Masters 01Bis Doms of Dark Haven (11 page)

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Authors: Cherise Sinclair

Tags: #Erotica

BOOK: Masters 01Bis Doms of Dark Haven
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In Eva's experience, the pretty men were usually pretty damn worthless.

But the way he smelled…

“I know what the club is all about. I don't have a problem with what goes on here.” Eva had plenty of knowledge about the scene; it was the surroundings that gave her problems. The place crushed the breath from her body. She shivered in delayed reaction. She wasn't shivering because of the presence of this much-too-handsome man. Hell, maybe she was.

“Why don't you tell me what you're doing here at Dark Haven? You're dressed for tonight's theme. Did someone pull a prank on you?”

She faltered, glancing away. How to explain her situation? She opted for the truth. He probably wouldn't believe it anyway.

“I was being followed. They were waiting for me outside where I work. I saw some people coming in here, so I followed them.”

His casual posture suddenly looked alert. “Followed? Who was following you?”

He didn't ask why. There were many reasons a woman would be followed in the city, and none of them were good.

“I don't know. Some men. Maybe three. I managed to shake them for a few minutes.”

She gathered her courage, deciding to trust him.

“One was following me by scent.”

“Shit.” He'd gone white. “Abraxas is in San Francisco.”

“I didn't know that's what they're called. But I thought I'd lost them a few years ago. I thought I was safe here.” Tears prickled her eyes, but she would not have welcomed his comfort. He was too strange, too male. She breathed deeply, calling up her female pride.

“Now I've led them to you.”

“You've led them to my pack. Several of us are here tonight. Patrice wanted to come for the Dickens thing.” He looked at her speculatively. “They won't be looking for us, so their tracker won't fixate on anything but you.”

Eva took a breath. “I should go, then. I know this city. I can lose them down in Chinatown.”

“No, we can hide you here. Right under their noses.” His eyes took on an eerie glow. Immediately Eva stifled an impulse to retreat. As a general rule, she never let others decide her actions or dictate to her. But this man was an alpha; her wolf could sense it. He'd switched from Good Samaritan to predator right before her eyes. She'd rarely encountered other shifters in her life, and she'd never met an alpha before. He was a complication she didn't need right now.

“How?” She swallowed. Her voice was just a whisper. He was examining her, his bright gaze lingering on her stocking-clad legs and then moving up her body. She should take offense at his rude behavior. Instead she felt wobbly—weak.

“Remove the cloak.”

She raised her chin at the command. He held her gaze, backing her down, and she looked away.

Eva reached up and untied the bow at her throat. The heavy velvet cloak slipped to the floor and puddled around her feet in a crimson pool. She stood impatiently as he evaluated her.

“There. If they get a look at you now, they won't recognize you at all.” His gaze now wandered her figure. “Corsets are generally worn under the dress.” He was hiding his smile again, and that seductive fragrance filled the air. Eva shifted, mortified at the arousal that pulled low at her belly. She'd never reacted to a man before—not like this.

“I worked at a corset booth at the Dickens Faire today. This is how we display the merchandise. The corsets…” Eva trailed off; her voice was thick and husky. When she peeked up at the alpha, he was staring at her with frightening intensity. She didn't glance down, aware of how the snug lingerie pushed up her ample breasts so that they strained against the pink silk of her blouse. Her deep purple skirts flared out from beneath the lacy pink edge of the corset. Her stockings were held up by frilly lace garter belts that attached to the corset. Her clothing had seemed fun and silly when she'd put it on. Now she wanted to strip, to bare her skin for the alpha.

He straightened, approached her, and then walked slowly around her in a circle. He reached out and stroked a strand of hair that curled next to her cheek.

She growled at his presumption. He ignored her anger.

“It's your scent that's going to be the problem. And there's one obvious solution to that tonight.” He came to a halt in front of her, just inches away. Eva had to look up to see his face.

“And what's that?”

He looked at her intently, as though evaluating her worth. “Do you want me to help you?”

