Mated to War (13 page)

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Authors: Emma Anderson

BOOK: Mated to War
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Chapter Twenty-Three


The doctors weren’t overly keen
on releasing her. Especially when they discovered that she intended on flying
home. But four days later, and only on the proviso that a doctor would be
flying with them, she was discharged from the hospital. Of course, Charli knew
it wouldn’t have been that easy if they realized the doctor they were traveling
with had no medical qualifications. He was a warlock whose magical blood would
be able to counter any further injury to Charli. Judge had informed her that
his blood could also heal her, but she quickly vetoed that idea. Drinking
blood, anyone’s blood would definitely be a last resort.

It had taken them longer than
usual to get home. Judge had decided that their traveling would be broken up
into small stints on the cramped plane. So instead of a direct flight, Charli
got to see more states in America than she had planned. Well, their airports at

Finally they were close to the
pride lands. Charli was desperate to see Emily. She had spoken to her sister
several times, reassuring her that she was okay and Delgado could no longer
hurt them. She sent Emily a photo of her shoulder from the airport. She didn’t
want her sister to be scared when she saw her bound arm. Or lack of arm hanging
from her top.

At the doctor’s insistence,
Charli was to keep her left arm bound to her body until she could see her
doctor back home. They were worried that the jostling often experienced on
planes could disturb the stitches, both internal and external. It meant that
her left arm had to remain hidden underneath her clothing.

Or Judge’s, to be more precise.
Her tops were too tight, so she had taken to stealing Judge’s shirts. Not that
he minded, if his continual appraising looks were anything to go by. They made
her hot under the collar and her underwear wet.

She was in a constant state of
arousal. Due to her arm’s immobility, Judge had taken to dressing her. His
torturous little nips and kisses to her bare skin as he pulled her clothing on
had her previously clean and dry underwear soaking. He was driving her to

That would have been fine had he
been willing to follow through on his attentions, but he wasn’t. Even when he
had the opportunity to lie down with her, he refused. Instead he wedged pillows
at the back to ensure that she couldn’t inadvertently turn over onto her sore
shoulder while she slept. He then slept in an uncomfortable chair, causing him
to get a crick in his neck. Stubborn man!

She looked over at the man in
the seat beside her. His eyes were trained on the road as he took a bend with
an expertise that came with experience. Even in the limited light offered by
the moon she could see that he was tired, and she knew she was the cause.

Soon they would be back at pride
lands and out of sight of the prying eyes of the humans. Chaos would be able to
examine her injury more closely and hopefully reduce the impact of it. He would
have done it once they left the hospital, but he insisted that she would have
had to rest for a day before they flew. That was unacceptable to Charli. She
needed to get back to her sister. They hadn’t been separated for this long in
the two years they had been together. Neither of them liked the distance.

Emily’s greeting when they
finally arrived at the pride lands was proof enough of that. She flung herself
into Charli’s good arm and refused to let go. Her sobs broke Charli’s heart.

“I’m here, honey,” she cooed.
Emily’s arms tightened around her neck. “I’ve got you. Are you okay?”

Emily nodded into her shoulder.
Charli moved toward the steps that led up to Judge’s house. A hand landed on
her back. As it had been since the first day she met him, Judge was there to
catch her if she fell. Slowly, she made her way up the several stairs,
balancing Emily’s tiny weight on her hip.

After greeting everyone she was
led up to the second floor. The truth was she was so shocked by the hug she’d
received from Devil she didn’t ask where they were going. She found herself in
the master bedroom with Judge, Chaos, and Emily, who was still holding on tight
to her.

“Okay, sweetpea. I’m going to
take a look at your shoulder,” Chaos explained. “Why don’t you sit on the edge
of the bed for me?”

Carefully she lowered herself
and Emily onto the massive bed. Dislodging Emily’s hold on her, Charli set her
little sister beside her. Still Emily maintained contact by holding on to
Charli’s arm. Judge stood behind Chaos as the large man folded himself in two
and ran his hands over her injured shoulder. Judge didn’t look too happy.

Once he stood to his full height
again, Chaos turned to Judge and said, “To heal it, I need to get into the
wound.” Judge’s hiss had Chaos laying his hand onto her mate’s shoulder. “Why
don’t you take her top off and help her to lie down on her side? That way you
can cover her up, leaving only her damaged shoulder exposed. I’ll wait

Judge’s shoulders slumped as he
watched Chaos leave the room. “Okay, kitten, you heard the man. It’s time to
get undressed.” His smirk didn’t quite reach his eyes.

“Are you okay?” She wriggled her
backside back further onto the bed.

“Yes. I find it hard to see
other men touching you,” Judge said, moving over to help her off with his
shirt. “I had to repeat over again that Chaos has a mate. He’s not a threat.”

