Masked Attraction (7 page)

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Authors: Mary Hughes

BOOK: Masked Attraction
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Like electricity forced to jump, magic flared, surging over the gap from Zeus’ back to Daniel’s hand with an almost audible
of superheated air

Zeus yelped as if he’d been singed.

“I said
” Zoe wedged herself between them, her masked gaze cutting from one to the other. “You may think this alpha male shit is romantic, but I’m a person, not a piece of meat to be fought over.”

“Sorry. I’m sorry.” Daniel groaned mentally. Without the key, she would be determined to stick with Zeus, and a determined Zoe was as stubborn as a cliff.

He’d have confronted the guy, but she might be caught between them and magic between two wizards could get messy. But he didn’t want her anywhere near the jackass.

He needed to get His Lady Stubborn away from Zeus. But how?

The orchestra began another waltz, and it gave him an idea. She’d planned this evening around the idea of romance, and
spent the years since high school honing his seductive skills.

He took her fingers and kissed them. “Lovely Lady Mystery…”

He meant to follow up with,
Would you care to dance?
But his nose delighted in her unique scent, his lips tingled at the feel of her smooth skin, and all he wanted to do was kiss up her delicate hand, trace the veins along the back with his tongue, press hot lips to the inside of her wrist and kiss all the way up her tender inner arm to her sweet, hot mouth…

Need seared him, a fierce desire that raged almost immediately into direct action. Using his hold on her hand, he spun her into his arms and bent to seize her mouth.

Zeus barked a protest.

The sharp sound called Daniel back from the brink of insanity. Zoe deserved romance—or at least a sweet seduction, not pawing. He barely managed to turn the kiss into a press of lips to her cheek, just below her mask.

She gasped in surprise. Followed by a soft sigh of delight.

His whole body fired at the sound. Forget the key, forget the damned Quatrain. He wanted to sweep her into his arms for a thorough kissing. Return to the prep room for a helluva lot more.

“Lovely Lady Mystery. This chump is as romantic as a two-by-four. Come away with me.”

Her lids rose. She searched his eyes, brow wrinkling. “You’re trying to sidetrack me. It won’t work.”

He wished he could tell her he was doing this for her own good, impress on her how dangerous the black fire wizard was, but with the creep right there, that would only put her in more danger. Instead, he said “You don’t want this jerk. He gives innocent slime a bad name—”

“Zeus.” She straightened in his arms, her chin kicking up. “His name is Zeus, and I’m enjoying his company. Let me make this plain. Go away.”

Daniel released her instantly, surprised by how her words knifed his heart, even though she wasn’t rejecting him, just trying to dazzle Zeus. Yet memory taunted,
a dork in high school…

Even though he knew her rejection wasn’t real, it hurt.
Why did it hurt this much?

He understood why it hurt as a youth—he’d been infatuated with Zoe, then. But that was the past. Now, he could have as many women as he wanted…

Staring into her gorgeous, angry green eyes, the truth struck him with a brilliance that cut. He didn’t want other women, and it wasn’t a past infatuation.

He wanted Zoe, only Zoe—and it had only ever been Zoe.

Daniel swallowed hard. After all the rejections in high school, he’d promised himself
no more pain
. Playing the field, he never got too close to anyone. The idea of settling on one woman, especially the one woman who mattered—who’d always mattered, the woman who could hurt him above all others—scared him shitless.

The brutal wizard’s gaze darted between him and Zoe and lit with cunning. “Lady Mystery. Let’s you and I get out of here.”

The words were for her, but the ass was grinning at Daniel as he used two fingers to slide a peek of something from his breast pocket. A mahogany curl.

A lock of Zoe’s hair.

Zeus’ gaze, fastened on Daniel, gloated.

It was a perfect curl. With that lock, a wizard could set the perfect romantic mood, tuned just for her—and an unscrupulous wizard could enthrall her into doing his will.

Brutal eyes danced.
Now I can get the parchment from her whenever I want
, they said.
However I want.

Daniel growled, low in his throat. His feelings didn’t matter. The parchment didn’t matter. He wanted Zoe away from Zeus—now.

