Male Me (6 page)

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Authors: Amarinda Jones

Tags: #erotic romance

BOOK: Male Me
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“No, but you have a huge love bite on your neck.”

How annoying. Delaware thought she had covered that quite well with concealer before she came to work.

“Think anyone else noticed?”

“Nah. I’m gay, honey. We’re genetically inclined to see bad make-up jobs.” Quinn moved in closer to her. “So, it’s Templeton isn’t it?” He looked at her sly smile. “I know it is. I felt for sure it would be.”

“Well, yes it’s him and

” Should she tell him all? Quinn was her best friend, and it would be sort of a relief to tell him.

“And what?” His eyes were large with anticipation.

“And someone else.” Quinn shrieked out loud, and everyone looked at him. Delaware slapped his leg. “Real subtle.”

“I saw a rat,” he told the curious onlookers. He pulled Delaware out of her chair and down the corridor leading to a small garden that was usually inhabited by smokers. Today, however, it was empty. “Now spill.”

Actually this was what she needed to do. Delaware was quite confused about how she felt. She needed to talk to someone, and Quinn was the perfect person to confide in. Morally she had been brought up to believe in the one man with one woman type of relationship. Two men that she enjoyed equally, at the same time, was confusing. What if one left? Would she feel the same about the other that stayed? Was she just in this for the thrill of something naughty?

“There is another man.”

“Oh!” Quinn clutched his heart and gasped, his eyes wide with excitement. “The boss is gay and I miss on getting a crack at him?”

“He’s not gay or bi.”

“You lucky, lucky girl! I only caught a glimpse of the boss man yesterday, and I had palpitations. I can’t imagine what you got.” Quinn grinned widely. “Is the other man as yummy?”

“You don’t find it weird that I’m having sex with two men?” They had known each other for five years, and Delaware had never indicated any sexual preference for ménage.

“Del girl, I am just so pleased you’re finally having sex at all. It will clear up those bloodshot eyes of yours.”


“Bloodshot eyes are a textbook sign of sexual frustration.”

Delaware slapped him on the shoulder.

“You’re just jealous.”

“Damn right I am. Two men at once is every little pink boy’s fantasy. So what’s the story on the other one?”

“His name is Speed and

“Not by nature I hope?”

Delaware thought about both men. One dark, one light. She had known them for what seemed like just a moment, yet there was something about them that made her happy at the mere thought of them.

“I really like them both, and I don’t mean just sexually. They’re sweet and caring. “

“You know, a lot of people are in solid ménage relationships for years, some until death.”

Delaware had trouble picturing herself with one man until death, let alone two.

“It’s just exciting at the moment, you know?”

Quinn wrapped his arms around her, pulling her close to him in a bear hug.

“Yeah, I do. Does this mean we can knock off early on a Friday if you’re screwing the boss?”

* * * *

Delaware opened her email from Templeton and gasped. He had many suggestions for what he could do to make her working environment a happier place, and most of them revolved around her being naked and sitting on his cock. When she received similar ones from Speed, she started giggling. When both of them asked how she was, how work was going and was she tired, Delaware was touched. They cared in their own crazy way, and she liked that about them.

Yeah, it was sex but it was also fun.

The ringing phone snapped her out of illicit thoughts of what she would like to do to them, and back to the reality of her job. She rattled off her standard work greeting into the phone.

“I know what you’re doing,” a muffled voice said. “I saw you all hot and naked, begging to be taken.”

“Oh ha, ha,” Delaware responded thinking it was either Templeton or Speed. “Are you going to ask what I’m wearing next?” There was dead silence on the line before the call disconnected. She smiled at their silliness.

When lunch time came around, Delaware headed outside to eat her lunch in the sunshine as she always did. It gave her a break from staring at the computer screen or hanging out in the lunchroom where everyone talked about work.

“Hey princess.” Speed had been leaning on the wall, waiting for her. He straightened up and headed over to her.

A feeling of anticipation shot through her body as she watched him approach.
Holy hell, he’s gorgeous and he’s all mine.
He was dressed in faded jeans and a tight knit black shirt that accentuated his broad shoulders and hard chest. Speed stopped before her, leaned down, and nibbled on her lips. It was the sort of kiss one lover gave another. It was passionate but not over the top; they did not need to prove anything to the other. He smiled as he broke off the kiss.

“I’ve been thinking about you.” Speed’s hands caressed her shoulders.

“Oh yeah?” Delaware smiled at him sweetly. She had been doing a lot of thinking and reminiscing of her own. It was hard to believe how much her life had been turned upside down in such a short space of time.

“Yeah, and I want to be with you now.”

At his words, wetness pooled between Delaware’s legs. Since last night she had craved another taste of either man, and the anal plug had been a constant reminder of the further delights they had to offer her.

However, the logistics of lunch time sex were beyond her. They did not have time to go to her place, and bringing such a drop dead gorgeous man into the office would create too much of a stir. Quinn would probably have a heart attack.

“Right now? Where? Are we supposed to have furtive sex in the bushes?”

“Come with me now, and I’ll make you come with me later.” Speed clasped her hand in his and led her down the street to where he had parked his car. It was a sleek black BMW that bespoke wealth and elegance.

Despite knowing Speed sexually, Delaware did not know much more about him.

“What do you do for a living?” She watched him zap the car with his automatic unlocker, and open the back passenger door.

“A bit of this and that,” he murmured as he gestured for her to get in.

