Mastered By The Boss (3 page)

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Authors: Opal Carew

Tags: #romance, #bdsm, #urban, #bondage, #submissive, #billionaire, #master, #dominant, #alpha male, #wtrafsog

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They were joined so intimately, but he didn’t know
who she was. And part of her wanted him to know. Wanted him to
realize she was the woman who worked outside his office every day.
Who brought him files and made him coffee. And desperately wanted
him to fuck her every single day.

But right now, she could fuck him.

She squeezed him inside her, to his groan. Then she
glided upward. His thick cockhead stroked her inner passage. Then
she drove downward again.

She took him deep again and again. He grasped her
hips and set a rhythm. Then he arched his hips upward, making her

He guided her up and down faster and faster. She
quivered as another orgasm built, then she felt it swell inside
her. Pleasure burst through her [like fireworks] and she arched
against him, moaning her release. He jerked and grunted, then
exploded inside her.

She collapsed against him, slumping in his arms. He
wrapped them around her and held her close. Almost tenderly.

As she rested against him, she realized she wanted
to stay like this forever. Cocooned in his arms. Resting against
his hard, muscular chest.

Then she noticed the clock on the bedside table. It
was five minutes past midnight.

Adrenaline rushed through her. She had to leave.
Serena said the limo would pick them up at midnight. She didn’t
know how long Serena would wait for her before deciding Kali had
hooked up with someone for the night and leave without her.

She lurched to her feet and turned, then swept up
her leather panties from the floor and pulled them on. At his
startled glance, she almost said something, but clamped her mouth
closed in time.

“I take it you have to be somewhere.”

She nodded, but couldn’t help wishing she could just
tell him how much she wanted to stay. It would be heaven to curl up
in bed with him and spend the night.

She slipped the bra on.

He stepped behind her. “Let me help.”

He hooked it for her. Once it was done, she
reluctantly drew away and raced toward the door.

“Wait, Cindy.”

She turned.

“I think Cinderella leaves behind a glass slipper,
not a leather skirt.” He held up the skimpy scrap of leather.

She nodded her thanks and grabbed it, then wrapped
it around her and snapped it closed. Once she was at the door, her
gaze swept back to him and she hesitated. He strode toward her and
dragged her into his arms, then kissed her soundly and
passionately, sending her heart thudding.

“Don’t forget me, Cinderella,” he murmured, his warm
breath a soft wisp against her ear.

She stared at him and nodded, then kissed him one
more time.

Then, before she could change her mind, slipped out
the door and closed it behind her.

* * *

“Where have you been?” Serena asked as Kali raced
along the pavement toward the limo.

The driver opened the door and Kali slid inside,
followed by her friend.

“I…” Kali sucked in another breath, panting. “I’m
sorry I’m late.” She sucked in more air, trying to catch her
breath. “You won’t believe what happened.”

The driver closed the door.

Serena grinned. “Tell me.”

“Mr. Blair and I…he… took me to his room.”

“Yes, and…”

The car started to move.

“And we… you know.”

Serena’s grin broadened. “No, I don’t know. Do

“He fucked me all right? Is that what you want me to

Serena laughed. “You bet it is.” She squeezed Kali’s
arm. “So you finally got to fuck your boss. How great is that? Now
tell me details.”

Kali frowned. “I don’t really—”

“Come on. Don’t hold out on me. How did he get you
to his room?”

Kali’s cheeks heated. “He danced with me, then he…
uh… he said since I was dressed as a sub, did that mean I wanted to
be dominated.”

Serena’s eyes widened. “Really? And what did you

“I didn’t say anything. I didn’t want him to
recognize my voice. But he said he figured I wanted to be
anonymous, so I would be his mystery woman. He wouldn’t touch the
mask and I wasn’t to speak. And he told me I had to do whatever he

Serena rested her flattened hand on her chest. “Be
still my heart.”

Kali laughed, suddenly overcome by giddiness at all
that had happened.

“I thought you liked being the dominant one.”

