Master No (36 page)

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Authors: Lexi Blake

Tags: #Spies, #Dom/sub, #Lexi Blake, #McKay-Taggart, #Masters & Mercenaries, #erotic romance, #Bdsm

BOOK: Master No
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“Is he in there?” Faith’s heart was actually racing at the thought of seeing him, of getting a chance to tell that motherfucker what she really thought.

Of seeing him one last time.

“Who? Theo?”

“No, Ten.”

Brody frowned. “He’s not in there. Why do you think we brought you here? We’re trying to find him.”

“I thought that was all a load of bullshit meant to soften me up.” She hadn’t bought the whole “did you watch Ten die” crap. It looked like Ten had betrayed more than her. “He left the island on a private plane a day and a half ago. Call him in Dallas.”

The door to the big house opened and Erin stood there. “No private plane has taken off from your father’s airstrip for days. According to his tracking device, he’s still at your father’s compound.”

“Tracking device?”

Erin nodded, her eyes weary. It looked like the redhead had gotten very little sleep. There were dark circles under her eyes. “Yes. He had it implanted before this mission. I think he felt naked without his. Big Tag doesn’t require it, but he agreed to monitor one for Ten. It’s subcutaneous. I doubt your father will have found it. The trouble is it hasn’t moved since about an hour after he was taken.”

“You’re lying.” It was too much to take in. All the spy shit didn’t make sense to her. Why would someone need a freaking locator device implanted inside his body? Only a paranoid freak would do that. Or a man who’d been taken before. A man who desperately wanted someone to give a crap about where he was in the world.

“Why would I lie?” Erin asked, her voice heavy. “Look, I know you hate me right now and you have every reason to, but I need to find my boss. Whatever we did to you, we did it for the right reasons, and I can prove it. Hate me later. Help me now.”

“Why would I believe a word you say? You’ve lied to me all along. You’ve used me to get to my father. And so did Ten. God, Erin, you set me up. You’re the one who put the idea in my head. Did you like playing the pimp?” She wouldn’t have gotten into bed with Ten without Erin’s prompting. She would be lonely, but she wouldn’t ache the way she did. She would have gone back to Houston and picked out a Dom and spent a few weeks playing. The man wouldn’t have touched her soul, but he also wouldn’t have ripped it out of her body and spit on it.

Had Ten really done that? It depended. It depended on why he’d told her he loved her.

“I liked the fact that both of my friends were smiling,” Erin allowed. “I liked the fact that they obviously cared about each other.”

Faith moved up the steps leading to the house. To her right she could see the path leading to the boathouse and the ocean. It shouldn’t be a surprise that they were prepared. Hell, they’d been preparing for this for a while it looked like. Anger flared through her as Theo stepped out, leaning against the doorway. He was watching, allowing Erin to handle this, but Faith had no doubt he wouldn’t let Faith get too close to his precious girl.

“Cared? In my world people who care about each other don’t use each other. They don’t lie to get their way. They don’t set up their friends.”

Erin’s eyes went cold. “I don’t think you know your world as well as you think you do.”

She should have known this would happen. “I suppose you have a file on me.”

“Not you,” Erin replied. “I mean, there is one on you and all it told me was you’re innocent.”

“Innocent of what?”

Theo stepped onto the porch. “He gave you specific orders, Erin. You were not to give her those reports.”

Erin flushed, but her jaw went stubborn. “I’m not going to. Brody is. Brody is willing to disobey orders and you know damn well what Big Tag would do in this situation. Call him. Let him make the decision. With Ten out of the game, we should call home and request new orders. We should have done it the minute he was taken.”

Theo’s jawline hardened. It was obvious they’d gone over this before. “I am in charge and I don’t need my brother to save me. Ian made me second in command because he trusts my judgment. I think my brother would honor what Ten wanted. Faith is Ten’s. He makes the decisions regarding her.”

Erin’s eyes narrowed. “He can’t make a decision if he’s a fucking corpse, Theo. We’re running out of time. He could already be dead.”

“He’s not dead,” Faith insisted. He couldn’t be. Even as angry as she was, she couldn’t think about a world that didn’t include his lazy, sexy smile, his strong arms. “My dad got him off the island. He wanted all of you gone.”

