Married by Morning (2 page)

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Authors: Linda Hays-Gibbs

BOOK: Married by Morning
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      Well, my lady, this is most distressful but I can not abide your pelisse or those horrid buttons.” He smirked at her but with trembling hands felt for the buttons on her pelisse and removed it with a pull and a jerk. His dimples flashed and his heart pounded in his ears. He stared into her eyes.  Her steady gaze gripped his insides. He groaned when her hands touched his shoulders.

     “My lord this shirt is too distressing for words, it needs pressing and a more stern hand.”  Immediately with that said, she unbuttoned his shirt in short order; pressed her fingers to the rigid plans of his chest; took another step closer to him. She whispered into his ear and licked the hard ridges then dove into it fully.

     “I can give you the name of a good tailor my lord.” She jerked the offensive garment and her breathing was more labored.

     “Oh, that will not be necessary but I can certainly give you the name of a modiste that my sisters use.  This dress is just too passé!  I confess I can not abide it another moment.”  Then he turned her swiftly and unbuttoned her dress and in one fell swoop had it over her head. She was down to her chemise, stockings, garters, and shoes and he was drinking in every delicious drop of her.  Cousin or no, this woman was going to be his and right now.  He settled a brush of his lips over her left shoulder and trailed a kiss to her neck and suckled her there with his lips over her pulse.  She shook, gasped and turned in his arms to look into his wonderful purple eyes.  Her legs were jelly but she was a determined woman.

     “Well, I say, I cannot stand these pants, my lord, what a dirty color and the fit, it is not at all to my liking.  I must have them off at once.” She stared at his crotch and licked her lips again then looked back up into his eyes from under her long velvet lashes.   Staring into his eyes, she felt him undo his pants and throw them to the floor.  Now he was in his tented under pants, and she was in her chemise.  Her cheeks were rosy and her heart was pounding or was that his? She had her hand on his chest and he had his hand on her chest and they stared at each other gasping for breath.  There was a knock at the door!

     “Damn, double bloody damn!” He muttered and kicked at the discarded garments.  He could never have any fun with this household.
      “Do not disturb me Jarvis, not for the next hour, do you hear me?”  He gritted out with more feeling than was his intent.  His butler just quietly padded away.

    He did not want the mood broken.  He was having such a marvelous time. “Now, to this horrible chemise!  I cannot tell you how many of these I find distasteful in the extreme.”  He kept looking into her eyes as he pulled the chemise from her and saw that her perky breasts and tiny waist was not a figment of his imagination. Oh, my God, he was in heaven!

     “Have there been so many chemises to distress you so, my lord?”  She asked while still gazing into those beautiful purple eyes, mesmerized, as she was, for she could not even breathe.  She tore her eyes away and saw his tented underpants again, wondering at the size for such a large tent.

     “I believe I hate your boots too, my lord, they are most inferior.”  She looked at his perfectly formed body, his large muscled shoulders, and black springy hair on his chest that trailed down his narrow waist to his immensely tented drawers.

      “I am so sorry to have distressed you my lady.”  He tore his boots off and grabbed her into his arms; covered her mouth with his; thrust his tongue into the sweetness of her mouth and moaned.  Goodness gracious heavenly days, where did this treat come from.  He was shaking all over as he pulled her onto his desk and then thought better of it.  The dull brown rug would do nicely.  He lowered her to the floor and proceeded to cover her lush body with his.  He had forgot the stupid underpants, embarrassed at such ineptitude, he said,

     “Ah, well, excuse me a moment, my lady.”  Then he tore the offending garment off in rags and proceeded to fill the impudent wench. He had both breasts well in hand when he stopped. There was an obstacle.  My God, the woman was a virgin, what the?  Abruptly he regained his control, cursed under his breath and shuddered.  “Bloody Hell!” Sweat glistened on his forehead and he could not get a good breath of air into his stupid lungs.

    “Eh, Lady Templeton, I believe you are a virgin!” He gasped out into her ear.

