Manhattan Miracle (5 page)

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Authors: Dee Dawning

BOOK: Manhattan Miracle
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He kissed me,
"Good girl."

I showed him the manila folder.
"And I got a bonus for you."

Oh, what's in there?"

Photos and bios of all your fellow workers."

He hugged me.
"Fantastic. That will come in very handy. Good job."

Thanks. I have to admit. I'm really getting into this woman thing—the clothes, make-up, flirting, stares from men, even some women."

Yeah, I miss that a little, but the attention really is shallow."

What do you mean?" I took a sip of his drink. "Yuck, what is that?"

His eyebrows dipped.
"A Brandy Alexander. It's what I always get."

It tastes like something you'd get at Starbucks with booze."

Yeah, maybe a little. So what?"

I flared my nostrils at his obtuseness.
"An hour ago you chastised me for drinking men's drinks and now you're drinking what is obviously a woman's drink."

Realization crept into his/her eyes.
"Oh, you're right. Sorry."

Wrapping an arm around him, I reassured him,
"I know old habits are hard to break. That's why we have to watch each other's back."

But, I don't really like beer and hard liquor."

Drink wine. Most men drink wine…especially red wine." Also, in a pinch, men and women both drink whiskey sours, martinis and gimlets."

I'll keep that in mind."

Good. Now, what were you saying about liking attention, being shallow?"

Not that, though wanting attention is shallow, too. I was talking about the people who shower accolades and reverence on you. It's for one reason and one reason only—you are beautiful. It's that simple. If you were an average woman, you wouldn't get a second glance."

I laughed.
"I already knew that. I was a man, remember—and you were so hot, I couldn't take my eyes off you. I even paid thirty-five hundred to bed you."

Brad smiled.
"Thank you. That was my last trick and a memorable one. And now I want you again. I should be your first customer."

You mean where you pay me? You don't have to do that."

No, it's only fair. You enriched me when I was the courtesan. Now, through some bizarre cosmic event, I'm you and you're the courtesan. I'm dying to find out how sex feels as a man."




Chapter Six     

I studied Brad. "So how would you like to do this?"

He laughed. "Well, you take off your clothes and I take off my clothes—"

I frowned and punched his shoulder, playfully. "I know that, silly. Are we just going to go to your place and do it, or are we going to warm up to it, like we did last night?"

"We could do something first. Are you hungry?"

With all the excitement, food had slipped my mind. "
A little."

"Would you like to go someplace nice to eat?"

"Or, if you feel like living dangerous, we could go back to the townhouse and I could rustle something up for us."

Brad waggled his brow. "I lik
e that idea because of the proximity of the kitchen to the bedroom."

I giggled. "
My sentiments exactly."

What do you have in mind—to eat that is?"

"Do you like Mexican? I could make steak fajitas. I have the ingredients marinating in the refrigerator, all ready to go."

"I can't wait for either." Brad offered his forearm. "Shall we?"

I rested my hand halfway above his wrist. We both slid off our stools and embraced. "This is going to be so much fun. It'll be like we were both virgins.

I grinned and arched my brows. "Except I'll know every inch of your body and you'll know every inch of mine."

~ * * ~

As Ginger wet then warmed up tortillas on low in a toaster oven then turned to the business of frying up the marinated chicken, beef, peppers and onions, she suggested, "While I'm doing this, why don't you open a bottle of wine and set the table."

"Sure." I chuckled. "Where do
keep the wine?"

Smiling, she blinked her eyelashes. "We keep some chilled white in the refrigerator and red in the pantry."

I scratched my head. "Which goes better with fajitas?"

She shrugged. "
Macht nichts,
since we're having chicken and beef."

I glanced around. "I know I inherited this place by virt
ue of body swapping, but where's the pantry?"

She laughed. "I don't know if I'm ready to give up ownership of my condo so
easily, but what you seek is behind the first door you come to around the corner."

After retrieving a bottle
of Bardolino, I poured a glass for both of us. I rubbed my tummy. "Mmm, the food smells scrumptious."

