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Authors: Eileen Rife

BOOK: Masquerade
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Eileen Rife



Copyright © 2016 Eileen Rife

All rights reserved.


Cover photo © 2013 Marin, Couple In Love Near Fireplace stock photo 100151297, Wagging Dog Media Limited, Kemp House, Suite 507, 152-160 City Road, London EC1V 2NX United Kingdom.


Author photo © 2014 Nathan Waldock


Scripture quotations are taken from the
Holy Bible, New International Version
, Copyright © 1973, 1978, 1984 by the International Bible Society. Used by permission of Zondervan Publishing House. The “NIV” and “New International Version” trademarks are registered in the United States Patent and Trademark office by International Bible Society.


(first published under the title Laughing with Lily © 2013 Eileen Rife) is a work of fiction. References to real people, events, establishments, organizations, or locales are used fictitiously. All other characters, incidents, and dialogue are drawn from the author’s imagination.




ISBN – 13: 978-1519543134

ISBN – 10: 1519543131







What Others Are Saying About . . .






 deals with the sensitive issue of abortion in an emotionally-gripping, yet grace-filled way. This story will reach into the deepest recesses of women's hearts, encouraging them to hold tight to those they hold dear." Jennifer Slattery, Novel Reviews


“Eileen Rife writes with a quick wit and attention to detail that paints a picture so intriguing her stories are hard to put down. From the very first page of
readers will be drawn into the story.” Lynnette Bonner, author of
Rocky Mountain Oasis, High Desert Haven, Fair Valley Refuge,
Spring Meadow Sanctuary.


“MASQUERADE is a touching story of loss and love that deals with the trauma of abortion. Eileen knows how to get  right  to  the  heart  of  her readers in this book. You’ll


laugh, cry, and rejoice when God works wonders in the lives of these vivid characters.” Sherri Wilson Johnson, author of
Song of the Meadowlark


is sweet, suspenseful and heartwarming. I couldn't put it down. You'll love Eileen Rife's story of a special love and how God turns a sad situation around for His glory.” Diane Dean White, Seeds of Encouragement blog


is a real page turner. Eileen Rife's story is a gripping tale of love and suspense. I look forward to reading more of her magic.” Liz Phelps, author of
Mirror Images


is a top-notch, no holds barred, excellent story full of twists and turns, dilemmas, inspiration, romance, and the love of that golden child, Lily.” Kathleen Freeman, Beauty in Simplicity, Hope in Hard Times, 2012 Genesis winner for young adult fiction.













A special thanks to you, ACFW critique partners. You helped me craft a much better story than I could have done on my own. You guys and gals stretch me and grow me as a writer, and as a person.


Thank you Linda Rondeau, Jennifer Slattery, Debbie Broyles, Starr Vile, Sandy Albright, Dr. Thomas Kessler, Dr. Timothy Jessee, and the myriad of others via phone or online who guided me through the confusing world of family services and medical protocol in 1983. Any remaining errors are mine alone.


Thanks, Rachel Waldock and Denise Jones, for both your eagle eye critique and your encouraging support of my writing.


Thanks, Life Group, for lifting me up to our Father. Without your prayers, I wouldn’t have the strength or the courage to stay the course—in writing or in life.


Thank you, precious children and grandchildren, for filling my days with such joy. My heart is to leave a legacy of faith to each one of you. I hope my writings will do that in part.


Thanks to you, Chuck, for the many conversations over Chinese food, in the car, or at home while trying to do something  else,  like  watch   your  favorite  movie.   Your

patience with me as I picked your brain concerning a particular plot scenario is greatly appreciated! Thanks so much for your love, your support, and your encouragement as we partner together in this amazing journey of knowing and proclaiming Christ.


And to You, my sweet Lord Jesus, thank You for lavishing me with Your grace and giving me something to write about. All glory goes to You!

































To David Nathaniel & Allison Marie


You showed me how precious life is at every stage of development.

























“Even in laughter the heart may ache.”


Proverbs 14:13a




















Schreiber, Indiana

September, 1983






Regret barged into the bedroom and refused to leave. Like one of the boxes Celeste had carried from their trailer to their new house, a dark secret weighed heavy on her heart, especially in the last year.

She surveyed the pile of cartons beside the bed and located the one marked “Framed Pictures.” Tearing away the tissue paper, she smoothed her hand over the cool glass surface lodged inside the pewter frame, corners adorned with inlaid sapphires. A bride and groom smiled back at her. Mr. and Mrs. Joe Tatem.

