Master Me (7 page)

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Authors: Brynn Paulin

BOOK: Master Me
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“Did they tell you to let me tie you to my bed and fuck you until you can barely walk?”

Her eyes were almost black with the desire swirling through them. “Yes.”

“I don’t want to be in your mouth. Not right now,” he added when embarrassed disappointment filled her expression. He took a step back. “Stand up.”

Agilely she came to her feet and he saw her as Josh had in the last minutes before he’d left. Josh had more strength than Max had ever given him credit for. Surveying her gentle curves and long expanses of creamy skin, broken only by the thatch of ebony curls hiding her damp folds, he wasn’t sure he’d have been able to walk away.

Turning, he walked away, beckoning for her to follow him to his drawing table.

“Come here, Ana,” he said when she hesitated to come close to the wall of windows.

“Do you really care if people see you? Do you know how exquisite you are?”

“I work with them.”


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“Very few people wander onto this side of the building,” he told her, taking pity on her. “The chances of anyone looking up here are slim. No one looks at the building when they can look at the lake.”

Taking a deep breath, she stepped to his side. She glanced at the table, then did a double take and stared at the drawing on the table, her lips parting slightly.

“I told you you’re exquisite,” he whispered. “Do you see how beautiful you are when you submit?”

“Max,” she breathed.

He carefully removed the picture and rolled it, placing it in a protective tube. He intended to hang it on their bedroom wall as soon as he framed it. After setting it beside his briefcase he retrieved a condom from an inner pocket of the bag. Slowly, he rolled it over his tight flesh. God, she was beautiful. He’d never been so satisfied by his foresight as he was now as he returned to her and bent her over the tilted surface. Before Ana could question him, he lifted her hips, positioned himself at her entrance and plowed inside her. She cried out at his hasty invasion and whimpered when he pulled back.

There were no more preliminaries… They’d been dancing around this moment since last night.

Just as quickly, he surged back into her, holding her hips while her fingers grasped the edge of the table, her knuckles turning white. Her honey flowed around his cock, coating him with her sweet nectar while her walls tightly hugged him.

Suddenly, he couldn’t believe he was inside her after all these years. It was completely right and there was no way he’d let her wriggle away from him. Temporary master, his ass. This was not temporary and this was most definitely his ass. Forever.

He changed his angle until her toes barely touched the floor. Her breasts pressed to the drawing board. She rested her cheek against it, letting him see her passion-filled face. He’d draw this moment and put it on the wall beside the other. He’d never seen anything more beautiful than Ana in ecstasy.

“Yes,” she gasped.


Master Me

She felt so good.

He pumped hard, reaching deep inside her. Her molten folds milked him, drawing him closer to the explosion looming before them. He couldn’t stop the sensations washing over him… He couldn’t…

“Yes,” Ana groaned. “Fuck me harder, Max, fill me.” The thought of Max’s scalding release inside her aroused her to the point of frenzy. Her breasts rubbed against the table’s smooth, cool wood, sticking and catching in mind-blowing friction. And the way he’d lifted her… The position stole nearly all her control over their encounter. She could only receive and react to his primal demands. Helpless, she watched the muscles in the arm she could see flex and release as he held her. The wide black tattoo banding it seemed to do a victory dance as he claimed her.

She loved his tattoos and his rock-hard body. And his domination. She loved his power over her.

“Call me Master,” he growled.

“Master,” she keened, biting her lip to keep from begging for even more. He was the master with full domination over her. And for the first time in her life she wasn’t scared, unsatisfied or resentful with it. How easily he’d just stepped in and taken over.

He pistoned through her channel’s soft tissues as if they’d been designed for him.

For his satisfaction. Unfathomable pleasure coiled through her, tighter and tighter until she thought she’d fracture when it flew loose. Her arousal burned down into her thighs, signaling her impending release a moment before the spasms clamped over her. She bowed and thrashed. Her heated flesh clutched Max’s cock as he drove into her, his grunts exploding through gritted teeth.

