Mama's Home Remedies: Discover Time-Tested Secrets of Good Health and the Pleasures of Natural Living (8 page)

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Authors: Svetlana Konnikova,Anna Maria Clement

Tags: #Medical, #Health & Fitness, #Cooking, #Alternative Therapies, #Medicine; Popular, #Pharmacy, #Herbs, #Self-Care; Health, #Nature; Healing Power Of, #Gardening

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So why should we take grapeseed extract in tablets and capsules when we can enjoy fresh grapes, drink fresh grape juice, and get a gentle, natural treatment? Do not forget: Fresh sweet grapes are a generous gift of Nature. I was recently in France, and I observed how many people in Paris were eating dinner at 7–8 p.m. in restaurants. Numerous eateries there are crowded seven days a week. Usually visitors come in groups of 4 to 10 people. They order a very popular meal variety, which contains three pieces of meat and fish accompanied by mashed potatoes and vegetables and a bottle of red wine. Then they order fresh fruits and deserts, like famous crème brûlée, studded with bits of caramelized sugar, and French vanilla ice cream that has a custard base rich with egg yolks. And they are people of perfectly normal weight. I guess the secret of their diet is red wine; fresh grapes; and a slow, enjoyable consumption of good food while they socialize and have a pleasant conversation, adding positive emotions and vital energy overall.

40 ^ Mama’s Home Remedies

An old expression says that “a new is an old that was well forgotten.” The grapevine is registered as the oldest plant in the world. I first heard this fact in a lovely tale told by my grandmother.

In the evening the spicy aroma of a mélange of fruits and flowers permeated our southern garden. We sat in the gazebo in the middle of our garden and Grandma said, “Look at the star above you. This is the star of a boy named Ampel. Before he got to the sky, he lived on the earth.”

The sky was shining with millions of silver stars, but one star radiated with all seven colors of the rainbow: purple and green, yellow and white, blue, red and orange. One bright star was hanging separately from the others as if it were in its special place. The star was Vindemiatrix (grape) and is located in the constellation of Virgo. It is easy to find on any map of the stars. Grandma pointed out the star and told us this story.

Once upon a time in Greece a beautiful boy was

born with shiny black curls like a deep night;

creamy, velvety soft skin; and huge blue eyes like two big lakes. His parents named him Ampel. His father was Satyr,

one of the lower gods in the Olympus.

Ampel was a creature with a human torso and horse legs, and he was one of the closest friends and companions of the powerful god of wine and merrymaking, Dionysus. His mother was a wood nymph who lived bound up with a tree in the forest. She was a good friend of Ampelos (grapevine) and gave her newborn son the name Ampel in honor and admiration of her.

Ampel grew up surrounded by Satyrs that had horse and goat legs. He went with them everywhere they traveled. He played games with his mother’s friends, nymphs which were secondary goddesses embodying the forces of Nature. The forest’s nymphs, called dryads or wood nymphs, like his mother, told him mysterious stories about the forest and its green inhabitants. The naiads, the nymphs of lakes and rivers, taught him how to swim and told him stories about how they derived their vitality from, and in turn gave up their lives to, the water in which they dwelled. A Healthy Spirit Lives in a Healthy Body @ 41

Once when Ampel was playing in the forest with his dryad friends, he saw burgundy grapes hanging from the crown of an elm tree. The grapes looked so attractive, beautiful, and juicy that he wanted to pick and eat them. He climbed the tree and tried to tear off a branch of grapes, but he could not keep his balance and he fell to his death.

When the nymphs found him, they told the god Dionysus in desperation about the young man. Dionysus loved him like he was his own son. He was very upset when he saw Ampel lying dead in the grass, wounded and breathless, but he was powerless to bring him back to life.

“I will not give him to Hades, the god of the Underworld, who will take him into his dark Kingdom of the Shadows, the gloomy subterranean land of the dead. I will place his soul in the sky among the stars.” And he did so before Capon, Hades’ servant, could transport Ampel’s soul through Styx, the underground river of Hate, which led to the Kingdom of Shadows.

