Matteo (Dark Erotic Mob Romance) (Rossi Family Book 1) (2 page)

BOOK: Matteo (Dark Erotic Mob Romance) (Rossi Family Book 1)
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Chapter Two








I was quickly ushered into a waiting car with a driver. Matteo sat in the back with me but didn’t utter another word to me the entire time. He spent the time on his phone speaking rapid Italian while I gazed out the window in awe. I was only allowed to leave the house on rare occasions while in Madam’s care, so I tried to remember as much as I could in case I wasn’t permitted outside of Mr. Rossi’s house.

Sometime later the car pulled up to an airport, and Mr. Rossi only hung up the phone when the car came to a complete stop. Before the driver could make it around the car, he threw open the door, dragging me behind him as he exited, and walked briskly across the tarmac toward a small plane.

“After you,” Mr. Rossi said, holding out a hand in front of him, telling me to go up the stairs and board the plane.

“Yes, sir.” I nodded and held tightly to the thin metal railing as I ascended. I clamped my teeth together when I saw the interior. It was more luxurious than anything I’d ever seen with soft fabrics and leathers that made my palms itch to touch them. I knew that wouldn’t be the correct way to act, so I clasped my hands in front of me and waited until Mr. Rossi had come up behind me.

One large hand landed on my hip while the other descended on the opposite shoulder, pulling me against his firm frame.

“Beautiful, isn’t it? Almost as beautiful as you,
,” he whispered in a husky voice against my ear, making me shiver. His fingers tickled as they slid down my arm until they could wrap around my wrist. Pulling my hand back, he forced me to palm a hard length in his pants. “Feel that,
? That’s all for you, and I plan to show you exactly how to take care of it.”

“Y...yes, sir.” I stumbled over my words, unsure of what he had in mind.

To my surprise, he released me completely and gestured toward the many plush seats available.

“Pick any seat you like. We’ll finish this later.” He turned away while I glanced between him and the vacant spots, uncertain if it really was my choice.

When he descended the stairs with his phone in hand, I realized that I really did get a choice. However, I didn’t want to upset him so early in his care. I chose one of the seats toward the front so that I’d be nearby when he reentered the plane. 

I’d never been on an airplane, but I knew a bit about them from the books I was given to teach the girls in Madam’s care. I’d had only a select few and each of them was about manners and proper etiquette. While all of the women were slaves, they weren’t the wild ones that needed breaking. No, they were broken long before they were given into Madam’s care. She simply taught them to behave and how to not embarrass their master if they should be caught in a handful of situations.

It was my responsibility to make sure they learned, and Madam would quiz them before auctions to see who was ready and who needed to be punished as a reminder of why they wanted to be ready for a master who would hopefully treat them better than Madam did.

I’d been raised by Madam, so I didn’t think her treatment of them or myself was all that harsh, but I’d heard it murmured between other slaves that Madam was worse than whoever it was who’d had them before her. I’d never really feared being sold because I never thought Madam would do such a thing. Staring around the plane that was clearly quite expensive, I realized that I’d been thrust into the worst situation possible. I’d been sold to a new master. Someone I didn’t know anything about would be in control of every aspect of my life, and it scared me. Not to mention the pain my new master had caused the first chance he had me alone. I knew that men craved what a woman had between her thighs, but it was why they wanted it that confused me.

I hadn’t enjoyed the experience at all, but Mr. Rossi seemed to have as he’d left behind a sticky mess. At some point I was going to have to find a way to escape to the bathroom to get myself cleaned up, but I didn’t want to move until he instructed me to, so I sat with both hands in my lap, staring at the seat in front of me until I heard footfalls on the stairs again.

“Oh, what a lovely little treat,” a voice I hadn’t heard before said from next to me. I’d dropped my gaze to my hands when I’d seen the flash of a black suit at the entrance.

