Marissa & Mr. White: (Sexy Contemporary Romance) (5 page)

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My gaze revisits his mouth. He grins. I try to return the
gesture but I realize that I’m still sucking on my straw. I place the glass of
water back onto the bar. Before I can turn back to kissable lips he’s moved
closer. His bare chest is now pressed against my arm and his finger is rubbing
the back of my neck. I soon realize that he’s actually tracing the breast
cancer awareness ribbon that I had tattooed on the back of my neck a week after
my mother died. His touch reignites the lust that I’d felt earlier. A tingling
sensation courses through my body as his cool lips press against my skin. I
don’t remember if Richard ever kissed the back of my neck before. If he had, it
hadn’t felt this good.

Suddenly his mouth is close to my ear. “Nice tatt.”

Before I can even say thank you he’s walking away. I stare at
his back, more specifically the sprawling tattoo across his back, as he makes
his way through the crowd. Damn.


My head snaps in the direction of the familiar voice. “Oh. My.
God. I’ve been looking for you. Where were you?”

“I waited here, but you were taking so long that I went
looking for you. Are you okay?”

I jump off the stool. “I think I’ve had enough for one night.”

Bianca nods then hooks her arm through mine and we make our
way to the exit. I glance over my shoulder and see the man in white walking up
the stairs hand in hand with a blonde.

For some weird reason, I wish it were me.

Can You Handle It?




Today is my first day as the Executive Assistant to the new
Marketing Director, Mr. Austin White. I’m just as nervous now as I was when I was
sixteen going out on my first date with Richard. I think the fact that I’m
starting my first day in this new position with a new boss is adding to the
anxiety. I have no idea what to expect. All Harold said before he left was the
guy was great for the position and I should do fine. Okay. And what does that
really mean? Great for the position doesn’t mean that he’ll be a great boss or
that he’ll even like me. I need him to like me. I mean really like me. I need
him to feel as if he can’t live without me because honestly, I can’t live
without this job.

I take a deep breath as I exit the elevator. “Good morning,
Josie and Denise,” I say with a huge smile as I walk up to the receptionist

“Well good morning to you, big timer,” Josie greets me. “So
are you excited?”

“I’m so nervous.” I rest my elbows on the receptionist desk.

“You’ll do fine, Marissa. I’m so glad you got promoted.”
Denise smiles and pats my hand.

“This is my first time working as an assistant though. I just
wished that Mr. Chase were still here for my first month to get situated first.
It would have made the transition much easier.”

“Well sweetheart, the time has come to hop on that bike
without the training wheels,” Josie says.

“I guess you’re right. Fingers crossed that he hires me on
permanently.” We all cross our fingers, kiss them, and hold them up to the sky.
“Eek. Alright, here goes nothing.” I wave goodbye as I make my way down the
hall. I get to Harold’s old office. No one is inside, but the light is on.
There’s a black briefcase on the desk so I know the new guy is here. I glance behind
me. Perhaps he went to the restroom. I shrug. My new work home is two cubicles
down from my boss’ office. It’s your standard cubicle. Nothing fancy. A little
drab if you ask me with the dark grayish blue walls. At least they are high
walls. I don’t have to worry about looking at other people while I work. Sharing
an open workspace for the past two years with two other people was definitely
not my idea of a good working environment. But that’s what you have to deal
with as a receptionist. Lucky for me Denise and Josie are great girls and we
get along great.

This area is spacious. Easy to keep neat and clean. I take the
pink sticky note from the monitor. My username and password. Great. Oh and the
last girl had a screen guard on the monitor. Good. Now I don’t have to worry
about the eye invaders walking down the hall spying on my computer. That’s what
I like to call nosey people who are always looking over your shoulder.
. I laugh to myself as I turn on the computer. While it’s booting
up I place my bag on the floor underneath my desk then I open the third drawer
on my left and sit my purse inside. Once the login screen pops up I enter the
username and password. I have to remind myself to change the password to
something that I will easily remember.

Just before I open my email my phone buzzes. Must be my new
boss. “Hello, Marissa speaking.”

“Can you come into my office, please?” Click.

“Good morning to you, too.” I hang up the phone then slowly
rise from my chair. What a way to greet your new employee. I straighten out my
heather gray suit jacket before walking to Mr. White’s office. His door is
closed. Austin White now replaces Harold’s name on the door. I knock lightly.

“It’s open,” a sexy voice responds.