Ampel had been transformed by Dionysus into a magnificent bright star, Vindemiatrix, the so-called “grape star.”

Every night it shines in the sky with all seven colors of the rainbow.

“You see now it shines above all vineyards on earth—

like no other in the sky,” explained Grandma, “and you will always find it without mistake.”

My sister and I looked at the dark night sky with the big luminescent, multicolored star shining above and wondered if it could see us thinking at this moment about the sad destiny of a young man with the romantic name of Ampel. And Grandma, sensing our question, said, “You know, I believe that he is like a guiding light to many good things that happen to people on the earth.”

One of these good things is a treatment with grapes, a new and effective direction in alternative medicine which was recently introduced. I call this method
It is widely used in well-known
resorts in Russia 42 ^ Mama’s Home Remedies

and Ukraine—wellness centers in the Crimea


and Caucasus Mountains region. There is much

evidence that
is used as a natural

Despite having great

treatment because of its strong curative powmedicinal properties, ers and its ability to produce good results in

grapes can provoke

many cases especially for people with nervous

aftereffects and acute

tension, tiredness, a weakened immune sysconditions of the tem, involuntary weight loss, or heart and

stomach and heart,

respiratory disorders, and patients in a stage

ulcers, breath shortage

of recovering after some serious surgeries.

accompanied by swelling

People are rejuvenated as proof that this

and hypertension, and

unique system works because

intestinal pains. The

is a combination of pure natural ingredients

overuse of grapes can

given to people by the generous goddess of

promote obesity. Those

Earth. These are grape berries, fresh grape juice,

who suffer from chronic

tasty mineral water from a local spring, clean air

disease of the lungs or

full of oxygen, thousands of evergreens and beauhave dental problems tiful flowers, and basking almost all year around in

should consult a

a pleasant environment which is not affected at all

health-care practitioner

by pollution, humidity, or urbanism.

before undertaking

As you see, the explanation of this success is

grape therapy.

simple. It is a treatment with juicy grapes, combined

with the refreshing, clean, and aromatic air quality in

the warm, continental climate.

The following can lower high cholesterol:

r 34. Drink ½ cup fresh grape juice three times a day one hour before a meal. Start with ½ cup and do it for one month. During the fifth week take one cup three times a day one hour before meals. During the sixth week take two cups three times a day one hour before meals. The complete treatment is recommended for six weeks. Grapes contain sugar-glucose and fructose, which are easily absorbed by the body. It is very useful in a treatment of many diseases.
Your physician or health-care practitioner should determine your
treatment with
based on your medical history.
Russian and A Healthy Spirit Lives in a chapter

Healthy title


Body @

@ 43

Ukrainian physicians usually prescribe
for two to six weeks. The length of time is determined by the doctor for each patient individually. r 35. A patient enroled in
treatment eats the bulk of the grapes in the morning 30 minutes before breakfast. The remaining grapes (up to four pounds) are eaten over the course of the day. The grapes should be ripe and thin-skinned for this treatment. See #36.

r 36. As a natural healer and preventive, one bunch of grapes could be eaten two to three times a day one hour before meals. This is enough time for the body to absorb al nutritious elements provided by this plant.

Usual y grape treatment begins with a smal dosage: 300 grams or about 10

ounces a day and gradual y increases to two kilograms or about four pounds. It is recommended to stop eating fatty foods and dairy products, including raw milk, when using this treatment. Kasha or porridge is permissible if it is made from whole grains such as organic steel-cut oatmeal, buckWarning: wheat, mil et, barley, or roasted wheat cereal

and cooked with water. Raisins (1–1½ ounces)

Don’t drink grape juice

or honey (one teaspoon) can be added to these

in large quantities if


you are diarrhea

Grape therapy is not recommended

sensitive or you have

for people with obesity and serious heart

diabetes, obesity,

problems, high blood pressure, critical forms

stomach ulcer, or

of tuberculosis and abscesses, inflammation in

chronic inflammatory

the lungs, and other sicknesses in acute stages.

processes in the lungs.

