Masters 01Bis Doms of Dark Haven (20 page)

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Authors: Cherise Sinclair

Tags: #Erotica

BOOK: Masters 01Bis Doms of Dark Haven
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Eva watched them carefully. In their human lives, they were probably accountants and business owners, but here in the night, they were werewolves. Whatever they sensed about the boy caused a primal reaction that hit them to the core. It was that sharp scent that came from the tracker. It was off somehow.

“What's wrong with him?” She held the boy closer.

“Nothing's wrong, Eva. He's part coyote. They're our natural enemies.” Kevin's voice was heavy and sad. He reached out and stroked the black fall of hair away from the boy's face. Kevin sighed deeply.

Chase was still fully dressed; he hadn't shifted. He stood tall and dark, his black eyes glittering in the night. Not a drop of blood stained his body, but death wafted from his very being. “We'll give him sanctuary, Eva. He needs medical care as well as emotional support. We have a doctor. We have other pack members who know what he's suffered.”

Automatically Eva glanced at Sage. He looked at the boy with raw grief in his eyes. Chase's pack was different than Harte's. There was probably no other pack like it. Gently, Sage leaned down and lifted the boy from her arms.

Down the street, a long black SUV cruised toward them. Another of Chase's betas was at the wheel. The sedan pulled away, heading toward the alley where the bodies of the Abraxas men lay.

“What did they do to him?” she asked Harte, but it was Sage who answered.

“Maybe they spliced his genes, or maybe his father was just some poor coyote shifter they caught. Their scientists are pretty damn creative.”

Chase took the tracker from Sage and settled him in the back of the big vehicle.


Kevin. His scent was full of stress and doubt.

“That boy, Harte.”

“I know.” He threw an arm around the younger man's shoulders and pulled him close. “That was you not so long ago.”

“It was bad enough for me. I can't imagine how hard it will be for him.”

Kevin was full wolf, but a coyote pack had found him as a young man about the same age as the tracker. He'd been wandering the desert naked and dazed, traumatized from his treatment at the hands of Abraxas. The coyote shifters had taken care of him, raising him until he was a young adult. Their pack alpha had then brought Kevin to Harte, trusting him to take the young wolf into his pack.

It had been hard. He'd had to contend with the ingrained prejudice of the pack as well as its fear that he was a spy. Kevin hadn't been born an omega; he'd been forced into that role to survive. His submissive nature had allowed that adaptation.

“That boy is going to need me, Harte.”

“Go. You're right. You keep an eye on that kid. He's going to need your understanding.”

Chase came around the rear of the SUV. He was a dark presence in the night. “Are we ready to go?”

“Can you find space for one more? I think Kevin might be helpful with the boy.”

“Understood.” Chase gave a grim smile as he glanced at the small cluster of wolves behind Harte. “You can't assume that Abraxas doesn't know you're here. Your people aren't safe.”

Harte scented the night. Chase's men had already taken the corpses of the Abraxas hunters. In a day or two, those three bodies would appear in another city or even another state. They might never appear at all. But Abraxas would get the message. They'd never found the hunter who had caught Eva. He'd vanished like the wind.

“There's strength in numbers, Harte. We've got space. If you want to stay alpha of your pack, we can get you set up close by. You can even cross the border into Nevada.”

He nodded. Chase's suggestion bore consideration.

“If anything happens…”

“If anything happens, it will be too late for the wolf that it happens to.” Chase extended a hand, and Harte took it, not shaking, but simply holding it.

“I'll take care of them, Harte.”

He nodded and then looked up at the Truckee alpha. “That hunter—do you know him?” He felt Eva move to his side and automatically his arm went around her shoulder, pulling her close.

Chase looked away from Harte, his gaze following the path that Brian and Patrice had taken.

“That's Wraith. I don't think anyone knows him. I suppose that in a way, he's as captive to Abraxas as we were.” His gaze returned to Harte. “You won't hear from those two again. He won't go back to Abraxas empty-handed.”


“Exactly. He gave us Eva and the tracker in exchange for your troublemakers. As far as he's concerned, you're square.”

“Will he lead other Abraxas hunters to this area?”

Chase shrugged and turned to the SUV. “Who knows? They might hold him, but they don't own him. Even back in the labs, Wraith operated under his own agenda.”

