Man of My Dreams (17 page)

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Authors: Faith Andrews

BOOK: Man of My Dreams
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“Oh, Mia. I love you so much.” He whispers in my ear as I encourage his hips to move with mine.

It feels good to hear him say this, it’s the sweet reminder I need. I bring my mouth to his, complimenting the ravenous rocking of our joined bodies with a hungry kiss.

Declan groans against my mouth, “Fuck! I’ve missed this, baby. You’re driving me insane.”

And that is just the extra push I need to really set things in motion.

My back is against the headboard, our bodies connected in a sitting position. I push him down onto the mattress, suspended over him, finally in control. He clutches my hips, guiding me up and down over him. His hands make a sensual voyage up to my breasts, groping handfuls, then focusing on my hardened nipples. I arch my back at the familiar touch of his fingers, grinding my hips more intensely to try and relieve the ache of the throbbing between my legs.

He’s brought me to orgasm multiple times just by using his hands and my breasts, but tonight I want to come apart together. And a few more seconds of this delicious torture will not allow that to happen. I pivot myself, still managing to keep him inside me, so that he has a full view of my naked back as I ride him. He’s always loved this position and I am more than happy to oblige. Tonight is about reconnecting, reiterating the things that make each other happy. And from the sounds of Declan’s throaty growls I’ve done my job of reminding him that this stay-at-home wife and mother can still drive him wild.

A spiraling build-up burns deep in my belly as I feel him tense up inside of me, readying for the release we both need. He finds the strength to sit up behind me, wrapping his arms around my pulsating body as the climax washes away any inkling of doubt. “I love you, baby. Thank you for letting me show you. I love you and I never want to let you go.”

But he has to let me go because he has to leave again. I can’t help but wonder if his words are fueled by the heated passion we just shared or if this is actually his heart talking, reassuring me that I am all he needs. I don’t want to ruin our night by asking, so instead I remain quiet, basking in this moment as husband and wife.

I’ll have a month to mull over what this reunion means. My heart believes this is the end of all the worry and the beginning of where we were supposed to be all along.



Organized Chaos is finishing up their set with a killer rendition of
and Declan is nowhere to be found. My eyes scan the Alibi for him, but I’m blinded by pulsing strobe lights and pumping fists.

Tonight marks the two-year anniversary of our very first date and my boyfriend has left me sitting here with a beer and a buzz.
Where the hell are you, Declan?
I’m starting to get annoyed.

The beer buzz gets the better of me and I make my way into the crowd to dance to the head-bopping sound. I close my eyes and sing along to the chorus.

The rest of the song, complete with a screech of the title, is shouted in my ear by a very familiar voice. My eyes flash open and I’m floored by what, or rather who, I see. “
What the hell are you doing here?”

She sways her hips and moves her head from side to side, answering me with more lyrics about picking me up and putting me back on solid ground.

She’s right, but still, what the hell is she doing here?

“Hello to you too, chicky!” She pulls me in for a tight hug and I melt into my best friend’s embrace.

I back away, still reeling from her out-of-the-blue appearance. “Seriously, Grace. What…”

She interrupts me repeating the million dollar question. “Monday’s class was cancelled. Professor went into labor last night. Three day weekend. I missed you!” She speaks her explanation while bopping up and down to the music. This is one of her favorite songs.

I drag her off the dance floor, into the booth I was sharing with Declan—still no sight of him—and push her down into the dulling, cracked vinyl. “You drove all this way? Unannounced? How did you know I’d be here?”

She glares at me with one eye-brow arched, giving me her best what-you-talkin’-bout-Willis face. “It’s your two year anniversary with Mr. Wonderful. I knew where you’d be. Give me some credit, Mia.”

So she left campus, alone, to intrude on my supposed romantic evening. Something is not adding up. “This smells fishy, Grace. In fact it reeks, so what’s up?” Again I inspect the bathroom exits, the sweaty crowd, the bar for my boyfriend. “And where the hell is Declan?”

Grace takes my chin between her two manicured fingers and turns my head to the direction of the stage.

At the sight of Declan in the spotlight, wearing a white v-neck t-shirt, navy blue corduroy blazer, and faded ripped denim, my jaw drops wide open. Two years ago he shocked me by gracing this stage. Tonight he takes my breath away.

He shades his eyes from the glare of the spotlight to peer out over the crowd, looking for me. His free hand remains in his pocket.

Oh my God, how did he manage to get sexier from the time he excused himself from the booth until now? I reluctantly remove my eyes from him to look at Grace. Her audacious smirk is wiped clean off her face, replaced by a nervous gnawing of her bottom lip.

I block her out and focus my attention on Declan again. What is he doing up there this time? And why do I have the haunting suspicion that there is no coincidence between Grace being here and whatever is about to unfold?

“The two of you planned this, you sneaky witch?”

She doesn’t say a word. She only winks before she plops down in her seat, chugging down the rest of my beer.

There is a test tap and the piercing sound of feedback before Declan brings the mic to his mouth. “Um…hi, everyone. Hope you’re enjoying your evening.”

The crowd doesn’t hesitate to reply with deep hoots and deafening whistles. One of Declan’s friends bellows out, “Yeah, Romeo!” Laughter takes over the mob and as I search the faces, a few familiar ones pop out at me.

Declan’s roommate, Carl, is arm and arm with his girlfriend, Stephanie. Stephanie waves in my direction. The four of us have become semi-close through what started out as forced double dates.

Behind them are two of our study partners from the history class we took together last semester. Our study groups turned into late night chill-outs and soon turned us into good friends. Ray and Jade catch me in a confused stare and wink, knowingly.