Consult your doctor. Don’t make independent

Consult your physician

decisions without consulting a professional healthor health-care care specialist.


What kind of grapes are used in

Vitis-Isabella and Muscat are beneficial for chronic bronchitis. Semillon and Riesling heal patients vulnerable to infections in their rehabilitation period from viral and bacterial infections (persistent 44 ^ Mama’s Home Remedies

colds, repeated flu) or those suffering cardiac,

vascular, kidney, and liver problems. Tender

and juicy Muscat and Silvaner are effective

Do not eat raisins in

in treating metabolism disorders.

large quantities

Don’t take more than 1 to 1½ quarts of

(more than two pounds)!

grape juice per day.

They can provoke

Now you know that grapes can treat

intestinal disorders.

people with different diseases, but grapes and

the juice of this berry of life have also saved thousands of young and healthy soldiers on the battlefield with the help of birds well known to all of us. These birds are snow-white storks.

ong, long ago during the Russian-Turkish war, the

Fortress Gorodeshty in Moldova was under siege

Lby the Turks. Thousands of defenders of the fortress courageously fought the enemies. All their reserves of food and fresh water came to an end and they began to lose their energy and couldn’t bear the siege anymore. The Russian and Moldavian soldiers were close to death. Their hopes were dashed, and the enemies were already celebrating their victory.

Suddenly a flock of white storks flew in to the hills, where the vines grew under the sun. They took bunches of sun-ripened grapes in their beaks and brought them to the people in the fortress. Dying from starvation and thirst, the soldiers ate these life-giving berries and were immediately refreshed. They became strong and brave with

renewed vigor and held the fortress against enemy attacks. The Turkish soldiers were forced to retreat in confusion.

From that time on, people never forgot these special and kind birds that saved their lives and helped them gain victory in such a difficult battle. Some people still believe that a white stork, bearing a bunch of grapes in his beak, will bring them good luck, happiness, and success. Storks also bring newborn babies to couples, as you know.

A Healthy Spirit Lives in a chapter

Healthy title


Body @

@ 45

In the villages of Moldova and in the Ukraine, people call white storks

“the sacred birds.” These birds are seen on the roofs on many houses in the countryside there. They bustle about people who want to be happy and have children, and they are more than welcome, as the most desirable guests and messengers of good luck and exciting news.

One morning I went with Grandma to our vineyard. A snow-white stork was already a guest there. But he was not really a guest. On the contrary, we were guests. He was walking like a very important “person” in our vineyard. He walked slowly but surely on the tops of the vines. He looked proudly at us and took wing with one stroke. My breath was taken away. This wonderful creature of Nature—this small, courageous, delicate, and kind bird—was so beautiful and amazing!

I just stopped for a minute and looked at him. He was right there, where the blue sky was bottomless, the hil s were foggy-blue, and a golden sunrise gave a beginning to a new day ful of good luck, a fine mood, and vital energy. Grandma was looking at the blue expanse of morning sky and said, “It’s Ampel who sent this miracle, the stork, to us. Look at the sky. It will remind you that you live in this wonderful world, you are healthy and happy, and you should be always grateful for that.”

It always surprised me how my tiny, old, and loving Grandma had an amazing ability, even in sad stories like Ampel, always to see something good and happy. I guess she looked very often to the sky. You may think this a strange thought, but it is not so strange after all. Ancient people said that if you look at the sky for a short time, especially in the morning, it will dispel evil from you. It is as if by meditating on the sky that

you cleanse yourself of all negative thoughts and

wrong actions.

Dried grapes—raisins—are included as a

main ingredient in the treatment of seriously ill

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