They were going to have sex in his car? True, it was a dead end street, but still, people could stop and look in and there would be nothing they could do about it. The thought of it made her hot and tingly in all the right places.

“Anyone could see us.”

“That’s the exciting bit.” Speed smiled at her wickedly, helping her inside.

“What exactly is ‘this and that’?” Delaware stopped and placed her hand on his arm. “I know so little about you and yet

“And yet we can’t keep our hands off each other?” He grinned when she nodded at his words. “It’s pretty boring what I do, princess.”

“Tell me.” Delaware needed to know everything about this man. He and Templeton had rapidly become important people in her life. Her every thought seemed to revolve around them.

Speed entwined her hand with his. “I deal in the sale of stock and bonds

and yes, it is as boring as it sounds.”
He explained his day to day dealings and how he was the boss of what he did, hence the midday meeting with her.

“It sounds very profitable.”

“I do okay.” He urged her inside the car.

Delaware slid over butter soft cream leather seats and knew ‘okay’ was an understatement if his car was anything to go by. But then, she cared not for the money.

Only the man.

“What about Templeton?” Wasn’t this a three way deal? Though Delaware had to admit she was more than happy to have either of them, any way she could.

“I expect he has plans of his own for you later.” He slid in beside her and urged her onto his lap.

Later, as well?

Oh yes please.

“You don’t do everything together?” The wet cleft between her legs pushed down nicely on the hard, denim-covered ridge of his cock.

Speed undid her blouse and started on her bra.

“We are sharing your delicious body, but no, we don’t have to always make love to a woman together.” Her bra came off easily and his hands molded her breasts.

“Make love?” Was that what they were doing?

“Sure.” Speed pulled on her nipples and smiled; she gasped in delight.

“Really?” Delaware wanted him to suck her hard, but the need to talk to him was more important. She needed to find out more about the men who had taken commend of her body.

“You’re not just any woman to us Miss Brooks. You’re our woman.” He ran his hands up under her skirt and looked pleased at what he felt. “No panties


“You said not to wear them.” Delaware stopped and blushed when she realized what she had said. It sounded like she couldn’t think for herself.

Speed touched her face. One long finger stroked her cheek.

Delaware gulped loudly at the tenderness of his actions. He made her feel special and loved. She knew then that there was more to this than just sex. But dare she name it?

“Doing something to please a lover is not something to be embarrassed about.”

He was so sweet she wanted to eat him up.

“How do we do this?” She needed his cock inside her now.

“Never made love in a car before?”

“No.” Until she had met Speed and Templeton her life had been wham-bam, boring missionary sex.

“Unzip me,” Speed ordered. He leant forward and tongued her nipple.

Delaware did not need to be told twice. She worked with fast fingers, releasing that bad boy he had coiled up, awaiting her. His penis jumped into her hand, and she licked her lips at the thought of all that power inside her.

“What about being worried someone will see us?” He chuckled as she stroked her hand along the length of him.

“I want you inside me more than I am worried about what anyone thinks.” She closed her eyes as he sucked on her nipples, drawing a taunt tip deep into his mouth. “This butt plug has been making me desperate to come all day.”

Speed let his mouth slide slowly off the wet peak, making it bounce.

“That’s why we insisted on it.” He handed her a condom.

“Bastard,” Delaware purred. She did Speed’s bidding, willing her hands to move as fast as they could.

“You love it, princess.” Speed kissed her hard, fisted his cock and made instant connection with her vagina, allowing Delaware to slide down over him. His mouth moved back to her breast. She rocked back and forward on top of him, driving them to an orgasm that made her hit her head on the interior roof, and making Speed laugh as he joined her moments later.

* * * *

The man watched them with a mixture of lust and disgust. That they so blatantly flaunted their sexuality in public was socially abhorrent to him, yet that did not stop him from wanting to drag the woman out of the car and have his turn. He heard them call her ‘princess’ and ‘darlin’’ but he knew her real name was Delaware Brooks. He had followed her home when the men had dropped her off. It took little effort to go through her mailbox to find her name, then follow her to her workplace where one of the men was the boss. Was she screwing the boss to get a promotion? Not that he cared. He wanted her for his own private party that he planned on springing very soon.

* * * *

Delaware staggered back to work after saying goodbye to Speed. Her knees still felt weak, and she knew her lipstick had been kissed off. She hoped to get to the ladies room and her make-up kit in her locker before anyone saw her and wondered why she looked like she had been thoroughly shagged. She knew Quinn would want all the details, but Delaware did not want to share them. They were her private moments to keep for herself. They were special.

When she rounded a corner on her way to the bathroom, Delaware ran straight into the arms of Templeton McAdam.

“Looks like you have had Speed for lunch, darlin’.” He chuckled as his eyes ran down her body.

Delaware had not seen him all day, and she was amazed once again that such an attractive man wanted her. When Templeton grabbed her hand and started dragging her past the ladies room, she tried to dig her heels in. She was in no fit state to wander through the office; she needed time to collect herself.

“Where are you taking me?”

“I’m hungry for the taste of you too.” Templeton pushed open the door to the employee sick room and had a quick check to make sure it was unoccupied before he pulled her in and locked the door.

“You two are insatiable.”
Can I do sex again?
Delaware looked at the hot man before her.
Oh yes, I believe I can.

“So are you. Now be a good girl and take your clothes off.”

“What, no assistance?” She arched her eyebrow at him, in what she hoped was her best seductive look. As she began to strip, she shimmied her hips in a slow, sensual motion, knowing his eyes were locked on her.

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