Man of God (23 page)

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Authors: Debra Diaz

Tags: #biblical, #historical, #christian, #jerusalem, #gladiator, #ancient rome, #temple, #jesus of nazareth, #caligula, #man of god

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“Mother, what happened to Daphne?” her
daughter whispered, glancing sideways at Paulus…who wasn’t saying a

“I don’t know—but something bad, I’m

Alysia wasn’t sure what to expect to see in
Daphne’s house, and was quite prepared to cover her daughter’s
eyes! But blank spaces on the walls showed where paintings had been
removed, and the frescoes had been smeared over with white chalk
dust. Priscilla greeted them, ushered them into Daphne’s room, and
discreetly disappeared.

Daphne was sitting in a chair, her scars
angry and red against her pale skin. Alysia’s hand went to her
throat. She felt Rachel grip her other hand. Paulus and Simon had
stopped, and seemed not to know what to do.

Alysia went forward swiftly and took the
young woman’s hands, which lay limply on the arms of the chair.
“Oh, Daphne, what have they done? Are you able to stand?”

She got slowly to her feet. Alysia put her
arms around her and held her, and Daphne began to weep quietly.
“Women won’t be jealous of me now,” she said.

When she could speak through her own tears,
Alysia whispered, “Daphne, these are marks of courage. You must
never be ashamed of them.”

She moved away so that Rachel could speak to
Daphne. Her daughter stepped forward diffidently, and threw her
arms around the young woman. “Daphne, I think you’re beautiful!
Even more than you already were.”

Daphne returned the hug. “You are very dear
to say that, Rachel.” She walked toward Paulus. “I found out your
real name,” she said.

“Daphne…I don’t know what to say. What you
have endured because of—”

“I would do it again,” Daphne said. “I don’t
want to hear any more about it. And do you know—I felt the love of
God flowing through me…all the time. The things you have taught,
Paulus, are true—and I am so eager to learn more.”

Paulus embraced her, briefly, and then she
became very still, looking down at the floor. Simon stepped
forward. “Daphne,” he said. She looked up, and he put his arms
around her. He held her for so long that Paulus raised a wondering
brow at Alysia.

Rachel was looking around the room. “Daphne,
where is Tigris?”

Daphne stepped back quickly and turned to
look at her, her eyes again filling with tears. “I’m sorry, Rachel.
They killed Tigris—in front of me.”

A silence fell, as all the things Daphne had
suffered began to hit them with a sickening force. No one could
think of any word of comfort, until Alysia said quietly, “I’m so
sorry. We’ll get you another puppy, Daphne.”

“Thank you, but not yet. I have to
decide—where I’m going. What I’m going to do.”

“Why don’t you go back to the villa?” Paulus
suggested. “Horatius wouldn’t mind, and you need to get out of this
house. It can only hold bad memories for you. In fact, I think you
should get out of here today.”

“Yes, I am going to sell this house. But
these things take time. I will be all right, Paulus.”

“Come and stay with us for a while,” Alysia
urged, gripping Daphne’s hand.

The young woman shook her head. “That is kind
of you, but I couldn’t.”

“I can come and visit with you sometime, if
you’re lonely—can’t I, Mother?”

“Of course you can, Rachel.”

“Thank you—all of you. Simon sent word to me
that you were probably coming, and Priscilla has prepared a meal
for us. Shall we go to the dining room?”

Alysia slipped her arm around Daphne’s waist.
As they walked into the corridor, Daphne hung back and said,
“Alysia, there’s something—I did something terrible—”

Alysia pressed her hands. “I already

“ I knew he would tell you. He should have.
That’s why I had to speak of it. Oh, I’m so sorry! There is no
excuse…it was wicked of me. And, yes, I was envious of you, because
of all you have. I didn’t know about…whatever they have said about
you, and why they’re searching for you…I don’t know if it’s true
and I don’t care. I’m only sorry that I hurt you, and Paulus.”

“I know you are, Daphne, and I have forgiven
you. You must think no more of it—especially after what you have
done for us.”

