Mallory's Bears (13 page)

Read Mallory's Bears Online

Authors: Jane Jamison

Tags: #Fiction, #Erotica, #Romance

BOOK: Mallory's Bears
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Rick took her arms and pulled them over her head. She cried out, but the sound was muffled as he crushed his lips to hers. He was rough, both with his hands that enclosed over her breasts and with his tongue as he thrust it into her mouth. He tasted of wine and more, of the indescribable flavor that was all his.

She moaned, her body only now recovering from the shock of their assault. Arching her back, she pushed her hard nipples against his palms, determined to tempt him to pinch, twist, or bite. His kiss deepened, as nibbles on her lower lip became hard, quick bites that stung her flesh.

Her world whirled around her as the weight of their bodies sank her into the mattress. Every inch of her was alive with the buzz of the energy that passed from one to the other, then back again. She gave in to the sensation as it warped over her skin like a thousand tiny bees, giving her pleasant stings.

Gunner’s wrists surrounded her ankles. She kicked out in a natural defensive reaction, but it did no good. The softness of fur wrapped around each one as he stretched her legs out and upward.

Surprised, she jerked her head to the side to see past Rick. Black cuffs lined with red fur were attached to cords that he’d tied to each of the two bed posts. With a wicked grin, Gunner yanked on the cords, sliding her body over the bed while raising her legs higher and her butt off the mattress.

“Take it easy, baby.” His hand cupped her crotch. His finger slid over her juice-slickened clit. His touch was the spark that the inferno had waited for allowing the blame to burn even hotter.

“That’s it. I want you all over my hand. I’m going to eat you out until you scream my name.”

“Then stop talking about it and do it.” The urgency inside her took over, driving all other thoughts away. She had to have them. Had to feel their bodies against hers. How didn’t matter.

Rick swung his leg over her to straddle her chest. “We will. All in good time.”

He pushed her breasts together, playing with them as they jiggled. “Fuck me with your tits.” He rocked against her, sliding his cock back and forth between her breasts. The feel of his cock against her skin was exhilarating and she couldn’t help but flick her tongue over his cock as it played hide and seek. She felt his cock grow larger, longer. Placing her hands over his, she helped keep her breasts together, adding even more pressure against his shaft.

Rick leaned his head back and moaned. “Damn, but that feels good. But I don’t need your help.”

He reached somewhere beside him and, taking another set of cuffs that looked like the ones on her ankles, he snapped them around her wrists, then pulled her arms over her head. Leaning over her head to secure the cords to the head posts, he dangled his cock in front of her face. She giggled, then made good use of his position to lap her tongue around his length.

As soon as he had the cords tied, he flattened his hands against the wall and lowered his head. His eyes closed and his expression became one of pure lust. She sucked on him, putting every bit of effort into hollowing her cheeks and dragging him in. Determined to give him as much pleasure as she could, she circled her tongue around him, sucked, then released, then did it again.

Like a trail of desire, Gunner’s fingers massaging her clit sent a line of need racing toward her mouth. What one brother gave, the other gained. She was the lucky one in the middle.

These were her men. She no longer had any doubt. Having been numb to the idea of getting on the bus and leaving them behind, an explosion of relief had burst apart inside her once Gunner had carried her up to the bedroom. She realized that, no matter what might have happened in Shatland, she couldn’t have left. Her heart knew where she belonged. It had taken time for her head to realize what her heart had already known.

Gunner moved between her legs, sliding his thighs under her lifted buttocks and taking the strain off on her legs. His hand slipped underneath her, caressing the seam of her buttocks. “Sweet. Damn, but you’re amazing. Just breathe, baby.”

She gasped as something cool and slippery entered her anus. Where she’d expected his fingers, she’d gotten a butt plug. Never having experienced one, she was thrilled at the way her ass muscles tightened around it. At first, it was a little painful, but that gave way to sinful delight. She sucked on Rick’s cock and dragged on his cock, making it feel the way her butt hole did.

