MARRYING MR. RIGHT (The Brides of Hilton Head Island Book 3) (12 page)

BOOK: MARRYING MR. RIGHT (The Brides of Hilton Head Island Book 3)
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Chapter Thirteen

lancing at herself in the mirror while speaking on the cell phone, Taylor sulked. “I look a hot mess, Pierre!”

              Pierre sucked his teeth. “Girl, get a grip. I saw your hair, and it looks gorgeous, honey. Absolutely stunning. That red hair you’re styling is a hit!”

              Red wavy hair hung past Taylor’s shoulders and down her back in a big, fat, strawberry mess. Wanting to make her red head of hair switch back to dark brown, Taylor closed her eyes, then reopened them. Too bad; her hair was still red.
It’s the same color as Katherine’s
. “Zeke is going to hate my hair, Pierre.”

              Pierre sucked his teeth. “Girl, please. From what you’ve told me about that man, he couldn’t dislike your hair, or you, even if he tried. The way the two of you came back together after all these years is so romantic, Taylor. Sounds like something in a fairy tale. Francois and I are very happy for you. Speaking of Francois, his birthday is tonight, and I want you to come out and party with us.”

              “I’m sorry, I can’t.”

              “Can’t, or won’t?”

              “Didn’t you hear me when I said I look a hot mess, Pierre? I look like a red-headed African-American Raggedy Ann doll.”

              “Honey, please. If you don’t get over your hair, I’m going to spank you. Now, you’re coming to my man’s birthday bash, and that’s it. Bring Zeke if you want to.”

              Taylor’s lips pouted. “All right. I guess I’ll put my big girl panties on and suck it up. I guess things could be worse.”

              “That-a-girl. See you at eight. Oh yeah, before I forget, I’m doing it big. I’ll be picking you up in a limo.”

              “Hmmm. I see you’re romantic like Zeke.”

              “Chile, please. Your Zeke doesn’t have a thing on Mr. Pierre. Bye!”

              Giggling, Taylor hung up the phone. Discouraged about her new red hair, she walked from the bathroom into her bedroom and pulled open the closet door. Searching for a nice dress to wear to Francois’ party this evening, her hands floundered over the hangers, causing the clothes to sway.

              She pulled an emerald dress from the closet, walked over to the long mirror leaning up against the wall, and held the dress up to her chest. “Oh God, no…I look like a freaking Christmas tree.”

              Returning the dress to her walk-in closet, she stumbled across a beautiful ivory dress. Zeke had said the ivory color looked great with her skin complexion. She wondered if he’d still think that after he saw her new hideous hair color.

              Now holding the ivory dress up to her chest and gazing at herself in the mirror, she half-smiled. Maybe the hair would grow on her. Maybe if she straightened it, she’d like it better. Tilting her head, the corner of her lip hitched. Well, at least she got paid a whole lot of money for doing the commercial. That being said, she’d be grateful. And if Zeke hated her hair, she’d just color it back dark brown.

              As Taylor laid the ivory dress on the bed, her cell buzzed on her nightstand. Walking over to answer it, she hoped it was Zeke calling. “Hello?”

              “Hello, beautiful.”

I might not be so beautiful to you once you see my hair
. “Hi, Zeke.”

              “How did the commercial shoot go today?”


              “Are you sure? You don’t sound like your usual self.”

              “They changed my hair, and it’s just taking some getting used to.”

              “Oh, I’m sure your hair looks fine. Just like you. I’m not going to be able to make it over there tonight.”
Oh no.
“Something came up with the construction, and I need to get some things straightened out. I’ll be working late tonight and will call you first thing in the morning.”

              Taylor released a soft sigh. “My talent agent, Pierre, invited us to his partner’s birthday party tonight. Are you sure you can’t get away? Just for a little while?”
Please say yes

              “Sorry. But I can’t. Being with you for the last couple of days has me way behind. But I’ll see you tomorrow.”


              “I promise. I have a phone call coming through. Got to go.” Zeke rushed off the phone so fast, he didn’t give her the chance to say goodbye or that she loved him. Tapping the ‘End’ button on her cell, insecurities developed inside her.

              What if Zeke had someone else, and that’s why he couldn’t see her tonight? What if he’d changed his mind about the two of them? What if he had a girlfriend in Hilton Head Island? Of course, he had to have a woman back home. At least something. No man like Zeke could really be single. Not completely alone. Realizing she’d been a complete and utter idiot, she slapped her forehead and tried her hardest to think she was overreacting.

              Hours later, Taylor stood inside the foyer of her apartment building, waiting for Pierre and Francois to arrive. “You look absolutely stunning this evening, Taylor. Love the new hair color, too,” the concierge, Hank, stated as he stood behind the desk.

              Taylor smiled. “Do you really like the hair? You wouldn’t lie to me, would you, Hank?”

              “No, Taylor. The red hair suits you.”

              “Thanks, Hank.”

              A sleek black limo pulled up in front of her building and parked. The driver of the limo exited the vehicle and rounded the rear. Wearing her usual white trench coat, Taylor’s Christian Louboutin heels clicked against the pavement as she made her way to the chic ride.

              “Good evening, Ms. Spelling. I was told to advise you that Pierre and Francois are waiting for you at the restaurant, so you’ll be riding by yourself this evening.” He pulled the door open for her.

              “Okay. Thanks.” Finding it strange that Pierre failed to call her and apprise her of his change of plans, Taylor slid in the backseat of the fancy limo. As the limo drove down the dark road, Taylor’s cell buzzed inside her sparkling diamond clutch. Extracting her cell, her heart longed for Zeke.