His voice had dropped to a whisper, and behind his eyes, the wolf was rising fast and hard. Her wolf reacted, causing the hair on her arms to stand up. She clenched her hands, fighting off the urge to flee—or to roll on the floor at his feet. She glanced at the door, wondering if she could make it before he caught her. She looked up at him again.

“What does your help consist of?”

He stared at her steadily. “Do you want my help? They could be here in the next minute. Think fast.”

“Yes! I want help… But what do you want in return?”

For a painfully long moment he didn't answer.

“If I help you, I will keep you hidden from these people. Plus, I will teach you things that your alpha would have taught you if you had one.” He reached out and clasped her chin between a thumb and finger. “I'll bet you can't even identify them by scent, can you?”

She glared but had to be honest. “No.”

“How did you know they were stalking you?” His index finger was stroking her skin slowly.

“I don't know. I just did. Sixth sense, maybe.”

“No such thing among our kind.”

He let go of her chin and ran a finger over her cheek. She did her best not to flinch away.

“I will help you. I will teach you, but you must obey me without question. Do you understand?”

“In here? In the club?”

There was a light knock on the door. Neither looked in its direction. His thumb dragged over her lower lip, coming away with the sparkle of her lip gloss. He carried his thumb to his mouth and tasted the sweet gloss. She shivered and felt a tug of arousal at her belly. Her nipples went hard, and he was gazing at them, which made her skin go hot. She knew exactly what he wanted from her. Her body was intrigued, but was she willing? Would her wolf submit?

Her gaze boldly dropped to his groin, but his formal coat was buttoned closed. It didn't matter; she'd suddenly identified that delicious fragrance. It was his arousal. She didn't fool herself. It wasn't her; it was the situation that had him excited. He probably went hot with arousal the moment he walked in the door of a place like Dark Haven. Now he was getting off on her fear and the possibility of her surrender to him. He was a dom, and she was fresh meat.

“I'm not into this stuff. I don't like pain. Being helpless… Let's just say it taps into my fight-or-flight response. That could make me shift.”

“Don't worry. I won't let that happen. And we won't do anything that you don't want to do. Those are the rules.”

It seemed to Eva that he was making up his own rules as he went along.

The door opened and then settled closed again.

“That was a dungeon monitor. They make sure that nothing gets out of control. They're very responsible here.”

“How will my posing as your sub tonight protect me?”

“You won't be posing. And it will help you because your scent will be lost in here. They might know that you're in the building, but they won't be able to pick you out. Plus, as I mentioned, I'll teach you.”

“What? What will you teach me?”

He stepped back, drawing out of her space. Immediately she felt cold.

“I'll teach you survival skills. I'll teach you not only to hide, but to use all your senses. If you're very good, I'll teach you to hunt.

“Tonight? All that in one night?” She forced a skeptical smile.

“If you behave. If you do everything I tell you to do.” He was back at the table, leaning casually against it. All the sexual pressure had receded like an invisible wave. He wasn't going to coax her anymore. She had to push back a smile. He'd come on like a tidal wave and was now pulling back, denying her of his presence. He was flirting.

“If you want, you can meet a couple of members of my pack later. I can put you in touch with others like us. You won't have to be alone anymore.”

“How do you know I'm alone?”

He grinned, causing her heart to stutter. “I know a lone wolf when I see one.” He paused, letting her think about that. “I like lone wolves. They're always tougher at the core than those of us who've been raised in a pack. Always willing to take a risk. And when they find their place in a pack, they place a higher value on it.”

She wasn't ready, not yet. Not for a pack, but especially not for him. Her heart pounded. If she said yes, her entire life would be altered this night. If she said yes… Her gaze dropped to the shackles. How could she submit? It went against every fiber of her being! Desperately, she changed the subject.

“Who are they?”


She nodded. The name was familiar. It was probably the name she'd heard her mother speak of all those years ago.

“On the surface, they're a legitimate international company that deals primarily in medical research. Unfortunately they actually exist to do research on us and on others who are different. From what I've heard from the new Truckee alpha, they're trying to bioengineer soldiers with various paranormal skills. They've got hidden labs all over the world.”