Blast subtlety. Daniel grabbed her wrist and dragged her away. Catching her off guard, he got her all of two feet before she dug in her heels. Not stopping him, but slowing him. He simply dragged harder.

She hissed. “Your caveman tactics don’t impress me.”

“I’m not trying to impress you,” he hissed back. “I’m trying to rescue you.”

In fact, he wasn’t happy just getting her away from Zeus. He wanted her offsite altogether. He burned to drag her to a hotel where Zeus would never find her, and Daniel could ply her with drinks and take her to their room and plunder her…

“I can take care of myself.” Her wrist tingled under his hand.


She’d accessed her wolf to stop him. His heart hiccupped. She was serious.

He’d never forced a woman in his life.

Daniel stopped hauling, hand open but still on her wrist because, even now, he couldn’t keep from touching her. “Not against this guy, you can’t.”

She searched his eyes. He let her read his concern for her, his entire focus her green eyes, her very being—

“Let her go, asshole.” Out of nowhere, Zeus punched a palm into Daniel’s shoulder, knocking him back a step.

“Make me.” He muscled Zoe behind him. Part of him was aware he was behaving like a wolf, challenging a rival to fight. Primitive and beastly, not romantic and chivalrous at all, but control and caution had abandoned him.

Zeus’ jaw kicked out. “You think I won’t?”

“I’m hoping you will.”

“Why you—”

” Zoe stalked out from behind, glaring equally at Daniel and the black fire wizard. “What is wrong with you two? Are you trying to cause a scene? Now, I’m going with Zeus—”

“Wait.” Daniel grabbed her shoulders and said the first thing he could think of to distract her. “Marry me.”

Chapter Six

In high school, Zoe had easy sex with boys who couldn’t get enough, until she met Tommy.

He made her heart sing. Captain of the football team and honor student, he’d had a great part-time job and a sweet motorcycle. Best of all, sex was awesome.

She’d thought he was the one, the boy she’d spend the rest of her life with. He was human, but hell, she was young and didn’t know all about mates, or even anything about them.

She’d given Tommy her girlish heart.

Then her period was late. Really late. Excited and scared, she told him that she thought she was pregnant, by him. That they were going to be parents.

She’d been excited. Happy.

He called her
. Said she was an
, that she was the one who wanted all the wild sex, so she’d have to take the consequences.

Tommy dumped her then and there.

She was crushed. Sure, she’d been dumped a time or two before, but this was different. He was supposed to be
the one.

He hadn’t felt the same way. Or he was too scared by the responsibility. Either way, he’d bailed.

That night, Daniel had come over to her house to help her study, as he’d been doing for a few weeks. He’d made it his personal goal to see to it she passed chemistry class so she could get into college. She’d thought it was cute.

He’d known something was off. She could tell by the considering way he looked at her. But he hadn’t said anything, and she’d been grateful.

“So,” he said. “How’d you do on the midterm?”


“Yes. Remember, the chem midterm you promised me you’d study for every night?”


She hadn’t studied, not nearly enough. Because she’d wanted to be with Tommy, the boy she’d thought was
the one
, the boy who’d dumped her.

She’d flunked. And thought if she told Daniel that, he’d dump her faster than Tommy.

Somehow Daniel knew anyway.

“You didn’t study, did you?”

She shook her head. “And I…I didn’t pass.” She cringed.

“I see.”
But instead of washing his hands of her,
Daniel only nodded
. “Well, we all make mistakes. Do things we wish we’d done differently.”
Then he hit her with those starburst eyes.
“What’s wrong, Zoe? You can tell me. I won’t judge you.”

She’d broken down and confessed. About Tommy dumping her. About maybe being pregnant. And Daniel…he examined her face, so seriously, so carefully…and said…

“Marry me.”

The sweetest words. She’d wanted so much to hear them burst impulsively from
lips. She
had not
wanted them to come from a dork, especially since he’d had to think it over.

“You don’t mean it,” she said. “We don’t love each other.”

“We don’t?”
His gaze had shifted to her window, though he didn’t seem to be looking out of it. Finally he nodded, and returned his gaze to hers.
“Tell me this. Do you want to pass your class? Honestly, Zoe?”

The class had been all she had left.

“Then I’ll stick with you until we get it.”

