Margaret Thatcher: Power and Personality

BOOK: Margaret Thatcher: Power and Personality
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To Elizabeth


List of illustrations



1  The early years

The birthplace

Family tensions

Fun (or lack of it)

First school

Fatherly inspiration


2  The war, grammar school and fighting her headmistress

Grantham at war


Getting her own way


3  Oxford, boyfriends and political ambition

Early unhappiness at Oxford

Stirrings of romance

Success in OUCA politics


4  First steps in politics

Young Conservative

Mentored by Alfred Bossom MP

Young candidate

Three men on a string

The general election of 1950

Frustration, consolidation and engagement


5  Marriage, motherhood and Finchley



The bumpy road to Finchley



6  First years in Parliament 1959–1964

The lucky legislator

Making her way in the House

Junior minister

In the constituency

Family life


7  Front-bench opposition

Entering opposition

Iain Macleod’s no. 2

Joining the shadow cabinet

Wooed by the Americans, dismayed by the Soviets

Preparing for government


8  Secretary of State for Education

First moves

Milk snatcher

Saved by the Prime Minister

Wider than education


9  Heath on the ropes

The twilight of a Tory leader

The phoney war in the party

The rise and fall of Sir Keith Joseph


10  Winning the leadership

Deciding to run

Toffs for Thatcher and other surprises

A deal with Edward du Cann

Enter Airey Neave

A stunning result on the first ballot


11  Leader of the Opposition: a fragile beginning

Winning the final round

An uncertain start

Personal glimpses


12  Three frustrating years

Party conferences and foreign visits

Outmanoeuvred by James Callaghan

New policies and philosophies


13  Last lap to the election

The importance of the laughing boys

The winter of discontent

The vote of no confidence


14  The final ascent to No. 10

Waiting before the off

Soft-centre campaigning

On the eve of power



15  First moves as Prime Minister

Making a start

Handling her cabinet

Challenging the civil service


16  The learning curve

Inside No. 10

Bridge builders and voices

Old Stripey and stubbornness

A favour for Rupert Murdoch

Personality traits on and off duty

Dog days on Islay


17  First steps in foreign affairs

Learning from Lord Carrington



A slow start to the Special Relationship


18  Storm clouds on the economy and in the cabinet

The gathering storm

Outflanking Jim Prior

The courage of the 1981 Budget

The vulnerable Prime Minister

Blockbustered into reshuffling the cabinet


19  The Falklands War I: the prelude

Sabotaging the leaseback option

Parliament’s war

Seeing off Haig


20  The Falklands War II: into the fighting

Military and political preparations

South Georgia, the
and the

More diplomatic wobbles


21  The Falklands War III: victory

The battle for the Falklands



22  After the Falklands

The changing of the political landscape

The economy and the unions

The beginnings of privatisation

The suicide of the opposition

A landslide victory


23  Stumbling into the second term

Cecil Parkinson and the Speaker

Other early glitches

Difficult problems

Her blue-eyed Chancellor


24  Terrorism, Ireland and Hong Kong

Facing down terrorism

The Anglo-Irish Agreement

Accepting reality in Hong Kong


25  Batting for Britain in Saudi Arabia

The deal of the century

Fighting the French

The Denis back channel

Difficult hurdles to overcome

The motivation of the Prime Minister


26  Unions and miners

Stepping stones towards solving the problem

Arthur Scargill’s challenge

David Hart: her secret Blue Pimpernel

The NACODS crisis and the collapse of the strike

Losers but no victors


27  Strengthening the Special Relationship with Ronald Reagan

The gold seam and the fault-line

The personal chemistry

Islands and tensions

The bombing of Libya


28  Starting to win the Cold War

Why the Iron Lady was for turning

The Chequers overture to Mikhail Gorbachev

Bridge building between Moscow and Washington

Differences with Reagan over SDI and Reykjavik

Star performance in Moscow


29  Rumblings of discontent

Tensions with ministers

Clashing with Heseltine

The Westland crisis explodes

That Bloody Woman


30  Into the third term

Approaching the 1987 election

Winning for the third time

A bold but flawed beginning

Life without Whitelaw


31  Trouble with Nigel Lawson

Flashpoints of personality

First clash over the ERM

Shadowing the Deutschmark

The boom or bust Budget

Howe stirs the ERM dispute


32  Swinging towards Euroscepticism

Always a doubter

Diddled by the Single European Act (SEA)

Disillusionment with Geoffrey Howe

The Bruges speech


33  Boiling over on Europe

The fall-out from Bruges

High noon in Madrid

The dismissal of Geoffrey Howe


34  Exit the Chancellor, enter the stalking horse

Trying to stabilise the government

The problem of Alan Walters

Lawson snaps

The stalking horse

Greater events


35  Countdown to the coup

The invasion of Kuwait

The poison of the poll tax

Her last row on Europe

Howe prepares to strike


36  End game

Howe goes for the jugular

Heseltine enters the ring

Peter Morrison’s complacency

A hard day’s night in Paris


37  Exit

First soundings

The cabinet defects

A bravura farewell performance

The election of a new leader


38  The agony after the fall

Trauma and tantrums

Travelling, speech-making and writing

Last months as a Member of Parliament

Sabotaging her successor


39  Snapshots of her retirement years

Strategic ideas and personal conversations

Still batting for Britain

A break in the Highlands

Seventieth birthday

Finding her spiritual home



Fading out with dignity



Principal sources

Notes describing sources


List of illustrations

pages 204–205

The Roberts family (
Getty Images

All smiles at the Kent Conservative Dance (
Express Newspapers

Conservative Candidate for Dartford (
Getty Images

Margaret and Denis Thatcher on their wedding day (
Getty Images

Margaret watches her children Carol and Mark (
Press Association

New Member of Parliament for Finchley (
Getty Images

Victory in first ballot of Tory Leadership (
Getty Images

Leading the Conservative campaign for a Yes Vote in 1975 (
Getty Images

Margaret Thatcher waves to the crowd outside her home on Flood Street (
Getty Images

With Kenneth Kaunda (
Press Association

Political campaigning with Ian Gow (
Courtesy of Dame Jane Whiteley

Leaving Heathrow for European Summit meeting (
Press Association

With King Fahd of Saudi Arabia (
Getty Images

With François Mitterrand and Charles Powell (
Getty Images

pages 540–541

Visiting ‘Our Boys’ at Port Stanley (
Getty Images

Welcoming Mikhail Gorbachev to Chequers (
Corbis Images

Test driving Britain’s new Challenger tank (
Press Association

Visiting Moscow (
Corbis Images

Facing questions from the media alongside Bernard Ingham (
Rex Features

Reagan and Thatcher on the patio of the White House (
Getty Images

Margaret Thatcher and her cabinet (
Getty Images

Speaking at No. 10 Downing Street Dinner for President Reagan (
White House official photograph/Thatcher papers/Churchill Archives Centre

Leaving Downing Street for the last time (
Getty Images

Arriving with the Queen at Claridge’s (
Getty Images

Windswept on Rannoch Moor (
Courtesy of Lord Pearson of Rannoch

In front of a statue of Lenin (
Courtesy of Bill Cash MP

Arriving early for opening of Parliament (
Getty Images

Surrounded by Chelsea Pensioners (
Getty Images

Back cover

Margaret Thatcher leaves Westminster Abbey with Jonathan Aitken after attending the memorial service for the former Speaker Selwyn Lloyd, 5 July 1978 (
Press Association

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