Matchplay (7 page)

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Authors: Dakota Madison

Tags: #Romance

BOOK: Matchplay
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The night was lovely. The temperature near perfect and the sky was filled with twinkling stars. Aaron couldn’t have ordered a better evening if he tried.

“Would you like to dance?” Aaron asked.

“But there’s no music

“It doesn’t matter.” He took my other hand and spun me around.

We both started laughing. Could he be more cheesy?

Then his expression got serious and his gaze intense. He leaned down and pressed his lips to mine. His kiss was soft yet expectant. When he released me, I could tell he wanted more. So did
I. I bit my lower lip and looked up at him.

“You are so damn sexy

It surprised me. I had never thought of myself as sexy. People had mostly called me cute or sweet but never sexy. 

He leaned down again and this time, his kiss was laced with desire. He parted my lips with his tongue and explored my mouth. I know it probably sounds like a ridiculous cliché, but my knees actually got weak.

When I looked at Aaron, he was giving me a huge grin. “I know what you’re going to say.”

“What?” I challenged.

“That I only bargained for one kiss.”

“True. And I still need to collect that information on your Cassatt. But your kisses are addictive, so I really didn’t mind.”

He raised an eyebrow.
“Addictive, huh? I like the sound of that. Does that mean you can’t get enough of them?”

like that,” I teased.

“Well, I wouldn’t want to deprive you of them then,” he said as he leaned in and kissed me again.




was in bed thinking about Aaron and the way he kissed me when Olivia tried sneaking in.

“I’m not asleep,” I said so she didn’t waste her energy on b
eing extra quiet.

“Do you have insomnia?” she asked as she flung her shoes off. They landed under her bed but she didn’t seem to care. “You’re always lying in bed awake.”

“Something like that.” I propped myself up on my elbow and faced her.

“Things with
Marney are starting to get scary,” she admitted.

“Scary in a good way or scary in a bad way?”
I asked.

“Scary in a scary way.”
She plopped down on the end of my bed.

“I need a little bit more information.”

“I think I’m falling in love.”

I sat up. “But that’s good, isn’t it?”

“I guess so. I’m just scared about how my family will react when I introduce them to my girlfriend, especially when they’re always talking about me one day coming home with a boyfriend.”

“I think you should tell Lucas first and then maybe he can support you, or even help you tell your parents.” I didn’t know her parents, so I didn’t know if that was feasible but I did know Lucas. I thought he would be supportive.

Olivia nodded. “So will you be supportive and help me tell Lucas?”

“Of course
.” I gave Olivia a hug.

She got up and flopped on her bed. “So, what was keeping you up again tonight? Please don’t say it was Aaron.”

I didn’t respond.

She waited a long moment then said, “Well?”

“You just told me not to say it was Aaron.”

“Oh for God’s sake, what is it with that guy? I mean, I know he’s hotter than hell and richer than dirt but he’s also a scumbag, who will break your heart and not even blink.”

I gulped. I really wished Olivia would give him a chance but I knew why she wouldn’t. I still had some nagging doubts about him, too. “He kissed me,” I admitted finally.

Olivia shot up from her bed. “That’s bad
. That’s really bad.”

I nodded. I knew I was in trouble. I was starting to have ser
ious feelings for Aaron and that meant he could really hurt me. “I know you don’t understand and to be honest, I don’t either, but I feel like we belong together. I don’t want to like him. Every rational part of me tells me it’s a mistake and that I should steer clear of him but I just can’t stop the way I feel about him.”

Olivia nodded. “I actually do understand. Don’t you think there’s part of me that would rather not date a woman? It would be much easier if I could fall for a guy. But I can’t. My heart belongs to

Olivia looked at me and then started cracking up. “Can you believe I just said that?
My heart belongs to Marney
. Does that sound like a shitty romance novel or what?”

“I guess we’re both hopelessly in love,” I
sighed and we both laughed hysterically.



Make the Cut


received an email from Aaron a few days later. He had kept his promise. The email contained a link to a website with a treasure trove of information about Mary Cassatt. I was surprised I had never seen it before. I thought I had found nearly every piece of information about the artist that was available online. He ended the email with something that made me smile. “I hope you realize you’re more beautiful than any Mary Cassatt painting.”

I emailed him back thanking him for the website. And I en
ded with, “I realize it’s a cliché but it’s also true (especially in this case): Beauty is in the eye of the beholder.”

When he emailed me again, there was only one line: “In your case, I think anyone would find you beautiful."




fter our next class, Aaron was waiting for me in his usual spot. He had his hands in his pockets and a serious look on his face.

“What’s up?” I
asked as I approached him.

“I’m sorry I can’t meet with you today to work on our pr

I was more than a little upset. He had never bailed on me b
efore and we had just taken midterms, which meant we didn’t have a lot more time to get everything done. “Why?” I asked with a touch of anger in my voice.

“I promise I’ll make it up to you. Maybe we can meet for a double session next week.”

I looked into his eyes. “You didn’t answer my question.”

