Marrying Kate (16 page)

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Authors: Kimberly Rae Jordan

BOOK: Marrying Kate
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They were up early again the next morning and quickly fell back into their schedule. Always able to adapt, Jared was nevertheless glad for the predictability of their routine. It was a quality he appreciated in Kate. He had to admit to himself that Jen hadn’t been all that great with schedules. The harder she tried to stick to a schedule, the more out of whack things had become. He knew it had caused a lot of upsets during their first year of marriage, but finally Steve had accepted that his wife was best left to her own form of scheduling which was rarely the same from day to day.

Jared spent the next week dealing with everything that had gone unattended during his absence. It meant late nights at the office and working even after he got home. By Friday he was exhausted and glad for the break the weekend promised. He got away from the office early Friday afternoon and headed for home.

The house was quiet when he arrived but he soon spotted Kate and the kids out in the back yard. Suddenly revitalized, Jared sprinted up the stairs to change out of his suit into something more comfortable before joining his family outside.

Kate was on her hands and knees weeding the garden, her back to the house. The kids spotted him as soon as he stepped out the door. Jared lifted a finger to his lips to keep them silent and then, with a gleam in his eye, he headed for Kate.

Moving silently he came to stand behind her trying to figure out how best to surprise his wife. Finally Jared gave her a little tap on her softly rounded derriere. "How’s it going, wife?"

Kate shrieked and turned quickly. Unfortunately, she lost her balance and landed in the dirt. She scowled up at him. "Jared, what are you doing home already?"

"Thought I’d come home and spend a little time with my family."

"I’m going to get you a bell if it’s the last thing I do." Kate glanced around at the kids who were all laughing, even Dani sported a wide grin. "Thanks very much, guys."

Jared held out his hand and helped Kate to her feet. He didn’t release her right away but pulled her close for a kiss. He lost himself for a moment in the kiss, Kate’s hands caressing his arms. It wasn’t until the kiss ended and they moved apart that he looked down and saw that she hadn’t been caressing him but smearing dirt all over his arms.

Kate watched him, her eyes dancing with laughter. "Guess we’re even now."

Jared cocked his head to one side. "I’m not so sure about that." He made a grab for her but Kate was fast and darted out of his reach. His chase of her led to a game of tag with the kids.

The kids outran the adults and finally Jared collapsed back on the grass, eyes closed,
the sun warming his face. This was the life, he told himself. Warm sun, children’s laughter and a woman he cared for by his side. Everything else in the world seemed to fade into insignificance next to his family.

In that instant, Jared knew that he would willingly give his life for any one of them. Even Kate. Especially Kate. The virtual stranger he’d married had somehow become very important to him. Jared realized he depended on her more than he’d ever depended on another person. Was it love?

Jared opened his eyes and stared at the clouds lazily floating across the blue sky. What was love, anyway? He had always based his definition of love on the relationship he’d seen between Jen and Steve. His parents hadn’t shown any love for each other in their marriage so he had no basis from that part of his life. He thought of Drake and Maylene and realized they were different from Jen and Steve and yet seemed as deeply committed and in love.

He knew he’d never have the kind of relationship with Kate that Jen and Steve had had but maybe that was because he and Kate were completely different from Jen and Steve. Therefore, their love would also be different.

Kate love him? Jared wondered. She’d never said, never even hinted, that she felt anything for him. Oh, he didn’t doubt she cared for him. Just as he cared for her.

A shadow fell across his face. "A penny for your thoughts?"

Jared turned his head and saw Kate sitting on the grass beside him. The bright sunshine brought out rich auburn highlights in her hair and suddenly it didn’t look so ordinary.

"You couldn’t afford my thoughts," Jared remarked with a grin. "People pay big bucks for my thoughts."

"Yes, but I thought you’d give me a discount, me being your wife and all." Kate leaned back on her hands and lifted her face to the sun. "You could always tell me and I’ll decide how much they’re worth."

"I don’t think so." Jared plucked a blade of grass and tossed it at her. He wasn’t sure he was ready to share what had been going through his mind just yet. "What’s for dinner?"

"Hadn’t thought that far ahead yet," Kate replied lazily. "We were so busy enjoying the nice day."

"Then let’s go get
takeout from somewhere and go for a picnic." The kids had come close and began to shriek with excitement at Jared’s suggestion. He grinned at Kate. "Well, I guess that decision is made."

For all the niceness of Friday, Saturday dawned rainy and gloomy. The perfect day for snuggling under blankets and staying in bed ‘til noon. Jared turned over and reached for Kate. When he came up empty he propped himself up on an elbow. Usually they slept in a little later on the weekends
, so it surprised him that Kate was up already. He glanced at the clock. It was only six o’clock.

Jared lay back on his pillow figuring Kate would be coming back to bed. He dozed for a few more minutes but soon determined that she must have gotten up for the day. Knowing he would get no more sleep, Jared swung his feet over the edge of the bed and stood. He stretched the kinks out of his body then pulled on
a t-shirt and shorts.

The kids were still sleeping so he made his way downstairs. There was a faint aroma of coffee in the air and like a well-trained pet, Jared headed for the source.

He spotted Kate sitting sideways on the bench of the breakfast nook, her arms wrapped around her knees. She held a cup of coffee in one hand and appeared fascinated by the rain that streaked down the window.

Jared made sure to make some noise as he walked in but Kate didn’t turn from her spot. He took his time getting a cup down from the cupboard and filling it. Finally he shuffled over to the breakfast nook and sat down across from Kate.

"Somethin’ wrong?" Jared asked as he lifted the cup to his lips.

Kate turned to look at him briefly. She didn’t appear mad or even upset, but there was an emotion in her eyes, on her face, that Jared just couldn’t pinpoint. "There’s nothing wrong. Just kind of a down day. Hard to believe it was so nice yesterday."

