Marked (The Recruits: Book One) (8 page)

BOOK: Marked (The Recruits: Book One)
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“I’m going to come inside you, pet, and you’re going to love it. I want you to come like you’ve never come before. Do you understand?”

Faye’s mouth opened but she never replied. She’d just realized something. He hadn’t put a condom on! “Jake–”

He thrust into her, one hand slipping over her stomach, the other grabbing onto the chain linking her breasts together. His movements turned erratic, heralding his climax. He tugged on the chain, the clamps tightening around her engorged nipples.

Sofia groaned and latched onto her clit with renewed aplomb.

Chris began to swear under his breath, watching them all.

Jake’s cock hit that spot inside her, and that was all it took for Faye to shatter. Her orgasm took over her body, pleasure swirling inside her like never before. Her limbs shook, her back arched. With a roar, Jake bit her neck, just as Sofia’s teeth found her clit.

A white light exploded in front of Faye’s eyelids and she fell back down.


Chapter Twelve: Crazies


Faye was across the room before she’d even started computing what had happened. All she knew was that they’d bit her. She could still feel the imprints of their teeth on her skin, damn it! Her eyes wild, she stared at the threesome on the bed, all of them regarding her with serene faces. “You… You…”

“We didn’t hurt you,” Jake replied as he sat up, then in one fluid move, got off the bed.
“You bit me!”
“Did it hurt?”

Faye blinked. “That’s not the freaking issue here! Why the hell did you bit me? Are you crazy?” Her gaze found Chris, the only one who hadn’t participated. Well, not directly anyway. “I want to go home!”

His eyes somber, he shook his head. “I’m sorry, sweetheart, but this is your home now.”

Her mouth opened, but nothing came out for a good thirty seconds. “What the hell?”

“You’re mine now, pet.” Jake took a step towards her, and another one, making her realize she was standing against a wall. How easy it would be for him to trap her… “I will explain everything to you, Faye.”

“No kidding!”

Jake’s eyebrows drew together. “Calm down.”

She let out a strangled laugh. “Calm down? You want me to calm down? When you’ve bitten me, and my roommate has suddenly informed me I can’t go back home! Are you nuts?”

Jake was in front of her before she could add anything else. She flinched backwards, her back slamming against the cold wall. He let out a heavy breath. “Faye, we are not going to hurt you.”

“You bit me!” she repeated, her mind whirling. She had to get out of here. She had to! Her neck pulsed where he’d bit her, as if sharp little needles were at work.

“I Marked you, Faye. It should stop hurting any second now, as soon as the Mark is complete. Why don’t you come back to bed and I will explain everything to you?”

“I am not…ever…again…getting into bed with you. You’re all crazy!”

Trapping her between his arms, his hands curled into fists against the wall, he looked down at her and caught her gaze. “We are not crazy. We are just different.”

She snorted, her arms coming up as if she wanted to push him away. Instead, she bumped into the clamps still around her nipples, her mouth forming an O of pain.

Jake swore and fell to his knees, his fingers already tightening around the bar.
He ignored her and drew the prongs open, her nipples hardening even more at the first feel of freedom.
Faye cried out in pain, tears appearing in her eyes.

“I’m sorry, baby,” he said, leaning up so he could take one nipple in his mouth. He laved it gently, the heat and wetness easing the pain a little. He did it over again to her other breast, his touch soft. Tender.

Faye looked down at him, not believing it was the same Jake who’d bit her only minutes earlier. She fought the urge to run her hand in his hair, and it was only when he stopped his ministrations and stood back up, that she found her resolve again. “I want to leave.”

“No,” came his inexorable answer. “You’re mine now, Faye.”
“I am not yours, damn it!”
“This,” he said, tracing the side of her neck with his fingers, “says the contrary.”
“So, you bit me. So, what?”

“I am an Immortal. We all are. I bit you because I wanted to Mark you as mine. The imprint of my teeth will never fade, so that people will always know you are mine.”