“There’s a mandatory all-hands-on-deck meeting with the guys at The Clubhouse. We’re getting the place ready for Parent’s Weekend. We’re having a huge party Friday night. You should come by.”

I frowned. “My dad’s going to be here.”

He grinned. “The party is for students and their parents. I’d love to meet your dad.”

That made me very nervous. I wasn’t sure I wanted my dad to meet Aaron. And I definitely wasn’t sure I wanted his parents to meet me. They were super wealthy. What if they didn’t want him with a middle-class girl like me?

I shook my head. “I’m not sure that’s such a good idea.”

“Why not?” Aaron had a look of genuine concern in his eyes.

“My dad isn’t exactly the party type and he’s definitely not The Clubhouse type.”

He crossed his arms over his chest. “And what exactly is The Clubhouse type?” he challenged.

I gulped. I wasn’t sure how truthful I wanted to me. Did I really want to point out all the ways in which we were totally incompatible? “In case you haven’t noticed, Aaron, I don’t come from a wealthy family like you and your friends. I’m supported by a single parent, my dad, who is an engineer. He’s still struggling to
pay what’s left of my mom’s medical expenses and help me with college. I’m on scholarship but we’ve still got books and stuff. Is anyone in The Clubhouse a scholarship student?”

He shook his head. Then he stepped closer to me and erased all distance between us. I could feel the heat radiating from his body. “I really want you to be there. It would mean a lot to me to meet your dad.”

When I looked into his eyes I saw sincerity and warmth. “I’ll think about it. I have to see if that’s even something my dad wants to do.”

“Fair enough
.” He leaned down and gave me a soft kiss on the cheek. Then he whispered into my ear, “I hope I see you Friday, Sunshine.”




was so happy to see my dad when he arrived on campus early Friday evening. He looked tired. I knew he had worked all day and drove up right after he got off but I felt like there was more to it than that. Maybe he was lonely. He gave me a big hug as soon as he saw me.

“I’ve missed you, Dad

“Have you been having fun like you promised you would?”

I nodded but he raised an unconvinced eyebrow. “Are you sure?”

“I’m not lying

That seemed to convince him—
a little.  

“We’ve even been invited to a party tonight,” I said as if to prove my point. 

My dad raised an eyebrow. “Party, huh?”

I nodded. “It’s at The Clubhouse. It’s one of the social clubs. I have to warn yo
u, though. The guys are kind of—well—different.”

“Different how?” my dad said suspiciously.

I winced. I wasn’t sure exactly how much to reveal about the guys and their reputation. “The guys all come from very wealthy families. Most of them are a bit on the egotistical side.”

My dad looked even more suspicious. “That doesn’t sound like the kind of people you’d be friends with.”

“I know.” I glanced down at my feet trying to compose my thoughts. I sighed and then said, “There’s a guy that I like and he’s in The Clubhouse. He invited us to the party.”

When I looked back up at my dad, he was grinning. “A guy, huh? I should have known. He’s not one of the egotistical ones, is he?”

I didn’t want to lie to my dad but I also didn’t want him to have any negative preconceptions about Aaron either. “Well, sort of,” I admitted.

My dad seemed to consider my words carefully. “Okay,” he said finally. “I’ll meet him and be the judge.”




put on the only dress I had brought with me to school. It was a just above the knee LBD, which I paired with black pumps. Not very original but I thought I looked presentable. When there was a knock at the door, I assumed it was my dad but when I opened it, I was surprised to see Lucas and his parents.

Lucas’s jaw dropped slightly when he saw me. “You look beautiful” he muttered, seemingly without realizing the words had come out of his mouth. He continued staring at me.

Then his mother stepped into the room. “Where’s Olivia?” she muttered impatiently.

His father added. “We’ve got dinner reservations in fifteen minutes.”

I hadn’t seen Olivia all day but I suspected she was probably with Marney. Of course, I didn’t want to drop that bit of information on her family, so instead I said, “I’m sorry. I haven’t seen her.”

Lucas’s mom heaved a dramatic sigh. “My daughter is very good at keeping people waiting.”

I shrugged. “I hope she gets here soon.”

I slowly eased toward my door. “Well, I’ve got to meet my dad. He’ll be here any minute. I think I’ll go wait in the lobby.”

Lucas was still standing in the threshold staring at me. “Excuse me,” I said to him hoping he would realize he was blocking my exit. Luckily, he took the hint and moved out of the way.

“I hope you all have a great evening,” I said.

Lucas’s mom gave a sarcastic chuckle. “Yeah, it’s going great already,” she moaned.

I scooted out the door and breathed a sigh of relief that dad had agreed to go to The Clubhouse and we didn’t have to spend the entire evening with Olivia and Lucas’s mom. I suddenly felt very sorry for my roommate and her brother. 

I caught my dad in the lobby and we headed over to The Clubhouse. The building and front grounds were absolutely stunning and immaculate. It was just beginning to get dark and the house was illuminated by a single antique lamppost at the front entrance. The scene reminded me of The Empire of Light by René Magritte.