“I do,” Serena said, “but that doesn’t mean the
thought of being dominated doesn’t thrill me. Then what did he

“He took me to his room and pushed me down in front
of him, ordering me to suck his cock.” Kali felt a thrill as she
confessed her experience to her friend. “He stopped me before he
came, then turned me around and bent me over the bed, then took me
from behind.”

“Oh, yeah!”

“Then after we were done, he stroked me until we
were both turned on again, and he sat in a chair and told me to
fuck him.”

“Oh, honey, you’re my hero. If I didn’t think it
would freak you out, I’d push you down right now, and lick your
pussy clean.”


Serena laughed. “I said I wouldn’t do it. I know it
would make you uncomfortable. But fuck, honey, you have me so hot.
If you won’t do me, I might just have to fuck the driver.”

“Are you kidding?” Kali really wasn’t sure. Serena
could be pretty wild.

Instead of answering, Serena just smiled.

When the limo arrived at her house and Kali got out,
Serena followed her out of the car.

“I thought you were heading home?” Kali asked.

“Oh, I am. I’m just moving into the front seat.”

At her words, the driver opened the passenger door
for her, then closed it with a smile.

A tremor rippled through Kali as she realized Serena
hadn’t been kidding about the driver. And from the look on his
face, he knew why she was moving forward to ride with him.

As she walked to the door, she wished as she often
did that she could be as open sexually as Serena, and sometimes do
something as wild and crazy as Serena did.

Then a smile turned up her lips as she realized that
tonight, she had done just that.

* * *

The elation of the weekend ebbed as Monday morning
approached. Kali got off the bus and walked the half block to her
office building, her simmering anxiety flaring. Minutes from now
she’d have to face her boss, after having had hot kinky sex with
him two days ago.

Not that he knew it was her.

But that didn’t make it easier to face him.
knew what they’d done.

* * *

Distractedly, Ryan stared into the glass paperweight
on his desk, the colorful bubbles inside swirling his mind back to
Friday night.

It had been incredible living out his fantasy of
fucking Kali. With no regrets and no concerns about how it would
affect their relationship at work. Because it wasn’t real. He
smiled. But he had so easily been able to convince himself it

Did that mean that any woman with long dark hair and
a similar body type would do?

Or did he just have a great imagination?

Either way, the problem was he wanted to do it all
over again. He couldn’t find his mystery woman and carry on with
her because she’d clearly wanted to hide behind that mask. On the
other hand, he could easily enough find out who she was. Someone at
the party would know. Her name was Cindy and she’d arrived with
that other woman whom he was pretty sure was Spencer Jameson’s
latest fling. Most of the executives had seen him with the woman in
the black latex bodysuit and half a dozen had seen them disappear
into his room together. Some even speculated that it was his
secretary Serena.

Not that Ryan would judge. He’d done the same with
his mystery woman. But she wasn’t his secretary. A half grin turned
up his lips. At least, not for real. The fact that he imagined she
was so that he could live out his fantasy of banging Kali didn’t
hurt anyone. Or make anyone uncomfortable in the office.

Fuck, except himself, when thinking about it gave
him a huge boner like he had right now.

The outer office door opened and closed. He glanced
through the open doorway to see Kali hanging her coat in the
closet, then sitting at her desk.

An overwhelming need to see her—to interact with her
in some way—compelled him to grab his coffee mug and walk out the
door toward her desk.

“Good morning, Kali. Have a nice weekend?”

Her head shot up, her gaze ricocheting from the
computer screen to him, her eyes wide.

“Oh, Mr. Blair. Good morning. I’m fine.” She bit her
lip. “I mean, yes a very nice weekend.” Her gaze dropped to his
coffee cup. “Um…would you like me to get you a coffee?”

She was acting very strange. He had no idea what was
making her so nervous. And her offering to get him a coffee was
odd. She often did it when he had back-to-back meetings, but this
was new.

He smiled and set his cup on her desk. “Sure,

* * *

Kali watched Mr. Blair return to his office. The man
was cool and calm. As if nothing had happened.