When Gunner put his mouth against her pussy, she jerked away from Rick’s cock and let out a cry. She dragged in a breath, then closed her eyes and moved her head side to side, letting Rick’s cock slide from one side of her face to the other. The softness of his mushroomed cap left a trail of pre-cum along its path.

The sigh of enjoyment Gunner gave her as he came up from licking her pussy drove her into a flight of ecstasy. The little things, soft touches, and moans of satisfaction, turned her on even more. She’d never known that sex could be like this. She’d never believed she’d be caught between two men, men she’d come to care about and respect so deeply.

They were a threesome, not only as their bodies joined together, but because the intangible bond that had brought them together now strengthened, taking a thread of their instinctual, primal pull and transforming it into a rod of unstoppable awareness.

Each man caressed her, then attacked her, going from gentle to hard, then back again. The changes left her standing on a sexual tightrope, uncertain what would come next, unprepared to handle one emotion as it washed into another.

Rick was unrelenting as he shoved his cock forward, rubbing between her breasts and forging a friction-filled path along her skin. Gunner ate her up, his tongue playing jump frog between piercing her pussy then swiping over her swollen clit. One hand twisted the butt plug while the other massaged her clitoris.

They drove her crazy with a disease that only they could cure. Rick leaned forward and slammed his cock into her mouth as he worked his hips back and forth. She ached to skim her fingers along his abdomen, to feel his muscles working like a rhythmic machine. The tendons in his girder-like legs rippled and flexed, pumping his cock into her time and again, driving farther into her throat until she choked. He backed off, opening eyes that were filled with sparkling amber. The muscle in his jaw twitched as he fought to maintain control.

The tips of his eye teeth slipped over his bottom lip.

What is that?

She stared harder, trying to clear her head enough to know that what she saw was only her imagination gone wild from the sex. But before she could force her muddled mind to work, he’d closed his mouth again.

That wonder was soon lost as Gunner eased back, letting the chill of the air waft over her heated pussy. He shimmied underneath her farther, then pressed the tip of his cock against her pussy.

“Get ready, Mallory. I’m going to fuck you until you scream.” He laughed, then plunged his cock inside her, smooth as silk, yet hard as steel. “Cream then scream, baby.”

She was ready for him, and yet, no one could have prepared her for how hard and long he was. He ripped into her, taking her breath away. She did cry out, the sound once again muted by Rick’s cock.

Gunner’s cock stretched her walls, putting up a friction that was unequaled. The wildness, the primal lust that had taken her over from the first moment she’d met them, gained complete control, ridding her of any other emotion. Her body wanted them, and now that she had them, she wouldn’t stop until she’d taken everything they could give.

Making a noise not dissimilar to the growls the men made, she yanked on her restraints, lifted her head and dragged Rick’s cock inside in one fast move. His eyes grew wider and she almost laughed at his ecstatic expression.

Moving against Gunner was impossible with her hands and legs bound. Instead, she rotated her hips, and if she could’ve seen his face, she knew that he would’ve mimicked his brother’s stunned look.

I have you now and I’m never letting go.

She gave control away to her muscles and the craving of her body for theirs. Using her body as she’d never done before, she fought against the rising ebb of her release. She wouldn’t let go before they did. This was her time to please them.

She sensed that Rick’s mind had given way to his body as well. His expression was tense, concentrating. Was he trying to have her climax before him? She whipped her tongue around and over his cock and saw his fortitude shatter with the drop of his jaw.

His gaze met hers just before he gave in.

Squeezing his eyes shut, he paused, then plunged his cock into her mouth again. He drove it to the back of her throat, gagging her, but she managed to hold on. Warm, sweet seed shot outward. She gulped down the richness of him as fast as she could.

He opened his eyes again, the sanity they’d held before was now lost to his orgasm. His body shuddered along with his shaky groan as he pulled away from her, then fell to the side.


Gunner rammed into her again. Having the butt plug inside her ass along with his cock inside her pussy riveted her to an even higher level of sexual stimulation. Like an out of body experience, she let her body drift away, only to be plunged back into her physical being as the ferocity of his cock slicing into her brought out the screams he’d said he’d earn.