His voice didn’t sound so sexy on the phone just now. I can’t
believe I just called my boss’ voice sexy. I open the door. He looks up from
his computer screen then motions for me to enter. I swallow the lemon size lump
in my throat. Not only is his voice sexy, but this man is unbelievably
handsome. And he looks younger than twenty-seven. He runs his strong looking
hands through his dark brown hair that’s layered into a short cut. “Good
morning, sir.” I walk over to his desk. He looks up at me with his dark eyes
framed by a chiseled face. He has such a commanding presence. A presence that demands

“Good morning, Marissa.” He stands then extends his hand.
“Nice to meet you.”

I place my hand into his. Strong grip. I manage to pull my
lips into a smile. I think my nervousness has gone up ten notches from his
touch. I hope he tells me to take a seat soon. I don’t know how much longer my
trembling legs can support my body.

“Be seated.”

My body drops into the waiting chair. I let out a silent air
of relief.

“I want to officially introduce myself. I’m Austin White. I’m
not sure how much you have heard about me.”

“I know that you are the nephew of the CEO.”

His lips stretch over his strikingly white teeth. “Well, do
you also know that I’m one of the top promoters on the East coast? I promote a
lot of celebrity parties from New York to Atlanta to Miami and I have a few well-known
connections in Los Angeles. I’ve been working ever since I was fourteen-years-old.
I’ve never worked for anyone but myself. I agreed to come to work with my uncle
because I have a lot of connections in the nightlife entertainment industry and
we need to increase our portfolio in that area. We are aiming to be the best in
venue and events management and we need only the best on our team. That’s where
I come in and hopefully that’s where you come in.”

He opens a manila folder. “I know that this is your first day
in this position and that you came highly recommended by the previous director,
Harold. I’ve looked over your file and I’m not quite sure why you’re so highly

Oh no.

“I see here that you were in school for two years before you
started working here. And you majored in marketing.”

I clear my throat. “Yes, sir.”

“But you don’t have your degree. There were others that have
years of executive administrative experience and a degree but you got the
position. So we can all cut through the bullshit here. You are less than
qualified for this position…on paper, so we can assume that Harold pulled some
strings to get you here.”

I wet my lips. “I can do the job, Mr. White.”

“Have you ever heard the term, mover-n-shaker?”

I nod.

“I am known for making moves and getting the job done. I need
someone that can keep up. I’m no hand holder. I’m no babysitter. I’m not your
friend. I am your boss. I give orders and I expect those orders to be executed
with perfection.” He looks down at my file again. “I see here that you have a
desire to be an events coordinator.”

“Yes, sir. That’s my career goal.”

“Good. Our job is to get Trentini & White out in the
nightlife world as the go-to company for high-end events. When anyone asks who
can guarantee me the best party in Atlanta? I need the first answer on
everyone’s tongue to be Trentini & White. I have a great reputation in this
industry. Trentini & White has a great reputation as well but so far it’s
only been in the corporate industry. I’m here to change that and I need someone
to help me execute that flawlessly.”

“I understand.” I clear my throat. I need a drink of water.

“One thing you must remember, Miss Riley, this business has no
room for crybabies. You can’t be easily rattled. Expect the unexpected. In this
position you will come across many people with different personalities and not
everyone is going to be nice and pleasant. Not everyone is going to hold your
hand and give you a pat on the back for a job well done. You will come in
contact with a lot of arrogant assholes that will take one look at you and try
to get over on you just because you are young, pretty and a woman. Then again,"
—he grins— “being young, pretty and a woman may come in handy for you as well.
Our focus is nightlife. You get that?”

My head bounces up and down.

He leans forward, places his elbows on top of his desk as he
whirls his pen between his fingers. “This is a fast paced industry, Miss Riley.
Sometimes you only have weeks to prepare for certain events and I need to know
that I have someone who can handle any task thrown at them. This is a demanding
position because I’m a demanding person. I need someone who can think two steps
ahead. A person that is great at crisis management. Our main job in all of this
is to make sure our clients have the most memorable experience when they decide
to get our company to host and coordinate their events. Got it?”

I nod. For some reason my words have decided to desert me.

“Something that you should know about me besides the fact that
I’m Jeffrey White’s nephew is that I’m the best at what I do and expect the
best from my team. Especially you. You are a direct reflection of my
leadership. Sometimes you may be needed to represent me at a meeting with a
client. I need 110% from you at all times. No matter what task I give to you.
When I say do something it gets done. No questions asked.” He stares at me
waiting for an acknowledgment that I understand. I nod my head for him to
continue. “I have my way of doing things and I expect it to be done to my
standards. I have a few rules. I don’t tolerate lateness. I expect you to go
with me to my business meetings to take necessary notes, if needed. All
projects that I assign to you must be completed on the deadline given or preferably
beforehand. A lot of what we do is of a time sensitive nature. You should be
here no later than nine o’clock every morning. If you are going to be late I
expect a text, email or phone call to notify me of that. My emails should be
checked. My voice messages should be checked. Any emails that need my direct
response should be left marked unread and any voice mails that need me to call
them directly should be left on a message pad waiting for me when I get into
the office. We clear?”