"I know but that’s par for the course around here. Good thing we had the picnic last night and didn’t plan it for today."

Kate just nodded and took a sip of her coffee. Jared felt frustration build inside him. An air of melancholy surrounded Kate, and he had no idea how to pierce it. Silence seemed to be what she wanted most so Jared left her to it and went to his office. She didn’t even seem aware of the fact he’d left the room.

The whole day passed in much the same way. If it were any other woman, Jared would have assumed she was sulking about something but it wasn’t that way with Kate. She spent time with him and the kids. She helped to entertain them when they couldn’t go outside to run off their energy. She did it all with a smile but one that didn’t quite reach her eyes. Something troubled her, Jared had no doubt about that, but he hadn’t the faintest idea what it was.

In bed that night she came willingly into his arms and when they woke the next morning, the mood seemed to have vanished. Just as the sun was once again in the sky, Kate was back to normal. Jared could only shake his head. Women! Who understood them? Certainly not


Jared waited for the mood to return sometime over the next few days but it never did. Kate seemed to be back to her old self. Jared could only breathe a sigh of relief and hope that whatever had caused her upset didn’t return any time soon.

"Uncle Jared?" Amelia spoke softly from the doorway of the library.

Jared smiled at her and motioned her to come in. "What’s up, honey?"

Amelia came around the desk and stood next to his chair. She nervously fingered a paper on his desk. "I was wondering if I could have an advance on my allowance."

Jared leaned back in his chair. "An advance, huh? What’s the reason?"

"Suzie, she’s a friend of mine, is having a birthday. Some of her other friends and I want to buy her a present. She doesn’t have much and never says anything about it
, but I know she really wants a new jacket. It’s one like the rest of us have. We decided to go in on the gift for her since none of us can afford to buy it ourselves. Melanie’s mom will buy it for us."

"That sounds really nice of you and your friends. I’m sure Suzie will appreciate it." Jared pulled out his wallet and looked inside. "Let’s go ask your aunt for money. I don’t have any cash on me."

They found Kate in the kitchen helping Candy with her letters. "Kate, do you have any cash? I’m going to give Amelia an advance on her allowance."

Kate looked up and nodded. "My purse is next to the telephone. I think there’s some in there."

Jared found the purse and pulled Kate’s wallet out. He found the bill he wanted and handed it to Amelia. "I hope your friend enjoys her jacket."

"Thanks, Uncle Jared." Amelia gave him a hug before skipping out of the kitchen.

Jared was just closing Kate’s wallet when he spotted her driver’s license. He glanced at Kate, but her head was bent over Candy’s paper. He grinned as he lifted the license out. Most people’s pictures were lousy, and he had an overwhelming urge to see Kate’s.

In the end, it wasn’t the picture that captured his attention but her birthdate. Suddenly all the pieces fell into place. Saturday had been her birthday,
her thirty-fifth birthday, and there had been nothing special for her. But he hadn’t known, Jared reminded himself. He would have planned something, if he’d known.

He cast another glance at Kate as he slipped the wallet back into her purse. He’d have to do something to remedy his lapse. But what? Ideas flitted through his mind as he made his way back to the library.

A few minutes later he decided what he’d do. Nothing super fancy but enough to let her know he cared. And would never miss her birthday again.


Kate took a couple of deep breaths hoping to quiet her jangling nerves. She had no idea what this dinner out with Jared was all about. Of course her imagination had run wild imagining all kinds of things, both wonderful and not so wonderful. She had subtly pressed for more information but Jared had just grinned at her. That left her hoping it was a good reason for why it was just the two of them going out for dinner.

Darlene had showed up an hour ago to ride herd on the kids while Kate took the time to get ready. Not knowing where they were going, Kate had had a hard time deciding what to wear. Jared had told her it wasn’t super fancy which could mean absolutely anything.

She smoothed her hands over her hips and surveyed herself in the mirror. The long straight black skirt ended
just at her knees and the deep burgundy silk blouse she wore was tucked in at the waist. Her clothes fit once again and didn’t hang off her like they had for the past few months.

With a final check of her makeup and hair, Kate slipped her feet into her high heel shoes and left the room. Jared waited downstairs for her, chatting with Darlene. He wore black trousers and a white shirt that accented his tanned features and
dark brown hair.

He smiled when he saw her in the doorway. "Ready to go?"

Kate nodded then turned to Darlene. "Are you sure the kids aren’t going to be too much for you?"

Darlene hugged her close for a second. "Don’t you worry about a thing,
Kate. Me and the kids will be fine. I raised four of my own so I think I know how to handle them. You just go and have yourselves a nice evening together."

"Okay, well I guess we’ll see you later." Kate said good-bye to each of the kids before they left.

The restaurant Jared had chosen was on an upper floor of a hotel so it had a marvelous view of the city. It was a subdued, romantic atmosphere and Kate felt her heartbeat pick up speed. Did Jared have something special to tell her tonight? It was hard not to hope but she tried to keep it under control since she knew that it might be nothing at all.

Kate discovered she didn’t have to wait long to find out why Jared had planned a special evening for them. After the waitress had taken their orders, Jared turned to her. "I suppose you are wondering what this evening is all about."

"Well, yes, I have been a bit curious," Kate admitted.

"Actually, we would have had this dinner out on Saturday if you’d told me then it was your birthday," Jared revealed.

Her birthday. Kate hadn’t even thought of that. There was no way Jared could have found out. "My birthday? How did you know it was on Saturday?"

"I sneaked a peek at your license when I was getting the money for Amelia. Why didn’t you tell me?" Jared asked, his brow furrowed. "We would have planned something for you."

Kate shrugged. "Exactly how was I to tell you? Oh by the way, it’s my birthday tomorrow?"

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