That piece of information
surprised her. “Wait, Chaos has a mate? Who?”

“None of us know.” Judge pulled
the bed covers back so she could lie down. “He didn’t claim her when he met her
ten years ago because she was too young. Now I think he’s worried that his size
and dominance will scare her.”

“But he’s so sweet. How could he
possibly worry about something like that? His mate is lucky to have such a
gentle giant,” Charli stated. Tensing, ready to stand up for the one man apart
from Judge who she truly felt safe with, she flinched as pain radiated out from
her wound.

Judge’s hand landed on her arm,
soothing the ache. “Calm down, kitten. I suspect that his mate has no idea of
how important she is to him.” He encouraged her to lie down on the bed. Emily
lay beside her, facing her. “Now let’s get you covered up so Chaos can work his
magic. I have plans for both of your arms tonight.”

With a pat to her backside,
Judge walked over to the door. Chaos quickly returned to her side. His soft
touch did nothing but ease the pain even further. Relaxing, she concentrated on
what Chaos was doing.

“Okay, sweetpea, I want you to
tell me if this gets too much,” Chaos said softly. “I’ve been told my healing
energies feels like mini electric shocks.”

Forcing herself not to tense at
his words, Charli expected agony. It never came. She sensed rather than felt
Chaos’s hands moving over her wound but felt nothing close to what he had

His magic zinged through her,
reaching every nerve ending in her upper body, but she felt no pain. If she had
to describe it she would say it was similar to pins and needles, tickling and
irritating her shoulder, but nothing she couldn’t handle.

She turned her focus to her
little sister, appreciating how relaxed she appeared. Their gazes met and she
sent Emily an encouraging smile. As they continued to stare at each other, she
became aware of something significant. With each breath she took in, so did
Emily. The rise and fall of theirs chests were in sync. Every droop of her
eyelids matched her little sister’s. Charli was so relaxed, feeling safe for the
first time in a long time, she found it increasingly difficult to reopen her

She was vaguely aware of voices
mumbling around her. They spoke so softly she couldn’t make out the words. They
mattered little at this stage. Sleep was calling her. She felt movement as
Emily wriggled into the curve of her body. Wrapping herself around her little
sister, Charli allowed sleep to take her.


Emily’s need to be close to
Charli continued for the next two days. Even when bed rest was forced upon
Charli by Chaos, Gabby, and Nikki, Emily remained by Charli’s side, watching
DVDs in bed. It wasn’t until the school week started that Emily was lured away.
The idea of going to school and being herself without the threat of hospitals
and needles was just too enticing for her. It gave Charli the opportunity to
speak to Andrew about whether her program would help him run the pride’s tour
guide company.

“While you’re with my beta I
have a few phone calls to return. That alpha of the bear clan I told you about
has been trying to get a hold of me,” Judge said as he brushed her hair. It was
a job she was capable of doing now that she had two functioning arms again, but
he refused to allow her. So instead she found herself relaxing into his gentle

“Is that the one whose female
cubs have been threatened as well?” she asked, sitting up straight, forcing
herself to focus on the conversation rather than the tingling sensation she
always got when he brushed her hair.

“Yes. His name is Damon.” Judge
tossed the hairbrush onto the dresser. His lips caressed her fast-healing
shoulder. “He’s a well-respected alpha from what I’ve heard.”

“Mmm.” She was lost again to his

His teeth scraped against the
junction of her neck and shoulder as his hands ran down her arms. Suddenly,
fangs pierced her skin. Her already sensitive pussy erupted to life, her juices
flowing from her like a river. Tiny explosions rippled through her lower body
as they worked up to the finale. Every nerve ending sizzled as her skin reached
outward in goose bumps. Her body gave one last quiver before the air in her
lungs was expelled with a scream. Fireworks burst to life behind her closed
eyelids, exploding into a kaleidoscope of color. She was floating.

She returned to the bedroom she
shared with Judge, who was licking her shoulder. “Wow!”

“Yes, I’ve been told that the
intensity of the orgasms experienced by our mates increases with each bite,”
Judge said, holding her back to his chest.

“I can confirm that you weren’t
lied to.” Charli sighed, relaxing into his body.

“I think the fact that you’re so
horny might have also played a part,” he added as his hands began to wander.

She could admit he might be
correct. She’d been craving what Judge had to offer since their first joining.
With each day, her body became needier. Even her time in the hospital hadn’t
dampened her desire. Judge’s very presence, even if it was only in her
thoughts, sent her hormones into hyperdrive. The situation with Delgado, her
hospital stay, and Emily’s clinginess had denied them the opportunity to
relieve their pent-up need for one another.

