Mary Tudor (89 page)

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Authors: Linda Porter

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Chapuys’s support for
charity gifts of
Charles V and
Charles’s promise of protection to
childhood elevation of
christening of
coronation of
Cranmer’s mercy plea to
Cromwell threatens to abandon
crown claimed by
dauphin’s betrothal to
death of
depressions of
diet of
disrepair of navy of
Dudley’s accusation against
Dudley conspiracy against
Dudley denounced in proclamation of
Dudley disliked by
early Christmases of
early expenses of
early life of
education of
Edward’s censures of
Edward’s court summons to
Edward’s funeral and
Edward’s last meeting with
Edward’s succession plan against
Elizabeth’s birth’s effect on
Elizabeth congratulates
Elizabeth’s gifts from
Elizabeth’s last meeting with
Elizabeth’s relationship with
emotional fragility of
escape considered by
escape plot of
father’s annulment plan opposed by
father’s and brother’s debts paid by
flight of, from Hunsdon
fool of
force inspected by
freedom-of-religion appeals of, to Edward (
see also
Edward’s censures of
; Edward VI)
funeral of
gambling by
Guildhall speech of
Hatfield House entered by
health of
Henry breaks silence with
Henry’s death and
Henry demands complete submission of
Henry’s succession doubts concerning
heretics dealt with by
horses and hunting loved by
household and staff of
Katherine Howard’s relationship with
impact of legatine marriage hearing on
Jane’s death and
Jane’s relationship with
jewels of
Kenninghall war council set up by
king’s second marriage reported to
letters of
linguistic achievements of
lying-in-state of
marriage of priests opposed by
masque and drama loved by
mass forbidden in household of
modern writers denigrate
mother’s death and
mother’s final parting from
music loved by
naming of
new wealth of
New Year’s gifts received by
Orléans and
parents’ marriage break-up and
peripatetic childhood years of
Philip of Bavaria and
Philip’s betrothal to
Philip’s departure from
Philip favoured as husband of
see also
Wyatt Rebellion)
Philip’s first days with
Philip’s first meeting with
Philip’s funeral for
Philip marries
plate of
‘pregnancies’ of
princess of Wales title adopted by
privy council’s castigating letter concerning
privy council’s change of tactics against
privy council’s letter to
privy council recognises
proclaimed queen
proclamation issued by
question of Elizabeth’s marriage and
rebellion in support of
religious observances of
religious pronouncements of
religious reform eschewed by
riding skills of
rightful place in succession restored to
sexual attraction and
Seymour-Parr marriage approval sought from
small geographical kingdom of
Somerset’s overthrow and
submission signed by
titles of
Vives and
will of
years of stability enjoyed by
Mary of Guise
Mary of Hungary
death of
Mary, Queen of Scots
marriages of
Mary Rose (sister of Henry VIII),
Mary, duchess of Suffolk
Mary Rose
Mason, Sir John
Maximilian I, Holy Roman Emperor
Medici, Katherine de
Memo, Dionysius
Mendoza, Inigo de
Merchant Adventurers
Michieli, Ambassador
dissolution of
Montagu, Sir Edward
Montague, Lord
Montmorency, constable of France
Mordaunt, Sir John
Muscovy Company
My Devise for the Succession
(Edward VI)
Najera, duke of
Navas, marquis de las
Neville, Frances
Neville, Sir Edward
New Hall, Essex
Noailles, Antoine de
Noailles, François de
Norfolk rebellion
Norfolk, duke of
Norris, Henry
Northampton, marquess of
Northumberland, duchess of
Northumberland, duke of,
Dudley, John
Nottingham, earl of,
Fitzroy, Henry, duke of Richmond and Somerset
Observant Franciscans
On the right method of instruction for children
Orléans, duke of
Osorio, Isabel
Leigh, Sir Edward
Oxford, earl of
Paget, Anne
death of
Gardiner’s feud with
Lord Chancellor’s role suggested for
Paraphrases upon the New Testament
Paris, population of
Parker, Jane
Parr, Anne
Parr, Katherine:
appearance of
death of
Henry marries
Henry notices
influence of
Mary given jewellery by
Mary remains in household of
portrait of
religious conservatives move against
Seymour’s courtship with
Seymour’s marriage to
Parr, Maud
Paul III, Pope
Paul IV, Pope
Paulet, Sir William
Pavia, battle of
Peckham, Sir Edmund
Pembroke, Lord
Penne, Sybil
Petre, Lady Anne
phantom pregnancy
Philibert, Duke Emanuel
Philip (the Fair) of Burgundy
Philip and Mary
Philip II of Spain
Anglo-French war and
arrival of, in England
death of
departure of, from England
father’s death and
Kingdom of Naples conferred on
marriage preparations of
Mary’s atlas gift to
Mary’s betrothal to
Mary’s decision to marry passim
Mary’s first meeting with
Mary’s illness and death and
Mary marries
Mary’s navy criticised by
Mary’s ‘pregnancies’ and
Mary’s regular correspondence with
pope makes peace with
potential constitutional implications of English crowning of
proposal of, to Elizabeth
question of Elizabeth’s marriage and

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