took him in. The suave demeanor. The neat shadow of his beard. That bowlegged walk that was all too telling.

Her heart raced.

“For my baby,” he joked with a delicious kiss to her mouth before he turned to set the bear in Justin's bassinet. “And for my baby boy.”

Caress inhaled deeply of the roses as she watched him tease Justin with the bear.

“How was your day?” Julius asked, rising to his full height of over six feet.

Caress kicked off her flip-flops before carrying the baby bag into the kitchen. “I went by to visit the day care and I think he'll be fine there,” she told him.

“Oh, that's good. And?” he asked, before following her into the kitchen.

Caress looked blasé as she started placing the milk and water bottles inside the fridge and out of the summer heat. “And what, baby?” she asked, enjoying teasing him.

Julius stepped over to take the baby bottles from Caress's hand before he gently turned her to face him. “Can I or can't I make love to my woman tonight?” he asked, before he lowered his head and kissed her.

Caress laughed huskily as she wrapped her arms around his waist. “Yes, yes you can. And hopefully with all the passion and power I remember from our last night together,” she whispered against his strong chin before she bit it lightly.

Julius used strong arms around her waist to lift her petite frame up so that their eyes and mouth were matched. With a wolfish grin, he kissed her deeply and soon their bodies were pressed together as their hands explored each other's backs and buttocks with a building energy that was frenetic.

He stepped back from their heat first. “If we don't stop we won't make our dinner reservation,” he warned.

Caress shrugged as she removed the bind from her hair, freeing her ponytail. Next she began to unbutton the sleeveless white shirt she wore.

Julius's eyes watched the slow reveal of her cleavage in the black sheer brassiere that cupped her small but plump breasts. “Caress,” he said suddenly, reaching out quickly to remove her hands from the rest of the buttons. “I'm going to take the baby to Tamara and Kendrick's, then go home and get dressed. I'll be back in a couple of hours.”

With one last look at temptation, he turned and sauntered out of the kitchen as fast as he could without actually running. Her laughter followed him.


Julius couldn't believe that he actually felt nervous as he checked his appearance in the full-length mirror. It felt like that first night when he prepared for his blind date with Caress.

But this night was so very different.

Tonight she was the woman he loved. The mother of his only child. His new confidante and friend.

With an ever-critical eye, he made sure the hand-tailored charcoal suit and big knot, bold print tie fit him just so. Cuff links and shoes polished. His face was clean-shaven. His head taped up perfectly. The scent of his Gucci cologne was noticeable without being overwhelming.

He was the epitome of a well-groomed urban sophisticate man.

A man ready to wine, dine, and woo his woman.


Caress was definitely a no muss and no fuss kind of woman. Sweats over silk. Jeans over jewels. Television over movie. Drive-thru over dine-in.

But tonight she went all out and she looked and felt damn good.

She twisted her shoulder-length hair up into a sleek top-knot that emphasized her high cheekbones and exotic eyes. And those she made smoky with eye shadow and heavy layers of lengthening mascara. Lip gloss highlighted her full mouth.

The pale pink wrap dress she wore with oversized gold hoops, necklace, and strappy heels worked to lengthen her shorter stature and emphasize her thick, curvy frame.

She didn't know what Julius had planned for the night but she was more than ready for whatever he had to offer.

Chapter Fourteen

Caress smiled in pleasure as Julius turned his Range Rover into the gated parking lot of Mahogany's. “Back to the beginning, huh?” she asked, enjoying the feel of Julius's warm hand on her thigh as he drove with his other hand.

“That's right.”

Caress reached into her gold clutch bag for her cell phone. “I want to check on the baby.”

Julius reached over, slipped the phone out of Caress's grasp, and slid it into the inner pocket of his jacket. “Justin is fine. Tamara is more than capable and completely in love with him. Kendrick is her sanity. Everything's fine, baby. Let's just enjoy each other tonight. It's been a long…damn…time. For real.”

Caress nodded as he parked. “Just you and me.”

“Just you and me,” he agreed, hopping out of the car.

Caress climbed out before Julius could make it around. He eyed her as she looked at him curiously. “What?”

“Listen, Miss Coleman, it's okay to be independent and strong and still let me be a gentleman. Okay?”

Caress smiled at him. “Okay.”

Julius placed his hand at the small curve of her back as they walked into the restaurant.

In only a short time they were seated across from each other at one of the more secluded balcony tables overlooking the already crowded dance floor. They ordered their drinks as they accepted leather-bound menus.

“I love it here,” Caress said, looking around at the muted jewel tones of the brick-walled interior.

“Me too.” Julius unbuttoned his suit jacket.