“Yeah, take me, Ana. Take all of it.” A moment later, he stiffened behind her, shooting inside her. She collapsed against the table, for the first time feeling the molded ridge at the bottom bite into her thighs. She didn’t care. Euphoria blanketed her, filling 51

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her with well-being. Max leaned over her and kissed her. “Well done. I’ve never had a sub do better.”

Pride welled inside her, mixed with the heavy knowledge that she was no more than that to him. A submissive.

“Thank you,” she murmured. This was what she’d wanted, wasn’t it? And they were friends too. She couldn’t forget that even though she couldn’t comprehend how their friendship would survive this.

Pulling her up into his arms, he cupped the back of her head and kissed her lightly.

Slowly, he parted her lips with his tongue and delved inside her mouth. Unlike Josh, Max tasted of the hard butter candies he kept in his desk. She sucked that flavor from him, growing aroused again as he continued to tangle his tongue with hers. Good lord, the Cress men could kiss. She’d never had her mouth worshiped like this.

He lifted his head, bright desire burning in his eyes. “Let’s go home.”

“Yes,” she replied. The sooner they were home, the sooner she would be in his arms again.

They quickly dressed and in minutes, aside from kiss-swollen lips and dreadfully mussed hair, looked for all the world their normal selves.

Rebecca looked up at them, her face flushed and horrified as they exited the office and Ana knew the secretary had heard far more than she’d ever wanted.

“I’ll be out for the rest of the day,” Max, aka Mr. Oblivious, told the woman while her lips worked to form words.

Ana raised an eyebrow and smiled. “See. I told you he’d want to see me.”


Master Me

Chapter Three

Max insisted they stop at her apartment on the way to his home. As far as he was concerned, Ana wasn’t staying alone in her low-security apartment until Tyler was out of the picture and Max was confident she was safe. With his help, she packed most of her clothes in three large suitcases. He carried them to his SUV while she gathered her toiletries. At the last moment, he plucked her tarot cards from the kitchen table and tucked them into side pocket of her bag.

“Are you ready?” he asked, taking her final bag and hustling her outside. “I want you out of here before Tyler discovers you’re not complying with his demand and comes looking for you.”

“This isn’t necessary. I’m sure I’ll be fine,” she protested as he pushed inside the vehicle and slammed the door.

He climbed into the driver’s side. She could see his anger simmering just beneath the surface. His knuckles went white on the steering wheel. “Fine? Have you taken a look at yourself? You’re not staying.”

“Because you’re the Dom? And what you say is law?” she spouted.

“Well, if nothing else, you’re comfortable enough to speak your mind,” he muttered. “No, this is not about our D/s relationship. Not fully. You’re not staying because you’re my friend and I don’t want you to get hurt. And I don’t relish a prison sentence for killing that asshole.”

He started the car and shot off down the street, while she gripped the armrest. His fingers tapped on the steering wheel until they got onto the highway and he’d accelerated to seventy. He didn’t speak, his firm lips pressed together.


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Now she’d managed to piss him off. This was just like with Tyler. She was a rotten sub. “This isn’t going to work, Max. I’m just no good at this. If you don’t want me at my apartment, fine. Take me to a hotel.”

“Like hell. I want you where I know you’re safe. Besides, the sooner we’re home, the sooner I can introduce your sweet little body to my dungeon and toys.”

Ana went all hot, her mind considering all the possibilities. It both worried her and sent excitement flying through her. “You have a…dungeon?” she asked.

He nodded, not taking his eyes off the traffic. She studied his hard profile, loving the look of his chiseled jaw and stylishly cut hair. The man was beautiful and, for the time being, hers. She snuggled into the seat, content with that knowledge. She wouldn’t consider the day when it would end.

As soon as she’d slouched slightly, he slid his hand up her thigh. His fingers stole beneath the edge of her short skirt and played with the edge of her thigh-highs. The muscles in her pelvis flexed as she anticipated him touching her again.

“God, I loved these. I want these beautiful legs wrapped around me again as soon as possible. Slide off your skirt, angel.”

Here? She glanced around at the passing traffic. “But…”

Max slanted her a glance. “Are you arguing with me?”