“While I’m not complaining, can
I ask why now?”

“What, the second bite?” he
asked, playing with her pebbled nipples. She nodded, unsure she would be able
to form a coherent sentence at the moment. “Firstly, Chaos suggested that my
saliva should repair the minor damage he hadn’t healed with his magic.
Secondly, I’ve been wanting to do that since I placed my first mark on you, but
the opportunity hadn’t presented itself. And thirdly, you’re about to spend the
day with another male. I need to ensure that everyone is aware of who you
belong to.”

His last statement had her
hormones springing back to life. Pushing past her reservations about her
innocence, she pooled every ounce of courage she could find. She pulled out of
his arms and gave the clock on the bedside table a quick glance as she stood
from the stool before saying, “I’m heading for the shower. You’re welcome to
join me as long as I’m out of here in forty-five minutes.”

Chapter Twenty-Four


Judge stood frozen on the spot
as he watched his mate slowly lift his t-shirt from her body. His gaze took in
her firm backside, then her beautiful curves. His cock stood hard, ready to
play. It had in actual fact been its perpetual state since meeting Charli. Only
now that it had experienced what it was like to be buried deep inside her body,
it had become more demanding.

These last few nights had been
pure torture. His mate’s exotic scent pulled to him, luring him to want
something he couldn’t have. While they had slept together in their bed, and
Chaos had guaranteed him that as long as he was gentle, making love to his mate
wouldn’t have been a problem, he had only been able to touch her. Emily had
needed them. She’d slept between them these last few nights, offering him a
glimpse into fatherhood, which he had to admit, he loved. Its only downside was
that he was forced to deny his cock and need for his mate.

A need that could be filled this
morning, if only his body would move. He watched helplessly as Charli rounded
the corner into their bathroom. As she peeked around the doorframe, her gaze
pulled at him like a puppet on a string. His previously heavy feet felt like
they were walking on air as he moved toward her. Suddenly, she disappeared.

The sound of the shower had him
discarding his clothes with every step he took. Finally his cock was free from
its confines and urging him on. He couldn’t argue. Stepping into the shower
behind his mate, he pulled her to him. His cock sang with joy as it nestled
between her firm cheeks.

“You better be ready for me,
mate,” he hissed in her ear, nipping the lobe. “All your teasing has me so
hard. I’m not sure I’m going to last long.”

Her head fell back onto his
shoulder as a moan escaped her. So his mate liked his dirty talk. That suited
him fine. He had no problems sharing his plans for her.

“You’re going to place your
hands on the tiles here.” He guided her hands into place. His palms rested on
hers. “Good girl. Now spread your legs.” Once she had done as she was told, his
hands left hers. They moved down her body. One wrapped around her front,
pulling her back, while the other one ventured between her legs. “My cock is
going here.” His finger entered her moist pussy. “I’m going to pound into you
hard and fast, and I want to hear every whimper, moan, and scream from you. No
hiding them from me.”

He added another finger and
pumped them into her, imitating what his cock was about to do. Her inner walls
began to quiver, warning him of her oncoming orgasm.

“Uh-uh, no coming until I’m
buried deep inside of you,” he said, pulling his fingers free from her body.
Her pussy attempted to follow. With a gentle tap to her backside, he added,
“Stay exactly as you are. No moving otherwise there’ll be consequences.”

He could see her trying to
remain still. It would have pleased him had he not wanted to play. His finger
found her entrance again, only this time it didn’t enter. Moving forward, it
went in search of her clit. The button was peeking out between its shielding
lips, asking to be played with. Who was he to deny it?

Flicking the hard nub, Judge got
the reaction he’d hoped for. Charli pushed herself into his touch, causing her
backside to move and her hands to slide lower on the wall. He pulled his finger
away. He reached up and grabbed the implement that would be delivering her

“Oh, kitten, what am I going to
do with you?”

“Please, Judge, make love to
me,” she pleaded, wriggling her backside.

“I have every intention of doing
that. But first your punishment for moving.”

He immediately dropped his hand
and twisted his wrist. Her gasp told him he had hit the spot perfectly. The
hard shower spray pelted her sensitive pussy.

“Oh, God, Judge. Oh, oh, oh,
more. I need more.” Charli moved up on her toes.

Dropping the shower head, Judge
grabbed her hips. “I’ve got what you need, mate.” With that, he slammed home.
“I’m not going to last long.”

He pummeled into her, unable to
stop himself. He hadn’t lied when he told her that he was close. His balls had
tightened as soon as he entered her body. The snug fit had her inner walls
holding him with an unyielding grip. The tingling in his lower back spread,
warning him that he was about to erupt. Thankfully, Charli’s screams and pleas
told him all that he needed to know.