Say what? “Immortals? Like vampires?”

“No, like Immortals. We are not vampires, we do not fucking glitter in the sun!”

Her eyebrows rose. “Someone sure hates

He growled, and she remembered she should avoid teasing him. Or talking to him, period. “Chris.” She turned to her roommate, managing to catch his gaze. “Please, I want to go home now.”

“Have you listened to a word I’ve said?” Jake roared, making her jump.

“You’re Immortals, whatever the hell that is. And frankly, I couldn’t care less if you’ve lost your freaking mind. I want to go home and forget this weekend ever existed!”

“You don’t understand, Faye. You can’t leave. You’re mine now.”

“Sofia is yours, remember?”
Shit, couldn’t he move a bit?
She wanted to flee but he was so big there was no way she could move past him.

“We live under different rules, Faye. Sofia was living with me, because her role of First Woman calls for it. She is like…like the Queen of England, I guess. She rules our people with me. Chris, here, is our Recruiter. He found you for me.”

She blinked. What the hell did that mean? “He found me…for you?”

“That’s his job. As our Recruiter, he’s in charge of finding potential mates. He trains them until he thinks they’re ready, and then, we do…how do you call it? A recce?”

“A recce,” Faye repeated, feeling out of her depth. She was dreaming. There was just no other explanation.

“Yes. And you passed, my dear, with flying colors, might I add. You were meant for me.” He leaned down and whispered against her hair, “And I intend to enjoy you.”

“What about Sofia?” she found herself asking, wishing the wall at her back would disappear.
They were all crazy!
She needed to divert his attention so she could make a run for it.

He smirked down at her. “Sofia is currently looking for her Mate. Until she finds him, she will stay with us.”

“And what about me? What do you want from me?” She tilted her head, trying to see behind him, trying to calculate the distance that separated her from the door. If she remembered correctly, once she was in the corridor, she’d have to run to the staircase, and then the front door would be right there. She could do this…if only he would step back.

“You’re mine, Faye. I’ve Marked you. I guess this means in human terms that we’re now married.”
“Married?” She looked up, her eyes wide. “What do you mean we’re married? We can’t be married!”
“But we are.”
“I never said yes!”
“You acknowledged me as your Master, Faye.”

“That was sex! You asked for my ultimate fantasy, and I told you, because…because this was only supposed to be a one–night stand! It was supposed to be a secret between us!”

Jake shrugged. “You came here willingly. You begged me to fuck you. You didn’t even react when I didn’t use protection. You obviously wanted this.”

She felt her eyes widen. “You’re such an asshole. It was sex! And I wanted to complain about the condom, but you shut me up!”

His eyebrows rose. “I don’t recall this happening.”

“You are not my Master, and we are not married!” She pushed on his shoulders with all the strength she had, but he barely moved. “Let me go, damn it!”

“I can’t let you go.” His arms found the small of her back, dragging her tight against his hard body. “You’re mine, pet. Body and soul. I’ve Marked you. I’ve spent my seed inside you. We are married, even if you don’t want to understand.”

He’d spilled himself inside her
. Faye closed her eyes, the fight leaving her as she realized what that meant. “I don’t believe this. What are Immortals? What the hell are you?”

“We’re human, if that makes you feel better.”
She snorted. “Immortal and human? Do you really think I’m that stupid?”
Jake’s eyes flashed. “I wouldn’t have picked you if I’d thought you were stupid. You’re perfect for me, Faye.”
That made her snort again. Her, perfect? “Guess you need glasses then.”
“Stop this!” he growled. “I deem you perfect, and that is going to be the end of this.”
“Do you really expect me to believe you?”
“I do.” He turned and nodded at Chris.

The other man started speaking right away, his words soft and gentle, “Faye, you are one of ours now. You’ve been Marked by our First Man, and you will come live in our compound as soon as we can arrange it. Do not worry about anything else. We’ll take care of you.”

