Marcus: The M Series, Book Three (13 page)

BOOK: Marcus: The M Series, Book Three
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My father escorted her to the table where her family was and left her after she sat. She crossed her legs and put her arm on the back of the chair, holding her head in her hand. I couldn't take my eyes off of her. She looked beautiful but sad... just like the day I first saw her.

Looked like she's ordered a martini. I watched a waiter bring her and Nathan one. Dad appeared at my side as I continued to watch her and handed me a bottled water. I guzzled it down quickly.

“I've talked to your brothers, Marcus, and they've agreed to ask Mariah for a dance. Stay back and let them finish. Hopefully, she'll be relaxed and you can speak with her, after. Come, Matthew.”

“Thanks, Dad.”

Staring at Mariah, I started to dress, glad I showered already. I wasn't sure if she'd come after Mandy said Mariah sent gifts to her shower. I peeked out the window again and saw Mariah and her father step on the dance floor.

I hurried down the stairs. Fucking house suddenly seemed too damn big, even though I'd come down the back stairs, and it felt like it took forever to get down them. I headed straight to the informal living room's windows. They also overlooked the garden.

Mariah appeared very subdued, but sad. I wanted to walk up to her and kiss it away. I thought about the last time we were together: the after lunch tryst the day before and the call that almost ruined it. She giggled and I slammed into her, making her cry out. The nurse I was speaking to heard her, and I covered Mariah's mouth. She sucked them seductively, sending more chills through me. Before I knew it, I was moaning into the phone.

I was getting hard thinking about it... God, I missed that woman.

Thomas and Mariah’s dance finished and right on cue, Joshua approached their table. He shook Thomas' hand and they chatted.

“Come on, Twerp...” I murmured.

“He'll get her out there, Marcus,” a feminine voice said beside me, making me jump.

I turned and smiled. “Evelyn... I didn't hear you walk up.”

“I can understand your distraction,” she laughed. She watched with me as Joshua laughed at something Mariah said. They saluted then Joshua and Mariah danced the quickstep across the floor. They looked good together.

“Nice. Wish I'd taken it up when Katherine offered,” Evelyn sighed when they've finished.

I put my arm around her shoulders as Matthew bowed to Mariah.

“I think you did well with your Martial Arts, Blossom.”

Evelyn elbowed my ribs and laughed. “That one ass-kicking I gave was so worth it.”

Mariah shouted to Joshua, “Extra points for bowing and calling me 'Lady'.”

“Damn it,” Joshua yelled, feigning anger.

Evelyn and I laughed with the crowd and watched as Matthew and Mariah started off. They looked even better together and I enjoyed seeing a genuine smile on Mariah's face.

“If he weren't our brother, I'd have you kick his ass right now,” I muttered.

Evelyn laughed and took my arm. “Come on, Marcus. You'd better get out there if you want to try for a dance. If you don’t, I will kick your ass, headache or not.”

I led Evelyn through the back doors. She joined Russell then I crept over to the far side of the floor. I watched as they finished and waited for him to take her hand.

“Thank you, Mariah. That dance was truly a pleasure,” Matthew flirted and kissed her hand, making her blush. I vowed to get Evelyn to kill him later.

“Thank you, Matthew. Pleasure was all mine,” Mariah cooed.

Matthew twirled Mariah with too much flair and she landed right into my chest... again. This time, I held out my arms and steadied her. I looked at Matthew and mouthed, 'very good.’

Matthew mouthed, 'don't fuck up,' patted my back then joined Joshua and Mandy.

“Lost points for this, Matthew,” Mariah called after him.

“Sorry, Mariah. I think it's worth it,” he said back.

“I believe it's my turn, Miss Hollander,” I murmured to her.

She finally looked at me and gave me an expression that said, 'no fucking way.'

“I don't know if that is such a good idea, Dr. Cannon,” she said, icily.

I smirked. “Dr. Cannon is my father. Let's stick with 'Marcus,' shall we?”

She pushed out of my grasp and looked at me with disgust. My heart dropped.

“I think I'll stick with goodbye instead,” she sneered and turned to the house.

I watched her walk away, thinking I should just leave it done when Nathan approached.

“Don't let her push you away. Go after her.”

“Why should I,” I demanded, scowling at him.

“You love her now make her believe it, again. You fucked this up, so go fix it.”

“He's right, Cramp,” Matthew snapped. “Move your ass!”

“Fuck,” I muttered, running after her.

* * *


“What happened in there, Marcus,” Joshua asked, approaching me with Mandy when I rejoined the party. My talk with Mariah felt… brutal.

“I apologized, and asked her to think us over.”

“Look at her face, Marcus,” Mandy groaned. “Does it look like she wants to think things over?”

No, it didn't. She still looked like she did that day in the clinic. My heart tugged at the sight.

“Damn it. There's nothing else I can do.”

“Dance with her.”

“Does she look like she wants to dance, Mandy? Especially with me,” I snapped, getting sick of this shit already.

“If she fucked up with you, would you be happy, Marcus? Even if you were the one to end things,” Matthew asked behind me.

I look at him, long and hard. “I really, REALLY hate it when you're right,” I snarled.

Matthew grinned at me and turned to Mandy and pointed to his back on the left. “Right there; it's this side's turn.”

Mandy gave him a confused look. “What are you talking about?”

“He wants you to pat his back, sweetie,” Joshua groaned. “Grow up, Toad!”

Mandy rolled her eyes at Matthew and tugged my arm. “Come on, Marcus. Don't give up. Go to the mic and do your toast to me and Joshua, then ask her to dance. She can't refuse you in front of all of us.”

I paused a moment, wondering if I should keep trying. The look on her face was telling me I shouldn’t bother ever again.