Reaching around, his finger
played with her clit. His cock was gripped impossibly tighter. Charli stilled
in his hold right before screaming her completion. That was all it took. With
one last thrust he emptied himself in his mate’s body.

Charli’s body softened in his
hold. Her head hung forward and a weary voice sounded. “I think I need to go
back to bed.”

“We could always put Andrew off
for another day,” Judge suggested, loosening his hold on her to reach for the
shower head. She didn’t move. “My phone calls can wait.”

She stiffened and her head came
up. Her gaze met his as she reached toward the shower head he now held. “No,
the pride safety must come before my need for sleep. And poor Andrew cleared
his schedule for me today.”

Pride raced through him. Once
again this beautiful woman displayed that selfishness was not an option, even
for a couple of hours. She was the perfect female alpha for the pride. And the
only woman for him.


Charli hadn’t been in the house
for several hours now and the urge to go to her was overwhelming. With her
scent still surrounding him, Judge was having trouble concentrating on what the
man in front of him was saying.

“So I see you finally started
the claiming process.” That got his attention. “It’s a pity, but I’m a patient

“What the hell are you talking
about, Travis?” Judge demanded.

“It means, Alpha, that with your
track record, you’ll be off bedding another woman soon enough. You just can’t
help yourself. Always the ladies’ man,” Travis sneered. “And I’ll be waiting in
the shadows, ready to take Charli from you.”

Judge couldn’t deny what Travis
had said. He had a reputation of sleeping around. It was true. But what the
young cub didn’t understand and in fact what Judge hadn’t understood until
Charli walked into his office, was that once your mate entered your life, no
other woman would do. It was something Travis would learn soon enough, but not
with Judge’s mate.

Judge stood up from his chair
and leaned over his desk toward the man. “Travis, I’m going to say this
once—stay away from my mate. She’s mine. I would hate to cause your family any
sadness, but if you force my hand I will kill you. Never doubt that.” He added
a small amount of his alpha power behind his words, knowing it would be enough.
“Now get out of my office. I have work to do.”

Travis finally showed some
smarts. It was the first display of intellect Judge had seen from the young
cub. He backed out of the office, refusing to turn his back on his alpha. His
brothers entered behind Travis, barely gifting the man with a glance.

When the four men were alone,
Devil spoke. “It’s time for us to return to the hotel. Gabby has a doctor’s
appointment and we want to check on how Jewel is settling into her new job.”

Judge sat back into his chair as
the others took up positions around his office. “I can’t leave at the moment. I
want to make sure our security is up to scratch first.”

“We know, brother. Your mate and
the pride children must come first,” Chaos replied. “We will be back in a few
days for your mating, and you’re only half an hour drive away if we do need

“Thank you for understanding,”
Judge said, his shoulders relaxing. Though he shouldn’t have doubted his
brothers. They had always accepted his split responsibilities and often helped
when need be. “I want to get Charli and Emily settled into a routine before
leaving them during the day. I’m not even sure if I have the ability to leave
Charli at all. Chaos, I don’t know how you’ve done it for ten years.”

“With great difficulty,” came
Chaos’s reply. His head was slumped as his hands ran over his bald scalp. “In
my mind, it’s for the best.”

“You’re a stronger man than us,”
Viper added, patting the large man’s back.

“Or stupid,” Chaos stated before
standing and heading for the office door. His brothers followed.

“Thank you for everything you’ve
done for us, guys,” Judge said, walking out of his house and toward the two
women leaning against the cars. “Ladies, thank you for taking care of Emily. I
don’t think Charli or I would have been able to concentrate on taking Delgado
down if you weren’t with Emily.”

“That’s what family is for,
Judge.” Gabby pulled him into a hug. Immediately, Devil moved to stand behind
his mate.

“My turn,” Nikki interjected. He
turned out of Gabby’s arms and straight into Nikki’s. “Take good care of those
two. They’re special.”

“Yes, they are,” Judge replied,
guiding his sister-in-law toward the car Viper sat patiently in. With a tap to
the roof, he said through the window, “Drive carefully.”

Judge stood back as he watched
the cars disappear down the winding driveway. He couldn’t believe how lucky he
was to have such an amazing family. Only a few months ago it was just he and
his brothers, plus Jewel when she wasn’t at college. Now, in a domino-style
effect, three of them were mated and Jewel was home to stay. If Jeffrey
Harrison didn’t owe the casino so much money, and he wasn’t such an asshole,
then Devil wouldn’t have met Gabby. Through Gabby and her dysfunctional family,
Viper met Nikki. And Judge had discovered Charli thanks to Nikki and their
friendship. Now if only Chaos would allow himself to be happy.

He was pulled from his thoughts
by a phone ringing in his office.

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