Eva looked away from the alpha, not willing for him to see the impact that information had on her. Those people had taken her mother. God only knew what they'd done to her and what they planned to do to Eva once they caught her.
they caught her. She clenched her hands, anger trumping any grief that she felt. All those years ago, she'd been a helpless kid. She'd sworn vengeance for her mother but known that it was a vengeance she'd probably never see. Now she had a name… Abraxas.

“How long have you been able to shift?” His voice was soft but firm.

Eva blinked quickly, gaining control of her emotions. “A couple of years. I lived up in the park, and one night I woke up trapped in my sleeping bag. I remember being surprised that I could see so well in the darkness.”

“That means you're sexually mature. They want females of childbearing age.”

That meant they would never stop hunting her. As long as she was alone, she was a target. She needed every tool, every weapon that this alpha could give her. It would be worth any price that she had to pay.

Eva looked at the stranger, and oddly, he didn't seem unfamiliar anymore. His scent was embedded in her brain. She knew every plane of his face. If she let her imagination run free, she could picture the hard brown body under the suit. His wolf was dark brown; its eyes, molten gold. Her fingers tickled with the feel of his fur under her hand. He would be swift…

“What's your name?” If she was going to submit to a stranger, she should at least know that much about him.

“Harte Sommers.” He reached out and offered his hand. She had to move to him to shake it. He was certainly a manipulative bastard! Yet his hand was warm and strong, and he didn't let go.

“Evangeline Jones. Call me Eva.”

“Jones?” He quirked a brow, smiling slightly.

No, that wasn't her real last name. She'd left it behind when her mother had been taken. There were plenty of Joneses listed in the phone book. Details like that slowed down the hunters.

She looked down at where their hands joined; his skin was the warm brown of someone with genetics other than Anglo. Her skin was the lily-white of Ireland and Scotland. Someday she hoped she could find her missing family and learn exactly who she really was. For now, she was Eva Jones.

She looked at Harte, awaiting his instructions. Her jaw was so tight it ached. Submission went against her nature; Eva had no illusions about that. But for tonight, she would bend.

She saw a flare of triumph in his eyes, and the stirrings of hunger laced his scent. Again her body responded to his. He already knew her answer. He pulled her to stand in front of him. They were so close she could feel heat rising from his body.

“Yes or no, Eva?”

Back to that. Could she really submit to this man? Granted, he was an alpha, but hell, Eva had always had issues with authority. While she'd never returned to school once her mother had disappeared, she'd attained an education of sorts, haunting libraries and slipping into the shadows in university lecture halls. For years she'd studied kendo under a noted fight-master. Unlike the other students, she'd never called the man “sensei,” in spite of her great respect for him.

If this man wanted her to call him “Master,” could she do it?


That was all she needed to say. The rest would follow. If he truly could teach her to survive on her own, then it would be worth the humiliation.

“Tonight you will begin to learn two sets of rules. The first are the rules of this world, the behavior of a submissive toward her dominant.”

Eva nodded. She hadn't lived in San Francisco without learning about the alternate lifestyles that flourished here.

“The second set of rules is more important to you—to us. It is the protocol of the wolf pack. Much of that is already imprinted on your genes.” She glanced at him and then glanced away.

“See? You avoid holding my gaze because I'm dominant to you, as you will be dominant to some. Your head is turned away slightly. Doing so opens your throat to me. Do you understand what that means?”

She fought the impulse to back away. “It means I'm offering my throat—my jugular.”

“Would you do that if your wolf didn't trust me?”

The floor nearly opened under her feet at that revelation. Her heart raced, and the hairs on her neck rose. “If the wolf didn't trust you, I'd not give you my throat. I'd never look away.”

He nodded in approval. “Back to the rules out there. While you are my submissive, you will keep your eyes cast down. Don't speak unless you are spoken to. If you wish to speak to me, call me 'Master.'”

Her jaw tightened.

“That one doesn't work for you?”

Wordlessly, she shook her head.

“Sir, then.”

Sir. That, she could do. She did it in the store all the time. Eva nodded, keeping her gaze averted. It seemed he was willing to be flexible.

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