     “Why yes, my lord Earl, I believe that I am a virgin!”  She groaned out as she wiggled underneath him; undulating her hips in a breath taking gesture.   Her breasts scraped the hairs on his large chest and he moaned in her ear again.

      “Eh, why did you come here my Lady?  Was it to seduce me and make me have to marry you?”  He said with a sneer.

     “Well, yes, my lord, I did but I find it most pleasant.  Are we going to proceed?”  She giggled, actually giggled into his ear and moved her hips again in an open invitation to him.  He was sweating so hard now he could mop the floor.

     “I…I am not sure.”  He looked down at the impish grin on her face and wanted to smack her for he had vowed he would never fall for this marriage trap.  What the blazes had he been thinking?  Oh, he knew what he had been thinking but that was beside the point.  What the devil was wrong with him?  It must be the funeral and all his relatives but who was this delicious creature in his arms? He had her breasts in his grip and his cock in her and…and…  He wanted her, oh how he wanted her, but for life?  It was a sobering question and he needed a drink.  He shook his head for being a fool and ran his fingers down her rosy tipped breasts.  Then, splayed his hand over her round rear and squeezed. Sebastian looked down at her blonde springy curls and sighed, as he growled.  He was such a fool. Always there was a price to pay.  He had to think.

     He rose and pulled his pants back on and his shirt.  He stepped to the side cupboard and grabbed a bottle of brandy, poured a generous helping, and gulped the whole of it down, then turned and stared down at the delicious treat with her golden curls splayed on his dull carpet.  There she was looking up at him with huge cornflower blue eyes and smiling a wicked smile.  What was he to do?  In truth he had already ruined her because she was alone, in his study naked, well, almost.  She still had hose, garters, and shoes on. What a beautiful woman she was but he did not know her.  He was in a fine mess, yes, he was.  This was just deserts for his randy body.   He should be finishing his figures in his books but he would rather be finishing her figure, yes, he would.  Mayhap, it is something the fates decreed for him.

      If he married, it would make his stepmother go into extreme fits and maybe even a decline.  A decline?  Well, who was he to argue with fate?  Crazy man? He would not be trapped!  Too late, did he have a choice?  The gentlemanly thing to do was to offer for her hand.  He poured more brandy into his snifter and swirled it, then turned and laughed a big belly laugh.  His stepmother would not be happy and that made him extremely happy. Connie looked at him as if he had indeed lost his mind.  She was going to cry if he did not say something soon.

       “Lady Constance Templeton would you do me the honor of becoming my bride?” Sebastian bowed to her and took another gulp of his brandy.

      “Why this is so sudden!” She giggled on the floor, then rose and started trying to find her chemise.  Her perky breasts seemed even perkier.

     “I do believe I will my lord.  I think I would like that very much. I really did come to you about my art.  I want an art exhibit at the National Gallery.”

     “Well, let us get certain things out of the way first, my lady Connie, I think we should announce our betrothal to all tonight. It will make my family very angry and I am not sure of your welcome.  Where is your family?  Can they attend us tonight, so I may speak to your father this afternoon?”

     “Eh, well, the only family that I have left is a step uncle that wants my body for unfamilial things.  I have had to hide from him these past months.  He also wants my dowry so he will be most unhappy.” She smiled into those purple eyes of his again and thought how much she liked what he had been doing to her body.

     “I do believe I can take care of this problem for you my dear. Er, you have a dowry how wonderful! Bloody Hell he hoped it was a great deal. He needed it more than this nasty uncle. So let us tell the happy news to the servants and then everyone will know for they tell everybody everything especially around my house.”  He smiled so wide his dimples all came into view and Lady Templeton shivered just looking into his beaming face.  He did help her dress before calling Jarvis.  He had rather leave her naked but since it had to be done but he enjoyed it. Not as well as he had enjoyed taking the items of clothing off but still; it was a diversion of sorts.  Sebastian had nipped her rosy peaked breasts; laved each with his tongue and rubbed her backsides with relish.  He did get to hold and touch her now for she would be his and only his and he helped her with her hair, strumming his fingers through the golden masses.  Constance was smiling and giggling all the while.  All the servants had their heads held to the door and giggled too.