“Is that why he tried to kill us?” Theo regarded her seriously. “Maybe Erin’s right. Ten’s going to kick my ass, but Erin’s not going to leave this island until you’re safe. I know you’re pissed, but the minute Ten fell for you, you became one of us, and we don’t leave a man behind.”

“He wouldn’t have really hurt you.” Not her father. How far would he go for revenge? Not nearly as far as he would go for money. There was never enough for her father.

Erin pulled up the hem of her shirt. There was a bandage wrapped around her midsection, blood staining through. “I wasn’t fast enough.”

“Shit. You need to be in a hospital.” This she could handle. Finally something she could handle.

Erin let the hem drop. “Not until we find Ten. And Theo patched me up all right.”

“Not if it’s bleeding through. Go inside.” She looked to the helpful Aussie. “I need hot water, any kind of first aid kit you can find.”

“Needle and thread,” Theo said grimly. “She promised she would let you stitch her up. She wouldn’t let me.”

“Like you can sew,” Erin complained under her breath.

“You’re going to find out what I can do when you’re well enough, my love,” Theo promised. “You disobeyed direct orders in the field and you’ve been the worst patient in the history of time. Let’s hope Faith knows how to cool a backside after it’s been spanked about three hundred times. You move. You do what she tells you to, Erin. I’m done with this shit. You let Faith take care of you or I’ll ship you back to my brother so fast it will make your head spin. You won’t go in the field for years.”

Erin stopped in front of him, her eyes flaring, and then she shut down. She walked into his arms. “All right, Theo. I’ll do what she says.” She kissed him before stepping back. “And I was right to do what I did. I gave you time to get that text off to Ten. For all the good it did us.”

She’d felt his cell phone vibrating. She’d thought it was nothing more than an e-mail or some stupid social media thing. Hers did the same thing all the time. He’d ignored it because he’d been kissing her. She’d told him she thought she might love him. She’d watched his eyes flare with victory and he’d ignored Theo telling him to run.

He hadn’t run. He hadn’t fought. He hadn’t shoved her away and tried to save himself.

He’d told her he loved her and not to ever forget that.

She followed Erin into the house, her brain a wrecked mess. What the hell was she supposed to believe? She washed her hands and then took a good look at Erin’s wound.

Someone had shot her. That didn’t make any sense. She would have heard someone shooting.

Her stomach tightened and she thought about that night. Her father’s men. She closed her eyes briefly, remembering what she’d seen. There had been four of them and they’d all had guns. Guns with long barrels. No. Not barrels.

Silencers. Her father’s men had been carrying guns with silencers. There was no reason to do that unless they’d intended to shoot and make sure no one heard.

What the hell was going on?

Erin’s wound was a through and through. It was on the side of her torso, right above her hip. An inch to the right and she would have needed serious surgery to repair her large intestine. As it was, she needed about three stitches to truly close the wound. Theo had done his best with butterfly closures, but she still bled when she moved.

“You were lucky.” Faith looked through the kit Brody had brought her. They were prepared. The supplies included a suture kit. “This is going to hurt without a local.”

Erin shook her head. “Local hurts, too. I can handle it.”

“God, you’re stubborn, girl.” Theo sat on the bed beside where Erin lay. “Hold on to me.”

Luckily, she was damn good with sutures in the field. She worked quickly and before Erin could really break Theo’s hand, Faith was bandaging the wound.

“She’ll heal.” Now that the job was done, she felt more centered, calmer, and more ready to deal with the situation she found herself in. “Is this tracer device the only reason you think my father has Ten?”

“Lie down, Erin.” Theo barked the order as his sub attempted to sit up.

“Erin, you need to rest. You’ll pull those sutures if you’re not careful.” Faith didn’t want to put her through that again. “Rest for the day. You’ll be up and fighting again tomorrow.”

“But,” Erin began.

Theo was having none of it. “You promised me. You promised to do what the doctor said. I want to find Ten, too, but understand that you are now and always will be my priority in life. Think about that. I’ll scrub the entire mission to see you safe.”

“Which is precisely why we shouldn’t be partners,” Erin shot back.

“You can get back to Li when this is over, though you should know I intend to have a conversation with him about taking care of you in the field. So lie back down or get to the plane and I’ll take you home.”

Erin turned a bright red, but she laid back. “You’re a bastard, Theo. You’re as bad as the rest of them.”