They watched Chase climb into the truck. Sage had donned a pair of sweats and tossed a pair to Kevin. Eva felt Harte's three wolves at their backs as the SUV vanished into the fog. As though a spell lifted, a cluster of cars approached the traffic lights. Eva realized that she was the only one of the group with clothing. She also realized that Harte was looking at her with heat in his eyes, and his arousal was evident.

“You three go home.”

“But Harte…” They moved closer.

“Now! Present yourselves at one o'clock tomorrow. Notify the rest of the pack that we'll have a general meeting at two o'clock.” His gaze didn't leave Eva's face. Neither of them watched as the three shifters stepped away, fading into the mist like ghosts.

Chapter Ten


It occurred to Eva that she was profoundly grateful that the night was foggy. She took a step backward and then took another as Harte matched her progress. He was in his human skin, but the wolf was right there on the surface for her to see and scent and touch. He reached out, and she smiled coyly, taking another step back.

“You can't outrun me.”

“I'll bet I can.” She loosened the skirt and let it drop to the ground. The blouse followed. Eva picked up the rumpled garments and carried them deeper into the alley, careful not to turn her back on the man-wolf that was stalking her. She drank in his form; his shining hair dropped nearly to his shoulders, and his skin gleamed under a dim light. He was sweaty and bloody, but that would vanish as soon as he shifted.

Lower, his cock was rigid and erect, swollen with the arousal that followed combat. Seeing her appraisal of his form, he dropped his hand to his shaft, and he stroked it gently, never taking his gaze from her.

There in the darkness, they stood like statues, each willing the other to make the first move.

It was Eva who broke and ran, dropping into her shift with a bit of awkwardness compared to Harte. He came up behind her and nipped her ass, forcing her to tuck her tail and run. Her claws scrabbled at the wet asphalt, and Eva launched herself to full speed, leaping over a shabby car, grinning a doggy grin when she heard Harte's claws scrape over the rusted metal of the hood.

She flew from the mouth of the alley, slowed abruptly on the sidewalk, then skillfully wove between parked cars, careful not to be spotted by late-night travelers. She'd become a wolf on these streets and had learned a few things the hard way. She wished with all her heart that they were across town, near Golden Gate Park or even the Presidio. They'd have had room to run there. But here, the hunt was made more challenging by the need to remain hidden.

She streaked along the sidewalk, wishing she could laugh as she dodged between a pair of late-night partyers who were exiting a leather bar. Exclamations turned to curses as Harte followed, his larger body knocking the men off their feet.

Eva took a hard right, all too aware that Harte was close on her heels… His teeth snapped as he nipped at her flanks. With one hard leap, he had her by the scruff of the neck and forcibly brought her to a halt. Eva panted and whined, twisting in his grip until she rolled to the ground, offering her belly. Harte released her and gently set one foot on her furry chest.

With a sigh, she shifted and looked up at the magnificent animal that held her in place. It was too dark to make out his color, but like her, his coat probably matched his coffee brown hair. Even without light, she could see the molten gold of his eyes. He leaned down and nuzzled her skin, working his way from her chest to her throat, paying special attention to the marks he'd left earlier. His tail came up, waving in satisfaction.

His form shimmered, and Harte shifted with an ease that Eva had never imagined possible. He knelt there on the ground next to her. The expression on his face took her breath away. He rose and reached down to help her to her feet.

They were back in the original alley, and without warning, Eva found herself facing the parked car. Harte's body was hot and eager behind hers. He dispensed with foreplay, manhandling her into position and reaching down to slide his fingers through her labia, grunting in satisfaction as he found her wet and ready. He thrust, the head of his cock wedged into her body, and he pumped again, steady and forceful, parting the tight folds and muscles of her body until he was balls-deep and flush against her ass.

“Oh damn…” Eva buried her face against her arms, all too aware of the cold metal of the car against her breasts and the heat of the man behind her. He pulled out and returned, pressing steadily into her body. By the third thrust, he was moving easily, the head of his cock skating over hot spots that she hadn't even been aware existed.

He held her in place, one hand on her shoulder, one on her hip. He grunted and growled, still too close to the wolf to vocalize his wishes. When Eva tried to move back against him, he forced her face down, keeping her immobile.