Biting her lip, she unfastened her waistband and shimmied the garment down her legs. The soft leather against her ass sent decadent pleasure through her. Never in her wildest fantasies had she imagined this—speeding down the highway with her bottom naked as the day she’d been born.

“Spread your legs for me, angel. When we’re together they should never be pressed together. I should always have access.” She stared at him while her thighs instantly parted on his command. Where had he learned these things? Cool air from the vents touched her heated folds, cooling the cream gathered there for him and tickling the sensitive flesh. She bit back a moan as she enjoyed the secret pleasure of the blasting streams from the cooling system.


Master Me

Letting her eyes close halfway, she imagined it was his breath. Any moment she’d feel his lips and tongue.

Max passed a slow-moving vehicle before he went on. “Now because you asked
earlier… Yes, I expect you to defer to me because I’m the Dom, especially in the bedroom. I don’t want a servant or a carpet. I can’t abide a sub who simpers at her master’s feet. I do expect obedience and when it comes to making the final decisions on matters that affect the two of us, I will decide.”

“I won’t have any choices?” she asked, still caught in the sensation building from the puffy lips hiding her sex.

“Of course you’ll make choices,” he replied impatiently. “I’m not taking away your free will. You’ll choose how you will submit. Damn, I’m doing a piss-poor job of explaining myself. I’ve always had subs who knew their way around the scene.”

Idly, he caressed her thigh, moving his hand close to her center. She really didn’t care how he explained as long as he touched her. He didn’t, always sliding his hand away when he got close.

“Look,” he began again. “I know your limits and I’ll expect you to participate in anything that falls in that area. Don’t expect that I won’t push your boundaries. I will.

And you will obey me.”

The spell holding her broke and she realized what he was saying.

“And be naked whenever we’re alone,” she added wryly, staring out the window.

That’s what Tyler had wanted. His slaves were to be naked and ready whenever they were in his presence. The act had been foreign and uncomfortable. The first time it had seemed a little naughty, but after that, as he sat fully clothed reading the paper while he rested his feet on a slave’s back, it had struck her as demeaning. The feeling never receded.

Being naked and ready for Max didn’t seem so bad. The appeal ricocheted around her belly, melting her resistance to the idea. This was Max not Tyler. Max didn’t want a 55

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footstool. Her cleft called for him. It demanded her attention with wet pleas. She wanted little more than to grab his hand and press it to her center.

She needed to get a grip.

“As appealing as that sounds, it’s a bit inconvenient and unrealistic. What if someone stops by unexpectedly?” He grinned and rolled his eyes at her. “Or if I want to go out to eat or to a movie. I’d have to wait for you to get dressed and we both know how long that takes.”

She scowled and shoved at his hand. His fingers tightened on her thigh. “You. Will.


Her eyes widened in surprise. As easily as that they were back to Master and slave and he had total control. Her body knew it. Immediately a tremor quivered through her belly. Her nipples went hard. How had she ever imagined she could have a vanilla-equal-ground relationship? A rush of fresh arousal flooded her naked cleft, readying her for him to take possession again. Soon.

She took a shuddering breath before she begged him to pull to the side of the road and fuck her. This was why he was a Dom and she wasn’t. She was weak to the needs assailing her body. As if to contradict her thoughts about his being in control of himself, he stabbed his finger deep inside her.

“So wet, so hot,” he murmured, working in and out. “This is my cunt. You will not deny me it.”

“Yes…Master,” she stuttered.

“Don’t come,” he ordered. “Talk to me. Find control, Ana. Don’t come.”

He asked the impossible. How could she not with everything surging through her, with his fingers spiking in and out of her pussy, exposed to anyone who passed them.

Black spots peppered her vision as she struggled to follow his command.

Her thighs twitched, ribbons of pleasure beginning to unfurl. Her hands fisted and she purposely dug her nails into her palms and focused on the pain.


Master Me

“How did you get into this?” she gasped.

“BDSM?” he asked. His thumb massaged her clit. Damn him. He was testing her, making it as hard as possible. His fingers never ceased their press into her. He scissored them on alternate strokes, stretching her and catching pleasure spots. “This is the lifestyle I was raised in.”

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