They fell silent but the music and atmosphere created a warm zone where the silence was far from awkward.

With a soft smile, Caress watched the people on the dance floor. She loved dancing and couldn't wait to get on the floor. She looked over at Julius and found his intense eyes resting on her.

“You look good as hell, Caress,” he told her, the flickering light of the candle centerpiece illuminating his handsome face as he continued to watch her.

“Thank ya. Thank ya.” Caress reached across the square wooden table and lightly stroked the back of his hands. “You're looking fine yourself, Mr. GQ…of course.”

They fell silent again.

“I actually wanted to talk to you about something,” Julius began, flipping his hands over to grasp hers.

To Caress that was the sound of that other shoe dropping. She felt that nervous anxiety and dread as she closed her eyes like that would block the blow of his words.

“I want you and the baby to move back in with me.”

She opened her eyes. “Julius, I…uh…uhm. No. No.”

His handsome face shaped into a frown. “Why not?” he asked, obviously confused by her answer.

“Being pregnant, jobless, and without a place of my own to live will forever be one of the worst time periods in my life, Julius,” she began, her eyes filled with conviction. “I thank you for letting me stay in your house, but I'm finally back on my feet and if this thing between us ends I don't want to be back behind the starting line getting myself together. God always blesses the child that his—or her—own.”

The waiter stepped up to their table and they gave their orders of oxtail stew and rice for Julius and fried catfish for Caress. Julius waited to say anything else until the waiter was out of earshot.

“So you're just waiting for this ‘thing' between us to end?” he asked Caress with an edge in his voice.

Caress lifted his hands to place her face against his palm. “I'm waiting to see what this ‘thing' is, Julius,” she told him with complete honesty.

Julius stroked her cheek. “This ‘thing' is the first time I've met a woman I can say I've fallen in love with.”

“Because of the baby?” Caress asked, letting her doubts surface.

Julius's face hardened. “Give me more credit than that.”

“And don't blame me for being afraid,” she countered with attitude.

Julius locked his eyes on her. “Afraid?”

Caress nodded, meeting his stare.

“Of me?”

“Of love.”

“Of me,” Julius asserted, his anger and annoyance clear.

“Okay fine, yes, Julius. Of you,” Caress admitted. “You have women coming to your door buck naked with a smile and calling you leaving messages just trying to throw their stuff on you like you have the last penis on the planet earth.”

“It's up to me to catch it.”


Julius frowned. “Did some brotha dog you out and now I'm catching his hell?” he snapped in irritation as he sat back in his chair and fingered the rim of his drink.

Caress's mouth dropped open. “Oh no you didn't.”

“Yeah I did.” Julius picked up his drink and swallowed nearly half of it down.

Caress sat back in her chair and glared at Julius like she wished she could choke him.

The mood was shattered. The air was stilted and the distance between them was far wider than the table separating them. Each looked any and every way around the dimly lit interior. Anywhere but at each other. When their food arrived, they focused on their meals.

The sounds of the live band's sultry jazz rendition of Mary J. Blige's “I'm Going Down” suddenly filled the air.

Julius looked up at Caress.

Caress looked over at Julius.

They both looked away.

The music seemed to get louder like it wanted to be noticed.

Julius used his napkin to wipe his mouth while he chewed his food, with another quick glance at Caress.

She took another bite of her crispy fried fish while she fought not to sway to the music and get lost in the memories of their first night together.

But it was hard to forget for either of them. That night and all it encompassed was far beyond the physical.

Caress felt her anger and annoyance at Julius ease away. The man planned a romantic evening when she would've gladly let him take her right there on her kitchen floor. Not to mention his patience the last six weeks—or the last ten months for that matter.

Clearing away a piece of fish from her teeth with her tongue, Caress removed her napkin from her lap and dropped it on the table next to her plate. Clearing her throat a bit, she rose from her chair, smoothed her dress over her shapely hips and then held out her hand to Julius. Her friend. Her lover. Her man.

He bit back a begrudging smile before he too dropped his napkin on the table and then rose to take her hand.

Sparks immediately flew at their touch.

Caress dropped her head as she led Julius down the stairs to the crowded dance floor. They found a spot near the front, their bodies already swaying to the music as she turned and wrapped her arms around his waist.

Doubts about love and their relationship ceased.

Silly worries about possible infidelities in the future went away.

The moment—this moment—was all about Caress and Julius. Nothing else mattered as they got lost in the moment, the mood, and the music.


Julius watched Caress as she slowly walked around his studio. He was fascinated that she stopped and studied each and every photograph. Her face would show whatever emotions she was feeling so clearly…just like when he made love to her that night. Raw. Exposed. Unbridled.