“Rick! Gunner! Oh, God. Please!”

She was lost. Whether she came first or Gunner did, she couldn’t know. Her mind spun out of control, whipped into a whirling top from the frenzy tearing through her body. She screamed again, again calling their names. She’d be satisfied if she spoke no other names for the rest of her life.

Up and over, her climax rolled out of her, coming together with his. They were connected, more than with mere sex, but by a recognition that they were meant for each other and no one else. She didn’t care that they hadn’t spoken words of love. What did it matter when she knew the truth of it, deep in her heart?

Her body splintered apart, the shards of it falling away as her climax shuddered its way outward. Gunner bent over her, the bucking of his release quieting until, at last, he laid his head against her stomach and let out a long sigh filled with satisfaction.

She wasn’t sure how long they stayed that way, with Gunner lying against her, his limp cock still inside her bruised vagina. With one arm slung over her chest, Rick joined them.

“Mallory, stay.”

It wasn’t the words Rick had spoken, but the tender, vulnerable way he’d said them. She swallowed back the urge to let her returning emotions swarm over her.

“I will.”

But for how long?

Holding back that question was one of the hardest things she’d ever done.


* * * *


Mallory understood that Rick and Gunner needed to work the ranch. If she’d thought she could help them, she would’ve offered. But she knew nothing about ranching, other than to recognize cruelty to animals, and that was no longer an issue. She just wished that they didn’t stay away so long, sometimes working all day, then disappearing again at night “to take care of other things.” She assumed that one of those “things” was the wolf that was terrorizing the ranches.

But why weren’t they telling her about what they did? They shared their bodies with her, but she couldn’t shake the feeling that they weren’t sharing all of their life with her. Should she question them? Or would that cause more problems?

No. They’d tell her eventually. She had to trust them enough to wait.

Missing them was harder if she did nothing, so she opened her computer and got to work. After, of course, checking her e-mail.

She had several short e-mails from Kid. The first was to tell her that he’d arrived home and that his mother was doing better. The second was a reminder that she didn’t need to leave the ranch. He’d enlisted help in handling other complaints they were checking on. The third was the shortest one that got straight to the same question she’d been asking herself since she’d awakened.

Do you love them?

Leave it to Kid to get straight to the point. Unfortunately, that question led to others.

Do I love them? Yes.

Do they love me? I think so.

But what does that mean? Would I move to be close to them? Is this enough for them? Or would they want me to live with them? Will they want to get married later? What about children?

There’s so much that has happened, and yet not much has been said.

She’d never thought much about marriage like other women had. But maybe that was because she’d never had anyone she’d even consider marrying. Now that she did, how could she marry them both?

Since bringing her home a couple of days earlier, they’d had little time for each other. When the men were able to get back to the house, she hadn’t wanted to barrage them with questions. She’d heard enough of their exchanges to know that whatever they were doing had their livestock’s best interests at heart. Still, that didn’t mean she wasn’t disappointed when they’d dragged in very late and had gone to separate bedrooms instead of coming to hers. Feeling let down, she’d gone back to her room, determined not to seem clingy.

Once, they’d awakened her with soft touches that had led to a wild romp of quick sex. When they’d finished, she’d hoped that they would linger, lounging in bed together. But a call had gotten them hurrying out of the house, skipping the breakfast she’d wanted to cook for them.

Damn wolf.

She hated the idea of harming any animal, domesticated or otherwise, but the wolf that kept attacking the cattle and even horses was different. He was a rarity, an animal that didn’t kill for food, but for sport.

She sighed and tried to concentrate on an article supporting the industry of cattle ranching. Her mind, however, wasn’t ready to work. Not when her desire to have Rick and Gunner sandwiching her between them kept popping up and forcing every other idea away.

At least she couldn’t be faulted for a lack of trying. But the day dragged on with very little work getting done. Instead, she’d finally close her computer, then had kept herself busy by cleaning the house and doing their laundry. By the time the sun had set, she’d grown too restless to stay inside.

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