Manage Me (Toven's Circus #1) (3 page)

BOOK: Manage Me (Toven's Circus #1)
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We left the office relieved we weren’t going to get into trouble, only to make it to the front doors.


“Mr. James, Mr. Rodriguez, Mr. Frazier, my office.”  Comes Principal Bell’s timbering voice. We all freeze in fear, eyes wide, and we look at each other, knowing we are dead. “NOW BOYS!”


We jumped and scurried our asses into his office. We tell him our altered story then sit in horror when two teachers are called in that saw the whole thing. When asked why Ryker hit Finn, he says we were all just messing around. That he wasn’t trying to hurt him. Finn and I both agree, it’s us against them. Finn and I are both suspended for 2 days for lying. Ryker gets two days for lying and three for fighting. Our parents are called and when Ryker’s is unavailable, my mom agrees to take him home. They send him with a letter to give to his dad, besides the messages that they left on their answering machine.


It turned out Ryker had just moved to town over the summer and didn’t live that far from me. They lived on an overgrown lot, in a rundown old house with several motorcycles parked in the driveway. When we pulled into the drive way the front door opened and a big burly guy stepped out folding his arms over his chest. He wore big boots, worn jeans, and a black tee shirt under a leather vest with several patches on the front. I looked to Ryker and he looks pale, his eyes were large, and for a second he looked terrified. I didn’t understand it at the time, I thought that he was just scared about getting into trouble but he was terrified of that man.


Ryker slowly got out of the car, thanked my mom for the ride, and apologized for getting me into trouble. She looked surprised by that but just nodded at him. As she was turned around backing out, I watched him walk up to the man on the front steps. The man grabbed Ryker by the hair and yanked him into the house. I shouted and tried to tell my mom but she wouldn’t let me talk, choosing that moment to start her rant at me about getting in trouble.


After that day, the three of us have been inseparable.    


Ashton seeped into the group our 8th grade year, when her family moved in next door to Finn’s. Sure, she was a girl, but from day one she just fit. She liked to wear boys’ clothes that were 3 times her size. Her hair was dishwater blonde and she had big brown eyes that took up most of her small face. She never backed down from a dare and had a sharp wit that could verbally take anyone down. We all loved her like a sister, but never had to deal with the stupid girl drama because she was one of the boys.


I enter in the code for the gate, before gliding up the long driveway, and into the garage. I pull my helmet off and I decide a beer sounds like a great idea. I grab a Pitch Black IPA. Hey, I was breed and born in Portland, good beer runs through a Portlanders DNA. Well, beer and coffee. I had to special order my beer from Widmer Brothers Brewing Co. as it can't be found anywhere in L.A.


Needing to relax, I dig out my phone from my pocket and call my band, my boys, my friends, and my family. Because those three people are all of that and more.



















Chapter 5





Two days to get everything in my life settled and head out for three whole months. Finished with my packing, I walk across the hall to my roommate’s doorway. Gemma and I have been living together since our freshmen year at Berkley. She moved to the States from London just to go to Berkley's prestigious photography and videography programs. And did I mention that she a gorgeous? With big blue eyes, lots of mahogany colored hair, and the most stunning cappuccino colored skin, she could easily be a super model, except she is only 5"2’. But she made up for her height with her huge personality.


As the tour manager, I decided that it would be beneficial to take Gem along with us. She would take photos at the shows and keep the Toven's Circus website updated with videos and pictures. Maybe we could produce a video with behind the scenes footage, interviews, and the live shows.


I know I would need to talk to the band about it, but wanted to ask Gemma about her schedule for the next few months first. I knock on the doorjamb and poke my head in, Gemma is sitting at her desk editing pictures on her Mac. The picture on the screen is a black and grey close up of a stunning bride. Her veil over her face is blurred but her face is crisp, her bouquet is tilted towards her face, like she is smelling them, and she is smiling showing a deep dimple in her cheek.


"Wow, that's a beautiful shot." I say, flopping on her bed. Gemma swivels around in her chair grinning.


"It's easy when the bride is so stunning."


"Hmm, speaking of stunning. I met a stunning asshole of a fuckwit today." I toss out, causing Gemma to chortle.


"Oh really? Was this a stunning female or male fuckwit?"


Recalling Jaden’s sexy smirk, I grin and I say, "Oh definitely a male fuckwit"


"And who was this beautiful male you had the privilege of meeting today?" Full on chuckling is happening now. Chewing my lip instead of responding causes Gemma left eyebrow to perk up.  "Why'd you bring it up if you weren’t going to tell me?"


"Jaden James." I mumble and continue to worry my lip. Which of course reminds me of Jayden's lips hovering close to mine.


"Blow Me, Jaden James? Really?! I’d love to snog, I would.
, I'm right jealous, yeah, I think that’s this feeling. You know right in here," she's pointing to her chest. “Hold it, why did you call him a fuckwit? Mmm, what I wouldn't like to fu,"


"Beeeecause of his reaction to me being their new tour manager. He didn’t want me because I am a chick, he thinks I'm too innocent to hack it with a bunch of crass guys."


"Bloody hell!" She screeches, jumping out of her chair, and tackling me. "Toven's Circus! You are the new bloody tour manager for fucking Toven's Circus!?" She is now shaking me by the shoulders.