“Yes, Mr. White.”

“You don’t leave until I give you permission to do so. In this
business things come up at the last minute and I may need you after work hours
therefore you will have a company cell phone starting tomorrow. You get an hour
for lunch. Just make sure you let me know when you are taking your lunch. If
you go over that hour, expect to make up that time by staying later.” He points
to his windows. “Speak to whoever you need to speak with about these blinds. I
would prefer black instead of white. I think it goes better with the décor. Oh,
and I would like to have coffee when I get into the office in the mornings.” He
cocks his perfectly groomed brow. “You sure you’re up for this, Miss Riley?”

Am I up for this? I take a breath as I stare into his arrogant
chocolate eyes. If he weren’t so distractingly handsome I would be so turned
off by his arrogance. I’ve never met someone so cocky before. I guess it’s a
first time for everything. I need this job more than anything. I bite down on
my lower lip. I don’t know if I can handle this. I’m not even experienced being
an assistant let alone planning events. But I can’t back down now. I can’t let
his arrogance and his gazillion rules intimidate me. Besides, Harold would be
disappointed if I quit. I can’t let him down. I can do this. If I’ve learned
anything this past year it’s that I’m a lot stronger than I ever thought. It’s
time I stop letting people take my meekness for weakness. If I can get up the
courage to go into a sex club with the intention of having sex with a man that
I don’t know then I can definitely take on Austin White’s demands.

I straighten my back and hold my head up high. “Mr. White, I
didn’t get this position just because Harold Chase pulled strings for me. I got
this position because I am driven, passionate, and tenacious. I am a hard
worker, a fast learner and I know how to handle anything that life throws at
me. I’m definitely up for the challenge because I know that I can do it. I
didn’t want this position I needed this position, and I am determined to be the
best at it.”

He sits back in his chair.

I keep a straight face while my insides go insane. “Now, how
do you like your coffee, sir?”

His face wears a pleased grin. He nods slowly then licks his
lips. “Strong and black.”

Satin & Lace


Moments later I enter Mr. White’s office and hand him the
porcelain mug filled almost to the brim with scolding hot coffee.


I turn to leave.

“One more thing before you go back to your desk, Miss Riley.”

“Yes, sir?”

"I have over 1500 contacts in the entertainment industry
and I need you to have access to those contacts. I'm going to order you a Mac
computer today since that's what I use."

"A Mac? I'm not that familiar with Macs."

"Didn't you tell me you're a fast learner?"

I smile to myself then nod. "I did."

"Then I guess we don't have anything to worry about then
now do we?"

"No, sir, I suppose we don't."

"Good. I need for everything to be seamless so that's why
I need you to work on a Mac. Until we get you set up with your new computer you
will need to copy my contacts into your address book. You can use Gmail for
that. Once you have them downloaded, organize them by state."


"I have new vendor contracts that need to be created, and
either emailed or faxed over to the companies. You will need to contact each
one to see how they would prefer the contract sent to them. I will email the
list of vendors to you."


“This is for you.” He takes a white flash drive from his iMac
computer and hands it to me.

My thumb brushes against his as I take the flash drive from
his hand. I gasp as a spark of static electricity passes between us.
Instantaneously, an undeniable surge of lustful energy move through my entire
body. Desire begins to pulsate between my thighs. My pulse quickens and I
immediately pull my hand back. I look into his eyes. His deep brown eyes seem a
little darker. I don’t know if it’s dark with arousal or confusion. Either
way…I shouldn’t be having this reaction to my boss. “Is there anything else?” I
ask in a small voice.

His gaze rests on my lips before moving back up to meet mine.
“I have a lunch meeting tomorrow at noon and I need you to make me a
reservation at Florentine’s. You can Google it. It’s about a block from here.
Make the reservation for two people. When you make the reservation put it under
Dr. White.”

“Dr. White?”

“Yes, doctor. I’ve learned that you get better service when
they think you have an important job such as a doctor.”

“Got it.” I should’ve brought a pad. I hope I can remember all
of this.

Mr. White picks up a manila folder from his desk. “The
directors of the company are going to a conference in Los Angeles in a few
months. I need you to register me for the conference. All the details are in
this folder. I will need flight and hotel arrangements as well.” He extends the
folder in my direction.

This time I don’t have to worry about our hands touching. I
grab the folder.