Theo sighed. “Yeah, I know, baby. Come with me, Faith, and I’ll lay out what we’ve learned about your father’s organization. Ten will kick my ass, but if we’re going to get him back, I think Erin is right. You have to know.”

“Can you give us a minute?” Erin asked.

Theo stared at her for a moment as though not completely sure of what he should do. He finally stepped toward the door. “Brody will be waiting in the hall to lead you to the office.”

When they were alone, she looked at her former friend. “What do you want, Erin?”

Erin huffed and sat up with a muffled groan. So stubborn. “I want to be the woman I was before I had to go to Africa. I want to not give a shit about you or Theo Taggart or anyone else. It was easier. I didn’t have to compromise. I hate this compromise shit.”

“Well, guess what, sister. You don’t have to care about me at all.” With the exception of Tennessee, Erin was the one she was most angry with. She’d been comfortable with Erin. It was a precious thing. Friends were a little like lovers. She was picky about them. She could spend time with people and enjoy it, but she didn’t connect with many people the way she had with Erin.

Now she had neither friend nor lover. She was afraid she didn’t have any family either.

Why, oh why, would those guards have silencers on their weapons? And why would her father and sister lie about the vaccines? Had she been a naïve idiot all these years?

Erin made her way to the window. She stared out at the lush green of the garden. “I don’t make friends easily. I know. It’s a huge surprise. I’m so sweet and open that everyone should love me.” She snorted, an inelegant sound. “I’m crass and closed off and I can be a little mean at times. I get it. I was raised in a family where if I wasn’t tough, I got walked on. Hard. None of that matters. I hate this. I hate being vulnerable.”

“Well, I hate being lied to.” She forced herself to say the words because she was already softening. Her impulse was to sit Erin down and talk to her. The redhead looked so lost, so out of her element.

Faith reminded herself that she was the victim here.

“Yeah, I know. Theo thinks we’re going to explain our mission and you’ll understand and forgive us all. He’s naïve. I know what’s going to happen. We’ll lay out the mission, you’ll realize the truth, and you’ll help us.”

“You really think so?” She wasn’t so sure.

“I know you, Doc. You won’t be able to turn away, but you won’t be able to forgive us either. Especially me and Ten. You’ll look at Theo and the rest of them and be able to say they were doing their jobs. Not me and Ten though. Because you loved us. It’s a stupid word, you know. People say they love you, but what does it mean? It’s overused and overvalued and god, it goes away so easily. There should be some constancy to that stupid word.”

“Love can be killed like everything else.” She wasn’t going to give in to the tears that were forming behind her eyes. She wasn’t going to let Erin get under her skin again. And that went double for Ten Smith.

Please let him be alive.

“Yeah, I guess if anybody can kill it, I can. Ten never wanted you to know what Theo’s going to tell you. He forbade us. He could have used the information you’re about to receive to bring you to his side, but he chose not to. Do you understand what it takes for a man like Tennessee Smith to bury information that would help him achieve his goal?”

“I don’t know Tennessee Smith at all. I knew a man named Ten Graham, but he wasn’t real.”

“I think he was more real with you than he’s ever been with anyone else. I understand Ten. God, I understand Ten better than I do anyone else on this crew. He has no idea who the fuck he is. He’s been undercover for so much of his life, he’s got no idea who the real Ten is. I think he liked who he was with you. It’s the only reason he wouldn’t use that information. The Ten I know is ruthless. He’s hard as a rock, but he got soft for you. I hope he’s still alive.”

“My father wouldn’t kill him.” She couldn’t believe it. It couldn’t be true.

A vision of those thugs her father employed using their guns with silencers crossed her brain.

“Your father has killed. He’s killed many times and he’ll continue to do so. He killed Ten’s brother, Jamie. Not directly, but he sold the troop information to the man who did. He was also indirectly responsible for the physical and mental torture of Phoebe’s husband, Jesse. Your father killed or damaged the two men she loved most in the world. The truth is you lost your only family a very long time ago, and to the same man Ten lost his to. His mission should be yours, but he was willing to shoulder the burden alone because he loves you.”

“What do you mean by…” Erin’s words sunk in. Faith shook her head. “No. No. He loved my mother. He couldn’t have. He would never.”

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