"Thanks." She leaned over and kissed me on the lips long enough that I felt it in my lower region. I liked that, but when I wrapped my arms around her, she pulled away. "Not yet, I'm cooking. Now, be a good boy, girl, whatever you are and set the table. This'll be ready in five minutes and we have the whole night ahead of us for this." She reached down
, patted my manhood and I almost went through the roof.

Though I wasn't hard before she touched me, her caress, and the knowledge of what we were going to do after dinner, really affected
me. The initial tension in my lower regions was not unlike what a woman feels in her sex if someone similarly brushes against her genitals. But that feeling was just the beginning. The edginess turned into pressure as blood literally raced into my appendage, and though I didn't want to get hard yet, there didn't seem to be anything I could do to stop it.

Finally, after receiving no more stimulation and my mind concentrated on setting the table, it started to go down.
But when my beautiful date sashayed in a couple of minutes later with the fajitas and tortillas, and announced, "Dinner's ready," Still half erect, it didn't help when instead of sitting across the table from me, Ginger sat next to me, rested her hand on my lap and kissed me.

"I hope you like it."

Actually, dinner was quite good, but my appetite had switched from gastronomic to carnal. I actually couldn't wait to dine on myself—well, my former self—despite the fact the idea of dining on another woman was something that had never interested me.
The view was sure different from the other side of the fence.

~ * * ~

Brad, poked around on his plate, took an occasional bite and followed it with a sip of wine. Apparently, Brad didn't like my cooking. What he did like, I realized as his gaze scanned every inch of my figure, was my body and I gloried in it. I adored being admired and by extension I had to admit, I loved being Ginger.

I sipped my wine. "Baby?"


"Now that we've had almost a day to think about what happened, do you have any ideas how such a bizarre thing could've happened."

He sighed. "No, it defies comprehension. Other than when we first noticed this morning at the hotel, I've been too busy getting used to being a man, getting ready for your meeting, seeing my new home, etc. I haven't had time to think about it."

"I know. I tried to think about how it happened, but it's so mind boggling, I don't know where to start. Baby?"

Brad's gaze rose from my breasts. "What, honey?"

"I got a call from Amber this afternoon."

"Oh? What did you say to her?"

"What could I say? I put her off."

"Are you going to call her back?"

I pursed my lips. "
Of course not. I don't know her. You need to talk to her."

He looked at the ceiling and rolled his eyes. "Yeah, like she'd never notice my new masculine voice. Just keep texting her."

"I can't do that. Besides, I told her I'd call her back. She's your friend, what do you want to do about her?"

"Hmm, good question. I doubt if we'll ever change back and we can't hide what happened from those closest to us, like Amber. Maybe we should tell her."

"She'd think we lost our minds."

"No doubt she would at first, but Amber and I go back to college. I could tell her enough about you and her that she'd have no choice but to believe us."

I set my fork down and blotted my mouth with the napkin. "I believe you said something about dining on my you know what for dessert?"

A wall to wall grin formed on Brad's, sexy face. "Yeah, and other things. I've been waiting."

I rose. "I'm going to go in the bathroom and get ready. When I come out, I'd like it if you were in bed naked and waiting for me."

~ * * ~

At first I sat and watched those long elegant legs and sexy swinging ass retreat. As soon as she was out of sight, I stood, drank the rest of my wine and pranced into the bedroom.

In two minutes or less I lay naked in the middle of my king sized bed, waiting for my sexy secretary.

Truthfully, in my new masculine countenance, I rapidly assumed a masculine persona and relegated those feminine traits I'd held my whole life to another place.  The most evident sign of this was the way I felt about Ginger. I was beguiled by this girl and the fact that I had been her until providence saw fit to switch us, didn't seem to make any difference. True, my fabulous looking body was now occupied by a new tenant, but that tenant seemed to fit in my body as well as I did, maybe even better.

For the single night we spent together as the original Brad and Ginger, I really liked Brad. I found him to be smart, funny, charming, as close to lovable as any john I'd ever been with. What's more he didn't look down on me. Our time together was more like a date—a real date—than a job. He was so much fun, I looked forward to having sex with him and did he deliver.