“You will?” She blinked, a weird lethargy taking over her body. She could feel her mind, almost as if it was trying to battle her friend’s monologue, but it wasn’t strong enough. Minutes later, she found herself nodding, accepting them at face value, as if she had no intellect left.

It was only when Chris stopped talking, that she became herself once more. She pushed on Jake’s arms, wanting some space between the two of them. Wanting to find a quiet corner so she could think things through.

And that’s when Sofia’s voice rang close. Too close. “It’ll be easier if you just accept it all, Faye.”

Before she could guess his intentions, Jake whirled her around so she was pressed tightly between the two of them. And then, it happened again. Sofia’s mouth, Sofia’s teeth, dug where Jake had, pain flaring up once more. Faye gasped, writhing in their embrace.

Thank God it didn’t last long. Footsteps drifted away as she let herself fall against Jake’s chest, unable to comprehend what was happening. How could one night of crazy sex lead to this? Had she lost consciousness somewhere along the way? Was she just dreaming?

Then Chris spoke up, his voice harsher than she’d ever heard it before, “Take care of her, First Man. She is our future.”
“I know,” Jake answered but he didn’t watch them leave. His attention was focused on her, and only her.
She looked up at him, feeling tired all of a sudden. “Now, what?”
“Now, I show you what a good husband I can be.”
The bright smile that graced his face was so unexpected she would have stumbled if she hadn’t been propped up against him.


Chapter Thirteen: New Rules, Same Game


Jake had grabbed her hand and tugged her to the en–suite bathroom. Once there, he’d turned the taps on in the large whirlpool tub, and had motioned her to sit on the tiled bench that ran along the opposite wall.

Faye grimaced as the cold ceramic hit her butt and thighs, her already stretched nerves yearning for warmth and comfort instead. She should have been thankful that he took care to widen her thighs and clean their mingled juices. She should have thanked him when he pulled her up and forced her into the warm water, watching to make sure she didn’t slip as she slid down and immerged herself. Only a day before, only an hour before, she would have. But not now.

Not when he’d shattered her world so completely, she didn’t know what to think or do. Who to trust. Chris had left, the coward. She’d been living with him for months. How could she have never suspected they weren’t who they said they were? How couldn’t she have realized? Was she really that stupid? That gullible?

“Stop thinking, Faye.” Jake’s hands settled on her shoulders and he began kneading her tense muscles. “I know it’s a shock, but you’ll get used to this new situation. I know you. You’re resilient.”

. Was that supposed to be a compliment? Because if it was, he sure sucked at romance. “Why didn’t I know about this?”

“About us?” he asked, never stopping his massage.

“Yes. I don’t understand how I never suspected anything.”

“We just…live differently. We’ve got a different set of rules and regulations, I guess you could say.” A pause then, “You should try sleeping now, Faye, you must be tired.”

She ignored his advice and said, “So, you’re the boss?”

He chuckled. “I am, yes.”

“What does that make me?”
And why was she suddenly feeling so lethargic?
Her eyes closed as she drew her knees up and pressed her face against them.

“Still human. I’ve Marked you as my Mate. You’re my wife now.”
“What about Sofia?” Sofia, who’d been her friend, her accomplice, for months. Why hadn’t she said anything? Why?
“Sofia is our First Female. She rules with me.”
“And I don’t?”
“You don’t,” he agreed behind her. “The position can only go to an Immortal.”
“What’s an Immortal?” she asked, tiredness making her slur her words.
“We don’t age. Once we’ve reached what we call the Age of Wisdom, we stop growing old.”

“If someone is bitten by both the First Man and First Woman, that person becomes Marked. I claimed you, and Sofia confirmed that claim. I know it’s a lot to take in, baby, but I’ll explain more when you wake up.”

She really was married? The one thing she’d always yearned for and she’d gone through the process without even realizing. Damn it, she was married! That was the last thing she thought before darkness claimed her.

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