When we entered, the interior was equally stunning, with dark hard wood floors and beautiful mahogany furniture. It definitely didn’t fit the image one would expect from a group of young guys living together. This was no Animal House. It looked more like a law library from a John Grisham movie. I remembered how bohemian The
ArtHouse was in comparison. There was no doubt the guys, who lived in The Clubhouse, were from extremely wealthy families. I was suddenly very happy I had decided to wear my best dress and heels.

I noticed there was a sign in book where all the guests were stopping. Two younger looking guys were making sure everyone signed in. One of the guys was a bit taller than the other but that was the only distinguishing feature between them. They both had dark hair, model-perfect looks, great bodies and GQ style.
Typical Clubhouse guys. There was no way my name was going in the book and I certainly wasn’t going to allow myself to be “time and date stamped.”

When dad and I got to the sign in book, I took a deep breath, looked at the two guys and said firmly. “I’m sorry but I’m not going to put my name in this book.”

The guys both gawked at me as if they had never heard anyone say no before. They looked at each other then back at me. Then the taller guy said, “You have to sign the book.”

“No, I don’t
. I’m not going to sign it and you can’t force me.”

My dad stepped up very close to me and whispered in my ear. “Is everything okay?”

“Yes,” I whispered back. “I don’t want my name in that book. I’ll explain later.”

My dad nodded and stepped back. I was happy that he trus
ted me and had confidence in me to handle the situation.

When I looked back at the two guys, they looked nervous. “I don’t think we can let you in if you don’t sign the book,” the taller guy said.

“That’s fine. Then we don’t have to stay. Can you let Aaron Donovan know that Rainy was here?”

Both of the guys’ eyes grew wide at the mention of Aaron’s name. The shorter guy gulped. The taller guy then lightly slapped the shorter guys arm. “You’d better get Donovan over here.”

Without another word, the shorter guy hurried into the house. A few seconds later, he returned with Aaron on his heels. Aaron was wearing a black pinstripe suit that fit him perfectly. He looked amazing. He was the definition of Drop. Dead. Gorgeous.

Aaron looked at the taller guy and said, “You can make an exception for Rainy and her dad. She doesn’t have to sign in.”

The taller guy just nodded. When Aaron looked at me, a huge smile overtook his face. He was absolutely beaming. “I’m glad you made it.” It was as if he wasn’t sure I actually would. “You look beautiful.”

.” We locked eyes for a moment and the intensity of his gaze took my breath away. Then I remembered my dad was standing next to me. “Aaron, this is my dad, Ron Dey.”

Aaron extended a hand to my dad. “It’s a pleasure to meet you, Sir.”

My dad shook Aaron’s hand. When I looked at my dad’s face, his expression was neutral. I couldn’t tell what he thought of Aaron at all.

“Come inside,” Aaron said as he placed his hand on the small of my back and led me into the main room. My dad followed on my other side.

Aaron led us to a huge buffet table with every imaginable type of hors devours. “Help yourself to food. He looked at my dad. “There’s also an open bar for parents.”

“Thanks,” my dad said. “I’m not much of a drinker.”

Aaron smiled. “Just like your daughter.”

“My daughter’s not old enough to drink,” my dad pointed out.

“Of course,” Aaron agreed.

Aaron then led us to a
quiet section of the room where we could talk.

“I didn’t think the two guys at the door were going to let us in,” I admitted. “You seem to have some influence around here.”

Aaron looked a bit uncomfortable then said, “One of the perks of being the club President.”

I was glad I hadn’t gotten anything to drink yet because I nearly choked. Aaron never told me he was President of The Clubhouse. Knowing what I knew about them, I didn’t know how I felt about that tidbit of information. Did that mean that he condoned or even supported The Tournament? I got a bit of a knot in my stomach.

“What can I get the two of you to drink?” he asked.

“Water would be fine,” my dad said.

“Me, too,” I said.

“Two waters coming up,” Aaron said as he headed away.

I breathed a little sigh of relief. The pressure of being here, with my dad, and having Aaron and my dad together was getting to me.

“This is awkward,” my dad admitted. He was never one to hold back on the truth of a situation.

“I’m sorry.” 

“Aaron seems to really like you,” my dad said with a genuine smile.


Aaron returned with two glasses of ice water. He handed one to each of us. “I hope the two of you will make yourself at home. Help yourselves to the food. There’s enough to feed a small country.”

“Looks tempting,” my dad said even though he wasn’t much of an eater. I knew he probably wouldn’t even try any of it.

Aaron looked at me. “I made sure to get plenty of dumplings. Shrimp and shiitake mushroom.”

I grinned. “That was very thoughtful. Thanks.”

Aaron looked at my dad. “Rainy tells me you’re an engineer.”

My dad nodded. “Twenty years in the business.”

Aaron nodded. He probably didn’t know the first thing about engineering. I felt kind of sorry for him. My dad rescued him with, “
And what are you studying?’

“Finance,” Aaron

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