Looking at the screen of her cell, she had a text message.

Sorry I couldn’t join you tonight. I’ll make it up to you.

I completely understand. You don’t have to make it up to me. Can’t wait to see you tomorrow.

If I finish up early, maybe I’ll swing by if it’s not too late.

I’d like that.

Will you?

Will you what?

Will you let me lick your pussy if I come over tonight?


              Typing, Taylor burst into a fit of giggles.


Of course I will. Try hard to come.

Come? I definitely plan to cum inside you. Goodnight.


Meant, I’ll see you soon.



              Hot and bothered from the text messages, Taylor smiled. Thinking about the way she’d slept on top of him last night, a delicious shudder heated her body. She tossed her cell in her clutch.

              The limousine pulled up to the restaurant and halted. Gazing out the window at the grand white building of LeMeurice, Taylor wondered if Pierre was about to pop the question to Francois. Very expensive and grandeur, LeMeurice sat in the heart of the city.
Zeke is going to miss out big time.
The driver pulled open the back door of the limo, and Taylor stepped out into the cold night air.

              As Taylor mounted the steep stairs to the eloquent building, strong winds blew from the direction of the Seine, causing her hair to brush across her lips. Swiping the long strands from her lips, she stepped inside the warm building.
Whew. It’s so cold out.

              “Are you here for a party?” the gentleman at the hostess desk asked.


              He pointed to his left. “Down that hallway. Last door to the right.”              

Gosh, this is some fancy hotel
, Taylor thought, making her way down the hallway. When she reached the end, she turned into the room to find it dark inside. Suddenly, the lights flicked on.

              “Surprise!” a group of people shouted.

              Taylor jumped. Startled, she clenched her heart. Momentary panic shot through her. Mouth wide open, her eyes slowly traveled around the room to find Zeke there, along with several more of her friends. Pierre, Francois, Sofia, and even her first roommate, Ivey, was there.

              Confused, she finally pressed her lips together. A woman to her right gestured for her to remove her coat, so she did, then handed it to her.

              Standing at the front of the room, Zeke held out his hands toward Taylor and beckoned her to him. As Taylor walked toward Zeke, she noticed a live band on a stage to her right.

              “What’s going on, Zeke?” she asked, coming to a stop after she reached him.

              Wearing a navy blue suit and red paisley tie, Zeke looked gorgeous. Cupping her hands, his eyes danced with merriment. Everyone encircling them had big, wide smiles on their faces.

              “Taylor. Ever since you walked into my life twelve years ago, I’ve loved you. Even when we were apart, I always loved you. At a very young age, I felt in my heart you and I were meant to be. And now that I’m older, I want us to spend the rest of our lives together.”

              Zeke reached into his pants pocket, pulled out a silver box, and got down on one knee. Taylor slapped a hard hand to her trembling lips. “Ooo”s and “Ahh”s emanated from the crowd. Tears welled up in her eyes.

              Gazing up at her, loved flickered in Zeke’s pupils. He popped back the lid on the box. She gasped. Inside the box lay the emerald cut diamond she’d been looking at on the day they’d rediscovered one another.
Oh. My. God.
The tears dripped like raindrops from her eyes.

              Zeke gently took Taylor’s right hand into his. “Taylor Spelling. I want you to be my wife. Will you marry me?”

              Sniffing, Taylor nodded profusely. “Yes! Yes, Zeke. I’ll marry you.”
I’m finally going to marry the right man for me—my Mr. Right. 

              Applause erupted inside the room. 

              Zeke slid the sparkling ring up Taylor’s wedding finger. The humongous rock covered her entire knuckle. Zeke rose to his feet, draped an arm around her waist, and drew her to him. “I love you so much, my love.” With his chest pressing into hers, Zeke slanted his mouth over Taylor’s and French kissed her. Overwhelmed, Taylor fought to stop all that darn crying. 

              “I’m going to be Taylor’s maid of honor!” Pierre shouted.

              Snickering, Taylor broke her kiss with Zeke. She pointed at Pierre. “You knew about this all along, didn’t you?”  

              Pierre clapped his hands together. “Okay. I’m guilty.”

              Zeke laughed richly. “Thanks, Francois and Pierre. I couldn’t have pulled this off without the two of you. Before the night begins, I just want to thank all of you for coming out to support me and Taylor.”

              “Yes. Thank you all so much for coming.” Taylor placed a hand to her chest. “Your attendance at my engagement party means so much to me.”

              Zeke nodded at the man standing at the microphone, and the band began playing a slow rendition by John Legend. Tugging her hand, he led her to the dance floor. Swaying side to side, she twined her arms behind his neck.

              Slow dancing, Zeke’s shaft pressed into Taylor’s belly. His eyes studied her face. “I can’t wait to marry you, Taylor. I can’t wait for you to have my last name.”

              Taylor gazed at the twinkling lights in Zeke’s eyes. A silken cocoon of euphoria wrapped around her. “I can’t wait to be Mrs. Balfour. You’ve made me the happiest woman in the world.”

              “I’m glad.”

              “Please don’t take what I’m about to say the wrong way, but I think the ring is too much. Too expensive.”

              “Nothing’s too much for you, baby. If I could, I’d buy you the world. From this day forward, I’m going to spoil you rotten. Whether you like it or not, I’m going to make sure you’re treated like the queen you are.”

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