And he’d turned to the next chapter.

She’d been amazed and heartened that he hadn’t abandoned her. Possibly pregnant, rejecting his proposal—he hadn’t meant it, but the rejection still must’ve stung him—and yet he stayed with her.

Most importantly, he’d said
. Not, “I’ll stick until you get this.” But, “I’ll stick until
get this.”

Now, tonight, again, Daniel said, “
Marry me.”

The sweetest words. She’d been waiting years to hear them burst impulsively from a man’s lips.

No. She’d been waiting years to hear them burst impulsively from

But like this, so cold, so calculating…

Zoe stepped back as if struck. The blood drained from her, her body like ice. If he’d said,
I love you,
first, or even once looked at her… But his masked face was turned toward Zeus, his narrowed gaze locked with the other man.

The words were even more hollow than last time.

“You don’t mean it.” She whispered, voice hoarse.

Daniel was only trying to distract her. From Zeus? Or from the

The one boy who’d had no agenda beyond simply liking her was now a man who didn’t care, like the rest.

Her heart shriveled in her chest.

Zoe put a hand to her forehead. She didn’t know herself any more.

No. Maybe she didn’t understand all these roiling feelings, but she was a wolf in the line of alphas and a business owner to boot. Resolve stiffened her spine, and she dropped her hand.
Stick to the original plan
. Find out Zeus’ game. If he had the key, get it back however she had to. Use the parchment to get a taste of romance.

And then get on with the rest of her suddenly barren-looking life.

*  *  *

Daniel was horrified when, at his impromptu proposal, Zoe’s face turned white. He wished with all his might her green eyes would light with a stubborn glint. That she’d straighten her back and snap a “Not on your life” at him, no matter how bad that boded for him or cooperation.

He’d take a thousand glints over a single moment of shock.

Instead, she’d whispered,
“You don’t mean it.”

If only she knew how wrong she was.

But then, she turned to Zeus, held out her hand and said, “Let’s find someplace private.”

Daniel’s lungs seized.

The asshat sneered triumphantly at him, inviting a punch to the nose.

Zoe tapped a playful finger on Zeus’ jaw to turn his attention to her. Curling a flirty come-hither at him, she sauntered off.

Daniel mentally smacked his forehead as he realized her game plan. She thought she was going to take Zeus to the prep room and use seduction to get the key from him. Stun the brutal-faced mage with her body.

The thought of her in Zeus’ arms turned Daniel’s lungs to ash, but that didn’t matter. She didn’t know the other mage could turn tables on her.

Zeus could bewitch her, literally.

Daniel was damned if he’d let it get that far—which meant getting the key

He bulled after Zoe, stopped her by grabbing her shoulders, and whirled her to face him. “I’m sorry, Lady Mystery. I got carried away by your beauty. Your feelings are not to be trifled with, and you’re not an object.” If he’d had time, he’d have separated his apology from what he was about to do. But speed was of the essence. “Though any man would be glad to fight for your

On the word
, he brushed his wand in its pocket, priming the spell. He was a wizard prince. If he couldn’t make a physical bridge to retrieve the key, he’d make a magical one.

In his periphery, Zeus was scowling.

Daniel knew the mage had felt the shift in magical energies, but he was already a step ahead.

“I’m just so glad I

On the word “found” he pointed the primed finger at Zeus. The brutal-faced wizard’s eyes widened. He pressed a hand to his belly, over his cummerbund.

So that was where he’d hidden the key. Didn’t matter now.

“Found you
.” Daniel touched his finger to his unburned breast pocket and immediately felt the added weight of the key drag the inside lining down.

Zeus’ hand clutched his cummerbund. “You stole it.” The shock in his eyes as he dug at the black satin was almost comical.

“I certainly did. It’s

Zeus’ eyes in his ripped mask narrowed dangerously. He drove a hand into his jacket pocket. Summoning his wand no doubt, but it was far too late.
had locked the key in Daniel’s pocket. Zeus couldn’t steal it back, at least not via magic. Daniel gave the wizard a triumphant grin. Not as good as punching him in the nose, but he’d won.