“Yes, she is quite tasty. She’s not ready for consumption yet, so you’ll have to wait to sample,” Mr. Rossi said, stepping next to the man. A finger pushed an escaped strand of hair back before sliding under my chin and lifting my face. “But you will be soon, won’t you,

I did my best to smile, but I doubted it came across as genuine. A familiar flare of heat and pain lit up the side of my cheek before I could even register he was going to slap me.

“See what I mean?” Mr. Rossi glared at me but his words were clearly meant for the man he was with. “She still needs a lot of training.”

“Yes, but it’ll be worth it. She’s a beauty,” the man with him uttered before the pair stepped away toward the rear of the plane.

The two of them sat across from each other with a table between them and their conversation picked up in Italian without another word to me.

Lowering my head, I knew I’d let Madam down. I should have done better, but I was still trying to wrap my head around the fact that I’d been sold to one man, let alone him sharing me with other men when he pleased.

A scantily-clad woman stepped from behind a curtain where I hadn’t seen her hiding. She closed the door of the plane and then headed toward the men. I made sure to keep my head dipped enough that she wouldn’t catch me watching her until she was out of my line of sight. I didn’t know how she managed to walk in her sky-high heels or sway her hips the way she did, but I knew I would have to learn if I wanted to fit in Mr. Rossi’s world. The burning in my cheek reminded me that he wasn’t going to accept anything less than perfect — not that a slap to the face shocked or surprised me in the least.

The flight seemed to last forever as I sat alone with only the chatter of the men in Italian as company. Every now and then they’d slip into English, only to quickly resume in Italian. I didn’t know if they were speaking of something they didn’t want me to know about or if it was simply habit to easily switch back and forth between the two languages.

Madam was Italian, but she’d never taken the time to teach it to me. I knew a few words that I’d learned from her over the years, but not enough to carry on a conversation or understand what was being said.

When the plane landed, I stayed in my seat and the other man was the first to pass me. He yanked on my ponytail, forcing me to look up at him.

“In time I’ll have you,
.” Then he was gone through the door the woman had reopened.

“Let’s go,” Mr. Rossi said from behind me. I stood and followed the way the other man had gone. A firm hand on my lower back led me where he wanted me. Once at the bottom of the stairs, I saw there were two black four-door cars waiting — one was pulling away while the other had a driver holding the door open.

I sat in the car and slid over to make room for Mr. Rossi, who took his spot, and then the door was closed quietly behind him. Before the driver could make it around the car, he reached up and slid closed a barrier between the front and back seat.

“Well done,
. You have behaved almost exactly as I was told you would. Keep me happy and life will be much easier on you,” Mr. Rossi informed me before brushing his fingers along my cheekbone. I felt my stomach flutter as an unfamiliar zing ran through me. I wasn’t used to touch, let alone from such an attractive man. Gently, he turned me to face him. “You will meet with many like the one you just dealt with. Simply agree with them, but do not allow them to touch you without my permission. Do you understand? You are mine, not theirs, unless I specifically tell you otherwise.”

“Yes, sir,” I muttered.

That was the last of our conversation. He turned from me, leaving me with more questions than answers. I still didn’t understand how I was supposed to tell one of his friends that I wasn’t allowed to do what they wanted even though they’d be upset. I didn’t know how to outright not follow when given instructions by someone. It was how I was raised, how I was wired. I simply did something, whether or not I wanted to, because I knew the punishment would be worse.

When the car slowed, I looked out the window to see a house bigger and more beautiful than I’d ever seen before. It was multi-storied with lots of vibrant green grass on all sides and a door large enough that a giant could enter through it at the front. I’d barely noted the iron gates that opened before we pulled through them because I was so captured by the beauty of the house as we drew closer to it.

Mr. Rossi was out of his door before the driver and held out a hand to help me step from the car, which I took. His much larger hand tightened around mine, then he tugged me against his chest. Large, muscular arms wrapped around my waist as his hot breath cascaded over my sensitive neck.