"Oh my god, get off!" I gasp through my laughter. She straddles and sits on my stomach pinning me beneath her. She's stopped shaking me but is now glaring.


"Bitch! I fucking hate you so much right now." She grumbles.


"Well fine, I won't ask you to come along on the tour then." I try my hardest to keep a straight face but she starts screaming and bouncing again, making me nearly pee myself. "Agh stoooop!" Laughing and gasping as she acts a complete fool.


Pausing she looks at me seriously "Are you pulling my tits?"


Now I snort, "Uh, I don't think so?" I say holding my hands up.


"Are you joking with me?" She sighs rolling her eyes at my ignorant Americaness.


Sobering, I look her dead in the face. "Technically, I still need to talk to the band about it, but as tour manager, it is well within my right to make this decision."


"Eeee!" She cries and starts bouncing again before jumping up off of me to race in a circle around the room and stops with a panicked look, "What do I need to do?"


Sitting up with a snicker "At the moment nothing. We are doing a two week trial period to see if I can "hack it" (yes air quotes, don't judge me) with the boys. The only problem I foresee happening is not getting along with that egotistical ass Jaden." Gem is looking at me with a huge smile. "I am also thinking that it would be good to get some footage at the Portland show, as it is their home town and will be more enthusiastic. So why don't you fly up the day of the show on Saturday. Bring whatever you will need and the label will pay for everything."


"I have a wedding to shoot on Sunday, but I can fly back in the morning."


"Perfect! And the band will get to meet you and see that you’re not some scary reporter trying to dig up some dirt. Plan for being on the tour full time in a couple weeks." With a wink, I head out the door.




Thursday afternoon came quickly and I am meandering around the apartment making sure I didn't forget anything. Walking into the music room, I take in the smell of Murphy's wood oil. A full size black grand piano sits in the middle of the room and about 30 violins, violas, and fiddles hang on the back wall. Several guitars, both electric and acoustic, hang along the right wall and a majestic cello resides in the corner. Many would say I have a God given gift with music- I say my soul just knows how to sing.


Despite my father having worked with some of the biggest names in the music industry, Beethoven, Mozart, Bach, Brahms, Stravinsky, Chopin, Tchaikovsky, and Debussy were ingrained into every pour and fibber of my being. I wanted to bring a violin with me one the tour so I could have an outlet when I needed one. I grab the one my father had specially made for my 16th birthday, it is a 5 string 4/4 Höfner, in a glittery raspberry pink. It was the most girly ridiculous violin ever, but I absolutely love it, my Lil’ Ella.


Packing the violin and bow away in a black case, I take a deep breath. Why does it feel like I'm about to face the firing squad. And why can I not stop thinking about that moment in the elevator? Was Jaden really interested in me or was he simply trying to get under my skin to prove that he was right. Well screw him, two can play at that game. Grabbing the handle of my Louis Vuitton suitcase, I swing the shoulder strap of my sapphire blue LV Eden bag over my head, check that I have my iPad and iPhone and head out the door.























Chapter 6





I dig out my driver’s license and hand it over to the security guard at the entrance to the secure storage lot. When the band is on tour we keep our cars and bikes safe here instead of leaving them at home. I shove my ID into my pocket and slowly bring my bike over to the two enormous black tour buses. Each bus is fitted with a cargo trailer and a few roadies are loading all of our equipment into them. I stop my bike next the side of one of the trailers, since it's been decided that we will be bringing both, Ashton and my bikes with us.


Climbing off, I spot the blue Tesla that Nell drives, making my stomach twist with nerves. Over the last two days, I've only thought about her a half million times. So what if it was while first thing in the morning while I stroked myself off and then again when I was in the shower, and maybe once or twice when I was buried deep in a hot red head. She was sexy but Nell was better. I wish I would have followed through with kissing her in the elevator. I want to know what her lips feel like against mine and I badly wanted to run my tongue all the way up her inseam until I reached her soft center. I wanted to know what her pussy smelled like and wanted her flavor on my tongue ...Damn it, shaking my head, I try to clear away my wayward thoughts. 


"Hey Rock Star, are you going to help or just sit there looking confused all day?" Nell's raspy voice floats over to me as she pokes her head around the side of the trailer sending me a huge grin. Her fruity scent drifts over and punches me right in the balls causing the half chub I had growing to harden a bit more.


“I’ll be right there, I have to do a couple things to the bike since its going with us.” I lie hoping that she doesn’t know anything about motorcycles, so I can buy myself a minute to control on my growing chod.


Her eyebrow quirks up and rolls her eyes, “Ookay.” She says and goes back to work.


Fuck, she must know all I need to do is turn off the fuel line. Getting off my bike, I adjust my junk, and make my way around the trailer to help. Turning to ask Nell where she wants me to start, I stop to gape. Nell is lightheartedly skipping out of the trailer. She wears a pair of light grey tweed shorts, displaying miles of tan legs and she has on a pair of black strappy flat like Roman sandals. But what really makes me want to drool is the simple black Ramones t-shirt that stops just short of exposing her belly button, and the short sleeves that flaunts the tattoos that cover every inch of her arms.

BOOK: Manage Me (Toven's Circus #1)
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