He wanted her compliance. He wanted her to submit to him, body and soul. While Harte didn't have ropes or chains to hold her in place, he had the force of his will and brute strength. This wasn't making love; this was fucking. It was conquest. In one evening, Harte had vanquished a dangerous foe, exiled a challenger, and found his mate. The wolf could no longer hold back; it had to celebrate life and victory.

His thrusts were deep and hard. If she'd been human, they would have been painful. But Eva was not a human, and she relished his power over her. Even as he took his pleasure, Harte saw to hers, adjusting her position until she was breathless and groaning with frustrated bliss.

Their skin slapped softly, and their breathing mingled in the night. Eva whimpered, desperate for the culmination that was just out of reach. Without warning, Harte pulled out and dragged her away from the car. He spun her to face him, and she looked up, awed by the raw need, the wild abandon in his eyes. He lifted her, propped her bottom against the car, and angled her so that he was able to penetrate her once again. She hooked her legs around his hips and her arms around his neck.

“You like this better?” He'd slowed a bit, coming back to his senses. Eva dropped her head back and looked up to the sky, where the fog was breaking up just a bit. Their time was running out; soon dawn would come, and the city would slowly awaken. She closed her eyes, reveling in the sensation of Harte's skin against hers, his breath ruffling her hair. She pulled him closer, trying to take every single inch that he could give her.

“I like to hold you.”

He slowed his pace, allowing her to feel his shaft as it delved into her flesh. It was heaven. It was care and nurturing, and if the words that he whispered in her ear were truth, then it was love.

Harte pulled away and, looking at her face, examined her as if he'd find the secrets of the universe in the curve of her cheek or the depths of her eyes.

“Is it too soon to speak of such a thing?” He slowed nearly to a halt, buried deep, as though forcing two beings to become one. “Is it too soon to tell you I love you?”

“No, it's not too soon.” Eva shifted her legs, allowing herself the space to pull from his shaft and then drop hard. She grinned when he gasped in pleasure. “But if you don't let me come, you're sleeping on the couch tonight!”

Harte looked at her in shock. Slowly his expression shifted to wicked, dark intent, and she knew that he was picturing the possibilities that a good sofa offered. He bent down for a kiss, and his tongue parted her lips, his teeth then nipping and teasing. Once again Harte took control, bracing her against the car as he began a steady, deep tempo. Just when Eva thought she could take no more, that her body was stretched as thin and taut as it had ever been, he changed his angle, and she let out a choked cry.

“Come, Eva. Now.”

It washed over her like light and color piercing the blackness of night. Her hearing faded in the rush of her heartbeat, and every muscle in her body went tight, holding her in a vise of erotic anticipation. He thrust hard then and deep, and her back arched and jerked, forcing her pelvis to his.

Somewhere amid the rush he joined her, and for the briefest moment, Eva saw Harte's wolf. They ran together in the foggy night, tongues lolling, feet silent as the hard concrete gave way to the soft loam of the forest floor. They rolled, laughing, and suddenly it was his human face above her again and his slippery, sweaty skin under her hands. One final, exhausted thrust, and they went still, listening to the wind in the trees and the rush of water in a river.

Her head rested in the hollow of his neck, and Eva opened her eyes, expecting to see forest and wilderness. Instead she saw the foggy alley, and she felt the hard metal of the car at her back. When he slipped from her body, the slick heat of his seed quickly chilled on her skin.

Without letting her feet touch the ground, Harte Sommers hunted down her clothing. He carried her away, intent on taking her to his home and bed before the sun finally rose to the east. Long before they reached his car, she was asleep, safe for the first time in many, many years.



Eva rested her cheek on the chain that supported the swing and looked out at the expanse of Harte's property. She'd known he was a businessman in the Napa area but hadn't really understood what that had meant. His house was settled amid acres and acres of grapevines. A forest rose up behind his property and melded into hundreds of miles of Forest Service land. Scraggly black oaks blended into the majestic live oaks, which fell away to make room for pine and fir trees. He sold his harvest to local wineries and owned multiple businesses in Napa, Calistoga, and Sonoma. Some of the businesses belonged to the pack; the rest were Harte's.

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