Marilyn Monroe: The Biography (120 page)

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Authors: Donald Spoto

Tags: #Biography & Autobiography, #Entertainment & Performing Arts, #Women, #Performing Arts, #Film & Video, #History & Criticism

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letter of March 1 and 2, 1961, to
Something’s Got to Give

Grey, Sabin

Group Theater

Guastafeste, Al

Guilaroff, Sidney

Guiles, Fred Lawrence

Gurdin, Michael–8

Guthman, Edwin

Halsman, Philippe

Hammes, Betsy Duncan

Harlow, Jean

change of name to
as Grace McKee’s model for Norma Jeane
as model for Marilyn
parallels between lives of Marilyn and
personal characteristics
project for film on life of

Haspiel, James

Hathaway, Henry

Haver, June

Hawks, Howard

Hayden, Harry

Health of Marilyn Monroe

during adolescence
Bus Stop
chronic endometriosis
gynecological problems

“Heat Wave” (song)

Hecht, Ben

My Story
ghostwritten by
writing achievements

Hecht, Rose

Henderson, A. S.

Herbert, F. Hugh

Hitchcock, Alfred

Hoffman, Irving

Hogan, George

Hogan, Jennie Nance

Hogan, Sarah Owens

Hogan, Tilford Marion

suicide of

Hohenberg, Margaret

Holga Steel Company

Holliday, Judy

Hollywood Foreign Press Association

Hollywood Museum Associates

“Hollywood Star Playhouse” (radio program)

Hollywood Ten

Home Town Story


Hoover, J. Edgar

Hopkins, Gerard Manley

Hopper, Hedda

Hornblow, Arthur

House Un-American Activities Committee

Howell, Mr. and Mrs. Chester

How to Be Very, Very Popular

How To Marry a Millionaire

Hoyt, Carolyn

Hughes, Howard

Hull, Gen. John E.

Hurrell, George

Huston, Angelica

Huston, John

stunts and

Hyams, Joe

Hyde, Johnny


Iannone, Marvin

I Love Louisa
(proposed film)

“I’m Gonna File My Claim” (song)

Institute for Sex Research

Ishii, Tom

Jackson, Anne

Jacobs, Arthur

Jacobs, Natalie Trundy

Japan, 1954 trip to

Jean Harlow Story, The
(proposed film)

Jeffries, Keith

Jeffries, Norman

Jergens, Adele

Johnson, Erskine

Johnson, Nunnally

Jones, Harmon

Jordan, Ted

Kafka, Franz

Kanter, Hal

Kanter, Jay

Karger, Fred

Kauffmann, Stanley

Kazan, Elia

affair with Marilyn
Miller-Marilyn relationship and

Kellerman, Annette

Kelley, Natalie

Kelley, Tom

Kennedy, Ethel

Kennedy, Jacqueline

Kennedy, John F.

birthday gala for (1962)

Kennedy, Robert F.

allegations of affair with Marilyn

Kenton, Stan

Khrushchev, Nikita

Kilgallen, Dorothy

Kingsley, Sidney

Kinney, Abbot

Kinsey, Alfred R.

Kirkland, Douglas

“Kiss” (song)

Knebelkamp, Enid

Knight, Esmond

Korda, Michael

Kotz, Florence

Krasna, Norman

Krekes, Tibor

Krim, Arthur

Krim, Mathilde

Kris, Marianne

hospitalization of Marilyn and

Krohn, Leon, M.D.

Kuchel, Thomas H.

Kupchik, George

LaClair, Philip

Ladies of the Chorus

Landau, Mr. and Mrs. Abe

Lang, Fritz

Lang, Walter

Lange, Hope

Laughton, Charles

Lawford, Patricia

Lawford, Peter

on day of Marilyn’s death

Lawrance, Jody

Lederer, Charles

Legion of Decency

Lehman, Ernest

Leigh, Vivien

LeMaire, Charles

Lembourn, Hans

Lemmon, Jack

Leonardi, Peter

Let’s Make It Legal

Let’s Make Love

Levathes, Peter G.

dismissal of Marilyn and

Levine, George

Levy, Alan

Lewis, Robert

Libeled Lady

Lincoln, Abraham

Lingenfelder, Benjamin

Lipton, Harry

Litman, Robert

Loeb, John

Logan, Joshua

Lombard, Charles

Loos, Anita

Los Angeles Apostolic Faith Gospel Mission

Los Angeles Orphans Home

Losman, Marian (later Zaich)

Louis, Jean

Love Happy

Lovell, Gloria

Love Nest

Lower, Edith Ana Atchison

Norma Jeane’s return to home of

Lower, Edmund H. (Will)

Lyon, Ben

choice of name “Marilyn Monroe” and

Lytess, Natasha

as acting coach
The Asphalt Jungle
Clash by Night
contracts with Fox
Don’t Bother to Knock
Gentlemen Prefer Blondes
How To Marry a Millionaire
motivation and thought, emphasis on
raise demanded by Marilyn
River of No Return
There’s No Business Like Show Business
apartment shared with
attempt by Marilyn to contact her father and
DiMaggio-Marilyn relationship and
on divorce of Marilyn and DiMaggio
end of Marilyn’s relationship with
house purchased by
love for Marilyn
Marilyn’s refusal to see (1956)
as surrogate mother

McCarthy, Frank

McCarthy, Kevin

McCullers, Carson

McGrew, Charles

McKee, Grace.
Goddard, Grace McKee

McKee, John Wallace

McKnight, Marian

McPherson, Aimee Semple

Mailer, Norman

Malneck, Matty

Manhattan Merry-Go-Round

Mankiewicz, Joseph L.

Mansfield, Jayne

March, Frederic

Marilyn: The Last Take
(Brown and Barham)

Marilyn and Me
(television movie)


Marilyn Monroe Productions (MMP)

Arthur Miller and
Fox suit against
Milton Greene and
Rosenfeld and

Marilyn Remembered

“Marilyn” (song)

Markle, Lester

Marshall, Don

Martin, Dean

Martin, Ida

Marx, Groucho

Marx Brothers

Masters, George

Mayer, Louis B.

Maysles, David

MCA (Music Corporation of America)

Melson, Inez

Men in White

Meryman, Richard

Method, The

MGM (Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer)

Jean Harlow and

Miller, Arthur

contempt citation against
The Crucible
Death of a Salesman
divorce from Marilyn
divorce from Mary Grace Slattery
early meetings with Marilyn
House Un-American Activities Committee and
Let’s Make Love
Marilyn Monroe Productions (MMP) and
marriage to Marilyn
during first months of 1958
her housewife role
letter of September 12
Marilyn’s intention to marry
her mixed feelings about going through with
his announcement of plans for
his view of Marilyn
Montand-Marilyn affair
her pregnancies
wedding ceremony
The Misfits
politics and
The Prince and the Showgirl
relationship with Marilyn before marriage
Bus Stop
Roxbury house sold by
Some Like It Hot
the Strasbergs and
A View From the Bridge

Miller, Isadore

Miller, Jane Ellen

Miller, Kermit

Miller, Marilyn

Miller, Paula

Miller, Robert

Miner, John

Other books

The Chinese Alchemist by Lyn Hamilton
Scarlet Butterfly by Sandra Chastain
Dart by Alice Oswald
Beta by Edugardo Gilbert X
Changing Woman by Thurlo, David