But the dead give-away that something is most definitely not kosher is the attendance of my introvert of a roommate, Whitney, and her anti-social boyfriend. Michael hides his head in a pilsner at the bar, as Whitney leans up against the stool beside him. She flips me the bird and I laugh. I know she’s not happy about being dragged out to a place like this, but the trace of a smile on her dark red lips lets me know she’s here to support whatever the hell is about to take place.

Declan’s voice comes booming over the sound system, breaking me of my silent wonderings. “I’m sure most of you are wondering why the music’s stopped and what I’m doing up here.” He fiddles with whatever is in his pocket, concentrating on me and me alone.

“I’ll get to the point so everyone can get on with their night.” He looks down at his feet, rocking back and forth on the heels of his shoes.
Why is he so nervous? He’s been up there before.

“Two years ago tonight, I stood up here and sang to that stunning girl over there.” He points to me as the crowd draws out an
in unison and miraculously, or deliberately, the spotlight is pointed on me. Thank God it’s only for a second. I think I just died a little of embarrassment.

Declan becomes the center of attention again and continues, “That night I told her how much I wanted her. But now that she’s fulfilled every want I’ve ever had, it’s time for me to tell her just how much I need her.”

My heart is drumming so loudly I can barely make out what Declan is saying, but when I see him get down on one knee, removing his hand from his pocket to produce something very shiny, I don’t need to hear any words.

“Mia Page, I’ve spent the last two years getting to know you and falling in love with everything about you. Will you let me spend the rest of my life loving you…as your husband?”

All of my breath is trapped in my throat. I feel lightheaded and my brain won’t let my body do anything.

Grace stands up and nudges me toward the stage. “Snap out of it, Mia. If you don’t go up there and say yes, I will!”

I peer over my shoulder for one more jolt of encouragement and my legs finally break free of the imprisonment my brain imposed on them. I clasp my hands to my heart, taking long strides towards the man who has just proposed to me in front of this room of strangers and friends alike. This seems incredibly surreal. An out-of-body experience.

When I get to the foot of the stage, where Declan is still waiting on bended knee, I look into his gorgeous blue eyes and see my future. Without even realizing it, the tears start to dampen my face. I nod up and down, unable to say the word that is supposed to seal our destiny.

Declan’s eyes grow wide. His smile expands even wider. “Are you saying yes?”

My voice decides not to fail me in this epic moment of my existence. “Yes,” I manage to squeak out before being pulled up on stage by strong loving arms.

Declan places the sparkling diamond on my trembling hand. I stare at the dazzling ring, then up at my even more remarkable fiancé. Gazing into his eyes, I feel like we are floating in a bubble, the only two people in this crowded space.

Thankfully the rest of the Alibi’s patrons go back to their own lives; waiting in line at the restroom, ordering drinks at the bar or trying to score a hook-up. But not getting engaged. That honor belongs to me tonight. And I’m pretty sure Declan’s set some kind of record as the only college student to pop the question here.

We’re still up on stage. The live entertainment portion of the evening is over and the house deejay takes over at the other end of the room. The spotlight has finally dimmed, leaving the two of us to be alone in our bubble.

“It’s beautiful, Declan.”

“You’re beautiful, Mia.”

This is the stuff you only read about. Guys aren’t this open with their feelings, this romantic. And juniors in college don’t have the money to splurge on something this ridiculously extravagant. When he asked my father for his blessing a few months ago I thought he was being hypothetical. I imagined this would happen

“What are you thinking, babe?”

I’m thinking too much to blurt out without sounding scared. I will not let him think I don’t want this. Because I do. I
do. It’s just…we’re young. People will talk. Are we supposed to get married while we’re still students? How will it all work? God, my head is spinning. But we’ll figure all of that out later.

Instead of attacking him with an inquisition, I get to the root of my true feelings. “I love you. That’s what I’m thinking. I cannot wait to spend the rest of my life with you.”

Declan tilts my head up with the slightest touch of his index finger. He leans down to kiss me. I lick my lips in anticipation, but his thumb grazes across them tenderly. He doesn’t take his eyes off my mouth. “I’m gonna kiss you in front of all these people, babe.”

I like that he tells me and doesn’t ask. “I’m not gonna stop you.”

His lips meet mine and glide over them with slow, thought-out precision. Is this the way he’ll kiss me at the altar after the priest declares us husband and wife? I lift my hands, interlocking them behind his neck. I can’t help wondering if everyone can see my ring reflecting off the disco ball and the stage lights. I want them all to know we aren’t just two kids who can’t keep their hands off each other.

We’re more now.

I wish I could get out of my head and enjoy this new kind of first kiss. But as his tongue whirls around mine deliciously, I wonder if it will be this exhilarating twenty years from now, long after the wedding and a brood of kids. I don’t wonder too long—the way his kisses and his touch ignite a fire in me—something like that never fades.

Declan’s hands start roaming, the sure sign this is getting past the point of what’s acceptable in public. I hear a loud whistle and an even louder cat call from Grace, “Get a room!”

We break away, laughing at how lost we’ve managed to get in each other. I’d almost forgotten that our friends were here to share this moment with us.

Declan hops off the stage and helps me down. We walk back to the booth, hand in hand. Our eclectic bunch of friends is piled into our once secluded space. This night could only have been more perfect if our parents were here to witness our happiness. My eyes dart to the door. Declan planned out everything so meticulously, I wouldn’t be surprised if our families walked through the Alibi’s doors right now.

Declan finds a way to read my thoughts. “I wanted them here too, but they all agreed we do this our way. We’re going home next weekend to do it their way. A mini engagement party chock full of all the Pages and Murphys one room can hold.”

I smile at the thought of our families linked together. They’d hit it off when we introduced them that first summer. Ever since then, Mom and Sheila talk at least once a week, and Dad and Andrew have gone to a few baseball games together with Connor. I knew this day was inevitable, but living in the reality of it is like a dream come true.

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