“Who will ever marry me, Alysia? I used to
think that, even before this. And now, look at me—”

“If God means for you to marry,” Alysia
answered, “he will give you a husband. Someone as special as you

* * *

When they left, Paulus asked Alysia and
Rachel to go ahead of him, and told them he would catch up with
them soon. He wanted to talk to Simon.

But he didn’t say anything at first, and
Simon waited, noticing the serious look on Paulus’ face. At last he
said, “Simon, God spoke to me, to my spirit, a few days ago, and
for once I don’t know what it means.”

“Tell me.”

“The only words revealed to me were…
it is

They walked along and Simon said, after an
interval. “I see. Rather cryptic.”

“It’s not the same as when he tells me to do
something…such as go to a different place. It’s not like anything
I’ve ever felt before. But, I know what it

“What’s that?”

Paulus shook his head. “I just want to ask
you something, Simon. We’ve talked about it before, but I need to
know how you feel about, and if you will do it. I need

Simon stopped.

“If anything happens to me, will you take
Alysia and Rachel to Bethany? Or, if it happens to both of
us—Simon, I must know that Rachel will be taken care of.”

Their eyes met. “I think I
you before,” Simon answered. “But let there be no doubt in your
mind. “I swear on my life…and God forgive me if it is improper to
do so…that I will do as you ask. You don’t even have to ask! I will
get them to Bethany.”






Livias was beginning to grow almost as
nervous as Petronius. One week left, and his quarry had not been
found. If he failed, not only would he lose a great deal of
money…his reputation would be at stake. He had never failed before,
and he didn’t intend to now. If Paulus Valerius were here, someone
had to have seen him. Someone, somewhere close by, could tell him
exactly what he needed to know. It was as though the man was under
some kind of protection. But luck, and the favor of the gods,
always ran out…eventually.

At least now he knew of somewhere else to
look. That prostitute had given him the idea. (He still wasn’t
convinced she didn’t know anything, but she wasn’t telling, and she
was no good to anyone dead.) The soldiers had overheard her crying
out to her God, Jesus of Nazareth. He had heard of this new cult,
and he knew where some of its members lived. It was his business to
know such things. He didn’t really think that Paulus Valerius was
involved with them, but perhaps they had been hiding him. It made
sense; these people were supposed to be great lovers of mankind, so
if Paulus and his wife had gone to them and convinced them they
were innocent of any wrongdoing, then the cult might very well try
to protect the couple, and their child.

Once again, he would have to be careful how
he questioned people, so as not to frighten them off. He headed for
the section of town where he knew dwelled a large number of

* * *

Alysia opened the door to reveal a tall, thin
woman with bird-like features and who indeed, at that moment,
resembled an agitated stork. Beside her stood her tall, thin
daughter, and Alysia’s own daughter…whose eyes were bright and her
mouth grim. They entered the house and Alysia waited, not knowing
what to say. Her nostrils filled with an unmistakable smell, and
her astonished gaze went to the woman’s daughter, whose limp black
hair seemed to be the source of the aroma drifting in waves from
the unfortunate girl.

“I tried to wash it out,” the woman said,
“but she’s ruined—ruined!”

“What has happened, Cassia?” Alysia asked,
glancing at Rachel…who refused to look at her.

“Your daughter,” the woman answered, seeming
on the verge of hysteria, “turned a bowl of fish sauce upside
down—right on Marcella’s head!”

“Rachel! Is this true?”

Slowly, Rachel nodded.

“You will apologize to Marcella at once.”

At last Rachel raised her head. “I

Alysia was more shocked than ever but tried
not to show it. “You must do as I say, Rachel.”

“But Mother, it would be a lie if I said I
was sorry, and I’m not sorry.”

Alysia stared at her for a moment, and
noticed that Marcella was standing very still, staring at the
floor. She turned back to Cassia with a sudden coolness in her
manner. “May I ask what precipitated this…incident?”

“That child’s wickedness!” cried Cassia.
“They were studying quietly, and then it was time to eat. I heard
them begin to quarrel and the next thing I know Marcella is
swimming in fish sauce! Truly, Alysia, for your child to act this
way is
unseemly. And her father being the leader among
us! I believe it’s gone to her head!”

“It is most regrettable. You can be certain
that we will discover the cause and respond to it accordingly.”

