Manhunter Revelations (8 page)

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Authors: H. F. Daniels

Tags: #science fiction, #paranormal action, #detective thriller, #supernatural action

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I hobbled back to the med area and got up on
the exam table. Doc Med examined my left ankle, which was still
extremely sore. He examined my rib area, head, and back. In fact he
did a complete medical workup on me. At first I started to
complain, to no avail though. While he finished the lab tests and
such I moved back into the dining area and commenced to fix me a
bowl of cereal. Even though I had played it off, my body was still
one mass of pain. Without realizing it I missed Viela and her
skills. That woman was very good at her job, in more ways than one.
When Doc Med was finished and had all the lab results and such back
he sat down in front of me at the counter, look at me and

"Well son, you barely made it out intact this
time. You have two cracked ribs which is already healing nicely,
your back muscles are severely bruised, you have a class two burn
on your abdomen that is also healing nicely, and your ankle is also
very badly bruised, yet healing nicely. Judging from the condition
your ankle is in, it is only by your enhanced musculature and the
density of your bones that your ankle and foot wasn't crushed. I
read Yolanda's report on Lenevos and he was more than capable of
crushing your bones to dust if he had been given a little more
time. As it is you will need at least a month's rest to fully heal
all your injuries even with your healing ability”

"That is fine by me doc. I want nothing more
than to crawl into bed and sleep for a month. I hate to say this,
but I severely under estimated Lenevos and his now known son
Kilgore. This is about as close to being killed as I have ever
come. The client definitely did not fully inform me of all the
facts surrounding Lenevos, which is a violation of the contract,
plus the information I did get I now suspect to be faulty. The man
and his son displayed unbelievable physical strength. They both
must have been part of some illegal bio experiments"

"Judging from the info Yolanda gave me, and
your condition, I am inclined to believe so"

"The only benefit of this case is that it
paid so very well”

"More well then you know my badly beat up

Turning our heads, Doc and I both watched as
Yolanda walked towards us from the Main Comm room. As I always do,
I asked myself again and again why I have never tried to hit on
her. Yolanda stood about six feet tall, lean with a very toned
musculature. Watching her walk was like watching a leopard stalking
her prey, and she was beautiful. Not classic beauty, but exotic and
mysterious. She had an oval face, with eyes that was light gray,
which messed with me each and every time I looked at her face. Her
hair was a dark golden brown, cut short, ending just below her
ears, with a small bang on the front of her forehead. She had a
full, but pert nose and full moist lips that simply begged to be
kissed. She also had an olympic golden tan to her complexion, if
there is such a classification, all over the parts of her body that
I could see. Today she had on some tight denim jeans and a cotton
blouse that simply took Doc and my breath away. I had seen her stop
a room full of men discussing whatever issues they were talking
about to turn and stare at her as she passed through the room. She
oozed a very powerful sex appeal, coupled with a strong sense of
being very dangerous, and make no mistake about it. She was very
dangerous. She had an outstanding physical physique, which she
worked on everyday. Combine that with the outstanding fighting
skills she has and you have a very dangerous woman indeed. I could
not figure out her lineage, and she never talked about her history
or her past. Out of respect I didn't pry. Why, because she was very
good at her job, which was everything as far as managing an office,
and her research skills were top notch. I secretly suspected she
had some past history with some governmental spy agency, but she
never said so. She knew things people shouldn't know. Scary things.
These skills have more than once help save my life while in the
field. She also managed to get equipment, which was damn near
impossible to get or illegal to have. She came to me a short time
after my uncle disappeared, and offered her skills to help me find
him. When I asked her why, she told me that my uncle and her had
worked on a number of jobs together and had been friends for a very
long time, with some type of mysterious history together. Whether
that history had a romantic nature to it, she never said. In fact
she is one of the most closed mouth individuals I have ever met
when it came to her past. Yet she knew things, which helped me
track my uncle disappearance to Antarctica. Based on the little
bits of info obtained over the years, I figured Yolanda was also
ten years or so older than me, but damn did she look good. Yolanda
was also my combat sparing partner. Take away my enhanced
abilities, and she would whip my ass senseless every time. As it is
I barely managed to hold my own with her on the mat. She was also a
damn good shot with a pistol or rifle. A situation, which also
reinforces my belief in her past history. Most importantly though
was the fact that through the years we had worked together, she had
also became a very good friend.

"Our Canadian client not only paid us the
$250,000 MU's for the job, he also gave us an additional bonus of
$100,000 MU's for an exceptional job well done."