“Welcome home,
,” he whispered. Stepping back, he wrapped an hand around my wrist and pulled me toward the massive door. It swung inward as we approached and an elderly woman in a black and white outfit greeted us with a brief nod. Mr. Rossi didn’t acknowledge her at all as he led me past her and immediately up an ornate staircase directly off the parlor. Stumbling after him, I followed him down the corridor until he opened one of the doors. “This shall be your room.”

“Thank you, sir,” I said without even glancing at it.

“It’s Matteo. Drop the sir unless we have guests,” he barked as he dropped my wrist. “Get comfortable. I’ll return for you shortly.”

He turned and left me alone with the soft click of the door shutting behind me. Taking a deep breath, I lifted my head and looked around the room. It was fit for someone much better than me. The sheets looked pressed and crisp, the bed cushy and much softer than the cot on the basement floor I’d slept on my whole life. There was artwork and other decorations scattered around the room, but I didn’t care about any of that. I’d never had so much space to myself, or so much quiet. I knew there had to be other people in the house, but I felt completely alone. There wasn’t a single sound other than my breathing that I could hear.

I took a moment to explore the two doors I spotted. One led to a massive closet that was completely and utterly empty, the other to a bathroom bigger than the entire basement at Madam’s house. I didn’t step into either, simply let my eyes bounce around them before I knelt in front of the door and waited for Matteo’s return. I didn’t want him to find me not where I was expected when he came back.

The wait was long enough that my knees went numb and my shoulders hurt from holding my palms at my lower back, but I refused to shift or change positions until I was instructed. Finally the door opened and Matteo stepped inside, still in a black suit that had to have been tailored specifically for him. There is no way it would’ve hugged his thighs, biceps and trim waist otherwise.

“What are you doing?” Matteo growled as soon as he spotted me and roughly yanked me off the floor with a hand around my upper arm.

“Waiting for you, s...Matteo,” I stuttered, nearly forgetting to drop the term that I automatically tacked on to every line I said to him.

“From now on you’ll wait for me on the bed, sprawled out, thighs spread. Unless I tell you to kneel for me.” He led me to the bed and gestured with his other hand toward the mattress as if waiting for me to comply.

I nodded and climbed on to it. It came up to my waist when I was standing so I had to use the metal bedrail to get there. Quickly crawling to the center of the bed, I put my wrists over my head and spread my feet as far apart as I could.

“No, that simply is not sexy,” Matteo sighed as he rested a hip on the edge of the bed.

I jumped when his warm palm came to rest on my ankle before slithering up my calf. He forced me to bend my knee. The feel of his skin on mine had the butterflies back in my stomach and a shiver running through me.

Standing, he moved around the bed and sat on the other side of me. Again, he started at my ankle, smoothing up my goose bump-covered flesh. Instead of stopping at my knee, he pushed his hand under my dress, forcing it up until it was bunched around my waist.

I squeezed my eyes shut at the thought that I hadn’t had time to clean up the mess left behind from our time together in the basement. He didn’t seem to notice as he drew his hand back down my leg, pulling it under my thigh to lift my knee off the bed, my foot supporting it.

Moving away, he smiled down at me.

“Now that,
, is much sexier. I can see all of you this way,” he said, tugging at his tie, loosening it.

Again, I shivered from the way his eyes roamed over my body. I didn’t know what I was feeling, but I knew I wanted his hands on me again.

He removed his tie and shrugged out of his coat before climbing between my legs. His fingers coasted over my thigh before teasing along my slit.

“Such a pretty little pussy.
. Covered
in dried blood and my come. I should’ve been easier with you for your first time, but I don’t do easy and I certainly don’t do virgin so it had to be taken care of right away.” He didn’t look at my face. Instead his eyes were focused where his fingers were feathering against me.
My pussy,
as he’d said. Dropping to his elbows, he sprawled on the bed before his mouth was on my most intimate parts. His warm, wet tongue flicked over me repeatedly as heat gathered in my core.

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