“Why the hell are you thinking on it,” Matthew barked. “Go get your woman back, Cramp!”

I scowled at him then walked to the stage. The music died down and everyone went to their seats. Matthew passed me a glass and I turned to the band.

“After I speak, I'd like you to play a slow tango.”

“No, problem,” the bandleader nodded.

Joshua spoke. “Good evening, everyone. We'd like to thank you all for coming out and celebrating with Mandy and I tonight. We look forward to seeing you all at our wedding next week.”

Applause filled the garden.

“Now my brother would like to say a few words, as well.”

I cleared my throat and stepped to the mic.

“To the bride and groom. Here's to many years of bliss and babies. Cheers.”

I downed my drink. Thank God it was scotch. Mandy took my glass, urging me to continue.

Here we go.

“When I first met the woman I love, she had the same sad look on her face that she has now. I swore then I'd always do whatever I had to do to bring a smile back to her beautiful face.”

I looked at Mariah; she was about to drink a margarita.

“She has shared a dance with my brothers and I'm hoping she can put our differences aside and indulge me in a dance, as well.”

Her face looked like she was screaming 'shit' in her head. I shared that sentiment, baby.

I shrugged out of my jacket and Matthew took it. I walked down the steps and the band played a melody that made me want to dance with her more than ever. I turned and mouthed 'perfect' to the bandleader. He nodded and directed the band to play louder.

I thrusted my hands in my pockets and stood in the middle of the floor, on total display. I stared at her as I fingered the anklet in my pocket. If she gets up, I vowed to put it back on her ankle, where it fucking belonged.

She won't budge... the music stopped. I turned and swirled my finger at the band. They started playing the song again. My heart was beating a mile a minute and I was beginning to get pissed. Damn, this girl is stubborn!

It really shouldn’t turn me on, but I swear, to this day, it does.

Finally, Nathan stood and yanked her to her feet. She whispered something to him and he scowled. He said something to her that really pissed her off, but she walked with him and my breath caught. He looked like he was walking her down the aisle to me.

I wanted that to happen. Soon.

“Let it go, Mariah,” Nathan said to her then kissed her temple. “Marcus,” he nodded to me. I nodded back. He left us alone. She still wouldn’t look at me; she just stood in front of me, watching her family, like a frightened virgin.

“You asked me to think,” Mariah whispered. “That was not enough time. Let's not do this now.”

I held her chin and pulled her head up. When she finally looked at me, I release her.

“Your sadness is breaking my heart and I need to do something to make us both feel somewhat better,” I whispered back to her.

Mariah gasps softly and exhaled slowly. She stepped back and I felt a panic. I was going to grab her if she attempted to flee.

“Okay, just... stop talking,” she whispered as she closed her eyes.

I walked around her and took that stupid band off her hair, loving it as it falls down her back. She looked so beautiful and I had to touch her. I pulled out the anklet and touched her cheek. At my surprise, she leaned into it. I ran my hand down her body. I lifted her ankle and fastened the anklet as her foot rested on my knee.

A tear rolled down her beautiful face and my heart ached. She really didn't want me anymore. Okay, if this was it, I was going to make it count. I prayed I could change her mind.

I smiled and wiped her tear away with my thumb. I pulled her close to me and danced with her like I'm making love to her, praying she feels all my love and that we can get past my idiocy.

As the song ended, I had to kiss her. I dipped her and her leg wrapped around mine. I instantly became erect. I grabbed the back of her head and kissed her with all the love, want, need, passion and desire in me while praying she’d give me a clue that she's willing to take me back.

Instead, through the passion, I felt finality in her kiss; like she was kissing me for the last time, ever.

I hugged her tight and she held me tighter, around my neck. I pulled back and thumbed her tears again. I had to kiss her once again.

Again, it felt final. She pulled back and looked away.

My heart was broken again, this time in front of all my family and friends.

First and last time I ever open up to love, I vowed. Mandy, Joshua, Matthew and Nathan were dead for making me do this.

I took her hand, and escorted her to her table, cherishing the last time I’d touch her. I fought panic when we made it to her table and I had to let her go.

Rachel said something to me and I replied with a polite thank you. My mother stood next to her and I put my hand out to her then glanced at Mariah once more when she took it.

“Good night, everyone. Please enjoy the rest of your evening,” I said then walked my mother back toward the house.

“Marcus, where are we going? What aren't you with Mariah?”

“She doesn't want me, Mother. I fucked up her trust. I need you to keep me from getting piss drunk, again. I have to kill Twerp and Mandy, then I’m going to bed straight, after. I just wanted you to know where I’ll be. Enjoy the rest of the party,” I said, then gave her my keys. “Maybe a few more drinks before I retire.”

Mother gave me a sad look and sighed. “All right, darling. Not too much. I’ll come find you in a while.”

“Marcus what happened? That looked like you and she made up,” Mandy asked when Mother walked away sighing.

“She said it was done before the dance started. I'm going to bed. I've had enough. Never again tell me what I'm missing without love, all right?” I glanced at the red in the corner of my eye. “I can't do this again.” I hurriedly walk away when I saw Mariah coming our way.


July 13, 2011

I decided earlier that enough was enough and I was going to get her back, with a ring in my hand. When I saw her in Dad's office, I forced myself to remain still and not to drag her from around that desk and kiss her back to me. Instead, I held my ground while asking for my father and vowed to do that kissing thing later.

As I tried not to stare at the woman my heart, mind, body and soul ached for, the receptionist informed me where Dad was and when I saw him, I told my father of my impending proposal and asked for his mother's ring. He agreed right away to give it to me, praising my choice for a wife, as he did with Joshua.

I sprinted to Thomas' office after meeting with my father. Thomas was at his desk and watched me curiously when I appeared in his office’s doorway.

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