He clears his throat then takes out his wallet. “Make a
photocopy of this corporate card and use it for the registration fee and
accommodations.” He places the card on the desk then slides it over to me.

I pick up the credit card from the desk.

“That’s all,” he says before I have a chance to ask.

“Okay.” I shut his office door behind me as I leave. I take my
seat at my desk. Just then my cell phone vibrates. It’s Bianca.

“Hey Bee, what’s going on? You’re calling me bright and
early.” I open my email from Mr. White with the list of vendors’ names and
contact information.

“I’m just calling to check on you. So how is your first day
going in your new role with your new boss?”

“Considering I’ve only been here a little under two hours, I
can say that it’s going pretty well. I can tell you right now that he’s going
to have me very busy. But I guess the busier I am the faster the time will go.”

“For the most part. So do you think you two will get along? Or
is it too early to tell?”

My mind thought back to the way my body reacted when I
accidently touched his hand. “It’s probably too early to say for sure. But so
far so good. I will definitely keep you updated on that.” I print out the

“Okay, cool. I don’t want to keep you long. The last thing I
would want would be for you to get in trouble for taking personal calls.”

“Thanks for calling to check on me.”

“For sure. Oh, do you want to go with me to Masquerade on Friday?”

“You’re going back so soon?”

“Yes,” she responded as if it was a no brainer. “We spent
majority of the time we were there looking for each other. I don’t think we can
really qualify that has a first time experience.”

“I don’t know.” I totally freaked out the last time I was
there. I allowed my nerves to get the best of me. But the possibility of seeing
the man in white again outweighs my nervousness. “I don’t have anything to
wear. I don’t want to wear the same thing I had on last Friday.”

“Don’t worry about it. I got you.”

“You got me?”

“Don’t I always. So you down?”

I start to tingle between my legs at the thought of seeing,
better yet kissing, the man in white. “Sure, why not.”

“Great. I’m going to send you a gift card for Victoria’s
Secret to your cell phone. You can go by there on your lunch break or after
work. It’s only two blocks from your job.”

“Aww, Bee, you don’t have to buy me lingerie. Really. You
don’t have to do this.”

“Girl, what are friends for?”

“Love you, Bee.”

“Love you too, girl.”

My office phone beeps. “Gotta go, my boss is calling me.”

“Kay. Talk later.”

I end the call with Bianca and answer my office phone.

“I need you in my office please.” Click.

I shake my head then make my way to Mr. White’s office. I
knock on the closed door.


I walk into his office. “Yes, sir?” I move closer to his desk.

He looks up from his computer screen. “I just scheduled a
business meeting on Friday night. I need you to accompany me to make a record
of the conversation. Do you have a tape recorder?”

“Umm, I do. Did you say Friday night as in

“Yes, this Friday night.”

“Umm, sir, I have a prior engagement on Friday night.”

“Either cancel your plans or do them before the meeting. This
meeting is extremely important. Make sure you dress the part. I will pick you
up at your house at 9 p.m. on the dot.”

I stand still. Before, I was a little hesitant to go to
Masquerade but now that I’ve told Bianca that I would I’m actually looking
forward to going. But there’s no way I can tell Mr. White that I can’t go to
the meeting with him. It wouldn’t be the smartest thing to do especially if I
want to impress him enough to hire me on full-time. “Okay, sir. Not a problem.”

“Good. That’s all.”

“Do you need for me to give you my address?”

He looks up from his computer screen. I can see the arrogance
dance around in his eyes. “I can find you.” A smirk settles on his face as he
turns his attention back to his computer.

But of course.





“Miss Riley?”

I look up from the file in my hand. Mr. White is standing over
me in his dark gray Armani suit with a burgundy shirt and silk tie with
burgundy, white, black and pink stripes. Today I can really smell his cologne.
He must be meeting with a female client.

“Yes, Mr. White.”

“I’m stepping out for my meeting. Take your lunch now so you
will be available for me when I get back.”

“Yes, sir.”

“Good girl. See you in an hour or so.”

I nod then he leaves my cubicle. I’m not really hungry now.
It’s thirty minutes before I normally take my lunch. Although I can’t go to
Masquerade with Bianca on Friday, I can still go to Victoria’s Secret and pick
out some lingerie. At least I’ll have it for the next time. I lock my computer
screen, grab my purse and my ID badge and head for the elevators.

“Hey ladies,” I say to the receptionists, Josie and Denise.

“Hey, Marissa,” they say in unison.

“I just saw your boss leave. Ohmygosh, how in the world can
you stand to work with such a hunk? It would be too distracting for me.” Josie
fans herself with her hand.