In spite of her dismal mood, she was determined to enjoy her anniversary.

The heady aroma of English Leather entered the bedroom as she studied the portrait. She spun around and faced her husband. A silly grin ruffled his lips. She smiled and melted into Joe’s arms. She reached up and pressed her index finger into the dimple in his chin.

“Okay,  you  can  come  out  now.” His voice teased

her. “But first, put this on.” He gently turned her around and tied a bandanna over her eyes.

“What are you up to, you big sneak?”

With one hand around her waist and the other on her arm, Joe carefully guided her. Clutching the frame against her chest, she felt the floor beneath her bare feet change from carpet to hardwood, then back to carpet again.

Joe’s warm breath came near. His lips met hers in a lingering kiss. Then he released the blindfold from her eyes. “Happy Anniversary, Tater Tot!” His nickname for her ever since their dating days at Purdue University.

Her mouth flew open at the display before her. Several pots of burgundy, yellow, and white mums wrapped in shiny gold foil marked off a circle on the shag carpet. The wedding ring quilt gifted by her grandmother on their wedding day rested on the floor inside the circle. The room glowed with candles of varying sizes, too many to count, some atop boxes, others on the floor. “Close to You

played softly on the stereo.

Joe eased the frame out of Celeste’s hands and set it among the flowers, then swept his rough hands
over her forehead and cheeks, finally coming to rest on her shoulders. “Surprised?” His arms slipped around her waist, and he pulled her close.

“Uh . . . very. When in the world did you have time to buy all this and set it up?” With working extra hours at Schreiber Metal Works, he’d barely had time to breathe, let alone plan a celebration.

“Ah, have you forgotten? I’m a man of many tal-

ents.” He waggled his dark eyebrows in a Groucho Marx expression.

She frowned, fighting back tears. 

His hands slid down her arms. “What’s wrong?” Lightly squeezing her palms, he stepped back, head tilted, and studied her.

Heat filled her face. Their fifth year wedding anniversary required something better than pizza, but with the move and the beginning of a new school year, she’d been swamped with work. “I didn’t have much time or energy to come up with something all that special.”

“What? No filet-mignon? How could you?” Mock horror swept over his face.

Determined not to be outdone, she playfully slapped him on the arm and started for the kitchen. “Wait right here”—hands splayed in front of her husband—“I’ll be right back.”

              “No problem. I’ll just slip into something more comfortable.” His eyes sparked, and excitement rippled through her body.

When she returned carrying a heart-shaped pizza, he sat in the circle, one hand anchored on his right knee, the other resting on his left thigh. At the sight of him, she almost dropped the tray. Wearing silky boxer shorts, could he look any yummier?

“Come here, you.” His mouth curled into a playful grin.

Kneeling, she set the silver-plated tray between them. He gripped the back of her head and smothered her lips with a kiss. A delightful tingle traveled from her head

to her toes.

Joe released her and sat back. “What’s this?” He stared at the pizza. “Creative.
I Love You
spelled out with my favorite topping, black olives.” Using the pizza wheel, he cut two slices, handed one to Celeste, and bit into the other. A cheese string trailed from his lips. When Celeste leaned over and swept the gooey mozzarella from his chin, he caught her hand and kissed it. Lips hungry for more, his mouth traveled down the side of her face. He blew a raspberry into her neck. The stubble tickled her skin. Giggling, she scrunched her head and shoulder.

She pushed on his chest. “Calm down, lover boy. Let’s enjoy dinner first.”

He took another bite, his gaze fastened on her. “What’s that perfume you’re wearing? Smells like the beach.”

“It’s not perfume; it’s lotion with cocoa butter.”

Reaching for her arm, he gently buried his nose in her skin and breathed deeply. A satisfied sigh escaped his lips. He plowed through another pizza slice, then smeared his hands on his shorts.

The record now over, he rose to reset the needle for a second round of the Carpenters. He retrieved two wine glasses and an ice bucket hidden behind the grouping of mums and lowered to the floor across from Celeste. He spun the goblets and set them between them.

Warmth filled her heart. She brushed the crushed ice away from the bottle. “Ooh, Barbaresco. I’m impressed.” She lifted the bottle from its cradle, gripping the  base  with  one  hand  and  the  neck  with  the  other.

Seemingly out of nowhere, a haunting scene flashed before her eyes.

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