Doc Med and I both sat up straighter on
hearing that.

"That's an excessive amount of bonus,
wouldn't you say" I asked.

"That's what I thought. You said he paid you
an additional $50,000 MU's as a bonus, but he must have had a
change of heart. The only other reason I can think of for that
amount of bonus money is hush money. You had obviously asked some
questions when they picked up Lenevos, which they don't want you to
pursue. They paid us an excessive amount of MU's to make sure. I
for one would like to know why”

"Well Conrad what are you going to do?" asked
Doc Med.

"Do. Not a thing. When a Manhunter Warrant
Contract is issued for a manhunt, it is my job to bring the
individual in, not to wonder why. Plus these contracts are only
issued for the most dangerous individuals, and some court has
already established their guilt. Common criminals, both suspect or
convicted are pursued by regular law enforcement or government
agencies who have their own agents for those pursuits” "Once a
Manhunter Warrant is issued for felons who have already been
convicted for some crime, and once the felon is captured the case
is closed as far as the manhunter is concerned. That is part of the
contract. What they are trying to hide is not my concern because
the job is done and the contract fulfilled and closed and I have no
legal course of action to pursue the matter further. Of course we
could argue violation of the contract, because of the withheld
data, but considering the amount of bonus we were paid, any
violation restitution by the courts would be minimal. You know all
of this Yolanda"

"Yes I do. It's just my natural inclination
to uncover hidden facts that motivates me"

"Well curb your motivations, okay. The
payment on this contract is the biggest we have ever had. It will
give me the time to stay home and heal”

"You do that boss man. I have some new
surveillance equipment I need to check out before spending your
money to purchase it”

"And since you have been paid so well, I
intend to heavily pad my bill to you for my exceptional medical

"Don't forget to also charge him for
exceptional psychiatric care as well" laughed Yolanda.

"Are you both finished plotting the spending
of my money?"

"Yes" laughed Doc Med. "But remember, a
month's rest minimum, agreed”


As they both left laughing lightly, I got up
slowly, in pain. Then I had an inspiration.

"Yolanda, do you think you could call and get
Viela to come in for some more therapeutic care?"

Her laughter as she headed back to the office
was sweet and beautiful.

It actually took me a little more than one
week to fully heal. The speed of my healing could be in part due to
Viela's therapeutic skill. That woman really knew how to heal. I
took the time off to catch up on things at the office. Yolanda had
completed some impressive upgrades to our equipment, allowing us to
access info off the Milnet and Govnet, the military's and
government's info systems. I was somewhat skeptical of the legality
of our access, but Yolanda insisted we were okay. Considering her
record of successes so far with her getting top-level information
before, I had to concede the point. At least until I found myself
in jail. I also would have liked to visit my mother, but found out
from Yolanda that she had taken a trip to the Himalayas to spend
some time with the healing monks there. I was worried at first that
something may have been wrong with mom, but after talking to her
over the comm, she informed me she had volunteered to help the
monks with their work there with the increasing numbers of incoming
refugees that was flowing into the area from the earthquake torn
Eastern Asia. The population there although still scarce was in an
area that had been torn up very badly from a recent very violent
earthquake, and governmental help was overtaxed. After getting her
to promise me she would be careful, I went back to catching up on
things in the office.

A few days later Yolanda called me down to
the Reception-Conference room. We had a couple of new clients who
needed our services. That in itself was nothing unusual. What was
unusual was the tone of utter confusion and stress in Yolanda's
voice. Knowing that it takes a really great deal to stress Yolanda,
and although none of the building alarms have been tripped I feared
something was wrong. In case Yolanda was in some type of trouble I
decided to view the RC room first via the comm to see what was up.
The image showed Yolanda sitting at the conference table with two
people, a man and a woman, both of whom appeared to be harmless.
Although I saw Yolanda and the man clearly, there was however a
sort of blurriness to the woman. They appeared to be talking and
everything else looked normal. Watching for a few more minutes and
seeing nothing dangerous I took my 40C and concealed it in the
small of my back and went down to the RC room. As a precaution I
entered through the comm room door behind Yolanda in case there was
some type of trouble. As I entered the two visitors both looked up
at me. Yolanda however kept looking at the visitors, or more
accurately at the woman. As I focused my attention on the visitors
the woman caught my eye and I froze. The man was tall, about 6'2",
solidly built and in good shape. He had a rugged look that showed
he was an outdoorsman. The woman however was a completely different
matter, and I mean completely different. She was extremely
beautiful. I mean extremely beautiful. Too beautiful in fact. it
wasn't just physical beauty, it was a total package the likes of
which no one has ever seen before. Her whole aura radiated extreme
beauty. This was a woman that could, no would start world wars. No
check that. This woman would start interstellar wars. The worst
part was that in my gut I felt very strongly that she was not
human. It was physically impossible for a woman to look this
beautiful. She had jet-black hair. So black it appeared to glow and
I swear at times it appeared to move on it's own. Her face was
oval, with a exotic unearthly beauty. Her skin tone was a light
golden color, and I do mean golden. Looking closely it was apparent
her skin tone wasn't a tan. Her lips was full and a juicy pink
color. Her eyes was a dark pink, or light shade of red and was
slightly oval and slanted up at the corners. With my enhanced
vision I could see that she was not wearing optics of any kind to
change her eye color. Although I couldn't fully see her ears, they
appeared to be elongated like an elf's. That's when it hit me. She
looked like and elf. A golden elf. Unless she had been surgically
altered to look alien, she was alien, and although she was a
strange looking woman, she was still an extremely beautiful