“I have never been so mortified! And who
knows when that horrid smell will go away—”

Marcella was beginning to sniffle. Rachel
stood by looking more and more grim.

“Marcella, won’t you look at me?” Alysia said

The girl raised her dark eyes reluctantly,
and shifted them again to the floor.

“I’m sorry this happened. No matter what the
cause. Try rinsing your hair with vinegar and lemon—that should
make it much better.”

“Cause—what do you mean? As if Marcella
caused it to happen! Why, that child of yours—”

“I am afraid I must ask you to leave, Cassia,
so that I might question Rachel.”

“Well, I—of course. I trust she will be
truthful about it…as she is loathe to tell a lie, but not to commit

“I’m quite sure she meant no physical harm.
Thank you for bringing Rachel home.”

Confusion mixing with her indignation, Cassia
took her daughter’s arm and they made a speedy departure.

Alysia turned. “Rachel, will you please
explain what happened?”

“No, Mother, I can’t.”

“Why not?”

Rachel tightened her lips and remained

“Perhaps you will explain to your

Her daughter shook her head. “Please just go
ahead and punish me.”

“Rachel, this is a very serious thing. Your
father and I, and you, have a responsibility to the people we lead
to the Lord, and—”

“I don’t think Marcella was led to the

“Dear, you have no way of knowing that, and
it is wrong for you to say it.”

“May I go now, Mother?”

“Did she say something…about your father and

Rachel glanced at her warily, and shook her
head again.

“I know that you didn’t do what you did over
some small thing.”

“It wasn’t small, but I don’t want to talk
about it.”

“I’m afraid you’ll have to. Now go into the
kitchen and start setting out the dishes.”

Supper was ready when Paulus arrived, tired
and hungry. He seemed to know at once that something was wrong,
though he asked no questions, and Alysia intentionally waited until
they were finished eating before bringing up the matter. “Paulus,
Rachel has something to tell you. She won’t say it in front of

Paulus looked at his daughter and stood up.
“Let’s go outside, then.”

Rachel had the look of one resigned to her
fate as she followed her father to the back of the house, and out
the door. Paulus led her toward the large rocks lining the stream,
and they sat down.

“You might as well save us both time and
trouble, Rachel, and just tell me…whatever it is.”

She took a deep breath. “I—poured a bowl of
fish sauce on Marcella.”

“I see,” he said, with no change of
expression. “And what did she say to make you do that?”

“Please, Father, don’t make me tell.”

“Something about your mother, or me?”

After a long hesitation, Rachel nodded. Then
she sighed, and said, “Marcella said Mother was a—a sinful woman,
only she used another word. And she said Mother hadn’t any right to
be teaching children because of that and you shouldn’t have married
her. And—and she said that maybe you weren’t even my real

Paulus didn’t speak for a long moment,
staring out at the orange-hued sun lowering behind a long line of
trees. Rachel had avoided looking at him, but now she ventured to
peek upward and saw that he seemed angry and was fighting to
control it. At last he turned and she knew he was waiting for her
to look at him, so unwillingly she raised her eyes to meet his.

“First, Rachel, your mother is more a woman
of God than any other I know. It is good that you wanted to defend
her, but you went about it the wrong way.”

“What was I supposed to do, Father? Just sit
and listen to Marcella? She’d already been saying things before
that—asking me why I had a Hebrew name, and…and things like

“What do you mean, things like that?”

“It doesn’t matter, I don’t want to talk
about it. Please don’t ask me any more.”

“Rachel, I’m afraid you inherited your temper
from both of us, but you must learn to control it. And usually you
do. I can see why this…but it was still wrong. Because, you see,
you were trying to punish her and that isn’t up to you. It’s up to
God. What do you suppose Jesus would have done?”

“He would have rebuked her, and called her a
viper and a whited sepulcher!”

Paulus was surprised by this outburst, and
then greatly amused, but he didn’t smile. “No, those are words he
reserved for the worst offenders and hypocrites…not for a young
girl who has been listening to her parents talk, and who decided to
repeat what they said…or at least what her mother probably said. I
don’t think Cassia’s husband ever talks much. Perhaps he’s afraid

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