Idiot. As far as he’s concerned nothing did

Except that he had had the same wild, exhilarating
sex she’d had on Friday and the fact that he didn’t
was her…didn't physiologically recognize it somehow…or feel a
sexual connection to her that he couldn’t deny—bothered her.

Idiot! You don’t want him to know!

She stood up and walked to the coffee room. As she
returned to his office with the steaming mug in her hand, she took
deep breaths. She just needed to calm down. Nothing had changed
between them. He had no idea it was her on Friday night so there
was no reason for her to feel uncomfortable. She just had to forget
about what happened between them.

At least while she was at the office. In her
dreams…she would remember it forever. The way his lips felt on
hers. The hot, hardness of his muscular body tight against

The feel of his rock-hard cock gliding into her.

She sucked in another deep breath, her hands
clenched around the handle of the mug, and willed herself to relax,
then stepped into his office.

He glanced up as she walked toward his desk. Why, oh
why, did he have to look at her with those glittering granite eyes
of his? Watching her with such intensity?

She put the cup on his desk and turned to


She drew in another breath and turned to face him.
“Yes, Mr. Blair.”

“Are you feeling all right? You look a little

Damn her heated memories of their intimate
activities. Her cheeks flamed hotter.

“No, I’m fine.”

He frowned. “You’re sure? Because you can head home
if you’re sick.”

She shook her head. “I’m good. Thank you for

She turned and hurried to the door.

* * *

The whole day and even the next, Ryan noticed how
edgy Kali seemed to be around him. She avoided his gaze and
fidgeted when he was in the same room with her. And her cheeks
would flush.

Was it him? Was she picking up on his intensified
desire for her? He’d always been attracted to her, but since having
sex with her surrogate, he couldn’t stop thinking about being with
her. Living out the fantasy had had the opposite effect to what
he’d hoped for.

He reached into his pocket and pulled out the
earring he’d found in his room after his mystery woman had suddenly
departed. It must have come off during their sexual encounter.

He stared at the small piece of jewelry with two
deep red, heart-shaped garnets at an angle and a small clear stone
nestled between them. Probably a white sapphire.

Maybe if he found her, they could start seeing each
other. Although she’d wanted to hide behind the mask on Friday, now
that they’d shared such an intimate and satisfying sexual
encounter…hell, who was he kidding? It was pure sexual nirvana.
Maybe after that she’d be interested in exploring what they had

A smile spread across his lips. And surely she’d
want her earring back. In fact, in her eyes he’d probably be quite
the hero to return it to her. She might be very… thankful.

The mere thought of the possibilities sent blood
rushing to his groin. Would she sink down in front of him and unzip
his pants, then…?

Fuck. He gritted his teeth at the discomfort of his
swollen cock confined in his suit pants.

He shifted and tucked the delicate earring into his
pocket again. Having the tiny reminder of his mystery woman made
him feel a connection to her somehow. In fact, it also made him
feel a greater connection to Kali. In his mind, it was like his
mystery woman was a wicked version of Kali who’d slipped into his
life so they could enjoy each other without interfering with their
business relationship.

She was the perfect version of Kali.

And he intended to find her.

He picked up the phone and dialed Spencer Jameson’s

“Mr. Blair?”

He glanced up at Kali’s voice. The phone had rung
once on the other end.

“Yes, Kali?”

“You have a meeting in fifteen minutes.”

Damn, he’d forgotten about that. Which wasn’t like
him. A testament to how rattled this whole attraction to Kali had
left him.

He hung up the phone and Kali turned to leave.

“Kali, wait.”

She turned back, gazing at him nervously.

“Yes, sir?” She clung to the doorframe as if she
wanted to flee.

God, every time she called him “sir” it fueled the
fire of his need to dominate her. He wanted to order her onto his
knees in front of him and…

Damn it.

“I just wanted to say that if I’ve done anything to
make you uncomfortable, I’m sorry.”

“No, sir. You haven’t done anything.”

“You’re sure. Because you’ve been acting very
nervous around me this week.”

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