I smile. “A hunk? I have to say that I haven’t noticed,” I say

“Are you picking up things quickly?” Denise asks.

“Honestly, so far so good. He hasn’t given me anything that I
haven’t been able to do just yet, but it’s only day two.”

“You’ll do fine.” Denise says then smiles.

“Thanks. Well, I have to take my lunch early so let me get
moving. See ya when I get back.”

“Enjoy,” they say in unison.

I exit the building and walk two blocks east to the Victoria’s
Secret store. I’m a little ashamed to admit that this is actually my first time
shopping at Victoria’s Secret. I’ve always just bought my bra and panties at
Walmart or Target. Victoria’s Secret was just out of my price range for
something that no one was going to see but me. Richard couldn't care less. He
never made mention of my undies. If it weren’t for Bianca I probably wouldn’t
be in here now.

“May I help you find something?” A beautiful modelesque girl in
her twenties approaches me.

“Hi, umm, I’m looking for something sexy to wear to a…umm…a
pajama party.
…pajama party.” I smile trying hard to hide my

“I can definitely help you with that.”

“Oh, I have a gift card for one hundred dollars so that’s my
spending limit.”

The store clerk smiles. “We should be able to find you
something nice in that price range.”

She leads me over to the lingerie. She quickly picks out two
outfits. “I don’t really know your style but these two are popular this season.
We have a nice satin nightie, with a scoop neckline and lace on the sides.” She
turns it around. “It drops very low in the back. Something sexy but not too

“I like this.” I rub the fabric between my fingers.

“Yes, this feels very good against your skin.” She sits it to
the side. “Now this one is really cute and flirty. Here you have a nice cami
with a pair of shorts. It’s satin as well. We have Chantilly lace trim on the
front and a deep V back. The shorts have the lace trim at the side slits.”

“I like the fact that I can be sexy without revealing too
much. So do you have these two in black?” I don’t want to have to buy a new
masquerade mask.

“We sure do. I will get you a size small, correct?”

I nod.

She smiles then grabs both lingerie in black and I follow her
to the cash register. I look at my phone. I have just enough time to eat my
tuna sandwich I brought from home before Mr. White gets back to the office. I
pay for my two outfits then I walk briskly back to my job. I stop by the
receptionist desk once I make it to my floor. “Hey, Mr. White hasn’t returned
yet has he?”

They both shake their heads no.

“Good. See ya later.” I make a dash for the break room, snatch
my tuna sandwich from the fridge with a bottle of water and head to my cubicle.
I place the Victoria’s Secret bag, my sandwich and bottle of water down then
unlock my desk drawer to put my purse inside.

“Get anything for me?”

I spin around at the sound of his voice. I place my hand up to
my pounding heart. “You startled me, Mr. White. I didn’t know you were back.”

He steps around me and peeks into my bag. He cuts his eyes at
me. I can feel the blood rushing to my face. His mouth turns up into a sideways
grin. He moves around me again until he’s standing outside of my cubicle. “Can
you come into my office?”

He walks away before I can tell him that I was just about to
sit down to eat. A moment later I follow in his footsteps. I take my time
because I’m not sure what he’s about to say. Mr. White has his back facing the
door as I enter his office. He’s tapping on the display of his cell phone. 

He picks up a file from his desk then turns to face me.
"Emily Price is a new interior designer that I want to bring on board. If
we get the new account on Friday then she will definitely come in handy. I need
you to create a vendor contract for her and email it to her staff for her

I take the file from his hand, more focused on the file than
making eye contact. I try hard to make sure that we don’t touch hands. I don’t
think I can handle another episode like I had the last time we were skin to

“Also, I see that Harold has a lot of old paperwork in this
office that I need removed. I am focused on new business with the entertainment
industry so those files aren't necessary. Going forward, Samson and his team
will handle those contracts so I don't need any of those files cluttering up my
office space.” He points to the gray filing cabinet behind the office door.

I glance behind me.

“I will have one of the guys move the boxes down to the filing
room. It will be your responsibility to have them file by the end of the week.”

“Yes, sir.”

He walks around to his seat. “I’m leaving at four today. I
have some important business that I need to attend to. You can leave at four as
well.” He takes his seat.

“Oh, thank you, Mr. White. I really appreciate that.”

I stand and wait for further instruction. His gaze travels the
length of me. I don’t know why I feel so self-conscious. It’s like he’s
studying me. Is he looking for a flaw? His gaze finally meets mine. “Sir?”

He turns his attention to his vibrating cell phone. He picks
it up from the desk then looks down at the screen. “That’s all, Miss Riley.”

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