     “Honestly, my lord, I really did not intend to seduce you but you are so irresistible.  How could I not have you when I wanted you so much?” Connie smiled up at him through her heavy fringe of blonde lashes and pursed her lips.

     “You are quite wonderful yourself.  What is that scent, lilacs?  I love lilacs and your skin is so soft and it makes me want to eh…eh… Oh well, let us get you dressed and make our announcement.  I shall send for a special license and we can be married in the morning, so you can just stay here for the night.  I do not think I can stand to part with your for even a moment.  So please indulge me.”

     “My lord, your wish is my command.”  She smiled a dazzling breath taking smile and Sebastian went all wobbly again.  What a beautiful woman!

     “Please call me Sy, all my mist… all my friends call me Sy and we are to be friends among other things, my sweet.  May I call you Connie?  I believe I have been but is it acceptable to you?”

     “Quite!   I find I would love to have you call me Connie.  My mother called me Connie and Sy would you please button the last buttons and unhand my left breast, if we are to advise the servants.  I er…do not think I can get my hair done with you so near either.  If you do not mind let us hurry to get me presentable and yourself also.  My lord…er…s  my neck is most wet from your kisses, could we er…oh please Sy stop or I shall melt.” Connie giggled a tingling tone that made his flesh crave her all the more.  What a delight!

     “Oh, my sweet darling.  I find… I think…I will…love your neck.  It is so delicious er… ah. . . Yes you are correct.  Um…oh…yes.  Let me get my clothes too.”  He was shivering and felt almost faint again.  What the devil had this woman done to him?  He ran his fingers through his hair and ruined it all the more with curls springing up all around his forehead.  He grabbed his shirt and stuffed it into his breeches again.  Then scooped up his cravat and tied a horrible knot almost choking himself when Constance bent over to pick up her gloves. He saw her beautiful bottom jammed into his face.  He reached out his hand to just brush the roundness and caught himself, commanding his arms to go slack. He studied the lamp on his desk.  He would have to control himself better than this. He swallowed hard and tried to put his boots back on his feet.  This seemed to be taking a very long time, not like when everything just flew off in a whirl.  Wow, he was very impressed by his betrothed.  She was a beautiful vixen and he was a horny Lord.  He giggled.





















Chapter Two

     “I cannot abide this Sebastian.  I cannot!  This is beyond the pall. I have tried to raise you right with proper respect and now you are to marry on the day after your father’s funeral.”  Abigail Stewart snorted and jabbed a bony finger into his ribs.  The nasty witch seemed to know the exact place to cause the most pain.

    “Look here Abigail! I cannot wait.  I have to have her and as soon as possible.  It is of no concern to you.  Why Abigail, you will not even wear mourning clothes for my father and now you reproach me?”  He grimaced and snorted at her effrontery.  He knew there would be a fight but the old crow would not give.

    “Sebastian!” she sneered!  “I have never looked good in black, as the entire ton knows, so what is your point?  I am not the one getting married to some crass little wench right off the street.”  She sneered again for good measure and rolled her squinty eyes at him.

     “Do not talk about my Connie!  I love her and she loves me, and that is all there is to it.  You can leave if you do not like it.  That is my final say on the matter”.  He stomped over to the fireplace and kicked a log in the grate sending ashes flying in all directions.  Connie stirred from her chair and looked at him with moony eyes and pouty lips.  Oh how she adored a manly man.

     “You did not know that woman before today.  I am not as stupid as you are. This is beyond believing.  You would send me away after all I have done for you.”  She sat down in the chair opposite Connie and dabbed at her eyes with an autographed handkerchief.  Abigail snorted in Connie’s direction when she saw her looking at her with pity in her cornflake blue eyes.

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