After eating dinner and enjoying countless moments dancing in their own little piece of the world, Julius asked Caress what she wanted to do next. He offered her anything at all. Truly it was a rhetorical question because he assumed she would be ready to head to one of their homes and bed.

Her reply, “Take me to your studio,” was a definite surprise.

So here they were.

As he walked up behind her, Julius tried not to notice how thick and shapely her petite frame looked in the dress she wore. “You've been looking at this one for a while,” he said, taking in the black-and-white photo of children outside a village.

Caress reached for his hands from behind and wrapped them around her waist. “I was just remembering some of the stories you told me about your trip to Africa. I can't wait to have your book in my hands.”

Julius pulled her body back close to his. “And I can't wait to have all of you in my hands,” he moaned against her soft neck.

She lifted up on her toes to place her full bottom against his groin. She wiggled her hips as she arched her back. “In time,” she teased, before breaking his hold around her waist and walking away from him with sass.

Julius shoved his hands into his pockets before he followed her.

“What's behind here?” she asked, pointing to the leather curtain.

“My office.”

“May I?”

Julius smiled, thinking of the childhood game “Mother May I.” He nodded his head and Caress disappeared behind the curtain. He followed at a slower pace, eventually leaning in the doorway as he held the curtain open.

Caress was standing in front of his desk with her hand at her mouth as she looked up at the poster-sized photo of baby Justin hanging on the center of the wall behind his desk. “Awwww,” she sighed, moving around the desk to step closer to the image.

Julius smiled at the image as well.

“I really wanted to see your studio since it's such a big part of you,” she said, touching the picture of Justin's face softly before she turned to Julius. “I like…”

Her words trailed off as her eyes fell on the five-by-seven photo on the corner of his organized desk. It was a beautiful snapshot of Caress breastfeeding Justin as sunlight streamed in through the sheer curtains at the window. The look on her face as she gazed down at her son and he gazed back was total love. “Okay, why don't I have a copy of this?” she asked.

Julius smiled when Caress finally looked up and focused her soft eyes on the gold heart-shaped locket hanging from his index finger. He walked over to stand behind her and placed the twenty-inch chain around her neck with a kiss to the soft hairs at her nape.

Caress shivered as she pressed the small latch on the side of the plump heart locket to spring it open. Inside was a small copy of the picture from his desk.

“I was going to give it to you at my house but the moment seems right.”

She turned and kissed him passionately as she splayed her hands on his strong back. “Let's go,” she whispered up to his panting and open mouth.

Julius grabbed her hand and pulled her out of the office without another word.


Caress laughed as Julius carried her up the stairs and into his dimly lit bedroom. As soon as she slid to her feet from his capable grasp, she kicked off her heels and crossed the room, pausing at the bathroom door to beckon him with a bend of her finger while she untied her wrap dress with her free hand.

Caress undid her bra, flinging it at him before she wiggled out of the matching sheep thongs. Julius strode across the room to reach for her but she dodged his embrace.

Ever aware of his eyes, Caress made sure to strike a few sexy poses as she bent over to start the shower. She turned and watched Julius step out of his pants and boxers like a stripper. A well-toned and sculptured stripper.

“You are one fine ass man, Julius Jones,” she told him as the steam of the shower began to fill the room.

Naked and proud with his long hooked erection leading over to her, Julius placed one sinewy muscled arm around Caress's waist and picked her up to step into the shower. As the water pelted down on their bodies, Caress tilted her chin up and pressed her lips against Julius's with a soft grunt of pleasure.

With her body held close down the length of his, her feet floated above the floor of the tub. That plus Julius's kisses made her feel like she was floating on air. “Yes,” she sighed as his hands shimmied across her wet, silken skin. The back of her shapely thighs. Her fleshy brown buttocks. The small curve of her lower back. The soft sides of her breasts.

Julius turned and pressed Caress back to the slick, tiled walls. He moved down to squat before her, leveling his lips to her twin peaks. Looking up at her as she looked down at him expectantly, Julius released his tongue and took an exquisitely slow time tasting her taut chocolate nipples. One to the other. Each stroke sent her senses reeling from something so seemingly simple.

Caress arched her back, pressing her hands to the back of his head as she brought her legs up to wrap around his back. The bud between her legs throbbed with a beating pulse all its own. “It's been so long, Julius,” she admitted in a passion-filled sigh.

“Too damn long,” he agreed against her cleavage before suckling the plump flesh of first her left and then her right breast.

Caress gasped hotly as he suckled the tingling spots until he left twin passion marks in his wake. Shivers wrecked her body as he licked a trail from one nipple to the other before pursing his lips and pulling one nipple deeply into his mouth.

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