MASS MURDER (58 page)

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The monk’s
eyes lit up
“Yes, I did
I couldn’t see very well
I mean, I couldn’t see who it was
It was very dark.”

“You said you were in the upstairs hallway when you saw this person?”

“I was just coming out of my room
As I told you before, I got caught
up writing some letters and was a little late getting to compline.”

“Where is your room?”

“At the end of the north hallway

first one around the corner?”

“And you saw this person somewhere near the statue of Mary, out on the walkway?”

“That’s right.”

“I w
as just up there, Father
You can’t see the statue from up there.”

There was a pause in which the monk merely stared back at Giorgio, his face a mixture of curiosity and inner thought
Finally, his eyebrows creased and he replied.

“I’m sure you’re wrong
Where were you standing?”

“At the end of the hallway by the last window.”

His whole body relaxed
“Well, there are three windows along that hallway, Detective
That wasn’t the window I spoke of.”

“Would you mind showing me?”

“Of course not

The two men climbed the staircase and followed the hallway to the end, passing Father O’Lea
ry’s room,
by yellow police tape
Giorgio trailed
the young monk who moved with an athletic
sense of grace

“This is my room right here.”  He indicated the first room around the corner, about twenty feet from the hall closet
“I came out of my door and turned down the hallway like this.”  He imitated his movements, inching closer to the outside wall as he turned the corner
“I was somewhat distracted
and w
hen I got to this second window
I stopped to
look at the pond
It’s lovely when it’s lit up at night
Anyway, I noticed
him moving along the path
toward the kitchen.”  He turned and gestured in that direction
“You see, from here I can just barely see the statue.”

Giorgio stepped forward
The statue of Mary was tucked in an alcove along the pathway to the left
. F
rom this vantage po
int, only her arm was visible.

“How do you know it was a man?”

His face fell
“Well, I guess I don’t know for sure
All I really saw was a shadow.”  He stopped and thought for a moment
“I assumed it was one of the monks
The robes, you know.”

“You saw the robes?”

“Well, not clearly
I only saw an outline, but I think they were robes
Of course, it could have been a long dress
Ms. Peters was caught wearing robes, wasn’t she?  This is all becoming so complicated
I guess I’m not positive of anything, other than I saw

Giorgio stood for a moment,
looking back along the pathway.

“Is there anything else, Detective?  I’m in charge of lunch today.”  He smiled affably.

“Thank you very much, Father.

The young monk disappeared down the stairs
Giorgio continued to look out the window, wondering why the monk would have stopped to gaze out the window in the first place when he was already late for prayer that night
A thought made him cross back through the secret door to the west hallway
There, he pulled aside the curtain that framed the window across from Mallery Olsen’s door
As he suspected, the statue of Mary was
fully visible below him.

As Giorgio contemplated Frances’ story, Swan appro
ached from the main staircase.

“I thought I’d find you up here
McCready called
The crime lab report came in on the fibers they found on Mallery Olsen
The fibers match the blankets used by the monks
No surprise there, I guess.”

Giorgio stuffed his hands in his pockets and returned his gaze out the window
“And we now know how the killer accessed her room.”

Swan poked his head into the closet to see the secret door
“Well, well, well
You found it
I wonder how many more of these things are around here
Did you call
for Fong?”

“He should be here soon,” Giorgio confirmed.

Swan came and stood beside Giorgio at the window
“So, it was a monk.”

“I didn’t say that, but we have three murders and no connecting motive
I’ve never believed in coincidences, but that may be what we have here.”

“Not the death of Father O’Leary.”

I think Poindexter killed
and O’Leary’s murder had everything to do with whoever killed Mallery Olsen
That’s the reason I think we’re looking for a monk
However, while they all had opportunity, none of them seem to have a motive.”

The two men stood shoulder to shoulder, staring out the window for a long moment
Finally, Giorgio spoke.

“I’m going to talk to Father Damian.”

“I’ll wait here for Fong.”

“Do me a favor
Call the janitor and ask him about this key.”  Giorgio showed him the ornate key Alvira Applebaum had given him
“Describe it and see if he has any idea wh
it belongs
. We think there’s at least one duplicate
If so, I’d like to know who has it.”

Swan turned the key over in his hand before giving it back to Giorgio
“I’ll see if I can find him
We might be able to get a locksmith to take a look at it too.”

, catch up with you later.”

Father Damian’s bungalow was tucked in a grove of trees directly up the hill from the courtyard pond
It was a small, square building with a tiled roof
Giorgio knocked on the arched door and then stood back and waited
He heard a toilet flush and then a moment later, the door opened and a haggard looking Father Damian appeared.

“Detective,” his voice had weakened to just above a whisper
“I’m sorry, I was resting
What is it now?”

“I wanted to ask you a few questions about Father O’Leary
May I come in?”

He sighed but stood back to allo
w Giorgio inside

Giorgio followed him to the small sitting room furnished in turn-of-the- century antiques
The bedroom lay at the back
and Giorgio could see the single bed from which Father Damian had just risen
A studio-sized kitchen was set in a small alcove to the right
The bathroom door was to the left of the entry
Giorgio waited until the monk had taken a straight-backed chair in the middle of the room and then
sat on a Queen Anne style sofa.

“I’m afraid the doctor gave me a light sedative.”  The once proud and erect man was slouched in the chair, his hands limp in his lap.

“We found the time capsule last night.”  The monk’s eyebrows arched, but he didn’t say anything
“Just in front of the statue of
the angel

“Yes,” he nodded in understanding
“After you called last night, I got to thinking that I remembered reading something in the old records about a time capsule
Did yo
u find anything of value?”

“We found the original drawings which indicated a secret door on the second floor.” 

Father Damian sat back as if he expected another blow, his face drawn with suspicions.

“I found the door this morning
’s in the upstairs closet…
the one that separates the east and west wings.”  Giorgio paused, letting the significance of that information settle in.

Father Damian’s face relaxed
and he looked out the window to a large Eucalyptus tree that shaded the corner window
His skin drooped around his jaw line
look a good ten years older than he probably was
When he looked back, he sighed again.

“You should know there were problems here a long time ago, back whe
n the boy’s school was here.”

“Indiscretions with the boys?”

He nodded and dropped his shoulders
“It almost ruined the monastery
They had to close the school
and the church was forced to pay a lot of money to the families in order to keep things out of court.”

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