My reverie was disturbed when a sudden weight on the mattress bounced me around and I glanced at my beautiful alternate self. "I'm ready." Her long curvy frame rested on its side, her head propped up by her arm. "This is going to be a totally new experience for me. I'm really looking forward to it, what do you want me to do?"

I snickered. "Just lie on your back and enjoy it. I'll take care of everything.







After I managed to calm down
from my first climax as a woman, Brad eased up beside me for an embrace and a long, passionate, tongue filled kiss.

"My God, baby, that was a mind blower."

He snickered.  "I'm tickled I pleased you.

"Where did you learn to
do that?"

did it before. Remember, I was the original inhabitant of your body. I just did what I thought would feel good to me. Apparently it works."

I snuggled in tight and fidgeted until everything lined up for maximum titillation
. Are we going to make love now?"

"Is there high rise in

As he
began to glide into me, I remembered
and yelled, "Wait!"


"You're not wearing a condom."

"Do you have any?"

"You're the guy!"

"Who until this morning was you—a woman."

"Sorry, you're right. I keep some in the nightstand."

Mouthing a series of expletives, Brad got off the bed and rummaged through the night stand.

"There aren't any in here."

"Try the other nightstand."

Brad padded to the other nightstand and rifled through it. He straightened and held up the foil wrapped packet. "Ah, here they are." He peeled off the foil, cocked his head and frowned as he held up a strange bluish condom. "What is this?"

"It's a ribbed and studded prophylactic. My last girlfriend brought a box of and left them. She swore by them. Swore they massaged her 'G Spot' and gave her the strongest orgasms ever." I tittered. "I guess I get to find out since I'll be the beneficiary of the ribs and studs."

Brad laughed. "I guess you will." Smiling, he knelt next to me on the bed, and presented the bluish latex shroud to me. "Would milady do me the honor of sheathing my sword?"

I took the condom from him and laughed as I rolled it down his manhood. "O
kay, but please be gentle, this is my first time."

Brad lolled his head back and roared. "It may be your first time
, but my former vagina has been well used."

I smiled. "Oh you
brute! There, big blue Smurfy dick is all set. How do you want to do this for your first time?"

He scooted between my legs. "We'll start with the basics."


Twenty minutes later, j
ust as my third release began to wind down, my smartphone brought me crashing back to earth with serendipity tone indicating I'd received a text message. "Baby, would you hand me my purse?"

reached over to the nightstand and handed the purse to me.

I retrieved the message and pursed my lips.


I scrunched my nose.
"It's from Amber. The text says, 'I thought you were going to call me back'.

I told you to call her."

How could I do that? I'm you and I met her for five minutes two nights ago."

Brad sighed.
"There's no getting around it. I'm going to have to tell her."

You're going to tell her? How are you going to do that?"

Brad shook his head.
"I don't know yet. Call her and set something up for tomorrow afternoon. I'll have to figure something out to tell her. Oh wait. Tomorrow won't work."


Brad grinned.
"Amber has a weekly date with a Federal Judge on Saturday afternoons."

I pursed my lips.
"So? Just make it for tomorrow evening."

That won't work either."

Why not?"

He grinned.
"Remember, I told you I had a date with a City Councilman, which due to our strange new circumstances, I can't take, so you have to."

I rose up on my elbows.
"Do I have to? I've only been a woman for twenty-four hours and I don't even know him."

I thought you told your friends that if you were a great looking woman like me, you'd be a slut."

I did but…"

One of Brad
's eyebrows rose. "Besides, if you want to make half a million tax free bucks a year you have to. It's up to you."

I frowned.
"I thought it was a million."

It is full time, but with you working at Bayside, I thought you'd have to pull back some on the dates."

I cocked my head left.
"Yeah, I can see that. Tell me about tomorrow night's date."

His name is Jim Warren. He's a little strange but harmless. He's in his early forties, nice looking and a relatively good lay. You'll be with him for an hour, which is twenty-five hundred and he tips five hundred."

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