Giddiness rushed hot in his veins. He had the key, the means to take the parchment now in his grasp. All he had to do was seduce Zoe’s permission…

The very thought chilled him.

Zeus’ next words chilled him even more.

“You think you’ve won. But I’ll
her hand over the Quatrain.” The brutal-faced mage stalked to the nearest table and set a hand on a silver chafing dish.

Or, more specifically, cupped the small flame beneath it.
He was going to cast a fire spell. He’d have to conceal it from mundanes or risk the Council’s headsman, so it couldn’t be too destructive.

Unless he was just that pissed off.

For himself, Daniel didn’t care. He could counter anything the bastard could throw. But if he wasn’t fast enough to protect Zoe…

Heart thudding, he laced fingers through hers. “We have to get out of here.”

She resisted. “The key—”

“I have it.”

“Well, all right then.”

She shocked him with a delighted laugh. Shocked him even more when she took the lead, pulling him into motion so hard he nearly lost his feet.

“This way.”

He stumbled after her as she dodged guests munching near the tables, and headed for a small, almost invisible doorway near the corner, not the one they’d used to get to the prep room.

“You really pissed him off, getting the key,” she said as she zig-zagged. “He wants to murder you.”

“Not literally?”

“Yep. Or at least severely maim you.” Her lustrous hair swayed as she zipped around a knot of people admiring the parchment. “Believe me. I can smell it coming off him. Um, I mean
smell it.”

Daniel smiled. She wasn’t aware he knew she was a shifter.

But she was right. When he glanced back, Zeus thundered after them, death in his eyes. It didn’t take a shifter to read his intent—hurt Daniel, capture Zoe. Which meant getting out of his line of fire as fast as possible.

“Where are we going?” Despite being chased by an evil wizard, Daniel liked the feel of Zoe’s hand in his. Liked the wicked feel of getting away with something together. This was almost fun.

As if she shared his delight, she tossed a grin over her shoulder. “You’ll see. Damn, he’s catching up. Can you do something to distract him?”

“A smoke screen? Sure.” He glanced around. Witnesses here prevented him from dusting Zeus with pure power. But Daniel had combat training, knew how to use his environment. He’d nudge natural things to help him, with the mundanes none the wiser.

As Zoe turned front, Daniel touched his wand then swept a finger at a row of tea-candle-lit chafing dishes and muttered under his breath, “Smolder.”

Smoke belched from the flames, charring the dishes’ metal to black. The back of the room filled with a thick, billowing haze. The caterers scrambled for fire extinguishers, although the magical smoke would dissipate as soon as Zoe and Daniel were gone.

She flashed him a startled glance. “Wow. When you say smoke screen, you really mean it. How did you do that?”


He was saved from having to think of a reply when, as they sprinted and dodged the final yards for the door, Zeus practically crowd-surfed to lunge for them.

Daniel spun, skidding to a stop. His brain shuffled facts. The mage bursting down on them. No overt magic, not with witnesses. One option leaped to mind.
The fact I’ve been itching to do this?

He made a fist and, on an arm as rigid as a flag pole, raised it to Zeus’ nose level. The evil wizard’s momentum practically drove his face into Daniel’s knuckles.

Zeus fell to his knees, hands clapping to his cowled face. Blood and curses ran freely from underneath.

Daniel’s knuckles rang with pain. But damn, that felt so good. He shook his hand, shaking off the blow and admitted to himself he’d wanted to do that since the first time he’d seen the brutal man’s hand on Zoe.

.” She grabbed his wrist and yanked him from Zeus’ crumpled form.

They ducked out the small side door, and Daniel found himself in a narrow, windowless corridor. A couple spooned against one wall.

“Where are we?” he asked.

“Old servants’ passage. This way.” Zoe pulled him faster.

They’d gone maybe fifty feet when the door slapped open behind them, accompanied by Zeus’ roar. “
The woman is mine!

Now Daniel had a problem. Bare corridor meant no props he could use against Zeus. No crowd between them meant no cover. And with that couple as potential witnesses, he had to be cautious about using his power. Although, they didn’t appear to be paying much attention. They’d barely looked up at the evil wizard’s improbable declaration, maybe thinking it was part of some dramatic game he, Zoe, and Zeus were playing.

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