Of course the more obvious explanation was
that she was a mutant. It was discovered many years later after the
Antarctic Plague was eradicated that about point zero two percent
of the surviving humans genetic DNA had on a small scale, been
changed by the plague. The side effects humanity experienced at
first was birth defects of some newborns. Yet as the years went by
the defects sort of changed from defects to startling changes where
the child was born looking normal but as they grow up they started
to show the unique changes in themselves. The changes on the most
part were small and sometimes unnoticeable. On others the changes
was obvious. Increased size, unnatural beauty, and increased human
senses were the most noticeable change. Sometimes the changes were
grotesque and dangerous. The grotesque individuals almost always
exhibited homicidal tendencies on a unprecedented scale even while
infants. Some parents loved these children so much that they had
hid them from the public and the authorities to let them live and
grow up. Most of these parents were eventually killed by their own
children The greatly reduced size of the population all over the
world easily allowed this to happen, as people were spread out and
no longer living clustered together. Authorities were forced after
quite a few deaths, to screen all new pregnant mothers for any
birth abnormalities. The good part was that the grotesque
abnormalities always showed up in the new unborn fetuses and the
pregnancy was terminated. The good abnormalities also showed up in
the tests, but these genes had been determined to not turn the
children into homicidal killers. Since the population was so
drastically reduced, even children with abnormal "good" genes was
allowed to live and grow up, and thus most of the children who had
some type of enhanced abnormality usually lived a normal life. Due
to the small size of the effected population, the changes for the
most part went unnoticed by the general population. Only the
children who exhibited an unusually large size, and over the years
there have been very few children who showed this trait, was
noticed and tested, but again no homicidal abnormality ever showed
up in them. Yolanda's research on Lenevos after we first received
the contract led her to surmise that he was also a mutant. A fact I
was more than inclined to believe after my encounter with him and
his son. Doctors and scientists were able to ascertain that the
initial findings by the scientists who studied the plague virus
during it's outbreak were right that the virus was indeed
genetically made to somehow improve on an individuals genetic
makeup thus by improving them. The problem was that the virus
wasn't made for human DNA. The scientists who studied The Structure
back during the plague never did identify the race of beings who
built it, and as the quarantine on Antarctica was still in effect,
no further research on the virus or the structure was allowed,
although there were quite a few scientists who believed the
governments of the world were still secretly researching The
Structure. All of the above only illustrated the mystery of my own
unique abilities. Was I also a genetic product of the plague that
changed part of humanity. Doc Med says no. He has conducted all of
the tests, plus some new ones to see if I had any of the abnormal
genes that had been identified, and none was found. Every test
showed I was a plain human, even though all of my human attributes
was enhanced. So either I had genes, which hadn't been identified
as being related to the outcome from the plague or I was something
else entirely. What? Your guess is as good as mine. Doc Med was
presently researching the possibility I may be an evolutionary leap
in the development of humanity. Yeah, I don't believe that one
either. Right now though my most immediate problem was the
startling realization that as I stood here looking at this truly
unique and unbelievably beautiful woman, I also had an intense
desire to take this woman in my office to bed. In fact the desire
was almost overpowering in its intensity. So much so I could barely
contain myself. I froze in place because I didn't trust myself to
move. Glancing at Yolanda, it appeared she was also affected, but
to a lesser degree.

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